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Jay Lethal Turns Heel, Beats Lee Moriarty At ROH Supercard of Honor (Clips)

April 1, 2022 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Jay Lethal ROH Supercard of Honor Image Credit: ROH

Jay Lethal defeated Lee Moriarty at ROH Supercard of Honor, but he turned to the dark side in order to do it. Lethal picked up the win over Moriarty at Friday’s PPV after he used a low blow on his opponent and hit the Lethal Injection for the pifall.

After the match, Lethal solidified his heel turn by attacking Matt Sydal, who confronted him about the cheap tactics, kicking his crutch away and then assaulting him until Sonjay Dutt pulled him away.

You can see our live coverage of Supercard of Honor here.