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Hamilton’s wXw Femmes Fatales 2022 10.01.2022 Review

Quick Results
Elijah Blum pinned Gulyas Jr. in 6:09 (**¾)
Femmes Fatales 2022 First Round: Killer Kelly pinned Iva Kolasky in 9:29 (***¼)
Femmes Fatales 2022 First Round: Anastasia Bardot pinned Orsi in 5:57 (**¾)
Femmes Fatales 2022 First Round: Aliss Ink pinned Nicky Foxley in 3:08 (**½)
Femmes Fatales 2022 First Round: Masha Slamovich pinned Ava Everett in 7:14 (***¼)
Michelle Green pinned Maria de la Rosa & Shazza McKenzie in 6:18 (**½)
Femmes Fatales 2022 Semi-Final: Aliss Ink pinned KIller Kelly in 6:09 (**¾)
Femmes Fatales 2022 Semi-Final: Masha Slamovich pinned Anastasia Bardot in 3:13 (**¾)
Baby Allison pinned Calypso & Amale to retain the wXw Women’s Championship in 7:01 (***½)
Femmes Fatales 2022 Final: Aliss Ink pinned Masha Slamovich in 9:35 (***¼)
— If you’re on Twitter, give me a follow over on @IanWrestling – and check out the GoFundMe that’s still open for Larry’s family.
— If you want to catch this before it’s uploaded to Peacock/WWE Network, head over to wXwNOW.com
The return of Femmes Fatales opened up the World Tag Team Festival, err, festivities in Oberhausen… Dave Bradshaw and Mett Dimassi are on commentary from the Turbinenhalle.
Elijah Blum vs. Gulyas Jr.
We’ve a single pre-show match, which is up for free on wXw’s YouTube…
Opening with a lock-up, Gulyas backed Blum into a corner… then had the favour returned. Gulyas blocked a headlock takedown, then had his wristlock broken as a headlock takedown from Blum paid dividends. Gulyas returned with a shoulder tackle, but ate another armdrag from Blum as a telegraphed back body drop allowed Blum in with a side Russian legsweep.
A dropkick from Blum keeps Gulyas down for a two-count, while some jabs from Gulyas got him back in ahead of a leaping forearm off the ropes. An uppercut gets Gulyas a two-count, while chops dropped Blum, leading to a back senton for a near-fall… with Blum’s crucifix on the kick-out turning things around.
Gulyas’ pop-up knee took Blum to the corner though as a cannonball squashes him for a near-fall. Clotheslines from Blum offered hope, eventually taking Gulyas down, before the Parting Gift – a swinging neckbreaker – got the win. An enjoyable outing, albeit brief, with Blum getting past the more experienced Gulyas. **¾
The main show opened with the traditional parade of entrants…
Femmes Fatales 2022 First Round: Killer Kelly vs. Iva Kolasky
This was Kelly’s return to the Turbinenhalle for the first time since Carat weekend in March 2020 – and the tournament she debuted in for wXw five years ago.
Kolasky’s a little intimidated to start, as she headed into the ropes early on, before Kelly backed her into the corner… and broke after an ear-piercing scream. Yeah, it was loud. The ropes save Iva seconds later as Kelly went for a submission, before a side headlock allowed Kelly to wrench away on the Hungarian.
Headscissors get Kolasky free, but Kelly elbowed back into the match, following in with a side headlock that Kolasky broke with some hair pulling. Kelly comes right back with a PK though, then some forearms and a bicycle kick for a near-fall. Kolasky powders outside but can’t avoid an apron PK… she rolled back in to avoid a second, as she then hung up Kelly across the top rope.
Kelly’s choked in the ropes, then hit with a splits legdrop on the apron for a two-count, following up with some mudhole stomping and a cartwheel slap that drew a rather bemused and offended look from Kelly. After kicking out, Kelly stared daggers at Kolasky, but ended up falling to a clothesline that nearly won the match.
Kelly kicks out after she’s thrown down to the mat, then from some cartwheel knees, as she then caught Kolasky with a capture headbutt and a butterfly suplex… before short-arm clotheslines and the Shades of Shibata caught Kolasky in the corner. All that’s left from there is a pin attempt, but Kolasky’s up at two… and tried to hit a splits facebuster to win the match. Another Kelly kick-out annoys Kolasky, as did one from a moonsault, as Kelly then monstered up and put Iva away with the Vale da Morte. A really good opener with Kolasky taking Kelly to the limit, but on this night it wasn’t to be. ***¼
Femmes Fatales 2022 First Round: Anastasia Bardot vs. Orsi
This was a wXw debut for Bardot, who had come into the tournament rather unfancied given her opponent.
Bardot took Orsi to the corner from the opening lock-up, slapping the Hungarian on the break as Orsi tried to make a way in with some shoulder tackles. They’re cut-off with a knee to the midsection, but Orsi’s finally able to charge down Bardot after a missed charge into the corner.
