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Csonka’s NWA Powerrr Review 10.15.19

October 15, 2019 | Posted by Larry Csonka
NWA Powerr Aron Stevens
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Csonka’s NWA Powerrr Review 10.15.19  

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Csonka’s NWA Powerrr Review 10.15.19

– Ricky Starks defeated Trevor Murdoch @ 3:30 via pin [**½]
– Colt Cabana & Ken Anderson defeated Sal Rinauro & Jordan Kingsley @ 3:40 via pin [**]
Non-Title Match: NWA Women’s Champion Allysin Kay defeated Ashley Vox @ 3:50 via pin [**½]
NWA Tag Team Title Match: Eddie Kingston & Homicide vs. NWA Tag Team Champions The Wildcards went to a no contest @ 6:10 [**¾]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

– Joe Galli and Jim Cornette are the commentary team.

– We open with a great video recap of last week’s show.

– Aron Stevens arrives for interview time. He left wrestling for two years to find success in Hollywood, but heard that the NWA & professional wrestling was back so he’s here to announce that he is back. He wants people to know that they need to void eye contact with him. This is coming off as comedy here, and says he’s the star and the others are his supporting cast.

Ricky Starks vs. Trevor Murdoch: Murdoch is perfect for an NWA studio show. They lock up and work to the ropes. Starks follows with arm drags, picks up the pace but Murdoch avoids the dropkick. They trade chops and Murdoch follows with a big boot. The Russian leg sweep follows and then misses the second rope leg drop. Starks cuts him off with a sliding dropkick and neck breaker for 2. Starks follows with a missile dropkick for 2. Murdoch counters the tornado DDT, follows with rights but Starks crucifixes him for the win. Ricky Starks defeated Trevor Murdoch @ 3:30 via pin [**½] Starks has star potential and Murdoch is a great throwback style of guy for this kind of show.

– Murdoch congratulates Starks on his win. Starks then delivers a promo, discussing getting his opportunity about God giving him beauty and talent. Fun promo from Starks.

– Galli discusses his issues with Aldis last week and will interview Aldis &Camille tonight to get to the bottom of the issues.

– Colt Cabana arrives for interview time and is excited to be here. He wants his national championship back because he’s back and 100%. He’ll take any championship in front of him and Mr. Anderson arrives. He says Cabana could have picked anyone to tag with and everyone knows that they are here to take care of business.

Colt Cabana & Ken Anderson vs. Sal Rinauro & Jordan Kingsley: Sal & Cabana begin, locking up and working into counters. Cabana takes control, grounding Sal. Anderson tags in and follows with strikes. The side slam follows and Jordan tags in and Anderson quickly takes control. Jordan catches him with a PELE but Anderson cuts him off. Cabana tags in and follows with chops and an elbow drop. Anderson in and double teams follow. The Finlay roll follows on Jordan and then on Sal onto Jordan. Cabana in for the flying asshole and Anderson hits the flatliner for the win. Colt Cabana & Ken Anderson defeated Sal Rinauro & Jordan Kingsley @ 3:40 via pin [**] A fine squash for the stars here.

– Aldis runs down Galli and doesn’t want the interview he filmed aired.

– Kingston & Homicide cut a promo on tonight’s match with the Wildcards.

NWA Women’s Champion Allysin Kay vs. Ashley Vox: They lock up and Kay overpowers Vox to begin. Vox follows with strikes, a dropkick and Kay cuts her off with a slam for 1. Kay misses a charge, but then hits a fall away slam for 2. Kay follows with chops, Vox fires back and Kay cuts her off with a German for 2. Vox counters into a sunset flip for 2. The dropkick follows, hits a head scissors and cannonball for 2. Kay counters back into the sunset driver for the win. NWA Women’s Champion Allysin Kay defeated Ashley Vox @ 3:50 via pin [**½] A solid match and debut for the champion with Vox showing good potential.

– Kay puts over Vox and says this is a new era. Kay is happy she’s here, but says Vox wasn’t good enough tonight.

– Tim Storm refused to be interviewed last week following his loss.

– James Storm arrives for interview time. Storm takes the mic and says he is the national heavyweight champion, and says it’s a path back to the NWA Title. He’s not a little boy, he’s a grown ass man. Eli Drake arrives and puts over Storm, and says Aldis may be ducking them. He tells Storm to take the shot, but when he does, remember Drake is waiting for him.

NWA Tag Team Champions The Wildcards (Isaacs & Lattimer) vs. Eddie Kingston & Homicide: Kingston and Lattimer begin, locking up and battling for position. Lattimer follows with strikes, Kingston cuts him off and Isaacs tags in. Kingston follows with a suplex, Homicide tags in for double teams and Homicide follows with the flying forearm for 2. Isaacs cuts him off with a clothesline, Lattimer back in and they trade strikes until Lattimer hits a belly to back suplex for 2. Isaacs in and the powerslam follows for 2. The champions cut off the ring as Lattimer tags in. Homicide fires back but Isaacs makes the save. The belly to back suplex follows for 2. He lays in rights, Latimer tags in and grounds the action. He follows with a slam and Isaacs up top and Homicide crotches him. Tag to Kingston as he runs wild with strikes and suplexes. The Dawsons arrive for the no contest. Eddie Kingston & Homicide vs. NWA Tag Team Champions The Wildcards went to a no contest @ 6:10 [**¾] This was pretty good with the run in done to further issues in the tag ranks, I just hope it doesn’t become a normal thing.

– Joe Galli interviews Aldis & Camille. Aldis praises Tim Storm and says it could have gone either way next week. Galli asks him why he needs Camille, and Aldis is insulted by this. He lost at All In due to outside interference, so he evened the odds with an insurance policy. Camile has never done anything illegal, she’s only neutralized others for him. Camille can speak when she wants and is good at her job. Galli asks her to speak and she refuses. Aldis ends the interview.

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The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 59. On the show, the good brother, Jeremy Lambert, joins 411’s Larry Csonka as the guys will breakdown the WWE draft, looking at the moves, the execution of the draft, and whether or not it will actually stick around and matter in six weeks. And then, the guys review ROH Glory by Honor (and again dig into ROH’s glaring problems) & NJPW King of Pro Wrestling. The show is approximately 181-minutes long.

* Intro
* Possible Big NJPW News: 2:00
* Breaking Down The WWE Draft: 29:40
* ROH Glory by Honor 2019 Review: 1:31:25
* NJPW King of Pro Wrestling 2019 Review: 1:54:00

You can subscribe and listen to the 411 on Wrestling Podcast via the above player on Transistor, or on the following platforms:

* iTunes
* Spotify
* Stitcher
* Google Play

– End scene.

– Thanks for reading.

The final score: review Average
The 411
Week two of NWA Powerrr was a really easy to watch and fun hour of TV. Again, you’re not going to get a bunch of four-star specials, but the environment, pacing, and promos with the solid wrestling so far delivers something different, which in 2019 is appreciated.