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Join 411’s Live AEW Battle of the Belts IV Coverage

October 7, 2022 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
AEW Battle of the Belts IV Image Credit: AEW

Keep Refreshing For The Latest Results

Hello, everyone and welcome to our live AEW Battle of the Belts IV coverage on 411! I’m Jeremy Thomas, here tonight as we’re in a second hour of AEW television. The company’s TNT special is airing tonight right after Rampage because why not? Tonight’s show has three matches as PAC defends the AEW All-Atlantic Championship against Trent Beretta, Willow Nightingale looks to unseat Jade Cargill as TBS Champion, and FTR defend the ROH Tag Team Championships against The Gates of Agony. Should be a fun little show, and let’s just get right into it.

As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.

* We’re starting with PAC having just defended the AEW Trios Titles with Death Triangle, and launching right into the All-Atlantic Championship match.

AEW All-Atlantic Championship Match
PAC vs. Trent Beretta

They start trading shots to start, and Trent gets the better of PAC. He comes off the ropes into a punch and back to the strike trading we go. Trent wins again, comes off the ropes into a pump kick, PAC off the ropes into a big boot before getting sent to the floor and Trent DIVES into PAC! Trent follows PAC around the ring and picks him up for a chop, rolls in and out of the ring and bodyslams PAC on the floor.

Trent rolls PAC into the ring and follows, he lays in some punches and beats down PAC against the ropes. The ref calls for the break, after which Trent hits a basement dropkick to send PAC to the outside. Back into the ring and PAC escapes to the outside again, Trent nails him and rolls him in but PAC right back out — into a SPEAR! Trent rolls PAC in and hits a charging knee to the head for two.

PAC again escapes to the outside and superkicks Trent when he rolls out. PAC clears the timekeeper’s table and sets it up next to the entrance ramp — and turns right into a boot to the face. Trent sets PAC on the table and goes up onto the ramp, he charges but PAC rolls off the table. Dropkick through the ropes to PAC! Trent rolls the champ in and goes up top but PAC up and grabs his legs. PAC knocked down, but he goes right back up and hits a big avalanche brainbuster as we go to PIP break.

Back and PAC’s been in control during the break, but Trent stops his momentum and hits a couple big chops. He ducks a punch and nails a German suplex, then a half-nelson suplex! Trent dives in on PAC, hitting a MASSIVE Tornado DDT for a two-count.

PAC escapes to the outside but gets dragged back in before taking over with punches. Trent counters with a headslam into the turnbuckle and a big-ass lairat. He grabs PAC’s feet and pulls him into a piledriver for a nearfall. Trent looking frustrated now as PAC rolls out of the ring onto the ramp. Trent follows and grabs the champion, but PAC picks him up! Brainbuster through the table!

PAC is now busted open but he goes up top for Black Arrow — TRENT GETS THE KNEES UP! Trent is up and read — he charges but PAC nails him with a knee to block the spear. Trent with the rollup for two. PAC goes up top and gets shoved by Trent, ending up crotched. Trent climbs up — top-rope half-and-half! Cover for thre– NO!

Trent picks PAC up for an Alabama Slam but PAC counters into the Brutalizer. Trent is trapped in the middle of the ring but he manages to get his foot on the ropes. PAC goes out of the ring and goes for the hammer — Trent grabs him for a back suplex into the ring but PAC hits him with the hammer and covers for three.

Winner: PAC (14:22)
Rating: *** 1/2
Thoughts: Great match to start us off. The cheap win was expected after PAC just competed on Rampage, and I honestly have zero complaints here outside of their need to go in and out the ring so much.

Orange Cassidy is out immediately after and attacks PAC. Security holds him back.

* Tony Schiavone is backstage with Jericho and 2point0. They talk about how Daniel Garcia ate a piece of humble pie on Dynamite and it was nice to see him do his thing, but it’s time to come home. Jericho says that he was disappointed in Garcia and they taught him a lesson in sports entertainment. Tony says it’s a lesson in cheating, and Jericho gets pissed. He promises to desecrate the legacy of Ring of Honor against Danielson on Dynamite as Lionheart.

* We get a promo with Claudio hyping the Jericho vs. Danielson match and saying he wants a match with the winner.

AEW TBS Championship Match
Jade Cargill vs. Willow Nightingale

Lockup to start, Jade powers Willow into the corner until the ref calls for the break. Willow right back out for the lockup and powers Jade into the corner this time. One more lockup, Willow into the ropes and comes off, shoulder bump but Jade doesn’t go down. They talk trash until Jade hits a kick to the gut and snapmares her, but Willow right back and she nails a suplex for two.

Willow goes for a charge in the corner and Jade with a back elbow. Jade picks Wilow up but she slides down the back and sends Jade to the outside. The Baddies check on Jade and Willow dives onto the Baddies! She nails Jade with an elbow strike and charges in, but Jade catches her and hits a wheelbarrow facebuster onto the steps! And now we’re in PIP break.

