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Join 411’s Live AEW Dynamite Coverage

January 17, 2024 | Posted by Tony Acero
AEW Dynamite Samoa Joe vs Hook Image Credit: AEW

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Guess who is in this week’s FACT OR FICTION?!?!


It’s Wednesday, you know what that means…

We start AEW with a video covering Hook vs Samoa Joe.

Both Hook and Joe are shown arriving to the arena.

TNT Championship Match
Christian Cage vs Dustin Rhodes

LOCKUP!!!! Rhodes corners Cage, and Cage lets the ref stop him. Rhodes backs up and they meet again in the center. Cage calls for a test of strength. Dustin is down, but Cage kicks the mid section and hits a surprise right hand. Another. A third drops Rhodes. Whip to the ropes, powerslam from Rhodes! Cage rolls out of the ring. Rhodes walks over and Cage sweeps the leg and pulls him towards the post. But Rhodes pulls him into the post with his legs! Rhodes sends Cage into the barricade then hits a chop. He drags Cage over to the table and slams him head first into it. Back rake! Rhodes with a right to the head. He tosses Cage into the steps knees first! Rhodes sends Cage into the ring, he mounts, and pulls Cage up. Right hands to the dome! He gets the full ten and breathes it in!

Cage with a surprise right, climbs the corner, Rhodes follows, Cage hits the side a few times then drops Rhodes down to the apron, and then to the mat. Cage to the top rope! He flies off the top rope onto Rhodes on the outside!

WE ARE BACK, and Cage dives off the top rope with a headbutt, but Rhodes rolls out of the way! Both men on their knees, they trade blows. Boh men up, bulldog off of Rhodes! Cover for 1.2…NO!!!! Rhodes grabs the legs and launches Cage chest first into the corner! Rhodes spreads the legs! The crowd loves it! Rhodes runs for it but Cage kicks out! He rushes Rhodes, Rhodes drops to his knees, hits n uppercut! Code Red! Cover! 1..2…..NO!!! Rhodes hypes up the crowd then gets dropped onto the roeps! Cage steps on the back and pulls up on the ropesm, then flies over and goes for a right, Rhodes moves, hits his own, Rhodes hits the ropes then FLIES RIGHT INTO A FIST! Cage pulls Rhodes back onto the ropes then heads to the top! He hits a frog splash! RHODES WITH A CRADLE! But Aubrey is distracted! Nick Wayne runs into the ring and pushes Cage into the pin! Aubrey turns! She counts! 1..2….NO!!!! Rhodes kicks out! Cage corners him, big slap from Rhodes, chop, right hands into the corner. He grabs the head and goes for a bulldog, but Cage shoots him off then hits a back elbow! He climbs to the 2nd rope, and Rhodes kicks his leg to split em! Rhodes RUNS WITH A HUGE KICK TO THE GOLDEN GLOBES! Rhodes climbs up, slaps Cage, HITS A SUPERPLEX! HE HOLDS ON! CROSSRHODES! Cover! 1..2…..NO!!!

Nick Wayne swipes the leg and Rhodes heads outside. Cage is trying to remove the buckle cover, so Aubrey is distracted. GOOZLE FROM LUCHA!!! Rhodes kicks him! Wayne flies off the corner, Rhodes catches him! CODE RED TO WAYNE!!! He gets in the ring and Cage shoots him into the corner! Cage waits, Rhodes turns, SPEAR!!!! KILLSWITCH! COVER! 1..2…..NO!!!!!

Cage pulls him up, Rhodes with the middle finger! Another Killswitch! Cover! 1..2….3!!!!

Winner: Christian Cage
A little too long for my liking, but Rhodes still is able to squeeze out a good match every now and again.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 14:26

Backstage, Renee has Swerve Strickland and brings up the main event. Swerve says he has his eyes everywhere. Hed be foolish not to be paying attention. It doesn’t matter who wins. He’s laser focused. He is the most dangerous man going after the most coveted title in the industry.

