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Jeremy’s WWE NXT Review 6.18.24

June 18, 2024 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
WWE NXT 6-18-24 Ethan Page Image Credit: WWE
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Jeremy’s WWE NXT Review 6.18.24  

Hello everyone, and welcome to our live WWE NXT coverage on 411! Jeremy Thomas here as always, and tonight promises to be a big episode of our Tuesday night brand. Trick Williams will find out his next NXT Championship defense via a 25-man battle royal which will likely have some surprise appearances, while Kelani Jordan makes her first defense of the NXT Women’s North American Title against Michin. We’ll also see Roxanne Perez and Lola Vice team up to take on Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson as well as Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx in a triple threat tag team match, hear from North American Champion Oba Femi, plus plenty more. Looks to be an exciting show!

Here at the hold Thomas household, I’m staying busy with movies. My Pride Month Queer As Fuck movie-watching challenge has continued with the delightful influencer-themed horror flick Sissy, the middling 1992 psycho roommate thriller Single White Female (kudos to the two leads for giving their all though), the wild and fun Brian De Palma 1974 musical Phantom of the Paradise, and the brutal but enrapturing 2012 psychological horror film Excision.

Outside of those, I also watched the very decent and enlightening Brat Pack documentary Brats from Andrew McCarthy on Hulu, Netflix’s touching doc Remembering Gene Wilder, and the new documentary Kim’s Video about one of the most famous video stores in US history and the crazy quest to bring its massive tape library back to the States from Italy. Finally, I saw the Italian horror comedy Cemetery Man from 1994, which is surreal and silly in the right ways.

Meanwhile on TV, I’ve remain caught up on RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars season nine (my Team Gottmik allegiance is unfettered), loved the season finale of Dropout’s Game Changer, watched the well-constructed docuseries Last Call: When a Serial Killer Stalked Queer New York on Max, and started to watch the first season of Dimension 20’s Fantasy High on Dropout which is a lot of fun.

Anyway, we’re gonna have a lot to cover tonight so let’s hop right in.

As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.

* We’re LIVE in the Capitol Wrestling Center and starting off with Je’Von Evans making his way to the ring for the battle royal with a ton of guys already in the ring. No TNA guys stand out to me —


Joe gets a mic and says he is here in NXT! He says Cody Rhodes announced it would be 25 men, but let’s be honest: it’s 24 men and one sensation. He’s going to walk to the ring, eliminate all of them, win the title and bring it to TNA. And when the title changes hands, the WWE Universe will chant “We Believe!” And what they believe in is 252 pounds of pure motivation, the answer to all life’s problems. They believe in Joe Hendry!

And here comes Ethan Page too!

NXT Championship #1 Contender’s Battle Royal

Page and Hendry face off — but Oro Mensah attacks Page and knocks him over the top to the outside! Hendry is dogpiled by the NXT roster and gets tossed out! He’s pissed! Oh look, Frankie Kazarian is here too, he eliminated Joe.

The crowd is chanting “BULLSHIT!” and Lexis smacks Tony D’Angelo from behind, but backs off as Tony turns, thinks Edris Enofe did it and tosses him. We’re in opening battle royal brawl mode, Shawn Spears pulls down the rope and Eddy Thorpe goes over the top to the floor. Ridge Holland hits Joe Coffey with a German suplex and the competitors continue to fight around the ring. Malik hits Dempsey with a crossbody and gets put on the apron, he tries to rana Dempsey out of the ring but Damon Kemp with a sliding dropkick to send Malik to the floor — and Dempsey goes with him! The NQCC argue and Kazarian dumps Borne and Kemp!

Apollo Crows puts Humberto on the apron and is out with him, he gets tripped and Angel nails him with a knee that sends him to the floor as we go to PIP break.

A number of people were eliminated during the break. Dante Chen gets knocked to the apron but gets Tavion Heights on the apron with him — and Ridge Holland knocks them both to the floor. Joe Coffey was eliminated during the break, as was Luca Crusifino. Lexis King saves Humberto but then eliminates him and comes face to face with Angel, who decks him and tosses him over the top! And Tank eliminates Angel!

Tyler Bate picks up Tank for the airplane spin, and slams him down to the mat. Bate grabs him and dumps him over the top. Bate turns and gets nailed by Tony, who hits Kazarian with a belly to belly — and one to spears! Frazer off the top and gets nailed, then thrown onto the apron. Tony charges into an enzuigiri, Frazer with the crossbody but gets caught. Frazer manages to eliminate Tony but is put on the apron with Dragon Lee. They trade kicks, Dragon Lee with a charging knee that eliminates Frazer!

