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Himanshu’s TNA Impact Review 02.22.24

February 22, 2024 | Posted by Himanshu Doi
TNA Impact Alex Shelley 2-22-24 Image Credit: TNA
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Himanshu’s TNA Impact Review 02.22.24  

Hey there, TNA fans! It’s Thursday and that means it’s time for another episode of iMPACT! I’m Himanshu (you can follow me on Twitter @Himanshu_Doi) and you know how this works. Tonight on iMPACT!, we have The System vs. KUSHIDA, Alex Shelley and Kevin Knight and more. So let’s jump right in!

As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.

IMPACT Wrestling

Date: February 22nd, 2024
Location: Osceola Heritage Park, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matt Rehwoldt

Match 1: Chris Sabin vs. Jason Hotch

Hotch hits a leg lariat on Sabin. Sabin hits a back body drop followed by a boot to the face in the corner and a tornado DDT from the second rope for two. Sabin kicks him in the gut and goes for a Cradle Shock but Hotch counters with a Chaos Theory suplex for two. Sabin goes for a Cradle Shock but Hotch counters with a jacknife pin for two. Hotch superkicks Sabin and throws Sabin outside the ring. Skyler attacks Sabin outside while the referee isn’t looking and Hotch goes for a suicide dive but hits Skyler instead. Sabin hits a Suicide Dive followed by a Cradle Shock for the win.

Result: Chris Sabin def. Jason Hotch by pinfall
Rating: ***¼

We see a vignette by Mustafa Ali. Mustafa says Sabin is a 10-time champion but he had to lose the title 9 times. Mustafa Ali says TNA must declare change and say in Ali they trust.

A backstage promo with The System and Moose says Alex Shelley will get the beat down of a lifetime. Moose says its a No DQ match and we know how that works. Santino Marella comes in and says the No DQ rules are for the participants in the ring. If anyone of the System get involved, Moose will lose the title.

A backstage promo by Sabin who says initially he was excited about Mustafa Ali but that time has gone. He asks who Ali thinks he is. He says at No Surrender, Mustafa Ali will find out why Sabin is the 10-time X-Division Champion.

Match 2: Simon Gotch vs. Jack Price

Josh Alexander joins in on commentary. Simon Gotch hits a running dropkick on Price on the bottom rope. Gotch hits an uppercut to the back of Price’s neck. He takes Price to the top rope and hits a superplex and hits a Gotch-style piledriver. He points at Josh Alexander and locks in a bulldog choke and Price taps out.

Result: Simon Gotch def. Jack Price by submission
Rating: NR

Gotch still has the choke locked in and Josh gets in the ring. Simon Gotch has a face off with Josh before leaving the ring.

Backstage promo by Grizzled Young Vets. Gibson says ABC will drown and they will be the new tag team champions. Drake says at No Surrender when they see GYV coming, Grit Your Teeth.

We see a video package of the Kon vs. PCO feud.

Match 3: Trent Seven vs. Maclin

Seven hits a crossbody followed by a powerslam and a legdrop for one. Trent Seven chops Maclin in the corner and throws him over with a hip toss. Maclin hits Seven with a short arm lariat. Maclin chops Seven and chokes him against the ropes. Maclin hits a knee drop from the second rope for two. Maclin gets a chinlock on Seven but Seven gets to the ropes. Seven chops Maclin but gets a boot in the face. Seven chops Maclin and whips Maclin into the corner but Maclin reverses it and hits a lariat. Maclin hits a backbreaker and goes to the top rope but Seven hits a chop and hits a superplex on Maclin. Maclin hits a chop but Seven hits a DDT. Maclin goes outside the ring and Seven follows him. The Rascalz talk down Seven but Bailey hits a moonsault on them followed by a Whisper in the Wind from Seven. Seven hits a Seven Star Lariat for two. The Rascalz try to get involved but Bailey and Seven get them out of the way. Maclin hits a running knee followed by a KIA for the win.

Result: Trent Seven def. Maclin by pinfall
Rating: ***¼

Gisele Shaw with a backstage promo and she says she got rid of her distractions and she’s going to turn her X into gold. Gail Kim walks up to Gisele Shaw and advices her to do it with a little but of Grace and humility. Gisele Shaw says she’s going to win the title without anyone’s help or advice.

Backstage promo with Bailey and Seven. Bailey says he and The Rascalz have fundamental disagreements over wrestling as for him it’s in the ring. Seven invites The Rascalz to the peak of Speedball Mountain and they will see who comes down the other side the better people.

Eric Young comes out to the ring for this match. Kazarian comes out and introduces Eric Young to one of his ghosts. Big Damo makes his entrance.

Match 4: Eric Young vs. Big Damo

Big Damo hits a pop-up slam followed by a running elbow drop for two. Young hits a superplex. Young hits a piledriver for the win.

Result: Eric Young def. Big Damo by pinfall
Rating: **

After the match, Eric Young talks about his match at No Surrender.

Backstage promo by Tasha Steelz and she says Xia Brookside wants a rematch. Tasha says she’s going to do that tomorrow because that’s Okurr.

Dani Luna is backstage and Jody Threat walks up to her and talks about the three-way Knockouts Tag Team match. Dani says she beat Kelly and Jody beat Masha. Jody says they’re not going to change and that’s a threat.

Match 5: Ash by Elegance vs. Savannah Thorne

Ash chokes Savannah against the ropes and drops her from her shoulders. She hits a handspring back elbow and hits Rarefied Air for the win.

Result: Ash by Elegance def. Savannah Thorne by pinfall
Rating: NR

Match 6: The System vs. KUSHIDA, Alex Shelley and Kevin Knight

Shelley snaps the arms of Myers and Edwards. Kushida gets the tag and hits kicks on Eddie and hits a handspring back elbow on Eddie. He hits a Tanaka Punch to Eddie and Kushida hits a moonsaukt onto Eddie and pins him but Moose breaks it up. Knight hits a uranage on Moose who goes outside the ring and goes for a suicide dive but Moose catches him but Knight reverses it and hits a running Swanton on The System outside the ring. Knight goes for a splash on Moose but Moose reverses it. Knight hits a Code Red for two. Kushida knocks Eddie outside the ring. Knight clears everyone outside the ring but Moose hits a spear on Knight for the win.

Result: The System def. KUSHIDA, Alex Shelley and Kevin Knight by pinfall
Rating: ****

Th System attack Knight, Shelley and Kushida after the match. Shelley locks a Border City Stretch on Moose but Myers drags Moose out of the ring. Shelley poses with the TNA World Championship.

The final score: review Good
The 411
Solid episode with a great main event. They've been able to do a great job of building to Chris Sabin vs. Mustafa Ali at No Surrender without Mustafa Ali actually appearing on IMPACT in-person. Ash by Elegance made her TNA in-ring debut and looked pretty good. She's been working in her gymnastics background and it will be interesting to see how she does against some of the top women in the Knockouts Division down the line. It was cool to see Big Damo here and I wouldn't mind seeing him as a regular on IMPACT. The main event was awesome and it was cool to see Kushida and Knight get to do as much as they did here. Knight has been fantastic in TNA and would be a great get for any company when his contract comes up.

article topics :

TNA Impact, Himanshu Doi