We’re back with Jade doing pushups in the center of the ring to showboat, right into a clothesline by Willow! Willow nails Jade and then goes into the ropes — she hits a rana on the champ! She runs into the corner for a knife-edge chop, then a corner cannoball. Willow up to the second rope for a missile dropkick, cover for two. She goes for the Doctor bomb, Jade escapes, misses a pump kick, then slams Willow down. She picks Willow up and plants her for three.

Winner: Jade Cargill (7:30)
Rating: ** 1/4
Thoughts: Perfect solid Jade match. The bout result was never in doubt but it gave Willow a chance too look competitive for a bit and put her over further, while also getting Jade to 39 – 0.

After the match, Vickie Guerrero comes out with “EXCUSE ME!” Byle then grabs the title and runs off with it! The Baddies chase after and Jade goes to the back.

* Matt Hardy is backstage to talk to Stokely and Ethan Page and asks why they’re sticking their noses in his business. They say they’re done because RUSH was a good employer and laid down the law to Private Party. They accuse Matt of contract tampering again and shows video of Matt talking to Private Party backstage. Matt stammers and says he’s just giving them advice and not contract tampering. He threatens to delete Ethan and Stokely backs Ethan off before leaving.

* We’re backstage with HOOK who still has his envelope from the Trust Busters, but he refuses to open it and tears it in half.

* They break down the card for next week’s Dynamite.

* Toni Storm and Hikaru Shida cut a promo about Baker attacking Shida before. Shida says she always comes back stronger and they’ll find out next week.

ROH World Tag Team Championship Match
FTR vs. Gates of Agony

Kaun starts off with Dax, they lock up and jockey for position, Kaun gets Dax into the corner. They break and then go back into it, a bit of counterwrestling, Dax intot he ropes and runs Kaun over. He comes off the ropes again and goes for an armdrag, but Kaun catches him for a clothesline. Mounted punches by Kaun, Dax escapes and gets Kaun in the corner for some knife-edge chops. Shot to the head, Kaun sends Dax into the ropes, he slides under and hits a DDT. Toa comes in but Cash comes in too and they send Toa to the outside.

Back in, Dax with a suplex on Kaun and Cash comes in, atomic drop slam onto Kaun. Cash backs Kaun into the corner for some shots, he is sent across the ring, goes up and over but Kaun with a clothesline. Chop in the corner to Cash, Toa tags in and decks Cash before picking him up for a bodyslam. Toa off the ropes, diving headbutt followed by manhandling and overhead blows to the chest. Cash off the ropes, bodydrop but he holds on for a sunset flip, he almost gets Toa over but the challenger drops down on Cash’s chest.

Kaun tags in, they send Cash hard in the corner, Toa with a spinebuster, cover for two. Cash out on the apron, Kaun tries to suplex him in but he hands Kaun on the ropes. Toa comes over and throws Cash into the guardrail, he charges but Cash moves and Cash is crawling to the ring as we go PIP.

We’re back as Kaun sends Cash into the corner, but he’s fighting his way out. Toa gets ahold of him and throws in in the corner, he charges but Cash moves. Kaun tries to stop Cash but Dax makes the hot tag. He comes in and lays into Kaun until Toa catches Dax for a BIG slam and cover for two.

Toa goes for the thumb jab, but Cash blocks him. He shoves Cash off, sets Dax on the top turnbuckle, fights off Cash and Dax keaps — Toa catches him, but Cash with a dropkick to knock him down. Cash tags in now, whip into the ropes, they duck and Toa tumbles. Hangman DDT in the ropes, Kaun tags in and grabs Cash on his shoulders, boot to Dax, Cash slides off, Toa distracts Cash, Cash back on Kaun’s shoulder for a Samoan drop luncblower for two.

Dax manages to make the tag, they SPIKE PILEDRIVE Kaun! Cover but Toa breaks it up. FTR attack Toa and send him into the ropes, they go for the Big Rig but Toa is too big. They try again to no avail, Toa comes off the ropes AND THEY HIT IT! Kaun in now, he gets rolled up by Dax but Nana distracts him. Dax nails Nana with Kaun and backslides Kaun for three.

Winner: FTR (13:25)
Rating: ***
Thoughts: XXXXXXXXX.

The Embassy attack the champs after with Brian Cage now out as wel. They beat on the champions, Cage picks up Cash to assault him — AND HERE COMES WARDLOW! WARDLOW into the ring and he attacks the Embassy. He’s fighting off Cage until the numbers game becomes too much. HERE COMES JOE! SAMOA JOE is laying waste to the Embassy! He sends Cage out of the ring and stands in the ring with FTR and Wardlow.

And with that, we’re done for the night!