We’re down to Ridge, Dragon, Kazarian, Bate, Spears and Evans. Ridge picks Evans up but gets nailed by Bate, they put him on the apron and knock him to the floor. Bate then nails Lee and is whipped into the ropes — he bounces off and nails Spears! Bates takes it to Spears and goes up top but Spears PUSHES HIM to the floor!

We’re down to Kazarian, Bate, Lee and Evans! Evans and Kaz spar off, Lee and Spears does. Spears turns and puts Kaz on the apron but Kaz with a legdrop. Spears gets nailed by Lee and rolls to the outside, Evans sends Kaz over the top to the floor! We’re down to Evans and Lee (and Spears).

Evans and Lee trade punches, Lee with a big kick and off the ropes into a superkick. They trade German suplexes, Lee hits a BIG sitout powerbomb! Lee is charged up, he goes to leap over the top on Evans and Spears knocks him to the floor!

Spears comes in but is hit with a jawbreaker. He is thrown over the top but skins the cat, he goes up on Spears shoulders but avoids the C4. Spears put on the apron but he nails Evans. Sprinboard into a BIG shot by Evans! He tosses Spears to win!

Winner: Je’Von Evans (16:46)
Rating: ***
Thoughts: Perfectly fine battle royal with some good action and interactions. Nice to see Kaz hang in until nearly the end. Evans winning is interesting, we’ll see how this goes.

* The women in the locker room talk about Kelani vs. Michin tonight and Fallon walks in to mock Carlee, saying if anyone deserves a title match it’s her. Carlee says Fallon got her chance in Las Vegas. Fallon says she’s the only one who deserves a match and it turns into a yelling match as Sol Ruca walks off.

* Lola Vice is training when Roxy walks up and asks if she thinks she’s stupid. Lola acknowledges she was looking at the title but she’s not coming after her yet. She’s gonna knock out every woman in the locker room. Roxy says she doesn’t trust Lola or anyone and says it’s time to take care of business.

* Chase U is walking backstage and Andre Chase says Ridge repped Chase U well in the battle royal. Duke says Riley sent a text congratulating Ridge as he’s in the UK. Ridge gets a Chase U short and The O.C. come up and mock them, saying Ridge went from a Brute to a Nerd.

Ridge starts to speak up and Chase U say they have it. Karl says he’s letting them fight his battles and Duke says if it’s a problem with him, it’s a problem with all of them. Luke says they don’t want none of this, KID! Thea loses her shit and has to be held back.

Roxanne Perez & Lola Vice vs. Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson
vs. Jacy Jayne & Jazmyn Nyx

Roxy, Jacy and Jakara start off and we get a couple early roll-up attempts for nearfalls. Roxy nails Jacy in the face and rolls up Jakara for two before getting clotheslined down by Jacy. Jakara nails her and tags in Lash, who grabs both women but gets double teamed. Lash nails Roxy, Jacy goes for a crucifix and Roxy a crossbody, but she holds them both and manhandles them.

Jacy with a rana and blind tag to Jazmyn, who gets a two-count. Roxy dumps everyone but Lash and goes for a sleeper submission. Lola tags in and nails Lash but gets bodyslammed. Lash with a powerbomb on Roxy that gets countered, Lola and Roxy try to put Lash over the top but settle for kicking her under the ropes. Jazmyn Nyx with a crossbody on Lash, who catches her but Jacy jumps in to take her down.

Jakara tosses Jacy into the ring steps and goes to get back in the ring but gets nailed by a kick from Lola. Roxy with a suicide dive and she and Lola are on the same page as we go to break.

We’re back as a double submission is in place on Vice between Jazmyn and Jakara, but Roxy helps her get free. Roxy tags in and charges into Jakara and Jazmyn in opposite corners, brings them into the center of the ring for a DDT/Russian legsweep combo that results in two-counts on both of them. Lola tags in and she batters Jakara with kicks. Nyx goes after her and likewise gets kicked into the opposite corner. Hip attack to Jazmyn! Hip attack to Jakara! Jacy makes the tag behind Lola’s back and nails her.

Lash tags in and she NAILS Jacy, then Lola, and drops Roxy off the apron. Double suplex to Lola and Jacy and a kippup. Jakara tags in, wheelbarrow cutter for two-plus before Nyx breaks it up. Lash grabs Nyx but is hit with a Pele kick. Jakara hits Jazmyn with an inverted X-Factor, Lola with the 305 and tags in Roxy for Pop Rocks.

