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Various News: Donovan Dijak’s Final Indie Dates, Paste Magazine Says GLOW Understands Women’s Wrestling Better Than WWE

July 31, 2017 | Posted by Larry Csonka
Donovan Dijak Donovan Dijak’s

– It was reported last week that Donovan Dijak will likely be starting with WWE in September. Dijak posted the following on Twitter, revealing his final independent dates…

– Paste Magazine ran an article, discussing how Netflix’s GLOW series understands women’s wrestling better than the WWE, you can read the full article here. You can read an excerpt below…

“Another aspect of GLOW that blows WWE out of the water is that it puts its men in the backseat while women drive the story. Down-on-his-luck director Sam (Marc Maron) and rich, wrestling-obsessed producer Bash (Chris Lowell) have their own minor storylines, but they’re rarely more prominent than those of the female cast members. Launching the week of the controversial first ever women’s Money in the Bank ladder match, which culminated in a man retrieving the briefcase, GLOW starkly contrasts to WWE, which continues to get even the very basics of gender equality wrong.”

article topics :

Donovan Dijak, GLOW, WWE, Larry Csonka