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John Cena Says He Loves Nikki Bella, Wants to Be Her Husband, & Wants Them to Work

May 14, 2018 | Posted by Larry Csonka
John Cena Nikki Garcia Bella Smackdown 3717 Image Credit: WWE

– John Cena appeared on The Today Show this morning, stating his heart was broken out of nowhere when Nikki Bella ended their engagement. He also says that he still wants to be with her, be her husband and that he wants to make them work. Check out the video below…

On His Feelings: “It’s been incredibly reflective which is amazing, but it is very difficult, I had my heart broken out of nowhere, or for me it was out of nowhere. And anyone who has experienced that knows that it comes with a series of bad feelings. For anyone out there speculating on what I am doing with my life now, I still love Nicole, I still would love to marry Nicole, I still would love to have a family with Nicole. There was an unfortunate set of circumstances where our relationship ended. There has been a lot of speculation recently about me being seen in public and everybody is thinking like, ‘Oh, John Cena is enjoying the single life.’ No, I was supposed to be married and having honeymoon over these two weeks. It is the first time in 15 years that I have taken a vacation. I am in my house alone surrounded by these emotionally strong memories and every day from 6-9 I get out of the house and talk to strangers as social interaction. We do. It is just difficult because I want her to be able to chase what she is looking for and I feel as if I am there, I may be enabling the situation but those are like weird assumptions, it’s all messed up, it’s a relationship.”

On Things Changing: “And this is why. It’s so difficult because this is all kind of part of… she’ll talk to you guys on Wednesday and I don’t want to say anything that she’s going to say because I don’t now the importance of that but over the 5 years of our relationship or the 6 years of our relationship, if you look at me 5 years ago – stubborn, selfish, self-focused, life had always been about me and slowly over time this woman waltzes in and steals my heart,” Cena said. “And whether I want to realize it or not, she becomes my #1. So I’m willing to go back on all these things that I said, and a lot of them I was hanging onto just because of stubbornness. ‘I. Won’t. Have. Kids.’ And it took a very strong look in the mirror for me to be like, ‘Why?’ This person is my #1 and it’s something that’s very valuable to her, and of course we can do this and I think it would be wonderful. Granted, I’m often a horrible communicator when it comes to stuff like that. Like, I say the wrong things and I think guys out there know what I’m talking about. But all of that switched because I love h er and all of those decisions… she’s my #1 and I just want to make her happy. … Right now she’s happy and you want to talk about taking one for the team and really sucking it up? She, I guess, needed a little time to find what she’s looking for and at the risk of my own emotional well-being, especially so close to that moment of ‘I Do”, she needs to be happy.”

On Still Talking With Nikki: “We do. It’s difficult because I want her to be able to chase what she’s looking for and I feel as if I’m there, I may be enabling the situation. But those are weird assumptions. It’s all messed up guys, it’s a relationship, it’s all messed up,” Cena said. “The point is – for anyone out there speculating on what’s going on, I love her, I want to be with her, I want to make her my wife, I want to be the father of her children. I just want us to work and that’s just from the heart. All of that other stuff you see is BS. I’m just trying to live life without her on a very emotional set of time that has been very difficult for me. But we’re here, we’re here. We’re here. This is what I want to do. … I think the greatest takeaway from this, I really do, I know for a fact that I was in love. And I’ve never been in love before. I’m telling you out there, it’s real, it’s horrible, it’s beautiful. It’s beautiful and I hurt so much because I know it was there and it was real and everyday I take that and I have that. And if I never had another day with Nicole I will take 6 years with Nicole, over 5 years and 364 days, any day of the week. I’m so grateful and if she’s watching, I am grateful for being able to stand by your side for 6 years. That’s what should make you smile. So we’re good, we’re good. We’re good.”

article topics :

John Cena, Nikki Bella, WWE, Larry Csonka