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Csonka’s TNA Impact Review 12.08.16

Csonka’s TNA Impact Review 12.08.16
– TNA Grand Championship Match: Champion Moose defeated Aron Rex @ 0:30 of round three via pin [*½]
– Mandrews defeated Aiden O’Shea @ 5:45 via pin [**]
– Double Indian Strap Match: Mahabali Shera & Al Snow defeated The Tribunal @ 8:15 via pin [*]
– Allie defeated Lauren Van Ness @ 5:15 via pin [**½]
– TNA World Title Match: Champion Eddie Edwards retains against EC3 @ 25:30 via simultaneous tap/pin [***¾]
– Moose won the TNA Grand Championship last week when former champion Aron Rex got to full of himself and lost the title quickly. Moose is now hosting his own open challenge. Moose is proud to have won a singles title and thanks the fans for their support. DREW GALLOWAY then arrives, and Galloway introduces himself, and wants Moose to know who he is. Galloway says he is back, and says the Grand Championship was designed for him, and then he got injured. He says everything about the title so far is like the NFL pre-season and Galloway wants a fight and wants to burn this bitch to the ground. Moose accepts, but here comes Aron Rex. He mockingly welcomes Galloway back before claiming Moose robbed him of the title, noting that he was not ready. He wants his rematch tonight.
TNA Grand Championship Match: Champion Moose vs. Aron Rex: Moose took control right away, but Rex then sent him to the floor. Back in and Rex scored a near fall. Knees to the back by Rex followed, grounding Moose for a bit. Rex again tossed Moose to the floor, followed and again, rolled him back in for the cover and another near fall. Moose tried to pick up the pace was again cut off, Rex bailed to the floor and the first round ended. (Round One: Rex 30-27). Rex use the towel gimmick like he did against Godderz, teasing he has some sort of illegal substance on it, and “blinded” Moose and maintained control. Moose sold the gimmick well, acting blinded as Rex worked the heat. They brawled to the floor, Moose battled back but as the came back into the ring, Rex grounded him again but Moose kept fighting back, but Rex hit the elbow drop for the near fall. (Rex wins Round Two 30-27). Moose needs a finish to retain. Round three started and Rex was right back on the attack, but Moose cut him off with the dropkick and hit the game changer and pinned Rex to retain. Champion Moose defeated Aron Rex @ 0:30 of round three via pin [*½] After losing the title so quickly last week Rex needed the longer match for some redemption, but unfortunately it was onlyt OK at best.
– Galloway was upset about TNA not holding the grand championship finals for him. He promises to have gold very soon.
Mandrews vs. Aiden O’Shea: Mandrews didn’t back away from the bigger man, worked leg kicks but then O’Shea took control and hit the powerslam and laid in rights. Mandrews raked the eyes and tried to fire back and take control. O’Shea then tossed Mandrews around and beat him down. Mandrews hit the baseball slide dropkick, but then got cut off right away. Back in the ring and O’Shea did a lot of yelling and mocking of Mandrews as he worked entirely too much heat here. Mandrews fought back, avoided a charge and laid in kicks. O’Shea largely no sold the offense, and Mandrews low bridged him to the floor and wiped O’Shea out with a dive Mandrews would then hit the shooting star press and pick up the win. Mandrews defeated Aiden O’Shea @ 5:45 via pin [**] I was not a fan of how they booked that, Mandrews just turned last week and is likely the next challenger for the X-Division title. Sure he won, but O’Shea (who hasn’t wrestled in seemingly forever) took way too much of the match; this should have been a showcase for Mandrews).
Double Indian Strap Match: Mahabali Shera & Al Snow vs. The Tribunal (Basile Baraka and Baron Dax): Both members of a team must touch all six corners to win. They brawled on the floor to begin, and then returned to the ring and the Tribunal started to use. There is absolutely no heat for this, and when you decide to do a stipulation like this, the guys involved have to have some hate behind the offense. This was slow, with no real sense of urgency as they walked through the match with some occasional whipping. The Tribunal controlled early, I’d say they worked the heat, but there was none. Shera and Snow made a comeback, but there was no real baby face fire. They got some revenge, whipping The Tribunal, and starting to touch the corners, tossing the Tribunal and then winning. Mahabali Shera & Al Snow defeated The Tribunal @ 8:15 via pin [*] Take a match with four guys I care nothing for and have then work a bland version of what should be a heated stipulation and it was simply no good. I kept waiting for them to make me care, but it never happened. Lets just get rid of all of them.
– Broken Matt had a premonition about the Tag team Apocolypto!