The pair trade forearms from there, with Orsi pulling ahead before a slam ended with Bardot falling on top of her for a near-fall. A chinlock keeps Orsi down, as did a clothesline off the ropes, before the pair exchanged charging strikes in the corners.
Orsi manages to sneak in a spear, but opted to pick up Bardot for the slam… landing it this time around, but it’s not enough for the win as Bardot kicked out at two. Bardot escaped a jackhammer attempt as she pulled Orsi down by the hair, taking her to the corner for a cannonball, before a superplex from Bardot got countered into a powerbomb out of the corner.
Orsi goes back to the jackhammer… but it’s snuffed out as Bardot came right back with a Michinoku driver… and that’s your lot. A good opening round match, with Orsi’s inexperience costing her – a good continuation of her development, flying in the face of those who perhaps expected the proverbial rocket pack treatment. **¾
Femmes Fatales 2022 First Round: Nicky Foxley vs. Aliss Ink
We’ve another debut here, this time for Ink.
Foxley ducked a head kick to start, but couldn’t avoid a barrage of kicks as some bodyscissors took her into the corner early on. A snapmare out of the corner and a running Meteora gave Ink an early two-count, but Foxley shook the ropes to knock Ink off the top rope.
We’ve a diving uppercut to the back from Foxley, then a Curt Hennig-esque neck flip, before a leg sweep put Aliss back in it, while a flip senton drew a two-count. Ink heads up top and lands a single leg dropkick, then a 619/Tiger feint kick in the ropes before a Foxbuster saw Foxley almost snatch a win.
Ink shuts the door on Foxley with a roundhouse kick – stopping to reposition her after Foxley fell by the ropes – as the debutant got the pin in a shade over three minutes. **½
Femmes Fatales 2022 First Round: Ava Everett vs. Masha Slamovich
Ava took care on the ramp this time, as the former women’s champion looked to take her first steps back towards the title.
The pair squared off with Masha slapping Ava into the corner before a Biel throw took Everett across the ring. A running kick keeps Ava in the opposite corner and drew a one-count, before Ava took Masha into the ropes and scored with a neckbreaker. Ava’s kick knocked Masha down for a one-count, while a snap suplex drew a two-count.
Masha’s taken into the corner for some boot choking, then some forearms as Everett ended up taking a dropkick through the ropes… then a roll-up before Slamovich picked her up for a Fly Swatter. From there, a release German suplex bounces Everett, who returned the favour ahead of duelling clotheslines and front kicks. Ava’s springboard cutter out of the corner nearly won it after both women got back to their feet, while a Codebreaker and a face-washing boot in the corner kept Ava ahead.
Ava pulls Masha out of the corner and into a DDT for a near-fall, before another corner cutter’s caught as Masha countered with an Electric Chair… and ran into the opposite corner to drop Ava into the buckles. All that’s left is a Shining Wizard, and that’s Masha in the semis after a nice competitive match to wrap up the first round. ***¼
Maria de la Rosa vs. Michelle Green vs. Shazza McKenzie
A late addition to the show gave us some more wXw debuts in the form of the Spaniard de la Rosa and the Swiss Green.
De La Rosa hands the referee a rose to start, which seemed to upset Green a little, as we opened with knuckle locks and attempts at O’Connor rolls. They give way to a double-team suplex on Green, before de la Rosa’s back suplex and dropkick took McKenzie down. Green’s back to take Maria to the corner for a shoulder charge, with some right hands ending with Maria side stepping… and having the rope pulled into her.
A side Russian legsweep from Green led to a Bully choke on the mat, with McKenzie adding a Northern lights suplex to Green after she’d broken the hold up. Shazza’s double jump armdrag and a dropkick puts her in control, leading to a face-washing boot in the corner before an attempt at kicks to Green in the ropes ended with de la Rosa sweeping Shazza head-first into Green’s knee.
Back inside, tiltawhirl headscissors from Green get countered into a sidewalk slam, before a discus elbow nearly won it for Maria. A standing stomp from de la Rosa sees Shazza break up the pin before it starts, as McKenzie trapped both opponents in the ropes for kicks on the apron.
McKenzie’s crossbody off the top nearly puts Maria away, with Green trying to steal a pin of her own, before de la Rosa stopped Green with a German suplex. A head kick from Maria drops McKenzie, as a Fisherman buster forced Shazza to break up a pin on Green… Shazza’s splits-stunner dropped de la Rosa, but Green’s back to break up the cover and then steal the three-count. They tried to do some things different in this three-way – and while they didn’t always come off, it was better than the typical “two in, one out” formula. **½
Femmes Fatales 2022 Semi-Final: Aliss Ink vs. Killer Kelly
Ink had the quickest win in the first round – and perhaps the biggest test in the semis?
