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Hall’s NXT Deadline 2024 Review

December 7, 2024 | Posted by Thomas Hall
NXT Deadline Giulia Image Credit: WWE
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Hall’s NXT Deadline 2024 Review  

Deadline 2024
Date: December 7, 2024
Location: Minneapolis Armory, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

This is one of the most gimmick heavy cards of the year as we have two twenty five minute matches which are kind of a cross between the Royal Rumble and an Iron Man Match. Other than that, Ridge Holland is challenging Trick Williams for the NXT Title, which could be quite the showdown. Let’s get to it.

The opening video talks about how it is a special time of year before looking at the card. The NXT Title gets some attention as well, with the Iron Survivor Challenge matches still getting the final look.

The venue looks rather cool and rather different than the usual arena. The front looks like a normal arena but it keeps going rather far back.

Iron Survivor Challenge rules:

• 25 minute time limit
• Two wrestlers start with a new entrant every five minutes
• Any pinfall, submission or DQ is a fall and worth one point
• When someone loses a fall, they go to the penalty box for 90 seconds
• Most falls in 25 minutes wins a future NXT/Women’s Title shot

Eddy Thorpe is injured and out of the men’s Iron Survivor Challenge, with a mystery entrant having been selected.

Men’s Iron Survivor Challenge

Je’Von Evans is in at #1 and Wes Lee is in at #2. Evans grabs a quick sunset flip for two and drops Lee for a standing shooting star press and another near fall. Lee is back with a nasty belly to back suplex for two and he starts working on the back. A dropkick doesn’t work for Evans so Lee knocks him outside, setting up a rather slow motion dive through the ropes. Back in and Evans’ cutter is blocked, allowing Lee to get a rollup with feet on the ropes for the pin at 4:55.

Lee – 1
Evans – 0
Page – 0
Frazer – 0
Unknown – 0

Nathan Frazer is in at #3 and goes right at Lee for a knockdown, setting up a heck of a frog splash for two. They both head outside and Evans is freed, allowing him to hit a big flip dive over the top onto the two of them. Back in and Evans’ side slam gets two on Lee but Frazer is back with the Sling Blade for two. Evans is clotheslined to the floor and Lee hurricanranas him into the apron.

Frazer’s dive thankfully doesn’t go badly as he gets his feet caught in the ropes but takes both of them down anyway. Everyone is on the floor and Ethan Page is in a #4. Page kicks all of them down and throws Frazer inside as commentary tells us about the success that #4 has had. That doesn’t seem to be the case as Frazer grabs a quick small package to pin Page at 10:38.

Lee – 1
Frazer – 1
Evans – 0
Page – 0
Unknown – 0

Page has to be knocked into the box and Frazer makes Lee DDT Evans for two and a triple breather. Frazer hits the Phoenix splash on Lee but Page comes in to steal the pin on Frazer at 12:40.

Lee – 1
Frazer – 1
Page – 1
Evans – 0
Unknown – 0

Evans still can’t hit a cutter on the apron so the villains get together to hit something like a suicide dive Doomsday Device on the floor. Evans pops back up and hits a quick dive but Lee makes a save back inside. Frazer is back in and we get an exchange of kicks to the head to leave everyone down as….Oba Femi is in at #5 to cause some damage. Femi wrecks everyone in a hurry and pins Evans at 16:17.

Lee – 1
Frazer – 1
Page – 1
Femi – 1
Evans – 0

Femi hits a toss powerbomb on Lee with Frazer having to make a save. That earns him a sitout Last Ride but Page breaks up the cover. Page insists that he needs to win so Femi grabs him by the throat and rams him against the box, meaning Evans can’t get out. Femi wrecks Lee but gets posted by Frazer, with Evans diving off the box onto Lee and Femi. The top rope cutter gives Evans the pin on Lee at 18:39.

Lee – 1
Frazer – 1
Page – 1
Femi – 1
Evans – 1

Frazer and Evans go after Femi in the corner to try and slow him down with five minutes left. Lee is back up and the triple teaming just makes Femi mad as he takes all three down. The pop up powerbomb hits Evans but Page steals a rollup pin on Femi at 21:12.

