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Jeremy’s WWE NXT Review 2.22.22

February 22, 2022 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
WWE NXT 2-22-22 Malcolm Bivens Image Credit: WWE
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Jeremy’s WWE NXT Review 2.22.22  

Hello NXT viewers! It’s Tuesday, and as such it’s time for another episode of WWE NXT. I’m Jeremy Thomas, here as always, and tonight we have Dolph Ziggler taking a trip down to the ol’ 2.0 to battle Tommaso Ciampa with a shot at the NXT Championship on the line. We also have LA Knight finally getting his chance for revenge against Grayson Waller, the start of the Women’s Dusty Cup, and more. NXT is coming off a very successful Vengeance Day and if they can keep that momentum up they’ll be in good shape — but then again, that’s always NXT’s challenge, so we’ll see how it goes.

Here at the Thomas household, I’m back in the thick of my movie-watching and had a busy week last week. I watched the new horror film The Cursed, which you can see my review for here, as well as Netflix’s Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I didn’t think it was a good movie by any remote stretch (they screwed over Sally Hardesty’s character HARD), but I was entertained and it wasn’t long enough to wear out its welcome. I get that it’s not for everyone but I didn’t hate it by any measure. I also saw a few documentaries in Team Foxcatcher, Audrie & Daisy, and Downfall: The Case Against Boeing, all of which were quite good and the latter two of which in particular will make you spitting-nails angry (or at least it did me). I also watched the upcoming ’80s sci-fi documentary In Search of Tomorrow and while I can’t say anything about it yet, expect a review from me on that soon.

I also did some TV catch-up and finished the last couple episodes of Peacemaker, which was a delight, as well as Showtime’s Yellowjackets which I cannot recommend enough for anyone who likes survival thrillers with some horror tinges. The Legend of Vox Machina finished up on Amazon Prime and again, if you have not seen it and enjoy adult (no, not THAT kind of adult) animated fantasy then you are selling yourself short if you don’t check it out. Finally, I watched the first episode of Netflix’s Korean high-school zombie horror series All Of Us Are Dead and suffice it to say, I’m hooked.

Anyway, we’re gonna have a lot to cover tonight so let’s hop right in.

As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.

* We kick off with a recap of last week’s Vengeance Day which saw Toxic Attraction, Pete Dunne, Carmelo Hayes, and Bron Breakker all emerge victorious — the latter with a little help from Tommaso Ciampa, who kept Dolph Ziggler’s involvement from costing Breakker the title.

* We’re LIVE in the Capitol Wrestling Center and here comes the NXT Champion as a denim-clad Bron makes his way to the ring. Bron gets a mic and says that Vengeance Day was a tough fight and Santos is a tough opponent, but he proved that only over his dead body will he lose his title. And he can’t think of a better weekend to try than WrestleMania when Stand and Deliver takes NXT back on the road to Dallas, Texas. He promises that he’ll walk in and out of the show as NXT Champion. And as far as the main event —

And here comes Dolph Ziggler! Ziggler congratulates Bron on his first NXT Title defense; you never forget your first. He says he knows he’s not the champ yet but he shouldn’t make promises he can’t keep. He says Bron is a Ford F350, he’s a badass. But will he make it there as champion? Dolph doesn’t think so. He says he’s going to stomp Ciampa out and at some point he’ll take the title, and maybe he’ll carry Bron on his shoulder to WrestleMania.

Breakker says he owes Dolph a recent for the superkick last week, so maybe he should bring his skinny ass to the ring. Dolph says that 7 – 10 business days, he’ll get the taste back in his mouth. He appreciates that Bron is a hothead and it’s in his genes — not just because of the Canadian tuxedo. Bron says they don’t pay him to dress up. Dolph says Bron’s the guy — in Orlando. But he’s the star. So he says Bron will take the night off, sit in the back because he’s barred from ringside so no cheap shots, no monkey see monkey do, no receipts. And he can see Dolph doe what he does better in the business. Dolph leaves.

* We get a recap of Grayson Waller playing himself into losing his restraining order against LA Knight from last week.

Grayson Waller vs. LA Knight

Waller immediately bails from the ring and then jumps in when Knight leaves. Knight chases him around and into the ring, clotheslining him down and then putting him against the ropes for a kick on the apron and a kneelift. Waller trips Knight into the turnbuckle though and takes over, going to the second rope. But Knight dodges, grabs Waller and crotches him in the ropes before bouncing them and then clotheslining him out of the ring as we go to PIP break.