Winner: Roxanne Perez & Lola Vice (9:59)
Rating: ***
Thoughts: Very sold match, it was a bit more chaotic than I love but it worked well. It must be said how much better Lash has become during her time in NXT, she still has her moments but is looking FAR better than she was when she started and has some legitimately great moments in that match.

After the match Roxy and Lola share a tense moment — and Roxy nails Lola with backfist! She holds the title up, stomps Lola and walks off alone.

* Ava congratulates Je’Von for winning and Ethan Page charges in about Oro Mensah attacking him. Ava says she kicked him out of the building, and he says Oro should be kicked out of the company. He says he should technically still be in the battle royal and they argue back and forth. It leads to a match between the two of them tonight.

* Michin WALKS backstage. So does Kelani Jackson. Sol says Kelani has got this and to kill it.

NXT Women’s North American Championship Match
Kelani Jordan vs. Michin

Show of respect to start and a circle, they lock up and Michin with a headlock. She’s shot into the ropes and runs Kelani over, Kelani into the ropes for a rana but Michin cartwheels to her feet.

The O.C. are out here and Michin offers a handshake, backside into a pin attempt. They trade quick pins, Michin with a side headlock and gets shot into the ropes. Kelani with acrobatics but Michin counters it, Michin in the ropes and lures Kelani to make the dive. Michin dodges, then dives but Kelani has moved and Anderson catches her. Kelani then gets back in the ring and dives on Michin as we go to break.

We’re back as Kelani is sent into the ropes and Michin pounces her for two. Bear hug by the challenger, Kelani elbows out of it but gets kicked to the mat. Jordan up and off the ropes, double crossbody sends both women to the mat!

They start trading chops on their knees and get to their feet, Kelani takes over and sends Michin into the ropes for a knockdown and another, cartwheel kick! She splashes Michin in the corner, facebuster and a cover for two-plus.

Kelani with a handspring clothesline but Michin ducks and hits a German suplex with a bridge for two. Wristlock by Michin, she goes for Eat Defeat but Kelani counters with a stepover heel kick. Kelani up top but Michin nails her, puts the champ on her shoulders — Kelani with the PoisonRana for a nearfall! Kelani pulls Michin over to the corner, split legged moonsault but Michin moves. Michin with the sit-down neckbreaker, cover gets a nearfall.

OTM are now out here to argue with The O.C. — Jaida Parker knocks Michin off the top! Kelani with the split-legged moonsault for three.

Winner: Kelani Jordan (9:59)
Rating: *** 1/4
Thoughts: Say what you want about Kelani’s mic skills; she’s great in the ring and worked well with Michin here. We knew there was likely no title change this early but they made up for a lack of suspense with a very good match.

* Kelly asks Page about his night and he says he’s still in the battle royal was never eliminated. He says he wasn’t beaten by Trick at his best because he was jumped by Oro beforehand. He says he takes care of business tonight and then wins the NXT Title, but next time he sees Oro he’s handling him.

* We get a vignette for Izzi Dame talking about her volleyball talents and how quickly she’s picked it up. She says the NARPs (non-athletic regular people) can’t handle her.

* Oba Femi WALKS backstage.

* Axiom walks up and asks Nathan why he didn’t tell him he was in the battle royal. Frazer asks why Axiom wasn’t in it and they argue over whether they’re unified about being champions. Luca Crusifino walks up and says The Don has offered an NXT Heritage Cup match. Frazer takes the contract and signs it, Axiom isn’t pleased.

* We get pics of Tatum Paxley appearing at TNA Against All Odds to face Jordynne Grace.

* OBA FEMI IS HERE! The NXT North American Champion makes his way to the ring. Oba gets the mic and says it feels all too familiar. Once again, Oba is still the NA Champion, still the ruler of NXT. And he did tell everyone who would listen, no matter how many stepped up at Battleground, the results would remain the same.

He says he did what he did best in Vegas, dominating two men in Joe Coffey and Wes Lee, two of NXT’s greatest. But they’re nothing like him; there’s no one like him. So look in his eyes and riddle him this? Who can take that title from him?