Page – 2
Lee – 1
Frazer – 1
Femi – 1
Evans – 1

Booker insists that no one else is going to get a fall and then Evans rolls Page up for the pin at 21:48.

Page – 2
Evans – 2
Lee – 1
Frazer – 1
Femi – 1

Page PANICS over having to be locked in the box with Femi and has to be forced in. Femi of course massacres him until he is allowed back in with just under two minutes left. Lee is tossed out to the floor but Evans hits a dive on Femi as Page, or what is left of him, is released. Femi blocks Evans’ cutter off the steps and sends him up against the box. We have a minute left as Frazer snaps Femi’s throat across the top rope. Femi knocks both of them away but Frazer scores an enziguri with thirty seconds left. A double chokeslam lets Femi get a double pin on Frazer and Lee at 24:47.

Femi – 3
Page – 2
Evans – 2
Lee – 1
Frazer – 1

Frazer hits a top rope cutter on Femi but time runs out at 25:00 to give Femi the win.

Rating: B. This match is a bit complicated on paper but once you get into it, the concept is great and you can follow it very easily. The on-screen graphics are perfect and tell you everything you need to know about the whole match. As for the match, it was a bunch of people doing their thing until Femi came in and just wrecked them. They had something with going after Femi in teams but ultimately, Femi was going to be in the title hunt or go to the main roster. There was no in between and this was the right call.

Lexis King walks around in the cold because he isn’t on the show. He’s given his all to try to be himself and while it looks like he’s lost a lot, nothing feels better than that satisfaction.

We recap Jaida Parker vs. Lola Vice. They’ve been feuding for weeks and after a hardcore match last month, it’s time for an NXT Underground match.

Lola Vice vs. Jaida Parker

NXT Underground, meaning no ropes, people around the ring, and you win by knockout, TKO or submission. Vice knees her in the face to start but Parker is back up with a spinebuster. Parker plants her down again and tries a powerbomb, which is reversed into a triangle choke. That’s broken up as well so Vice grabs an ankle lock. Parker slips out and they go to the floor, where Vice’s spinning backfist hits the post.

The Hipnotic hits Vice’s bad hand and Parker knocks her down with some right hands to the face. Parker pulls out Vice’s black belt and uses it to pull Vice hard int the post. Back in and Vice uses the belt to hit some clotheslines until a headbutt cuts her off. Parker puts her onto the steps and hits the Tear Drop. Back in and Parker loads up the brick but gets kicked in the head. Vice pulls her into a quick choke and Parker is in trouble. That’s broken up so Vice hits the spinning backfist and chokes her out at 11:06.

Rating: B-. This was good but it went longer than it needed to and that hurt things. The brick thing was stupid from the beginning and it is still dumb here. Now that being said, it had the feeling of a fight and they were trying to do some different things to mix it up a bit. I liked the match and if they had cut off 2-3 minutes, it would have been that much better. Vice having something of a signature match is a good thing, though Parker still feels like a much bigger prospect.

Axiom tells Nathan Frazer, who is banged up, that they’ve got this.

We recap the NXT Tag Team Title match, with Axiom and Frazer defending against the No Quarter Catch Crew. The entire division kept getting in a bunch of brawls and then the Crew won a battle royal to get the shot.

Tag Team Titles: Axiom/Nathan Frazer vs. No Quarter Catch Crew

Axiom and Frazer are defending and Frazer’s ribs are banged up. Frazer starts with Borne and the ribs are banged up enough that it’s quickly off to Axiom. For some reason Axiom tries grappling with Heights and actually gets two off a rollup. Axiom goes to tag Frazer, who says maybe later, allowing Heights to suplex Axiom into a gator roll. Frazer comes in to kick Borne down as OTM is here to watch.

A pair of dives take the Crew down but Frazer is banged up. Heights is back up with a clothesline to Axiom and a suplex to send Frazer over the top and onto OTM. That’s enough for OTM to be sent to the back and Borne snaps off a powerslam for two on Frazer. The chinlock goes on but Frazer flips his way out, only to get caught in a flipping slam for two. Heights’ powerslam gets the same and a Dominator gets two more as Frazer’s ribs are destroyed.