Back from PIP break and Knight sends Waller to the outside, but is distracted by Sanga which allows Waller to send Knight into the steps. Waller beats on Knight and rolls him in, covering for two.

Waller up and he beats Knight down, stomping on him and going to work on Knight’s neck and shoulders with elbows. Front suplex, Waller goes up to the second rope for a big elbow drop and cover for two. Knee to Knight’s side, and Waller with a leg choke against the ropes for four. Rib shot and an Irish whip into a back elbow, cover for two.

Waller puts Knight on his knees in the corner, goes onto the apron and kicks Knight in the head. Back in and Knight fights back but gets put on Knight’s shoulders for a DVD powerbomb, cover for a nearfall.

Waller goes outside, down the ramp; and somersaults into the ring for the Stunner — but gets caught by Knight into a back suplex! Knight up now and fires off on Waller, comes off the ropes with a clothesline and then a back bodydrop! Knight stomps at Waller in the corner for four, sends Waller hard into the opposite corner and hits a neckbreaker. Knight goes for the BFT, but Sanga grabs Waller to save him and Knight goes down. Waller with the roll-up and gets the tights for three.

Winner: Grayson Waller (X:XX)
Rating: ** 3/4
Thoughts: Very solid starter that was diminished by an anti-climactic ending. Waller’s win serves him well and Knight isn’t hurt too bad by the loss, so I’m fine with that.

Knight attacks after the match, dodges an attack by Sanga and hits the BFT. He nails one on Waller as well.

* Dakota Kai is backstage looking for her partner, and finds Wendy Chu asleep. She is angry Chu didn’t tell them they’re in the Dusty Cup, but Wendy says she told her friend she’s always talking to. Dakota says her track record with friends isn’t very good. Wendy says she hasn’t had her as a partner, and says “See ya!” Dakota notes that Wendy chose HER and maybe it’ll work out… but probably not.

* Toxic Attraction are headed to the Toxic Lounge for the start of the women’s Dusty Cup, which is next.

* Cora Jade and Raquel Gonzalez are ready for a second round of training: but this time it’s Cora’s turn. It’s Tree Park Adventure Ride. Apparently Raquel is afraid of heights. They go through the obstacle course, with Raquel not happy but fighting through her fear (for the most part). They get to the zipline and Cora says trust her. They’ll do this, run through the Duty Cup and win the titles. Raquel is inspired and does it. Raquel says Cora helped her conquer her fear of heights, and Cora says next week they conquer the Dusty Cup.

* McKenzie is in the Toxic Lounge with TA. Jacy says they’ll be out there to watch the whole Dusty Classic, then she and Gigi mock Raquel and Cora’s training. McKenzie brings up Io and Kay Lee Ray, and Mandy says she gives them credit for realizing they can’t beat her, but if they think they’re beating Jacy and Gigi, they’re dumber than they look.

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Match
Kay Lee Ray & Io Shirai vs. Lash Legend vs. Amari Miller

Io stars off with Lash Legend, and Io comes off the ropes but gets knocked down. They jaw at each other, then Lash grabs Io by the hair and goes for a back suplex, but Io slips out and knocks Lash into the ropes, then hits a 619. Io tries to springboard and slips, but she recovers and kicks Legend, then goes up top to dropkick Lash. Lash tags in Amari Miller who trips Io but gets taken down. Io tags in KLR, and they double team Amari before KLR covers for two.

Ray with chops to Miller and goes for a suplex, but Miller with an inside cradle counter for two. She tags in Legend who comes in with a pump kick on Ray. Legend goes for a short-arm clothesline but KLR dodges, KLR Bomb! Io tags in, KLR hits a moonsault, IO with the top-rope moonsault for the pin.

Winner: Kay Lee Ray & Io Shirai (2:42)
Rating: N/R
Thoughts: No rating, but man Lash needs a LOT of work.

* McKenzie is backstage with Dante Chen, who gets his shot at Duke Hudson. Chen says Duke thinks he’s a bigshot and tried to end his career before it was started. He says Duke talked a big game when he wasn’t here last week, but he’s here now. This is his vengeance day, and it’ll be hard for Duke to sweep Persia off her feet when he won’t have any feet to stand on.

* Briggs tells Brooks Jenson that he’s in the (Friend) Zone no, so he’s going to get him back on the horse. He has Jensen record a video for a dating app where he first says his name is Briggs, then overly shouts, then… yeah, I don’t care. This is just bad.

