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Hall’s WWE Smackdown Review 6.16.23

June 17, 2023 | Posted by Thomas Hall
The Usos WWE Smackdown Image Credit: WWE
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Hall’s WWE Smackdown Review 6.16.23  

Date: June 16, 2023
Location: Rupp Arena, Lexington, Kentucky
Commentators: Michael Cole, Wade Barrett

Now stop me if you’ve heard this one before, but it’s time for Jey Uso to make a choice. This time around, Roman Reigns is in the house and wants Jey to decide if he’s with the Bloodline or if he’s with his brother Jimmy. Other than that, we have some Money in the Bank momentum building to do so let’s get to it.

I was in the arena for this show, sitting in the upper deck on the right side of the stage.

We open with a recap of last week, with Jey Uso being left conflicted over which side to choose. More on this later.

The Bloodline arrives and no one will talk about Jey Uso.

Tag Team Gauntlet Match

The winners get a Tag Team Title shot in two weeks. The Street Profits are in at #1 and the Brawling Brutes are in at #2 to get things going. Ford dropkicks Sheamus down to start as Pretty Deadly is not impressed on the floor. A tilt-a-whirl backbreaker puts Ford in trouble for a change and it’s off to Holland for a swinging front facelock (ow). Back up and a jumping enziguri drops Holland and a diving tag brings Dawkins back in (despite a dive not being necessary). A blind tag brings Sheamus back in though and it’s a Brogue Kick to finish Dawkins at 2:32.

The OC are in at #3 and the reverse 3D gets two on Sheamus as we take a break. Back with Sheamus still in trouble as Anderson elbows him in the head. Gallows grabs a chinlock but Sheamus fights up, only to have Anderson come in and knock Holland off the apron. That just earns him a Brogue Kick for the pin at 9:06 total and it’s the LWO in at #4.

They don’t waste time in hitting stereo flip dives onto the Brutes, followed by a good looking moonsault to give Del Toro two on Sheamus. An enziguri knocks Sheamus into the corner and it’s Holland starting the comeback. A Dominator spun into a DDT finishes Del Toro at 10:59. Hit Row is in at #5 and the Brogue Kick finishes Dolla at 11:14. That leaves Pretty Deadly in at #6 (last team) and we take a break.

Back with Holland in trouble and Prince hammering away at his face. Wilson grabs the chinlock but Holland fights up and knocks him away without much effort. Sheamus comes back in and cleans house with Irish Curses but the Brogue Kick misses. Instead it’s an Alabama Slam, with Prince making the save. Everything breaks down and Pretty Deadly winds up on the apron, with Prince taking ten forearms to the chest and Wilson taking about twenty more. The Celtic Cross is loaded up but Prince tags himself and hits a top rope legdrop to steal the pin on Sheamus at 21:40.

Rating: B-. This got some time but thankfully didn’t go insane like some gauntlet matches have done before. Pretty Deadly kind of stole the win by coming in at the end but it was a perfectly legal way to get a fall on Sheamus. The Brutes continue to look good in defeat, though Hit Row might want to avoid answering their phones anytime soon, as it’s clear that the team does not have anything going for it at the moment, which isn’t likely to get better.

Post break, Pretty Deadly is still in the ring and here are Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens to interrupt. Sami says the match ended five minutes ago and Pretty Deadly is still in the ring, so they have overstayed their welcome by about five minutes. Pretty Deadly doesn’t like the disrespect towards…..the Dandy Highwaymen and the Two Tastiest Snacks (among other names). They’ll win the titles in two weeks and then they’ll celebrate even longer and then they’ll do it even longer, and just when you think they’re done, they’ll do it EVEN LONGER.

Owens isn’t impressed and goes on a rant about how he wants to go in there and punch them in their stupid faces. Sami: “I think we should do it.” Owens: “Yeah???” Sami: “YEAH!” The champs chase Pretty Deadly off and glare at them (Sami and Kevin would go on to beat the daylights out of Pretty Deadly in a post show street fight).

