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Csonka’s NWA Powerrr Review 10.22.19

October 22, 2019 | Posted by Larry Csonka
NWA Powerrr Eddie Kingston Image Credit: NWA
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Csonka’s NWA Powerrr Review 10.22.19  

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Csonka’s NWA Powerrr Review 10.22.19

– Marti Belle defeated Crystal Rose @ 2:55 via pin [NR]
– Caleb Konley defeated Dan Parker @ 3:25 via pin [**]
– The Dawsons defeated Eli Drake & Tim Storm @ 6:35 via pin [**¾]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

– We open with highlights of the last two weeks, and Joe Galli announcing that his interviews with Kamille have been deemed too confrontational by the board, so when hr interviews Aldis tonight, it will only be about his next challenger.

– Eddie Kingston arrives and complains about the Dawsons getting involved in his tag title match, but now he and Homicide want them in the ring, He and Homicide want them tonight, and will fight them anywhere. My God Kingston is on fire here.

Marti Belle vs. Crystal Rose: Thy lock up, Belle hits boots and a RANA out of the corner. She follows with corner attacks, but Rose avoids a charge and hits knees in the corner. Belle fights off the slam, hits clotheslines and the sitout pedigree finishes it. Marti Belle defeated Crystal Rose @ 2:55 via pin [NR] A fine squash win for Belle has seemingly improved since the last time I saw her in the ring..

– The Dawsons arrive, talk some shit, and say that they will fight anyone tonight except for Kingston & Homicide.

– We get a Thunder Rosa Video package.

– Aron Stevens arrives, looking like he’s about to star in Robin Hood. he silences the crowd, gets called captain Morgan, but instead hypes a new DVD he’s starring in (VHS in Romania) and rolls footage from “Tropical Pirates,” the film in question. He’s wonderfully delusional.

Caleb Konley vs. Dan Parker: parker talks some shit, Konley attacks and takes him down. Parker battles back, but Konley follows with strikes, chops, and a head scissors. The leg trip and senton follows for 2. Konley gets tripped up on the ropes, and Parker follows with knee strikes and covers for 2. The abdominal stretch follows, Parker uses the ropes for leverage but Konley hip tosses out. Follows with a flurry of kicks and strikes, and the Mero-sault finishes it. Caleb Konley defeated Dan Parker @ 3:25 via pin [**] This was a fine match but was a good showcase for Konely.

– Tim Storm arrives and thanks Nick Aldis for the opportunity and then puts him over as the champion. He took his shot and has no regrets but has to make a decision about his future. Eli Drake arrives and says Storm sounds like he wants to quit, but his momma is likely worried about him giving up, but he’s on that long list of storied NWA champions, and his ride isn’t over. But maybe NWA tag team gold is in THEIR future and says tonight they face the Dawsons….and Storm says he’ll think about it. Really good stuff from both guys.

– We see footage of James Strom kicking the shit out of Jocefus from two weeks ago. Jocefus is here to allegedly apologize to Storm but Colt Cabana arrives, pretending to be Storm, and has a cowboy hat on. Jocefus blinds him with powder so Storm makes the save and superkicks Jocefus. Ken Anderson then pulls Cabana to safety.

– Joe Galli now interviews NWA Champion Nick Aldis. Aldis and Kamille arrive and Aldis says he’s looking for a new challenger for the real world’s championship. There are a lot of worthy challengers out here, praising Drake & Starks, but no one as really stepped up just yet and will let it play out or maybe even look elsewhere for a challenger. Galli asks him about not allowing Kamille to speak, and Aldis calls him disrespectful. This isn’t clickbait, tabloid BS, and that Kamille can speak at anytime. Galli asks her about her role with Aldis and she doesn’t answer him. The drama continues.

– Who is the question mark?

The Dawsons vs. Eli Drake & Tim Storm: Dave & Drake lock up and Dave takes control right away. Drake fires back and hits a flying clothesline. Dave cuts him off and Zane is in but Drake hits a neck breaker for 2. Storm tags in and follows with chops and a clothesline. The neck breaker follows for 2. Drake tags in for double teams, but Zane cuts him off until Drake hits a bulldog for 2. Storm back in and lays in strikes, the corner clothesline follows and Drake joins in and double teams follow. Drake grounds things, Storm follows with elbow strikes and Zane cuts him off with a bear hug. Dave tags in and they work over Storm in the corner and cover for 2. Dave keeps things grounded, tags in Zane and Storm fights back with elbows, ear claps and tags in Drake. He runs wild and the slam follows for 2. Storm back in and Drake gets posted, they cut off Storm and the compactor follows for the win. The Dawsons defeated Eli Drake & Tim Storm @ 6:35 via pin [**¾] This was pretty good with a nice pace and continued the angle with Homicide & Kingston post match.

– The Dawsons attack post match until Homicide & Kingston arrive to run them off. Aldis arrives to check on Storm as the show ends.

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The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 61. On the show, the good brother, 411’s Larry Csonka breaks down a good Impact Bound for Glory 2019 PPV and then previews the upcoming ROH UK tour. The show is approximately 40-minutes long.

* Intro
* Impact Bound for Glory Review: 1:50
* ROH Honor United London Preview: 16:40
* ROH Honor United Newport Preview: 25:45
* ROH Honor United Bolton Preview: 30:55

You can subscribe and listen to the 411 on Wrestling Podcast via the above player on Transistor, or on the following platforms:

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– End scene.

– Thanks for reading.

The final score: review Average
The 411
This week’s episode of NWA Powerrr was another overall solid show, with some really strong promo work, and good follow up from last week, which I really appreciated.