Dante Chen vs. Duke Hudson

Chen attacks during Hudson’s entrance and rolls him into the ring. He continues the attack, but Hudson sends him outside the ring so Chen grabs Hudson’s leg and trips him. He slams Hudson’s leg into the apron and then into the ringside post. He goes for a post shot again but Hudson pulls Chen shoulder-first into the post.

Chen back in the ring and he lays into Chen with strikes and kicks, sends him into the corner and splashes him, DDT for a two-count. Chen climbs Hudson in the corner for punches, but Hudson slides out and knocks Chen down. Big boot to Chen from Hudson and a Razor’s Edge for three.

Winner: Duke Hudson (2:29)
Rating: N/A
Thoughts: RIP Dante Chen. You had a — no, you didn’t even have a good run.

* Carmelo Hayes and Trick approach the ring.

* Melo and Trick are out here, and Hayes delivers his catchphrase to start off. Tonight is a Melobration, but he’s gonna talk his talk first. He said he’d have the match of the night, he’d beat Cameron Grimes, and he’s stay NXT North American Champion. He says he put on the match of the night last week and no one was talking about Bron Breakker, Pete Dunne, or anyone else but him. He lays out all the things A stands for and Trick says they’re going to be in Dallas come April where America’s team and America’s champion will be at the same time…

But here comes Pete Dunne! Dunne has a mic and he asks what Hayes is on about. Melo says he’s beat everyone, but he hasn’t beat Dunne. But to be fair, he’s the A Champion, and he doesn’t think the best should sit on the sidelines for WrestleMania season. Melo sees what Dunne is trying to do but he can’t make everyone famous. Dunne says he should prove he doesn’t miss by facing him next week.

Trick says “Can you not hear that good?” No means no. Melo says if Skeet Dunne wants smoke from him, he’ll take it because he doesn’t back down from a fight. Trick talks trash until Cameron Grimes attacks, sending Hayes and Trick to the outside as we go to break.

Cameron Grimes vs. Trick Williams

This match was announced and began during the break. Grimes sends Trick to the outside, Hayes gives him some coaching and he runs in right into a kick from Grimes. Grimes slams Trick into the turnbuckle and chops him, then hits a chop off the ropes that sends Williams down. Big kick to the chest and cover for one.

Williams gets sent into the turnbuckle again and falls down, Hayes talks a little trash and Trick tries to escape through the ropes but gets caught by Grimes. Trick with a back elbow and a right hand, leaping Superman punch by Trick and then stomps on the mat. Grimes sent into the corner, clothesline, bodyslam. Big dropkick by Trick and cover for two.

WIlliams with a sleeper, Grimes to his feet but Trick sends him into the corner. Grimes off the ropes into a big spin kick and a cover for two. Mounted punches and Trick goes back to the sleeper. Grimes to his feet but gets slammed down to get locked in the sleeper (after some fumbling). Grimes to his feet, he goes for a snapmare that is clumsy and then comes off the ropes for some clotheslines. Charging kick in the corner, Grimes goes up top, Trick dodges and hits a big hit, but Grimes answers back. Grimes dodges some kicks, gets hit with a punch, but Grimes plants him with the spinning uranage for two.

Grimes back to his feet and into the corner, TO THE MOON time! He charges but Grimes escapes to the outside, he leaps and Trick dodges, but Trick charges into a suplerkick. Grimes up top for a crossbody to the back of Trick’s head, he hits the Cave In for three.

Winner: Cameron Grimes (5:59)
Rating: ** 1/4
Thoughts: There were a couple ugly moments in this, but it was fine all in all Grimes got the win as he should.

* Oh god, it’s more Brooks dating app lines. He makes a bunch of awful jokes, accidentally says he likes guys but not like that “not that there’s anything wrong with that” and then is sad about Kayden. Fuck this nonsense.

* Bron comes up to talk to Tommaso but he’s busy working out. He prepares to go and Ciampa says that as he sees it, it’s one win apiece and he needs to see who the better man is.

* We get a new vignette for Nikkita Lyons. She’s up next.

* We get a vignette for Andre Chase University, and Chase gives a lesson in intestinal fortitude which brings him to Von Wagner who has lost his balls. He’s called Von out to no success. Someone asks what happens when Chase gets in the ring with Von Wagner, he says he’s going to give Von an ass whuppin, then kicks that student out.