Frazer manages to get over for the tag off to Axiom, meaning it’s time for Frazer to take a breather on the floor. Axiom kicks Heights in the chest to limited avail so Heights hits him with a Death valley Driver for two. Borne comes back in but gets sent through the ropes and onto Heights. It’s back to Frazer, who manages a springboard 450 for two on heights as the ribs are seemingly a bit better.

A release German suplex drops Frazer though and a dropkick/sitout powerbomb combination gets two with Borne making the save. The Spanish Fly into the Phoenix splash hits Borne but Heights makes the save, only to jump into the Golden Ratio. Back up and Axiom accidentally dropkicks Frazer, who gets planted with an AA onto the apron. Something like a TKO/DDT combination gets two on Axiom and the fans are rather surprised on the kickout. Axiom is back with a quick Canadian Destroyer to Heights and a small package to Borne retains the title at 15:45.

Rating: B-. Oh I really don’t know about that one, as it felt like a place where the titles should have changed hands. If the champs aren’t losing when Frazer is already banged up, it’s almost hard to imagine them losing to anyone at this point. Throw in even more miscommunication that they can overcome and it’s kind of a lot to take no matter how good the action can be. It wasn’t even a great match here, but rather a pretty good match with some how sequences.

Je’Von Evans isn’t overly upset about losing and Wes Lee slaps him for not being serious.

We recap Trick Williams defending the NXT Title against Ridge Holland. Over the last few weeks, Holland has been a wrecking ball in NXT and somehow this has become Williams standing up for NXT because Holland could kill it. Holland has also banged up Williams’ neck but Williams is fighting anyway.

NXT Title: Trick Williams vs. Ridge Holland

Holland is challenging and starts fast with a failed Redeemer attempt. Williams slugs away in the corner but Holland runs him over with a hard shot. They go to the floor with Holland’s overhead belly to belly (which injured Big E.) being blocked. Instead Williams posts him and hits a slingshot to send Holland throat first into the bottom rope. A running neckbreaker gets two on Holland but he sends Williams into the corner to start in on the neck.

Some overhead suplexes have Williams in trouble and a neckbreaker gets two. Williams is tied in the Tree of Woe for some neck cranking and another neckbreaker connects for another two. Williams reverses another into a DDT and a flapjack but the Rock Bottom is countered into a crossface. That’s broken up and now the Rock Bottom can drop Holland for another near fall. Holland eventually gets him up with a powerbomb for two but the Swan Dive misses.

Williams kicks him in the face, followed by stereo kicks to the face for back to back near falls. They go outside and Holland loads up the announcers’ table, only to be backdropped to the floor. Back in and Williams misses a charge, getting his head caught in the ropes for the hangman spot. The referee gets him out and the Redeemer connects for two. Holland misses a charge into the post (having to push himself into it), setting up a Trick Kick and the Trick Shot to retain the title at 15:50.

Rating: B. Williams is turning into that kind of scrappy fighter who survives to find a way to win and it’s working for him. It made for a good story here of Williams managing to fight up and slay the monster, though Oba Femi is waiting for him and that might not go so well. At the same time, Holland losing the title shot after ending Chase U is a bit of a surprise, as I was expecting to see him win here. Good match, but not what I was expecting.

Ethan Page talks about his recent losses. It’s taken him 18 years to climb the mountain and now he has no idea how to get back there. He can’t do this and walks off.

Ava announces Wes Lee vs. Je’Von Evans for next week but Tiffany Stratton comes in to tease cashing in her Money In The Bank at New Year’s Evil.

Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge

Giulia is in at #1 and Wren Sinclair is in at #2. They take their times to start and then fight over a test of strength. That’s broken up and they go to the mat with Giulia cranking on the arms. Sinclair rolls out and gets two off a rollup, followed by a backslide for two more. Back up and Giulia runs her over with a shoulder before grabbing something like an Octopus.

