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Hall’s AEW Battle Of The Belts Review

July 28, 2024 | Posted by Thomas Hall
AEW Battle of the Belts XI Image Credit: AEW
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Hall’s AEW Battle Of The Belts Review  

Battle Of The Belts XI
Date: July 27, 2024
Location: Esports Stadium Arlington, Arlington, Texas
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuinness, Ian Riccaboni

It’s another of these shows and in this case most of the card isn’t for a title. We have two Eliminator matches, plus a match for the recently revived Ring Of Honor Six Man Tag Team Titles. That doesn’t make for much of a show but then again this has never been much of a series. Let’s get to it.

We open with a look at various titles, including some title matches being set up at All In.

Toni Storm vs. Taya Valkyrie

Non-title. Storm is looking a bit more serious here so Taya throws her some sunglasses. Said glasses go on and Storm hammers away to take over fast. A hair toss sends Taya flying and a running hip attack knocks her out to the floor. Taya is fine enough to hit a Meteora to against the steps to take over but Storm fights back without much trouble. That earns her an electric chair drop onto the apron and we take a break.

Back with Taya holding a half crab with Storm crawling over to the ropes. Storm grabs a Backstabber out of the corner and suplexes her down for two. The running hip attack sets up a DDT for two on Taya but she’s right back with the sliding German suplex. A spear gives Taya two more and Shania Pain is good for the same, with Storm having to grab the rope. Not that it matters as Storm Zero out of nowhere gives Storm the pin at 9:08.

Rating: C+. The important thing here is that Storm was playing it more seriously, which is what should happen after such a violent attack. Storm is someone who can make either story work and it seems that we are in for a fresh version of her. I’m not sure I can imagine her retaining the title at All In, but at least she is going into it as she should.

Post match Storm says this tramp is still the champ before saying Mariah May was perfect. She was all of Storm’s dreams come to life and occasionally a better Storm than Storm. Then May made a mistake by not cutting her head off when she had the chance. This is already a better version of Storm for this story and that is great to see.

Kip Sabian wants to do his family proud and that means going after the Patriarchy and Nick Wayne.

Willow Nightingale vs. Deonna Purrazzo

Non-title. Nightingale shoves her way out of a headlock to start so Purrazzo goes for a test of strength. Back up and Nightingale slams her down, setting up a faceplant and crossbody for two. Purrazzo knocks her outside for a breather though and we take a break. We come back with Nightingale clotheslining her way out of trouble and grabbing a spinebuster for two.

Nightingale goes up but gets pulled down in a heap, only to come back with a Death Valley Driver for two on Purrazzo. Back up and Purrazzo hits a superkick but Nightingale runs him over with a clothesline. Cue Taya Valkyrie with something made of metal, only to have Thunder Rosa run in for the save. The Pounce into the Babe With The Powerbomb finishes for Nightingale at 11:36.

Rating: C+. The interference at the end became the focus and we should be in for a tag match down the line. Nightingale gets a win shortly after winning the CMLL Women’s Title, and odds are this couldn’t be a title match due to some issue from CMLL itself. That makes me wonder why they would put this on, but at least Nightingale gets the win.

Ring Of Honor Six Man Tag Team Titles: Dustin Rhodes/Von Erichs vs. Undisputed Kingdom

For the vacant titles and Kevin Von Erich is here as well. Paul Wight is on commentary as well to make this feel a bit more special. Ross and Strong start things off before it’s quickly off to Marshall for a dropkick. Some hiptosses put Bennett down so Taven comes in, meaning it’s off to Dustin for some arm cranking. Everything breaks down and the villains are kicked to the floor as we take a break.

Back with Taven suplexing Ross for two and grabbing the chinlock. That’s broken up and Ross hits a Sling Blade as Dustin gets back up after being piledriven on the ramp during the break. The Canadian Destroyer hits Taven and Cross Rhodes gets two on Bennett. Shattered Dreams is broken up and the Kingdom strikes away for two on Dustin. Bennett gets in a cowbell shot for two so here is Katsuyori Shibata with the Claw. Kevin adds his own, leaving the Von Erichs to clean house. Dustin gets the Final Reckoning to pin Bennett at 13:27.

Rating: C+. The match was good enough, but this was about Dustin getting a title and the Von Erichs getting to do something to pop the Dallas area crowd. That being said, it feels like the titles were brought back for the sole reason of this kind of moment and as a result, it doesn’t have the same impact. You had one thrown together team beating a team who rarely teams together and now they’re champions. That’s a stretch, but it could have been worse.

The locker room comes out to celebrate to end the show.


Toni Storm b. Taya Valkyrie – Storm Zero
Willow Nightingale b. Deonna Purrazzo – Babe With The Powerbomb
Dustin Rhodes/Von Erichs b. Undisputed Kingdom – Final Reckoning to Bennett

AEW, 2024, Battle Of The Belts, Toni Storm, Taya Valkyrie, Kip Sabian, Willow Nightingale, Deonna Purrazzo, Dustin Rhodes, Von Erichs, Undisputed Kingdom, Kevin Von Erich

The final score: review Not So Good
The 411
And yes, I did say all of the matches were better than the overall rating. That’s not the point here. This show is supposed to be about titles and title matches, but instead we got a show with two matches that weren’t for titles and one for a vacant title. No champions actually defended their titles here and most of the show didn’t even have belts on the line. Not only is the show thrown together at the last minute, but now they’re barely even focusing on the point of the show. This wasn’t a special but rather a lame version of Rampage with a “feel good” ending. AEW can and should do better than this.