wrestling / TV Reports
Hall’s AEW Dynamite Review 1.8.25

Date: January 8, 2025
Location: F&M Bank Arena, Clarksville, Tennessee
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Matt Menard, Excalibur
We’re slightly back to normal this week with the first regular show in a few weeks. The big story this week is the Casino Gauntlet, which will be used to set up Jon Moxley’s new challenger for next week. Other than that, we’re still building towards Revolution, Grand Slam and possibly even All In: Texas. Let’s get to it.
Buddy Murphy vs. Will Ospreay
Fallout from Ospreay beating Brody King in the Continental Classic. Feeling out process to start with Matthews powering him into the corner and hitting some chops in the corner. That’s broken up and Ospreay knocks him to the floor for the dive. Back in and Matthews knocks him back down for a knee and a near fall, meaning frustration starts to set in. Ospreay fights up with a kick to the head into the Phenomenal Forearm before sending him outside again.
They kick it out on the apron, where the Oscutter is broken up. Ospreay gets thrown face first onto the announcers’ table for a nasty crash but Matthews charges into a superkick. Back in and a springboard missile dropkick sets up the Oscutter for two. Matthews knees him in the head again and a stomp give him two of his own. Ospreay is back with the Styles Clash into the Hidden Blade for the pin at 12:12.
Rating: B. These guys beat the heck out of each other and it was the kind of a match that made me wonder where it was going. Ospreay wasn’t likely to lose here but dang they were having a good, hard hitting fight. Nice opener here and pretty much exactly what you would have expected.
Post match Ospreay asks for some love for Buddy “Murphy” before saying Matthews and Brody King don’t need a leader. Ospreay can see some success in their future and if Matthews ever needs a good man in his corner, let him know. That’s interesting.
Video on Wrestle Kingdom and Wrestle Dynasty.
Here is Private Party for a celebration but the Hurt Syndicate interrupts and walks past the velvet ropes. MVP proposes a toast: to the Syndicate winning the Tag Team Titles. My goodness Private Party could not feel less important.
Bobby Lashley vs. Mark Briscoe
MVP is on commentary. Lashley powers him into the corner to start bu Briscoe fights out with the Redneck Kung Fu. Briscoe goes up but dives into a suplex to send him outside. There’s a running shoulder to drop Briscoe again, setting up an overhead suplex. We take a break and come back with Briscoe striking away as the fight heads outside. A chair shot from underneath the ring hits Lashley (and sends MVP into hysterics), setting up a pair of flip dives. The Froggy Bow only gets one, and it’s a spear into a spinebuster into the Hurt Lock for the win at 10:09.
Rating: B-. This was a good way to make Lashley look like a monster while also keeping Briscoe looking strong enough. Lashley dominated but Briscoe kept fighting throughout, which made for a nice match. What matters here though is Lashley is getting the chance to look like a monster and he very well could be on his way to doing something big.
Post match the beatdown stays on until Private Party makes the save.
Casino Gauntlet Match
Unknown entrants, intervals that vary between entrants and the first fall gets a World Title shot next week. Jay White is in at #1 and Hangman Page is in at #2. They chop it out until Page runs him over with a shoulder for an early one. White sends him to the apron, where a Buckshot Lariat attempt is countered into a blocked Blade Runner attempt. A superplex brings Page down and it’s Wheeler Yuta in at #3.
Yuta immediately gets taken down with a Blade Runner for two but Page goes after White for two again. With the ring cleared, it’s….Ricochet in at #4, though he comes out to Swerve Strickland’s music to scare the heck out of Page. Ricochet cleans house and hits a dive to the floor as we take a break. Back with a tag match breaking out until Adam Cole is in at #5. Ricochet knocks him back but gets superkicked out of the air. A Panama Sunrise connects for two and it’s Daniel Garcia in at #6.
Garcia hammers away at a bunch of people in the corner at the same time before getting in a staredown with Yuta. Powerhouse Hobbs is in at #7 to send people flying (Menard: “Come on, we gotta be smarter than this guys!” and we take another break. Back again with Hobbs hitting Ricochet with a heck of a clothesline, followed by an easy slam to White. Hobbs’ knee is dropkicked out though and it’s Roderick Strong in at #8.
The Bladerunner connects for White but Yuta hits him low to break up the cover. Lance Archer is in at #9 to clean house before he and Hobbs throw Ricochet back and forth. They trade power moves until Kyle O’Reilly is in at #10. The big brawl is on and most of the people are down as Jeff Jarrett is in at #11….but Yuta jumps him from behind. They fight off to the back and it’s Hobbs planting O’Reilly with a spinebuster for the win at 25:51.