Renee brings up Hangman Page, and he says he has eyes everywhere. He calls Page impeccable. He beat Omega, Danielson, Moxley. He ran through Strong, Drake, Claudio. Hell, if God came down from the heavens, Page would have a chance – but he still couldn’t beat Swerve. He’s done it twice. He has no reason to do it again, and on one to prove it to.

We are BACK with Chris Jericho backstage with Renee. Where do he and Sammy go from there? Jericho says the titles were ripped out of their hands by the Don Callis Fam. They lost him to lose and injuried Sammy. Takeshita hit him with a kendo stick? What does he use for revenge? Barbed wire bat? Pane of glass? He will seek and destroy Shinsuke’s ass.

Here comes Matt Sydal to tell Jericho that he knows Jericho better. He needs to fight someone who has beaten him before…like him.

Jericho respects him as a wrestler, so they’ll do it at Rampage. But he has a lot of pent up aggression, so be careful what you wish for.

Well that was random…


Orange Cassidy

Orange Cassidy and Trent Baretta vs Penta El Zero M and Kommander

Penta and OC to start! Penta does his hand thing. OC removes his glasses, hands them to Knox. OC tries for the pockets, but Penta stops him and goes all CEROM on him! OC tries for the pockets, Penta grabs the arm and kicks the hammy, agin, arm drag from OC. One from Penta. Pena tries one, OC dodges, misses a leg drop, hits the ropes, spins for a DDT but Penta holds the legs then shoots him off. OC goes for POCKETS!! But Penta with a superkick! OC to the outside! Penta hits the ropes for a dive, but Trent comes in to stuff him. Kommander in, dropkicks Trent, then hits a suicide dive to OC on the outside! Trent in! Half and half! He rolls out, grabs OC and sends him back in for a pin. He gets 1..2..NO!!!

WE ARE BACK And Kommander sends Trent to the outside. OC runs in to stop the tag, Kommander up kicks and OC drags him only to get kicked into the corner. Kommander gets a tag! OC Swings, misses, slingblade from Penta, another,. Big kick. Penta lifts for a Made in Japan, stalls, and Kommander hits a suicide dive. Penta hits it, covers! 1..2…NO!!! Kommander to the top, Trent trips him up, OC hits a DDT on Penta! Tag to Trent! Trent with a bunch of rights. Kommander chops, but Trent tries for a powerbomb. Kommander escapes, locks the leg, turns it into a cradle for `1.2.NO!!! Another pin with a crucifix for 1..2.NO!! Chop from Trent. Trent rushes, Penta kicks hih and connects. Penta runs in onto Kommander’s back, DESTROYER! Kommander tto the top rope, he walks it, HUGE SPLASH! Cover! 1..2….N!O!! OC breaks it up! Penta in, gets sent right back out. Tail whip kick from Kommander to OC. He climbs to the top rope. He tries for Pheonix Splash, lands on his feet, Trent flies out of the corner with ak nee! Penta in! Kicks Trent in the face! He hits the ropes, OC pushes Trent out the way and catches Penta! BEACH BREAK! ORANGE PUNCH TO KOMMANDER!!!

Trent captures the leg and sits on Kommanders’ face! Pin gets a 1..2…3!!!!

Winners: Orange Cassidy and Trent Baretta
It’s always fun when OC is around.
Total Rating: *****
Match Time: 10:19

Trent Baretta appears jut a tad frustrated, but gets over it quickly. Chuck Taylor enters the ring for a hug, but they are cut off by The Kingdom’s music. Out comes Roderick Strong, Matt Taven, and Mike Bennett

They get in the ring. Strong grabs a mic. He wants to say it to OC’s face. He wants OC to take off his glasses and look him in the eyes. NOW!

OC doesn’t, slaps Strong’s hand when he tries to. He says they can end them three right now but they wont. OC has been a fighting champion, yet tonight he wrestled in a tag match and not defend the title. Why? Is it becoming too much? Is he afraid he’s got nothing left in the tank? Or is it because it belongs to Strong? He’s coming for it, and OC can’t face that.

