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Evil Uno Says He’s The Unofficial Leader Of Dark Order, Comments On Fans Who Want Bray Wyatt To Lead

July 31, 2021 | Posted by Joseph Lee
Evil Uno Stu Grayson Image Credit: AEW/Twitter

As we noted earlier today, Bray Wyatt has been released from the WWE due to what is said to be a budget cut. In light of his release, there are some fans out there who want him to go to AEW and take over as leader of the Dark Order, a position his former stablemate Brodie Lee held. Evil Uno took to Twitter to comment on the topic.

He wrote: “Release, ‘he should join Dark Order’, repeat. Evil Uno is the UNOfficial leader.

This follows something John Silver wrote back when Malakai Black and Braun Strowman were released last month. He noted that the group didn’t want another leader. Cody Rhodes also stated that -1 (Brodie Lee Jr) is the leader of the group.

article topics :

Dark Order, Evil Uno, Joseph Lee