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Csonka’s Mae Young Classic Review 10.24.18 (EP.8)

October 24, 2018 | Posted by Larry Csonka
Mae Young Classic WWE Evolution
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Csonka’s Mae Young Classic Review 10.24.18 (EP.8)  

Csonka’s Mae Young Classic Review 10.17.18 (EP.8)

– Toni Storm defeated Meiko Satomura @ 13:10 via pin [****]
– Io Shirai defeated Rhea Ripley @ 12:45 via pin [***¾]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

– I did a column, “Where Are They Now, The Cruiserweight Classic Finals Performers” which you can check out at this link.

– You can check out my top 36 matches of SEPTEMBER list at this link.

Meiko Satomura vs. Toni Storm: Toni also made the semifinals last year. They lock up, working into standing switches and Satomura takes it to the ground. They work into some grappling, Toni escapes and they work to the feet until Satomura takes her back down and lays in kicks. They trade shoulder tackles, but Toni hits a running kick for 2. Toni now lays in kicks on Satomura, and then delivers head butts and covers for 2. The snap suplex follows for 2. Satomura cuts her of and fires away with leg kicks. Satomura grounds the action with a modified death lock. Toni makes the ropes. Satomura continues to fire away with the leg kicks. Toni fires back with strikes, but Satomura hits a spin kick. Satomura lays in uppercuts, but Toni gets a backslide for 2. The STF follows, Satomura fights but Toni keeps the hold but Satomura finally makes the ropes. Toni now hits the running ass attack and fisherman’s suplex for 2. She kicks Satomura to the floor and the suicide dive follows. Back in and Toni covers for 2. Toni follows with kicks, but Satomura gets pissed and fires up and they kick the shit out of each other. DDT by Satomura and the cartwheel knee drop connects. The DVD follows but Toni kicks out; Satomura is shocked. The scorpion kick is countered, German by Toni and Storm zero connects for 2! Toni looks for it again, but Satomura counters with kicks and covers for 2. Scorpion kick by Satomura but Toni kicks out! Satomura is pissed and fires up, Toni counters the DVD into Storm zero for the pin! Toni Storm defeated Meiko Satomura @ 13:10 via pin [****] This right here was a banger. They played their roles very well here as Satomura was steamrolling people while Toni was the resilient babyface star. Those themes were continued here, as they had a hot crowd that knew their moves, and were biting hard on the near falls down the stretch. This was a great and dramatic match that would have been a welcomed final match it was so good as they had to empty their entire arsenals in order to even come close to winning. Toni stepped up and delivered like the star we know she can be, while Satomura performed like the legend she is. This was the best match of the tournament so far.

– Toni gets interviewed and says not only did she beat a legend in Satomura, but she’s living her dream. She praises the fans and other women. She’s been dreaming about this since she was 10.

Rhea Ripley vs. Io Shirai: They lock up and Ripley overpowers her to begin, Shirai picks up the pace and hits a dropkick, but Ripley cuts her off and takes control. Ripley grounds the action, but Shirai tries to fight out with kicks only for Ripley to pummel her with strikes. Ripley now lays the boots to Shirai and covers for 2. She grounds things again, working an abdominal claw as well. Shirai lays in strikes but Ripley pummels her again with rights. Ripley locks on a body scissors, continuing to control. Shirai escapes, and Ripley hits the dropkick for 2. Ripley now hits the delayed suplex, and that gets 2. Ripley goes back to the body scissors and then slaps Shirai around. Shirai works into the guard and lays in rights. She’s fired up and escapes with forearms. Ripley cuts her off with kicks and clubbing strikes, but Shirai hits a RANA and cradle for 2. The basement dropkick connects and Ripley rolls to the floor. Shirai fires up and hits the suicide dive. Ripley stops Shirai and rolls back in. Shirai struggles and barely makes it back in. Ripley attacks with strikes, Shirai slaps her back and counters the suplex and Shirai is fired the fuck up and lays in strikes, the 619, and heads up top and the missile dropkick connects and Shirai covers for 2. Shirai heads up top, Ripley cuts her off and follows her up and hits the superplex! The cover gets 2; Ripley can’t believe it. Shirai counters snake eyes, posts Ripley, and connects with the charging knee strikes. Shirai up top and the moonsault connects and Shirai advances. Io Shirai defeated Rhea Ripley @ 12:45 via pin [***¾] I have to say that the growth from last year to this year in terms of confidence and ring presence for Rhea Ripley has been absolutely amazing and a real credit to her hard work. This was a very good match, almost on the level of the Storm vs. Satomura, but didn’t quite have the drama or crowd involvement. Shirai performed like I think we all know she would, but Rhea Ripley showed why she is going to be a star for the company.

– Sane & Shirai embrace post match.

– Strom & Shirai are on stage with Uncle Paul & Sara Amatto.

– The finalists, who will face off at Evolution, are Io Shirai & Toni Storm.

– End Scene.

– Thanks for reading.

 photo fe36ffd0-0da4-4e3b-a2d3-b026b341dd87_zps41ef5d61.jpg
“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”

The final score: review Very Good
The 411
The final episode of the 2018 Mae Young Classic was a great show, with both matches delivering and setting up a hell of a final on paper. The presentation was also really great.