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Hall’s WWE Smackdown Review – 7.19.24

July 20, 2024 | Posted by Thomas Hall
WWE Smackdown The Bloodline Cody Rhodes 7-19-24 Image Credit: WWE
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Hall’s WWE Smackdown Review – 7.19.24  

WWE Smackdown
Date: July 19, 2024
Location: CHI Health Arena, Omaha, Nebraska
Commentators: Wade Barrett, Corey Graves

We are just over two weeks to go before Summerslam and last week saw what seemed to be two title matches all but set for the show. Cody Rhodes is likely to defend the WWE Title against Solo Sikoa and Logan Paul is likely to defend the US Title against Kevin Owens, but the matches still need to be made official. That is what we might be seeing again here so let’s get to it.

We open with a recap of Cody Rhodes agreeing to face Solo Sikoa for the title at Summerslam and the ensuing beatdown at the hands of the Bloodline. Randy Orton ran in for the save but got beaten down as well.

Here is Rhodes (minus the suit for a change) to get things going. After acknowledging boxing champion Terrance Crawford (in the front row and just happening to have an upcoming title fight) and having the title match against Sikoa confirmed for Summerslam, Rhodes talks about Orton being attacked last week. Rhodes was laid out and could be injured again, which hurt Rhodes because he sees Orton as family.

As for Sikoa, Rhodes once told him that he wasn’t ready…and here is A-Town Down Under to interrupt. They yell at Rhodes for causing their issues last week and the brawl is on, with Rhodes being sent outside. Crawford hands Rhodes his chair though and Rhodes gets to clear the villains out. This was more a way to have Rhodes rubbing elbows with another sports champion and that was fine.

Carmelo Hayes is ready for Andrade and says he won’t miss.

Cody Rhodes asks Nick Aldis for a match with A-Town Down Under, but he has to find a partner.

Andrade vs. Carmelo Hayes

Hayes flips over him to start but Andrade flips out of a headscissors for an early standoff. They trade kicks to the face until Hayes ties her in the ropes for the Fade Away as we take a break. Back with Hayes working on the arm but Andrade uses the other arm for a hard clothesline.

Some dragon screw legwhips take Hayes down and the running knees in the corner give Andrade two. Hayes grabs a spinning faceplant for two but Andrade knocks him off the top for the double moonsault. Andrade’s spinning back elbow gets two more, only to dive into the First 48 for two more. Not that it matters as Andrade is right back with the Message or the pin at 9:50.

Rating: B. This was a match that felt like it should have been just another match but they wound up rolling to a good one. That’s more than I would have expected and I was wondering which way they were going. Neither of them needed to lose but I can go with Andrade getting a win to boost him up for a bit, though it would be nice to have it actually get a follow-up.

We look back at Nia Jax scaring Tiffany Stratton out of cashing in Money In The Bank/

We get a split-screen sit-down interview with Jax and Bayley. Jax promises to put Bayley out of her misery, which has Bayley rolling her eyes. Bayley says Jax hasn’t changed since they met and brings up Jax injuring her years ago. Jax is clumsy and reckless (Jax DID NOT like that) but Bayley is leaving Summerslam as champion. Jax: “Is this done yet?” And she storms off.

Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair argue with Chelsea Green and Piper Niven over who gets to talk to Nick Aldis first. A match is made.

Bianca Belair vs. Chelsea Green

Jade Cargill and Piper Niven are here too. A German suplex drops Green early but she slips out of the KOD. Green rolls her up but Belair reverses into one of her own for the win at 57 seconds. Well, that was quick.

Post match Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre pop up on screen to say they’ll see about giving Belair and Cargill a rematch.

Nick Aldis is in the ring for the contract signing between LA Knight and Logan Paul. Knight and Paul come to the ring, with the latter wondering why he should give Knight a title shot. Knight says that might be true, but every time they have been face to face, Knight has owned and cooked him. Paul has come a long way by winning the US Title but the Knight broke into Paul’s house and even pinned him. Paul: “Listen to yourself SHAUN!” (Knight’s real first name).

