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Dark Pegasus Video Review: Eastern Championship Wrestling (05.04.93)

December 31, 2011 | Posted by J.D. Dunn
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Dark Pegasus Video Review: Eastern Championship Wrestling (05.04.93)  

Eastern Championship Wrestling (05.04.93)
by J.D. Dunn

  • May 4, 1993
  • From Philadelphia.
  • Your hosts are Jay Sulli and Stevie Wonderful.

  • Tod Gordon introduces a recap of himself cutting Eddie Gilbert’s video off and playing one from Terry Funk instead. Funk explains the rules of a Texas Chain Match Massacre to a horse’s ass. Funny touch: the production team actually puts the ECW graphic for “Eddie Gilbert” under the horse’s ass.
  • Eddie Gilbert & Don Muraco vs. J.T. Smith & Glen Osbourne.
    This is the same formula used by Chris Jericho and then the Miz when they partnered with the Big Show. Gilbert cheats a lot and talks trash while letting Muraco manhandle the jobbers. Osbourne tags in and goes crazy on Gilbert. Tombstone by Osbourne on Gilbert, but Paul E. Dangerously sprints down and smashes the phone over Osbourne’s head. Gilbert gets the win at 4:02. *

  • Dangerously announces a merger between the Dangerous Alliance and Hot Stuff International. He says he plans on bankrupting Tod Gordon from within. #OccupyECW
  • Hunter Q. Robbins, III and The Super Destroyers say they’re tired of all the rematches. Robbins looks like a Fred Armisen character.
  • ECW Tag Team Titles: The Super Destroyers (w/Hunter Q. Robbins III) vs. Tony Stetson & Larry Winters.
    Stetson & Winters actually control early on. Stetson’s wristlock into a crescent kick is sublimely pathetic, though. The Super Dees take over with some cheatery. Weird moment as Super Destroyer #1 gives Stetson and Winters a double noggin-knocker. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a heel use that move before. Stetson tries to suplex Super Dee #1 from the apron, but Robbins slips his man something, and the Destroyer clocks Stetson with it mid-move for the win at 6:55. **

  • “Wildman” Salvatore Bellomo, who looks like a Spartan Cousin It with his hair and goofy helmet, says something about wrestling in ECW. I don’t know. It was unintelligible.
  • ECW Heavyweight Title: The Sandman (w/Peaches) vs. Salvatore Bellomo.
    This is kind of the poor man’s Sting vs. Cactus Jack. Bellomo goes crazy for a while but doesn’t actually do anything. He just stalks around the ring and growls a lot. Sandman tries to wrestle, which looks equally weird. Finally, Sandman hits a pathetic dropkick made even more pathetic by Bellomo’s selling. Sandman clotheslines Bellomo over the top and takes a countout win at 3:58. Just bizarre. I guess they were short on time. 1/4*

  • Rockin’ Rebel wants another match with the Sandman. He warns Sandman that Tigra will get involved.
  • Rockin’ Rebel (w/Tigra) vs. Ernesto Benefico.
    Ernesto reminds me of El Generico in body type and garb. Rebel manhandles him and finishes with the spinebuster at 2:18. 1/4*

  • Tod Gordon announces that Tony Stetson and Larry Winters want yet another title match and they’re putting their hair on the line. Hunter Robbins signs the contract without reading it, so Gordon reveals that Robbins just agreed to be handcuffed to Tommy Cairo for the duration of the match. Well, that’s fairly logical, linear booking.
  • Jonathan Hotbody (w/Christopher Candido) vs. Tommy Cairo.
    Cairo dominates, of course, since he’s the resident badass. The Blondes doubleteam him on the outside, though, allowing Hotbody to take over. Hotbody hits either a superplex or a super DDT. It only gets two. Cairo tosses Hotbody into Candido (who had to hop up on the apron pretty quickly to take the hit) and gets the rollup win at 3:08. Sloppy, but you get the idea. The Blondes attack as we go off the air. 1/2*
  • The 411: The debut of Paul E. Dangerously and the formation of the Dangerous Stuff Alliance was the most interesting thing here. Everything else was standard indie fare.
    Final Score:  4.0   [ Poor ]  legend

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