Here’s Wes! Wes says to answer Oba’s question, that would be him. He knows, Wes knows, everyone knows Oba didn’t pin him. Oba says Wes’ obsession with the title is beginning to irritate him and he doesn’t care. Brooks Jenson is fighting with security in the background and Wes says he was fighting for one thing: Oba. He wanted to test himself against Oba one on one and he even declined being in the battle royal, because all of his focus is on HIS NA Title and getting it back.

Oba says Wes is going in circles and he’s tired of it; he’s done. He goes to leave and Wes tells Oba not to turn his back on him. Oba has everything going for him, making headlines every week and getting endorsements form the likes of Big E. But Oba knows deep down what he is to the title unless he does something about it. He says Oba will be facing a different Cardiac Kid one on one and Oba will learn why his name is in the record books; not Oba.

Oba says he has a lot of faith in himself and the people have faith in him, but what really concerns him is changing the record books. So he’ll give Wes his one-on-one match. HOWEVER, this will be the first and last time he challenges as long as Oba is champion. Do they have an accord? Wes says “You got it.”

* Hanks walks up to Tank who is upset he lost in the battle royal. Hank says he has good news: he was medically cleared for in-ring action. Tank says they have to get back in track and asks if he saw Tyler Bate? That’s how they get back on track: the New Catch Republic.

* Charlie Dempsey and NQCC is there with Tavion, who doesn’t know why he’s here. Charlie demands to know why Myles didn’t tell Tavion, and he says he didn’t hear anything. Charlie says Tavion is impressive and everything the group needs. He wants Tavion in the NQCC. Tavion says “alright.” Dempsey says he’s playing hardball, eh? Next week it’s Tavion vs. Damon and if he wins, he’s in. “Even better.” Dempsey says he drives a hard bargan and he likes it.

* The NXT Anonymous account sees Gallus backstage, with Coffey livid that Wes Lee is getting another match. Then Tyson and Tyriek attack Gallus.

Fallon Henley vs. Carlee Bright

Lockup to start, Fallon trips Carlee up for a side headlock. Carlee to her feet and gets Fallon off her, but Fallon right back into the side headlock takedown. Carlee legscissors out of it, Fallon escapes but Carlee with a wristlock so Fallon with a kneelift. Carlee into the ropes and hits a rana and takedown for two.

Fallon with a big shot to the chest and tackle into the corner. Carlee puts Fallon on the apron but Fallon with a kick to Carlee’s head and then back in to put Carlee in the corner for a stomp down. She tosses Carlee to the mat and locks in a kneeling crossface. Carlee fights to her feet but gets kicked down. Carlee into the ropes, sunset flip for two.

Fallon goes for a back suplex but Carlee lands on her feet and goes for a sleeper. Fallon backs her into the corner and Wendy Choo is out behind Kendall. Fallon and Carlee fall to the outside and Wendy puts Kendall to sleep. Carlee and Fallon back in, Carlee is briefly distracted but hits a dropkick on Fallon. She gets put in the corner but hits a back elbow on Fallon, goes for a second-rope crossbody but Fallon avoids it and hits a fisherman’s toss, then a charging knee for three.

Winner: Fallon Henley (4:19)
Rating: ** 1/4
Thoughts: This was a pretty standard extended squash match. Carlee still has a bit of progress she needs to make but she wasn’t awful and Fallon was her consistently solid self.

* Eddy Thorpe is asked in the parking lot about his being eliminated and he says he had a win in his return and a good showing tonight, and he will get his momentum and challenge for one of the titles. He says NXT is hot right now and he wants to be in the middle of it.

* Trick and Je’Von commiserate about Evans’ win and Trick says Evans needs to put an end to Page this time. Evans says Page thinks it’s a game, and Trick doesn’t think he belongs in NXT; he’ll always be an outside. Evans says he’ll get that win and then it’ll be them at Heat Wave.

The O.C. vs. Chase U

Anderson starts off with Chase and kicks him into the corner, then locks in a headlock. Shot into the ropes, he runs Chase over than back into the ropes. Chase with a hip toss and sidelock takedown. Anderson back to his feet and he sends Chase into the ropes, Chase runs him over and then hits another hip toss. Duke tags in, they send Anderson back into the corner and hit a double chop, Duke covers for two.

Duke takes Anderson down for another two and tags in Chase, drop-toe hold into an elbowdrop and Chase covers for two. Anderson manages to get Chase into hostile territory, Gallows tags in and Chase fits back but is hit with a back suplex, a kick and three elbowdrops. Cover gets two.

