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Hearing Date Set For Kimber Lee’s DUI Case Following May Arrest

August 29, 2023 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Kimber Lee Image Credit: Impact Wrestling

Impact and NXT alumnus Kimber Lee is set for a hearing for her trial on charges stemming from a May DUI arrest. PWInsider reports that Lee, real name Kimberly Frankele, has a pre-trial hearing scheduled for October 24th in Highlands County Court.

The case is for a May 11th arrest in which Lee was charged with DUI, Resisting an Office with Violence and Battery on a Law Enforcement Officer. According to a police report, an officer saw a grey Kia Soul facing the wrong direction stopped on a roadway at 4:54 PM ET on U.S. 27 and made a traffic stop. The car started to move and drove over the land onto the paved shoulder, and “almost collided with the face of the guard rail.” The card then made a left into the parking lot of a shopping center and finally stopped at a parking space. Lee was driving and was described as having “blood shot watery eyes, and she slurred as she spoke.” The officer noted that Lee kept “forgetting why [she had been stopped] and asked me several times when (sic) I was messing with her.”

The officer said he had to ask several times for her driver’s license and that Lee tried to leave the area multiple times so she could retrieve her laundry from a laundromat. Roberts explained to her that she was not to leave but was to remain in her vehicle as she was suspected of being under the influence. When he attempted to place her in handcuffs, she allegedly struck him in the chest to stop him and he informed her she was under arrest for battery on a law enforcement officer. He got one of the cuffs on Lee, who then allegedly “began kicking me in the chest and in my face, busting my lip and the gums in my mouth. At one point, the subject grabbed the cell phone and after I removed it from her hands and after I removed it from her hands, again I tried to place the restraints on her, and she my left hand twice hard enough to break my skin a (sic) bleed from it.”

Lee was eventually detained and taken into custody by the Sebring, Florida Police Department to transport her to the Highlands County Jail. The report notes that he made contact with Lee after being treated for his injuries at a hospital and asked her to submit to a breathalyzer test. She gave a sample at 10:22 PM, five hours after the initial arrest, that had a 0.14 blood alcohol content. The legal limit in Florida is a 0.08. When asked to give a second sample, she allegedly failed to comply and failed to “give a sample on purpose.” She entered a not guilty plea to all charges on July 7th.

Lee announced on May 6th, five days before the arrest, that she was retiring from the ring.

article topics :

Kimber Lee, Jeremy Thomas