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Deonna Purrazzo Praises Impact’s Approach To Writing Talent Off, Having Different Types Of Content

December 19, 2022 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Deonna Purrazzo Image Credit: AEW

Impact Wrestling isn’t afraid to offer a diverse set of genres in its product, and Deonna Purrazzo says she likes the company’s approach to that. Purrazzo recently appeared on Counted Out with Mike & Tyler and was asked about the company’s recent angle that saw Eric Young “stabbed to death” by Deaner in order to write him out of the show due to his departure. You can check out the highlights below, per Fightful:

On Impact writing talent off when they leave: “I really think that Impact does a really great job of introducing people and then writing people off. We saw Dean kind of kill EY [laughs], but that’s not just what Violent By Design was. EY has been, not the heart and soul because that’s someone else’s thing, but the heart and soul of Impact Wrestling for 20 years. So I think that for them to do him justice all these years, then to write him off in a way that is now building somebody else, is what Impact does great. Great, great debuts for people, but then also really thoughtful way of saying, ‘You did what you needed to do here, you’re putting the guy over on the way out. Now, best of luck.’ So I think that I was incredible.”

On Impact doing different types of storylines and content; “I think Impact does really great all across the board in any genre of wrestling, whether it’s mysterious Violent By Design stuff, whether it’s serious Josh Alexander, multiple times, he’s done hour-long matches on television, whether it’s giving Knockouts another platform for main-event pay-per-view matches or main-event television matches, 20-plus minute matches, multiple women’s segments, there’s something for everyone in what we do. So it’s really exciting to see people are giving us a chance again and really investing in what Impact Wrestling is doing.”