Nikkita Lyons vs. Kayla Inlay

Lockup in the ring, Inlay with a wristlock reversed by Lyons. She turns it into a headlock and armdrags Kayla. Lyons with a wristlock, Kayla tries to reverse and gets kicked in the head. They go back into the lockup, Inlay slaps the back of Lyons’ head and gets spinkicked.

Lyons works over the shoulder of Inlay, gets sent into the ropes and runs her over. She dives under a leapfrog, takes Inlay out. An awkward transition in the corner and Inlay takes over, delivering kneelifts and then shoulders to the gut. Lyons with a sunset flip out of the corner for two, she lays in the knees and strikes Inlay to the gut.

Nikita screams, she kicks Inlay three times to take her down and then splashes her in the corner. Kick to the head, Inlay counters a waistlock into one of her own, Lyons reverses and hits a German suplex. Kippup and a spinning kick to the head, split-legged legdrop and cover.

Winner: Nikita Lyons (4:04)
Rating: * 3/4
Thoughts: This was subpar, to be honest. Lyons has potential but needs to work on the smoothness of her work, and Inlay honestly got a bit too much offense for a what should have been a squash.

* Persia congratulates Duke Hudson on his win and gets grabbed by Duke for a makeout session. Indi walks up and says “gross.” Persia leaves, Duke says Indi used to enjoy it but says that was a long time ago. Duke says it doesn’t have to be and Dexter Lumis, who was there watching, looks sad and goes as Indi chases after him.

* Robert Stone says Andre Chase is dumb for challenging Von Wagner. He’ll get in the ring and then leave filing for personal disability.

* Alicia Taylor introduces the Creed Brothers as the 2022 Dusty Cup champions. Out they come with Malcolm Bivens. Bivens wants to talk about perception vs. reality. Imperium wants everyone to think they’re world class athletes but they haven’t done NCAAA tournaments or Olympic trials, but the Creeds did. They claim they’re the best tag team but they don’t have Dusty Classic wins. They say they’re fighing champions but haven’t defended the titles in weeks. He asks who Imperium is and that of course brings Imperium out.

Gunther comes out and says they will not talk about them that way. Aichner and Barthel say they don’t care if the Creeds won the Dusty Cup but they will never take the NXT Tag Team Champions. The Creeds attack Aichner and Barthel, and Gunther gets in the ring with Bivens. He goes to attack but Solo Sikoa is there! He drops Gunther and Bivens gives him a nervous thumbs up.

* Jensen tries to talk more and I just can’t. Fallon walks in and says you can just take a picture. She takes one and will set up his profile. Briggs says Brooks’ disastrous love life is his favorite form of entertainment. I have a feeling Briggs has literally unique tastes in that regard.

* McKenzie is with Joe Gacy and Harland, and has footage of them approaching Draco Anthony which led to Anthony shoving Gacy. Gacy gets creepy about Draco as an “athletic piece of clay that can be molded.” Next week Draco will face Harland.

Dusty Classic Match
Ivy Nile & Tatum Paxley vs. Kacy Catanzaro & Kayden Carter

Kayden starts off with Tatum and gets taken down after a lockup, but she gets right back up and takes Tatum down. Kayden off the ropes with a springboard dropkick and tags in Kacy, who covers for two.

Kacy Comes off the ropes for a rana but gets caught and put on her shoudlers. Nile tags in and Tatum tosses Kacy into a punch. Tatum back in and bends Kacy back into the ropes, then sends her to the mat. She tags in Nile, who comes off the second rope with an elbow drop for two.

Kacy tries to get the tag but gets caught, she slides off Nile’s back and gets caught again but kicks her off and gets the tag. Carter comes in hot, takes out Tatum and then kicks Nile in the head for a two-count.

Nile back up and hits a spinkick on Carter, she tags in Tatum, double-team slam and Tatum covers but Kacy makes the save. Nile send over the top, Kacy tags in and they hit their double-team for three.

Winner: Kayden Carter & Kacy Catanzaro (3:25)
Rating: **
Thoughts: It was a match. No one was bad but they had no time here and again, the women’s tournament is being shorted compared to the men’s tournament.

After the match, Ivy Nile manhandles Tatum in frustration until Strong calls her off. They leave Tatum there and walk off.

* Solo Sikoa is facing Gunther next week. He tells McKenzie he dropped Gunther, and next week he’ll take Gunther down. Bivens comes up and says he appreciates it, and goes for a high-five but Solo says he did it for himself, not Bivens. Solo leaves, leaving Bivens hanging.