Rating: B-. This was a rather star heavy match for the most part and having Yuta in there to get beaten up was a nice touch. Hobbs winning is certainly a surprise and I’m curious to see where it’s going. It isn’t likely to lead to a title change, but at least it’s something rather new. The match wasn’t as good as some of the previous versions, but I do like having someone new getting a one off title match after a big win.
Post match Hobbs says we’re going to shoot and promises to make Jon Moxley his b**** next week (Renee Paquette is not pleased).
Jeff Jarrett comes to the ring (he never actually got in) and doesn’t seem sure if he’s still got it…and here is MJF to interrupt. MJF introduces himself and explains why he wants the title back, but there are a bunch of people in the way. It’s a regular Dr. Seuss book of challengers but there is one person who can still go after the title. MJF lists off Jarrett’s resume, which he had to look up because it’s way too old for him. The reality is that Jarrett has signed a one year deal, which is all wrestling thinks he has left to give.
MJF thinks he can help Jarrett get the World Title and all he asks is the first title shot. The offer is made and Jarrett takes the mic. Jarrett says that people like MJF are called one hit wonders around here. The fans chant ONE HIT WONDER and Jarrett thinks that might be a nice t-shirt. Jarrett has a year left and knows that he is going to have to work, but he’ll be doing it alone. This went a good bit longer than it needed to, though I’ve heard worse ideas than Jarrett having one last run, possibly with a nice groundswell underneath him.
We look at Darby Allin being taken out (again) by the Death Riders (again).
Here is Cope for a chat. He talks about how Jon Moxley has attacked Darby Allin and how Moxley doesn’t think much of Cope himself. Cope talks about the injuries he has suffered in the ring, including winning a match with a broken (non-freakin) neck. So what can Moxley do to him that hasn’t been done before? Cue the Death Riders but FTR jump them from behind to even things up. Cue Marina Shafir with the briefcase though, allowing Pac to drop Cope. Moxley chokes Cope out and loads up the plastic bag, but Powerhouse Hobbs makes the save. The Death Riders looking strong you say?
Mariah May wants the women to fight to become the #1 contender. Harley Cameron storms in and asks for a match on Collision. They can even make it non title “hot girl graps”. Eventually the match is made, with Cameron threatening to make her feel the wrath. Hilarious again.
Toni Storm vs. Willow Nightingale vs. Kris Statlander
For the #1 spot in the Casino Gauntlet Match. Nightingale starts fast by knocking Statlander outside and giving Storm a spinebuster. Statlander is back in but Storm crossbodies them down. Nightingale catapults Storm head first into a low blow on Statlander and we take a break.
Back with Statlander and Nightingale having a slightly reluctant standoff. Storm breaks it up though and all three are down. Back up and a series of knockdowns sets up Nightingale German suplexing both of them at once. Nightingale is knocked outside though and Statlander hits Staturday Night Fever for the pin on Storm at 9:56.
Rating: C+. Storm taking a pin here wasn’t something I would have expected but what mattered the most was giving Statlander a win. At the same time, this doesn’t mean Storm won’t be in the match next week so this could just be a setback. The match wasn’t anything great, but I could go for any of these three being given a bigger push.
Post break, Toni Storm isn’t surprised she didn’t win because she’s not ready. It can’t be Toni Time all the time.
Here is Kenny Omega for his big return. After some applause, Omega talks about how he was diagnosed with diverticulitis a little over a year ago. They took two feet of his intestines out and if he hadn’t, he would be dead. Omega as immediately asking about when he would be able to get back in the ring. The doctor, who apparently called him Kenny Omega, wasn’t sure if he could ever even get back to a normal way of life.
That didn’t work for Omega, who came back to be this version of himself. Not worried about money or power but just being the best in the world. Cue Don Callis to interrupt but Omega isn’t having this and charges outside to beat Callis down. The Don Callis Family comes in to beat Omega down, including a shot to the abdomen. Will Ospreay makes the save and we get a very tense staredown to end the show. Omega and Ospreay as AEW’s version of the Mega Powers is good, but dealing with the Don Callis Family doesn’t help.
Will Ospreay b. Buddy Matthews – Hidden Blade
Bobby Lashley b. Mark Briscoe – Hurt Lock
Powerhouse Hobbs won the Casino Gauntlet Match – Spinebuster to O’Reilly
Kris Statlander b. Toni Storm and Willow Nightingale – Staturday Night Fever to Storm