– EC3 meets with Eli Drake, and claims he will not choke tonight, but will instead win the TNA Title.
The Broken Hardy Family Hour: Broken Matt, Reby, Maxel and the nefarious Brother Nero arrive. Matt says in seven days, TOTAL NONSTOP DELETION WILL ARRIVE. SWEET JESUS, MAXEL DID THE DELETE GESTURE. Matt claims all of our favorites (Senor Benjamin, Vanguard!) will be there, and King Maxel will make his in ring debut. The main event will be a tag team apocolypto, where the TNA tag titles will be defended against any and all tag teams across time and space. HYPED AS FUCK. Shane Helms arrives and he wants in, and Matt jokes about 3 count and other former Helms tag partners. Helms promises to bring Everett & Lee to compete, and Matt promises their deletion. Decay arrives and they want in, and want revenge from the GREAT WAR. Rosemary was fired up and wants more gold for Decay. Matt invites then with open arms and promises more deletions. Matt then laid out Helms with the twist of fate. This was easily the best thing on the show sofar, I am so excited for next week.
– The DCC is coming to Total Nonstop Deletion.
Allie vs. Lauren Van Ness w/Maria: Maria makes fun of Allie, noting she can’t wrestle, and Allie reveals Braxton Sutter has been training her. They worked a very basic match to play off the “Allie just learned” gimmick. Allie had success early, frustrating Van Ness. Sutter cheered for Allie, Van Ness then took control only for Allie to fight back, hit a suplex and she got so excited. Allie is such an adorable character. Bennett ran down and attacked Sutter, they brawled on the ramp and Allie got distracted, allowing Van Ness to make her comeback. Allie avoided the curb stomp and hit the scorpion death drop for the win. Allie defeated Lauren Van Ness @ 5:15 via pin [**½] The match was what it needed to be as far as the story goes, and the Bennett involvement works as a nice call back as Bennett abused Sutter over the summer, beating him for the X-Division title when Bennett was hoping to use option C. It opens things up for a mixed tag, and Allie “getting Sutter” is great revenge for how Van Ness treated her. The Allie character has ended up being a great thing and the story is working.
– Allie was so excited that she won and Sutter supported her, and she kissed him. YAY ALLIE!
TNA Title Match Champion Eddie Edwards vs. EC3: They locked up, did some basic back and forth with Edwards looking to work the arm. EC3 tried to use his power to counter out and stay away from Edward’s submission game. Edwards used his speed advantage, and was able out wrestle EC3 early. EC3 slowly made a comeback, and then sent Edwards to the floor. EC3 then hit a suplex to bring him back in, which scored a near fall. EC3 took the heat and worked over Edwards in the corner and had control looking for the choke, which has led to several recent victories for EC3. Edwards laid in the chops as he fired up, went up top but EC3 cut him off and went up with him, Edwards fought off the super TKO and then hit the RANA off the ropes. They struggled to their feet, traded chops and then clotheslines by Edwards followed. EC3 countered with back elbows and clotheslines. Edwards then sent EC3 to the floor, hit the suicide dive and both men were down. Back into the ring they go, code breaker off the ropes by Edwards scored a good near fall. Edwards heads up top, EC3 avoids the double stomp and hits a sitout powerbomb for a near fall. Another powerbomb from EC3 got another near fall. They did some nice back and forth, with Edwards hitting the blue thunder bomb for the near fall. EC3 then crotched Edwards as he went up top, superplex by EC3, and they teased the double pin, and EC3 decapitated Edwards with a lariat. They traded chops once again, Edwards escaped the choke and then Edwards hit the Boston knee party, but EC3 took a powder. Plancha by Edwards, but EC3 powers him back up and hits the TKO on the floor. EC3 rolls Edwards back into the ring, Edwards counters the one percenter into the single leg crab. EC3 makes the ropes, heads up top and Edwards hits the backpack stunner, EC3 gets the choke and Edwards sits back and we got the simultaneous tap/pin finish. Champion Eddie Edwards retains against EC3 @ 25:30 via simultaneous tap/pin [***¾] I felt that was a very good main event, and a match that the show needed after a really rough start. They played it very well, with EC3 heavily teasing the heel turn last week. During the match, which I felt had a strong layout to play into that, I felt as if there were several places EC3 could go for the easy out and turn, but they held off and will likely use the finish for the catalyst of the turn; Edwards did tap, but since it was a “draw,” he retains and EC3 fails again. The last 10-minutes or so were great, with good teases and near falls. Also, this had a great sense of urgency, with both guys looking as if winning meant everything to them.

“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”
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