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Freddie Prinze Jr. Evaluates WWE Viral Campaign for a New Wyatt Family-Like Faction

May 23, 2024 | Posted by Jeffrey Harris
WWE SMackDown Uncle Howdy image Image Credit: WWE

– During a recent edition of Wrestling With Freddie, former WWE writer Freddie Prinze Jr. evaluated WWE’s viral campaign teasing the return of Uncle Howdy, along with a possible new Wyatt Family-type faction. Below are some highlights (via WrestlingInc.com):

Prinze on the viral campaign teasing a new Wyatt Family-type faction: “I want to stay open minded. I haven’t done any of the QR codes, so I don’t know any of the answers to the secrets. But I have seen stuff on Instagram when I scroll through Instagram when I’m bored, and I see people speculate that there’s going to be this Wyatt 6 or Wyatt 5…and I’ve seen people speculate as to who’s going to be in it.”

On if the new faction could work in WWE: “Look, if they have the right person or people talking, and the right people and person wrestling, it can work to various degrees. They’ve made Judgment Day work sometimes, sometimes they don’t give them any story. They’ve made LWO work sometimes, sometimes not enough story, you know what I mean? So it can work. I just [think] without Bray, it’s going to be a tougher sell.”