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Dean Ambrose Undergoing Surgery For Tricep Injury

December 19, 2017 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Dean Ambrose Smackdown 3717

– Dean Ambrose is set to undergo surgery for the tricep injury that caused the company to run an injury angle on last night’s Raw. WWE.com announced that Ambrose’s injury is also undergoing further examination by orthopedic surgeon Dr. Jeffrey Dugas.

“An MRI has shown suspicion for a high-grade triceps tendon injury, possibly a tear, so he is undergoing surgical exploration and most likely surgical repair of the torn triceps tendon,” WWE Senior Ringside Physician Dr. Chris Amann said. “That surgery will be happening later this evening, and we should have some further updates either later tonight or tomorrow morning as to what the findings were, what the structures that were damaged were, and also a timeline for recovery.”

It is not known how long Ambrose will be out for.

article topics :

Dean Ambrose, WWE, Jeremy Thomas