OC tries to take the mic, but Strong isn’t done. It belongs to him, he’s coming for it, and he’s here to make him face it.

He then holds the mic for OC.

He will shut up Strong. Let’s do it here and now.

Strong removes his shirt, then tells OC not right now. He’ll have to wait till March 3rd, Revolution. He wants OC to live with the fact that he’s coming for the next six weeks.

Six weeks? Geez…

Hangman Adam Page gets some time with Renee. He says he cared about the title and needed it the past five years more than anyone. The thing is he wanted to win the title, but in 2024, he will HOLD it and make it his. He will put his name on it and keep it there for as long as he can.

Renee brings up Swerve and how he says that Page cant beat him. He doesn’t think about Swerve at all. It doesn’t matter if Page cant beat him, because he is not the World Champion. If Hook can do it, God be with you if it is.

Wow, has it been a year? Mark Briscoe is here to commemorate the one year anniversary of Jay’s death.

Mark comes here tonight representing the baddest tag team in the history of this planet. Jay wasn’t alone in that car. He had Mark’s nieces in the car with him, and the doctors told her that she’d never walk again.


Out she comes, walking! Mark is so hyped as he hugs his nieces and nephew.

WE get a video package for Jay.

We return to Nicolas and Matthew Jackson who want to be taken more seriously around here. They are execs.

Renee brings up the temper tantrums and rumors.

Matt brings up the rumors. Renee doesn’t believe those, does she? None of those are true. Let’s just say that some are true, what would he do to preserve and protect your life’s work? What would she do to protect her baby? He knows what he would do.

What would you be willing to lose? Friends? Legacy? Reputation? If it meant that there would be a healthy, sustainable company, would you still do it? He would. He’d do it all over again. She got paid this week, right? You’re welcome.

Let’s talk Sting, says Renee. Walk her through that.

Matt says she wasn’t there in the beginning, so she doesn’t know, but their slogan was “Change the world.” For a while, they were doing it, but somewhere along the way, they lost their way. Toxicity creeped in, perception was different, and he knows why. They started to lean on yesterday’s self-serving, superficial, cancerous superstars. This isn’t about Sting. Sting is none of those. He’s great. A role model employee. He’s awesome. G.O.A.T. status. However, it’s what Sting represents. Sting is the last of that dying breed. The image is not what they wanted here in AEW, they wanted to change the world. They will say goodbye to Sting, and everybody like Sting. They’d never ask anyone to do something they wouldn’t do themselves. Nick says hgood point.

Nick gets a text, and tells Renee that as EVPs they will pull some strings.

ROH Six-Man Tag Team Championship Match
Mogul Embassy vs Bullet Club Gold

Jay and Toa to start! Jay with some chops, trying to cut the big man down. Toa with a back fist to the chest drops Jay with ease. He steps on the head then grabs the head and turns Jay. He lays Jay onto the corner and hits knees. Bishop with a senton over the top off the tag. Cover for 1..NO! Dragon Screw from Jay, tag to Colten who hits some stomps in the corner. Tag to Cage who corners Austin off of his tag. High kick in the corne, GERMAN sends him flying! Tag to Bishop. Toa rushes the corner, gets kicke,d ,he tries t the same on Bishop, but he hits a backstabber and Toa drops an elbow onto the chest of Austin! Cover! 1..2..NO!!

WE ARE BACK! Colten with the hot tag! He sends Toa outside with a dropkick. Big splash to Cage in the corner. He hits the ropes, neckbreaker! He lifts and drops Bishop then covers for 1..2…NO!!! Kick from Colten. SUCK IT! Bishop rolls out of the way, Toa runs in, BIG POUNCE TO COLTEN! Bishop pulls him up and he and Toa toss Colten into a powerbomb! Air Raid Crash from Kau and a cover for 1..2.NO!! Jay and Austin run in to stop the pni. They get sent outside by Cage and Toa. Cage whips Toa…..RIGHT OVER THE BARRICADE!! Cage grabs Jay, Jay sends him into the post.