The pair squared off and traded forearms early on, but it’s Ink who pulled ahead with kicks and those headscissors, taking Kelly to the corner. Kelly sidesteps a running knee, then rolled outside to compose herself… and drew out Ink, who ended up taking an apron PK.
Back inside, Kelly picked up a two-count, then followed with a release Fisherman’s suplex… a second one’s escaped, but Kelly stayed on Ink with forearms as a Fisherman buster landed with impact for a one-count.
Kelly blocks a snapmare, but ends up grounded with some headscissors that ended in the ropes. Ink stays on Kelly with forearms and elbows into the corner, only for Kelly to respond with capture headbutts and a butterfly suplex into the corner. The Shades of Shibata connects next, before Ink escaped Vale da Morte, only to get the Thatcher-esque slaps.
Vale da Morte lands seconds later, but Ink’s up at two… to the bemusement of Kelly, who got caught moments later with a roundhouse kick as Ink scored the upset and booked her spot in the finals. **¾
Femmes Fatales 2022 Semi-Final: Anastasia Bardot vs. Masha Slamovich
So the winner gets Aliss Ink in the finals, but it’s Masha who came out of the blocks all guns ablazin’, taking Bardot into the corner before a spinning heel kick took down the Russian for a two-count.
A suplex from Bardot’s next, as was a camel clutch, but Bardot lets go of the hold and looked to try something different. Unfortunately for her, Masha came back in with clotheslines before Bardot charged her down, only for an up-kick in the corner and a front kick to land as Masha turned it around.
Bardot’s able to get back into the match, landing a cannonball in the corner for a near-fall, before Slamovich escaped a Michinoku driver, countering with a German suplex. The Shining Wizard’s next, and that one-hit kill’s able to put Masha in the finals after a brief, but competitive outing. **¾
wXw Women’s Championship: Amale vs. Calypso vs. Baby Allison (c)
This was Amale’s first shot at regaining a title she’d been forced to vacate a year ago.
Amale and Calypso ganged up on Allison to start, taking her into the ropes before Allison landed a double clothesline… then some elbows as she tried to isolate one of her challengers. It didn’t quite work out as the French connection overwhelmed her, with Calypso’s Slingblade taking the champion down before things spilled outside, as Allison again faced the disadvantage.
Calypso headed to the apron and hit a nice cartwheel dropkick to Allison, before Allison got whipped into the corner by Amale ahead of a pump kick. An attempted double-team on Allison backfired though, with the champion finally getting her way with corner-to-corner shoulder thrusts, before a Northern Lights suplex nearly put Calypso away.
Amale tries to capitalise, but she ran into a roll-through Muta lock that Calypso quickly broke apart, following in with a Fisherman suplex for a near-fall. Calypso heads up top, but is stopped by Allison… and Amale, who triggered the mini Tower of Doom. Amale adds a head kick and a Hope Breaker to Calypso, but Allison broke up the cover in the nick of time.
Allison and Amale trade blows, leading to Amale’s full nelson slam and a Champion Maker… but Allison’s up at two from that take on Levaniel’s finisher. Calypso tries to sneak back in with a superkick, but Amale sidestepped it… only to get met with a German suplex, before Allison nailed Calypso with a spear for the win. They did a lot with the time they had, with Allison finally closing Calypso’s championship claims… while a devastated Amale has to wait for her next shot. ***½
Femmes Fatales 2022 Final: Aliss Ink vs. Masha Slamovich
The winner of this gets a shot at Baby Allison for the title…
We open with the pair trading forearms, but it’s Ink who backed Masha into the corner with knee strikes. Masha knocked Ink to the outside for a through-the-ropes dropkick, then a cannonball off the apron. The pair continue to scrap on the outside, with Ink resetting the count before she whipped Masha into my knees.
Masha takes over and cleared away the front row so she could suplex Ink into the chairs. They continue to scrap around the crowd, with a roundhouse kick from Ink knocking out Masha… but Aliss resets the count again so she could roll Masha back in to pick up a two-count.
Ink takes Masha to the ropes for some chops, then a spinning heel kick for a near-fall, before she rolled Masha down for a trapped Kimura. Slamovich is able to get to the ropes to force a break, before a low thrust kick caught Ink out for a near-fall. Masha keeps going, taking Ink to the corner… only for Ink to fight out, and run into a front kick.
Ink’s taken back to the corner for a step-up knee, then a front kick before a clothesline nearly won it for Masha. The pair trade forearms before Ink’s knees and a floatover DDT left Masha laying, before a Codebreaker from Ink shut down another teased comeback. A slam from Ink’s next, but she’s caught on the top rope as Slamovich brought her down with an Air Raid Crash into the buckles.
From there, Slamovich tees up for a front kick, then a Shining Wizard, but Ink kicked out at two, as she then ducked a backfist and cracked Masha with the roundhouse kick… and that’s the unlikely tournament win for Ink! ***¼
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