Paul Heyman is rather nervous as he asks Roman Reigns if he has spoken to Jey Uso. Of course Reigns hasn’t, because he’s the Tribal Chief and Jey should be reaching out to him. Reigns orders Heyman to go talk to Jey NOW and doesn’t seem happy at all.

Iyo Sky vs. Zelina Vega

Bayley is here with Sky and Vega hands a flip flop to a fan on the way to the ring. Sky shoves her in the face and gets hammered in the head for her efforts. A headscissors doesn’t do much to Sky, who sticks the landing and scores with a dropkick to take over. Sky starts cranking on a hammerlock but Vega rolls over or a kick to the head. Bayley gets on the apron or a distraction but Sky avoids the contact. Instead Sky rolls Vega up but the referee is yelling at Bayley. The ensuing argument lets Vega hit a 619 for the pin on Sky at 2:25. Short and to the point here, as Damage CTRL is in trouble.

We recap Charlotte returning last week to throw her hat into the Women’s Title picture, which doesn’t sit well with previous #1 contender Bianca Belair.

Belair comes up to Adam Pearce in the back and asks about her rematch. Pearce says it’s being talked about, but he can’t give her an answer tonight. Belair says she got the title match the right way (Pearce agrees) so now she’s going to do this her way.

Iyo Sky yells at Bayley over the loss when Shotzi comes in. Shotzi talks about how Bayley cost her a spot in Money in the Bank but Bayley doesn’t care. If that’s the case, then Bayley can put up her own spot against Shotzi. Sky accepts for Bayley so Shotzi is off to make it official. Sky: “I’m just trying to help.”

It’s time for the Grayson Waller Effect, with special guest Charlotte, whose outfit is….uh….well the best description (unfortunately not mine) is that it looks like a bad couch from the 70s (the matching gloves sleeves are a great touch). Waller gets to the point by asking about Charlotte’s upcoming title shot in two weeks. The idea of Charlotte vs. Asuka makes her think of big matches, like the time where she ended Asuka’s undefeated streak at Wrestlemania.

Charlotte asks for a question, and says that it’s not about the number of title reigns, but the fact that she has Asuka’s number (good line). Cue Bianca Belair to interrupt (Cole says that Belair is in an awful mood as she skips down to the ring), saying that she has her own accolades and wonders why Charlotte is getting the shot. Charlotte says she isn’t apologizing because the line starts and ends with her. Belair says she got defeated and stayed (ouch) so she’s not understanding what’s going on here.

Charlotte talks about how she has picked herself up fourteen times and is a champion without the title. Belair bring sup being the longest reigning women’s champion of this era so put some respect on her name (yep). The past is the past but the future is that she’ll be ringside for Charlotte’s title shot. No matter who wins, she’s coming for the title. Belair was bringing the fire here and she’s absolutely right with pretty much everything she said.

Paul Heyman comes up to Jey Uso and says he’s sorry that Jimmy Uso kicked him in the face last week to cost him the US Title. Of course that was intentional because Jimmy has the most accurate kick of anyone but Jey himself. Jey deserves better than that and Heyman is sorry. Jey says he’s sorry too, but if he’s in, Heyman is still out.

AJ Styles/Michin vs. Karrion Kross/Scarlett

Styles wastes no time in striking away at Kross and it’s quickly off to the women, with Michin firing off strikes of her own. A spinning kick to the face sets up a release German suplex and it’s back to Kross. That’s fine with Styles, who hits the Styles Clash but Scarlett breaks it up and hits on him. Styles points out his wedding ring and says “I’m married” and what sounded like “b****” but might have been “witch”. Kross uses the distraction to grab the Krossjacket and hits a pumphandle powerslam swung into a kind of F5 (that’s different) for the pin at 2:20. That was quick.