Knight is the only one who needs this match because his entire existence is built in this ring. Paul lists off everything else he has done and says Knight wants Paul’s accolades without being him. He calls Knight a fraud, which Knight finds interesting because Paul is a champion who won’t fight. That’s enough for Paul to sign but he can’t take anything from Knight because Knight doesn’t have anything. Paul bails but then charges back in, only to have to bail from the threat of the BFT. Good stuff here, though Knight almost has to win. I’m just not sure that he will.

Video on Tiffany Stratton.

LA Knight runs into Santos Escobar, who says he would beat Knight one-on-one. Knight says if Escobar wants in, ask his mom for Knight’s number. A match seems likely.

Tiffany Stratton vs. Michin

Nia Jax is here with Stratton. Michin starts fast by dropkicking her into the corner and a Cannonball gets two. A Jax distraction on the floor lets Stratton hit a hard Alabama Slam as we take a break. Back with Stratton knocking her down for two more but a second Alabama Slam is blocked. A running neckbreaker puts Stratton down and a tornado DDT gets two. Stratton is back up with a running hip attack and a running dropkick for two of her own.

Michin’s middle rope dropkick puts Stratton on the floor but she’s back in with a Regal Roll. The Prettiest Moonsault Ever is loaded up but cue Bayley for a distraction. Bayley hits Jax in the head with the briefcase and proceeds to destroy it, with the distraction letting Michin get the rollup pin at 8:07.

Rating: C+. This felt like it was teasing a mixture of both a new briefcase and Stratton cashing in sooner rather than later. Maybe they let her wait a long time like others, but it would not shock me to see her get the title fairly soon. Jax is almost destined to get it first, but Stratton almost has to, as it just suits her so well.

Solo Sikoa talks about how hard it is being the Tribal Chief but wonders who is going to step up and team with Cody Rhodes. Whoever that is will be disrespecting the Bloodline, because he is the Tribal Chief and you will acknowledge him.

We look at DIY beating A-Town Down Under in back-to-back weeks, though Jacob Fatu wrecked them last week.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Cody Rhodes has found a partner.

Cody Rhodes/Kevin Owens vs. A-Town Down Under

Rhodes knees Theory in the ribs to start and hands it off to Owens to knock him out to the floor. Back in and a quick cheap shot takes over on Rhodes as the fans are all over Waller. Owens comes back in and slugs away without much trouble, including an enziguri and Cannonball to Waller. Theory offers a distraction though, allowing Waller to block the Swanton.

We take a break and come back with Waller holding Owens in a cravate and adding some knees to the face. Owens breaks up a superplex (commentary pointed out how you can’t superplex him) and hits the Swanton, allowing the tag off to Rhodes for the house cleaning. Waller comes in off a blind tag though and hits a quick faceplant for two. Waller’s knee almost hits Theory again but the distraction lets Owens get in a quick Stunner. Cross Rhodes finishes Theory at 11:52.

Rating: B-. Perfectly watchable main event here as the question was more about whether the Bloodline would interfere before or after the pin. A-Town Down Under continues its downward spiral and that does not seem likely to change anytime soon. The action was fine enough, but this was more about getting Rhodes in the ring, which is often a good idea.

Post-match the Bloodline comes in and, just like last week, makes Rhodes watch as one of his friends is wrecked. Rhodes is TripleBombed through the announcers’ table to end the show. Is Rhodes going to be the one to bring back Roman Reigns to help him in the fight? That could work.


Andrade b. Carmelo Hayes – Message
Bianca Belair b. Chelsea Green – Rollup
Michin b. Tiffany Stratton – Rollup
Cody Rhodes/Kevin Owens b. A-Town Down Under – Cross Rhodes to Theory



Head over to my website at kbwrestlingreviews.com with thousands of reviews from around the world and throughout wrestling history.

The final score: review Very Good
The 411
This was another show where they covered a good bit of stuff (two matches set for Summerslam, Bayley setting her sights on Tiffany Stratton, the tease of Cody Rhodes needing a savior) and had a pretty sweet opener as a bonus. They are getting ready for the big show in just over two weeks and this is the kind of show that they needed. Good stuff here and they are getting closer to the really big stuff in the next few weeks.

article topics :

Smackdown, WWE Smackdown, Thomas Hall