IN the ring, Bishop kicks the turning Colten! He double underhooks. Back body drop from Colten, tag to Jay, he chops the big man into the corner over and over. Whip to Bishop, reversed, splash is missed. Jay locks up and hits a spinning Uranage! Cage in! LARIAT!!! Gunns in! 3:10 to Yuma!!!! Bishop dropkicks both men out of the ring! He’s left with Jay. Lifts up, Jay tries for Switch Blade, Bishop counters, distracts the ref, Nana distracts Jay, Knees to the lungs of Jay!!! Cover! 1..2….NO!!!

Nana has a belt! He enters the ring! Anthony Bowens is here! He takes the title out of Nana’s hand! Bishop rolls out! BLADE RUNNER!!! COVER!!! 1…..2….3!!!

Winners: Bullet Club Gold
The titles have little merit, so it’s not like this move was that drastic. More linear than anything, but I’m interested to see where The BCG take it.
Total Rating: **1/2
Match Time: 9:27

Backstage, Adam Cole stands by with Wardlow. He finds it sad that we have yet to see what Wardlow is truly capable of. He will run over opponent after opponent unti there is nothing left but the title, which will then be the property of The Undisputed Kingdom.

Wardlow: “Boom!”

Toni Storm is out for commentary.

Deonna Purrazzo vs Anna Jay

LOCKUP!!! Deonna makes easy work of Jay then wipes her hands. She crawls under Anna, rolls her up for a 1..2..NO!! Jay works the arm for a cradle, gets a 1..2.NO!!! Deonna uppercuts the right arm. Another uppercut. She drops Jay with the arm then stomps the elbow. Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Jay kicks her away, hits the corner, heads to the apron, right hand to the head, then a neckbreaker onto the rope. She entesr the ring and covers for 1..2..NO!!

We are BACK but I have issues with the coverage and come back with Deonna locking in her sick ass submission and getting the win.

Winner: Deonna Purrazo
Another good showing for Deonna, even if a bit short.
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 6:41

Renee hops in the ring to talk to Deonna. She gives her a chance to say something to Toni. She doesn’t know what’s gotten into Toni. They’ve known each other for a long time, they used to be like sisters. It’s clear Toni has changed, but so has she. Toni may have been friends with Deonna Purrazzo, but you’ve never met the greatest technical wrestler in the world.

Toni stands on top of the desk then onto the shoulders of her bald friend. Technically speaking, Deonna is an artificially tanned hag. Her past is none of Deonna’s concern. She ought to get into the ring and punch her, but they must go to commercial. She warns of the shoe, and Mariah tosses it! Deonna tosses it back, so Toni hands he ranother one. Mariah runs as Deonna rushes out of the eing. Luther walks Toni out and up the ramp.

Top Flight vs Private Party

This should be a doozy.

Kassidy and Darius to start. They each get their shit in then Kassidy hits a side headlock. Tag to Dante and Quen and all for men are in the ring. They knock nkucles. Quen shoots for the legs, Dante spins out of it, hits the ropes, tries for an arm drag, but Quen holds onto the ropes and Dante flubs. QUen slides under, Dante grabs the arm, works. The left arm, Quen shoots him down, Dante braeks the hold, gets a side headlock. Arm drag takes Quen down and keeps a lock on the arm. Quen picks the ankle and spins into an ankle lock, but Dante kicks him away. Tag from Kassidy, head scissors sends Dante into a kick from Kassidy. Crossbody from Kass. CUTTER TO DARIUS FROM KASSIDY!