Paul Heyman comes back to Roman Reigns, who does not seem thrilled at the lack of progress. Solo Sikoa scares Heyman off and Sikoa asks if Reigns wants him to handle this. Reigns says they have plenty of time.

Baron Corbin jumps Cameron Grimes in the back.

Here is Rey Mysterio for a chat. He talks about how happy he is to reform the LWO and is happy to bring out the next Mr. Money in the Bank: Santos Escobar. Cue Escobar, who thanks Rey for believing in him and could go a long way with the briefcase. Cue LA Knight, who shoves Rey down and the fight is on before the scheduled Knight vs. Escobar match.

LA Knight vs. Santos Escobar

Joined in progress with Escobar fighting out of a chinlock and hitting some running forearms. Knight hits a powerslam though and the jumping elbow gets two (and a heck of a reaction). Back up and Escobar tries a victory roll but Knight sits down on it and grabs the ropes for two, as Escobar rolls him up again for the pin at 2:18 shown.

Post match Knight jumps Escobar but Rey Mysterio runs back in for the save. Knight was getting some incredible reactions here and my goodness the push could be ready to go anytime now.

Jey Uso runs into Sami Zayn, who just looks at him, nods, and walks away.

Here is the Bloodline, or what’s left of it, to get Jey’s answer. After a break, Reigns tells Lexington, Kentucky (not the University of Kentucky, no matter what WWE keeps saying) to acknowledge him. And then Jey Uso interrupts (Reigns tells Solo Sikoa to keep calm) as we’re getting to the point fast. Reigns says the people want answers so Jey says it’s either him or Paul Heyman.

That doesn’t work for Reigns, who says that when Jey is Tribal Chief, he can pick his own wise man. Reigns talks about how he got them to the promised land but Jey is here to keep them there. They have been grooming him for years now and the only problem is Jimmy Uso….who comes out to interrupt. Jimmy tells Jey that Reigns is just using him, but Reigns says it took ten years just to get the Usos to Wrestlemania and NOW THEY MAIN EVENTED IT!

Reigns calls Jimmy an anchor while Reigns himself is the wings. Jey can’t be a Tribal Chief and a twin at the same time, but remember one thing: the only person who had a problem with Jey becoming the Right Hand Man was Jimmy himself. That sends Jey into a rant against Jimmy not believing him and how he has always told to be like his big brother, with Jey even saying his own first name (Joshua). Jey: “So guess what? You out! AND I’M OUT TOO!”

Jey superkicks Reigns’ head off and the Usos superkick Sikoa to the floor as the roof comes off the place (this was a genuine standing ovation and by far the loudest reaction all night). Reigns is livid and gets up but a double superkick puts him down again to end the show as Heyman is in tears.

That is the kind of major move that the story has been needing, as there is not likely to be any coming back from this. The Usos are out of the Bloodline, which is now down to Roman Reigns, Solo Sikoa and Paul Heyman. You can all but pencil in the Money in the Bank main event tag match from here, and that is a big deal in its own right. This was a moment and my goodness did the fans eat it up.


Pretty Deadly won a tag team gauntlet match last eliminating the Brawling Brutes
Zelina Vega b. Iyo Sky – 619
Karrion Kross/Scarlett b. AJ Styles/Michin – Swinging faceplant to Styles
Santos Escobar b. LA Knight – Rollup


Head over to my website at kbwrestlingreviews.com with thousands of reviews from around the world and throughout wrestling history.

The final score: review Good
The 411
This was a weird show as the ONLY thing that really matters is the big closing segment (the gauntlet match was good, but it’s 20+ minutes to get to the comedy team winning in the end). That being said, my goodness did that segment deliver as the best story WWE has told in a VERY long time gets cranked up and sent in a new direction. Money In The Bank is going to be a huge show and now you can see most of what is coming on the card. Throw in LA Knight getting some monster reactions and a good women’s segment and this could be one heck of a summer for WWE.

article topics :

WWE Smackdown, Thomas Hall