Chase in the hostile corner, Gallows bodyslams Chase and picks him up for another. Anderson tags in, whip into the ropes and Chase is back elbowed down for two. Gallows tags back in, Karl holds Chase for a kick to the side. Gallows with a rear chinlock, Chase fights to his feet and hits a jawbreaker. He goes for the tag but Anderson tags in and blocks it. Chase hits Karl with a boot and tags in Duke, who comes in hot and knocks Gallows off the apron. Duke runs through Karl and Gallows in the ring for the Chase U jabs and elbow!

Anderson catches Duke with a jab but Duke hits a rana off the corner, my feed went wonky but it comes back with Duke rolling Anderson up — he got the win!

Winner: Chase U (5:04)
Rating: ** 1/2
Thoughts: Nice to see Chase U get a win for once! And nice for The O.C. to put them over.

* Ava congratulates Kelani on her win and says there’s a long line of challengers. Kelani has an idea, someone who never complains — Arianna walks up and says she accepts. Kelani says this is awkward, she wasn’t thinking about her. She was thinking of Sol Ruca. Grace says Sol is a nice enough girl but doesn’t carry herself like a champion or pageant queen — she SURFS. Ava makes Arianna vs. Sol for next week. Stevie Turner was silently there looking angry the whole time.

* Thea is ecstatic about Chase U’s win, and Chase asks why The O.C. were complaining. No one seems to know.

* Fallon is pissed and throwing a tantum backstage when Jacy and Jazmyn walk up. Fallon says Kelani doesn’t deserve the title, and they talk about how it’s either Arianna or Sol. They’re all sick of how things are done around here.

Set For Next Week:
– Sol Ruca vs. Arianna Grace
– Tag Team Turmoil For NXT Tag Team Title Match at Heatwave
– NXT Heritage Cup Match: Tony D’Angelo vs. Nathan Frazer

Je’Von Evans vs. Ethan Page

Page goes at Evans from the start and is put in the corner, but he targets the torso. Evans hits some chops but Page knocks him down and kicks him in the ribs. Page puts Evans in the corner and drives the shoulder in, then hits a fist to the ribs. He grabs Evans and drops him to the mat, then covers for two.

Page continues to pick Evans part and puts him in the corner, knee to the ribs and whip HARD across the ring to the other corner. Page showboats, then covers twice for two-counts. Page grabs Evans and hits a bodyslam, then a knee to the kidney and another one. Page kicks at Evans’ back and side, then picks him up. Evans with a shot tot he side and a knife-edge chop, he moves in but Page lifts him ribs first into the ropes. Ego’s Edge — Evans counters with a rana and then a double stomp. Superkick to Page, and he falls out of the ring! And that’s where we go to PIP break.

We’re back as Page is working over Je’Von’s shoulder. Evans strikes his way out but gets clotheslined down. Page with a front suplex into the top rope, and pulls him up for a powerslam, cover and Evans kicks out at two-plus.

Page locks in a high torque single-leg Boston crab, Evans fights and struggles and eventually gets to the ropes. Page holds on for the four-count. Page picks Evans up and goes for the suplex, Evans floats over and hits strikes to the body. He goes into jabs to the face then runs over Page a couple times off the ropes. He dodges a clothesline and sprinboards off the middle rope to take Page down. Big flying clothesline gets two-plus.

Evans goes for the Springboard cutter but All Ego dodges. Evans takes over and hits a spin-out powerbomb for two. Evans charges in but gets clotheslined, Page goes for the powerslam but Evans counters into a DDT for a nearfall. Evans goes up top, but Page with a shot to the ribs. Ego’s Edge hits! That’s three.

Winner: Ethan Page (10:23)
Rating: *** 1/4
Thoughts: These two worked very well together and Page got a major win over the #1 contender to the NXT Championship. This match delivered big-time.

Page faces off with Trick and meanwhile, Shawn Spears slides in the ring and attacks Evans! Trick goes for the save but Page and Spears double team the champion. Evans dives in and takes out the heels! All four men are down in the ring with the title between them.

And with that, we’re done for the night!

The final score: review Very Good
The 411
Another very good episode of NXT this week as the brand continues to benefit from the TNA relationship, but does not rely on it for momentum. Sure, we all believe in Joe Hendry but he and Kazarian were the sizzle and what WWE did to build toward Heat Wave was the steak between Evans' big win, Ethan Page getting involved, the Roxy vs. Lola feud and everything else. Really good matches this week and solid storyline building makes for a winner of a show in my book.

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WWE NXT, Jeremy Thomas