That’s broken up and Sol Ruca is in at #3 for a spinning belly to back faceplant to Giulia. Sinclair is back up with Cattle Mutilation to Ruca but Giulia ties up their legs for something like a double STF. With that broken up, Ruca grabs a triple sleeper but Sinclair reverses into a Fujiwara armbar. Ruca switches into a neck lock but Giulia reverses into a choke. Back up and Ruca is sent to the floor, leaving Giulia to hit the Northern Lights Bomb to pin Sinclair at 9:47.

Giulia – 1
Vaquer – 0
Zaria – 0
Ruca – 0
Sinclair – 0

Ruca tries a quick rollup for two but Zaria is in at #4. That leaves Ruca and Giulia to realize they’re in trouble but a quick double Sol Snatcher sends both of them outside. Sinclair is back in…and gets caught with the Sol Snatcher to give Ruca the pin at 11:49.

Giulia – 1
Ruca – 1
Vaquer – 0
Zaria – 0
Sinclair – 0

With Zaria back up, Ruca and Giulia powerbomb her through the announcers’ able, only for Giulia to neckbreaker Ruca on the floor. Sinclair is back out and tries to throw them into the ring. Giulia throws her back in instead and they go outside, allowing Ruca to hit a big flipping dive.

Back in and Giulia gets kicked in the head as Stephanie Vaquer completes the field. A springboard high crossbody takes out Sinclair and Ruca and we get the Vaquer vs. Giulia showdown. Zaria is back up though and pulls Vaquer outside for a ram into the penalty box. Zaria German suplexes Sinclair and spears Ruca out of the air but Giulia grabs a choke. Vaquer jumps onto both of their backs but Zaria sends her into the corner, setting up a double Cannonball. Zaria F5’s Giulia for the pin at 17:42.

Giulia – 1
Ruca – 1
Zaria – 1
Vaquer – 0
Sinclair – 0

Zaria stays on Ruca before going up for a moonsault to both Ruca and Sinclair. Giulia gets out of the penalty box and cleans house, including a double missile dropkick/top rope backsplash combination to drop everyone but Vaquer. Back up and Vaquer scores with a superkick to set up another Giulia staredown. That’s broken up so they trade headbutts until Vaquer’s package backbreaker is broken up. Giulia superplexes Vaquer but Zaria breaks it up. Ruca springboards in with a splash but Vaquer rolls Sinclair up for the fall at 22:47.

Giulia – 1
Ruca – 1
Zaria – 1
Vaquer – 1
Sinclair – 0

A string of knockdowns leaves everyone but Ruca on the floor and Sinclair is back in with a sunset flip for the pin on Ruca at 24:27.

Giulia – 1
Ruca – 1
Zaria – 1
Vaquer – 1
Sinclair – 1

Zaria hits a double spear but Giulia knees her down and gets the pin at 24:47.

Giulia – 2
Ruca – 1
Zaria – 1
Vaquer – 1
Sinclair – 1

Vaquer’s rollup only gets two and Giulia wins at 25:00.

Rating: A-. This was excellent with everyone moving around and nothing close to a dead spot. They kept the drama going and the last minute had me wondering who was going to win. You could have gone in a bunch of different directions here but Giulia eels like the biggest star. Her winning the title on the first show of the year could be a heck of a moment and that might be what we’re seeing. Outstanding main event here as the NXT women’s division is one of the best things in wrestling at the moment.

Confetti and streamers go off to end the show

Oba Femi won the Men’s Iron Survivor Challenge
Lola Vice b. Jaida Parker – Choke
Axiom/Nathan Frazer b. No Quarter Catch Crew – Small package to Borne
Trick Williams b. Ridge Holland – Trick Shot
Giulia won the Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge


Head over to my website at kbwrestlingreviews.com with thousands of reviews from around the world and throughout wrestling history.

The final score: review Amazing
The 411

Pretty awesome show with the main event being more than worth a watch and even the worst matches on the show being worth a look. It was also over in less than three hours so it didn’t overstay its welcome. This was one of the best NXT shows in a long time and they are set for two big title matches on the first show of the new year. Great show and that main event is definitely worth a look.


article topics :

NXT Deadline, Thomas Hall