* LA Knight cuts a promo and says he’ll give Waller credit, even though anyone with two eyes saw how Waller won. But Knight still took them both down and that’s who the crowd chanted for.

Set For Next Week:
– Gunther vs. Solo Sikoa
North American Title Match: Carmelo Hayes vs. Pete Dunne

Dolph Ziggler vs. Tommaso Ciampa

Ciampa has the crowd, obviously. They lockup, Ciampa with a waistlock that Dolph reverses. Counterwrestling between them that turns into a knee against the back of the head and slap to the back by Ciampa. They break and go back in, Ziggler rolls Ciampa into a two-count and they end up on their feet against the ropes. Quick sequence of reversals, Dolph escapes the FTE and a kick to the head. They go face to face and Ziggler headbutts Ciampa, cover for two.

Ziggler takes over and begins to work on the neck with a chinlock, getting on his back. Ciampa nearly fights out but Ziggler rakes the face. Ciampa in the corner and Ziggler pounds on him, then runs his face against the ropes. Rear naked choke, Ciampa gets to his feet and fights out with elbows and chops. Dolph with a kick, but Ciampa chops him hard and slides out of an Irish whip before running Dolph over. He comes off the ropes a couple of times and runs over Ziggler again! Elbow to the back of the head in the corner, he goes for a stomp on a downed Ziggler but Ziggler ducks. He goos for the Zig-Zag but Ciampa holds the ropes and sends Ziggler to the apron, kicking him hard as he hits the floor and we go to PIP break.

Back from break and Ziggler took back control over the break. He has Ciampa in a chinlock, but Ciampa fights his way out of it. They start trading shots, Ciampa with a big chop and comes off the ropes, catching a Ziggler dropkick and catapulting him into the corner. Charging clothesline by Ciampa, cover for two.

Ciampa and Ziggler slowly to their feet and trade shots, Ciampa takes control and stomps Ziggler down in the corner. He comes off the ropes RIGHT INTO A DROPKICK. Ciampa gets a hard shot but Ziggler off the ropes with a Rocker Dropper for two!

Both men again slow to get up in opposite corners, Ziggler is up first and lying in wait. He goes for the superkick but Ciampa kicks Ziggler! Powerbomb into a double kneedrop, cover for a nearfall! Ciampa charrges in with a knee, cover for two before Ziggler gets his foot on the ropes.

Ciampa drops a knee on Ziggler’s leg against the ropes, Dolph goes out to the outside. Ciampa goes out and gets shoved into the ringpost, Ziggler hits the Zig-Zag! The ref counts, Dolph gets Ciampa in at eight and rolls in at nine. Ciampa is up and favoring his arm, he goes for a Fairy Tale Ending but can’t. ZIggler locks in a sleeperhold and Ciampa’s fading! Ciampa struggles to break the hold, he gets to his knees with Dolph on his back and stands up! He drops Ziggler onto his back, cover for a nearfall!

Ciampa and Ziggler try to get to their feet, Ciampa goes to the outside and so does Dolph, chop to Dolph! Punch to Ciampa! They trade strikes on the apron but Ciampa takes over and hits a big kick. He hoists Ziggler up — AIR RAD CRASH onto the apron! Ciampa gets Ziggler up, rolls him in and falls over, but he eventually gets into the ring — but not before the cameraman smacks him! Ziggler with a superkick to Ciampa, cover for three!

Winner: Dolph Ziggler (15:36)
Rating: *** 1/2
Thoughts: Banger of a match that had both guys working absolutely great against each other. This was a well put-together match that had the expected schmozz ending, but it didn’t run what came before.

The cameraman was Robert Roode of course. The Dirty Dogs celebrate in the ring together. They attack Ciampa until Breakker comes out for the save and the Dogs bail. Breakker calls for a tag match for next week! Bron says find their balls and they can fight now! The Dogs nearly go but they charge the ring and referees come in to break it up. And with that, we’re done for the night!

The final score: review Not So Good
The 411
Man, what a dropoff from last week's Vengeance Day. It's not unexpected, and there was some very good stuff here. The opening match, the Bron/Dolph segment, and the main event were all great, and there's potential in Nikkita Lyons. But my gods, we did not need three segments of Briggs vs. Jenson. And the women's Dusty Cup matches are getting very unfortunately shorted for time, while Dante Chen was just summarily dumped off the hot list after trying to build him up a bit. I wanted to like this week's episode, but they made it too hard for me.

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WWE NXT, Jeremy Thomas