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Gillberg Reveals What Goldberg Told Him When They Met

In an interview with Wrestling Inc, Gillberg (real name Duane Gill) revealed what Goldberg told him the first time they met, the origin of the character and more. Here are highlights:
On the origin of Gillberg: “I was actually doing [Gillberg] on the independents. Me and a buddy came up with it. We did The Underfaker, we did ‘Stone Old’ and we did Gillberg.”
On Paul Bearer seeing his parody: “I was talking to Paul Bearer and Kane in the locker room one night and Paul Bearer goes, ‘Ohhh, Duane Gill. You may have something there.’ The next thing I know the office is calling me and telling me ‘Bring your Gillberg stuff. You’re gonna be Gillberg.'”
On meeting Goldberg: “I met Goldberg twice. One time he told me he hated my guts and I had an a**-kicking coming. About five years later I met him and he was super cool and understood everything. He’s really cool about everything now.”