WE ARE BACK and Darius has Kassidy grounded. Dante in for a double team. Kassidy kicks out the corner, one for Darius, He flies over a spear, darius locks up, Kassidy shoot him outside. Tag to Quen. Quen wit a suicide dive for fun! He gets in and flies over the top rope onto Dante! Back in and dives again onto Darius! Slides back in and AGAIN he corkscrews over the top rope onto Dante! Quen rolls Dante into the ring and wants to fly. He heads to the top. 450 splash! Cover! 1..2….NO!!! Darius hits a surprise elbow then a kick. QUen in to dropkick Darius. IN comes Dante to pop up for a knee strike. Kick to Kassidy, whip, cut short, Enziguri from Kassidy. Dante into the corner. Kassidy rushes the corner, runs into a kick.

Quen up, GIN AND JUICE!!!! Darius in! Quen rolls him up. Grabs the rope as he sits in the pin and gets a 1..2…3!!!

Winners: Private Party
You get the impression that they didn’t let it all out because a rematch is coming soon, and that’s ok. Private Party winning with some cheating is fine as they’ve done both heel and face pretty well in the past.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 10:19

Sting and Darby Allin get a little video package. They talk about tagging, being 26-0 as a team. They want the tag team titles, and they’ll get them.

AEW World Heavyweight Championship
Hook vs Samoa Joe

HOOK RUSHES JOE IN THE CORNER WITH A WHOLE FLURRY OF PUNCHES! Joe catches Hook and tosses him outside. Joe follows and Hooks continues to punch his way into hell. Joe grabs him, chops him on the chest, whips him to the barricade. Hook hops up onto the barricade and turns with a flying fist. Joe sends Hook into the ring. Hook hits him on the way in, hits the ropes, and Joe hits a huge back elbow, dropping Hook. Joe waits for Hook to get up, Hook takes too long, so Joe pulls him up then starts in on some punches all the way into the corner, and a chop to the head drops Hook. Joe with a chop. Whip to the corner, back elbow, high kick from Joe. Snapmare and a chop to the back of Hook! Joe with a running kick to the chest. Elbow drop from Joe. Cover for 1..2..NO!!! HOOK tries for a T-Bone! Joe stops him with an elbow! Hook takes Joe down then hits a running clothesline! Hook to the apron as Joe heads outside. Joe with a running fist to the face!!! Hook brings Joe to the desk. He locks up, Joe reverses! URANAGE ONTO THE ANNOUNCE DESK!!! THE DESK COLLAPSES!!

Joe marches around the ring like a bad ass. He makes the full circle and stands above Hook with his hands stretched out. He asks Hook if he understands yet. Hook with the middle double finger. Joe grabs him….POWERBOMB ONTO THE APRON!!! Joe rolls into the ring as the medical team checks on Hook. The ref enters the ring to talk to Joe. The ref starts the count. He gets to 5 and Hook is up to his knees, then up to his feet at 8Hook shoves the doc at 9 and runs into the ring. Whip into the corner then a huge powerslam. Cover for 1..2….NO!!!! Joe lifts him to the shojulders. Death Valley Driver! Cover! 1..2…..NO!!!! Joe sends him to the corner, then sets up for The Muscle Buster. He hits it! COVER! 1……….NO!!! HOOK KICKS OUT AT ONE!!! HUGE LARIAT!! Another!!! A third!!!

Hook punches in the corner! Left, right, left, Joe shoves him. T-BONE SUPLEX TO SAMOA FUCKING JOE!!!!! REDRUM!!!!!! Joe bloks! JOE WITH THE CLUTCH!!! Hook has the fingers in between! Hook is fading! HOOK IS OUT!! JOE WINS!

Winner: Samoa Joe
This was all about the ride, and man was it a fun one. I think it’ll divide the crowd, with the purists saying Joe should NOT have gone that long with Joe, but I loved it.
Total Rating: ***1/2
Match Time: 8:42

After the match, Hook yeslls at Joe, asking if this is all he’s got. So Joe runs into the ring and hits another Muscle Buster.

HOOK is up again! HE WANTS MORE!

Joe looks to attack yet again, but here comes Hangman Adam Page to run down the ring and into it, causing Joe to leave with his title.

Swerve Strickland is shown in the crowd smirking.

Page checks on Hook and tries to help him out, but Hook stands on his own and makes it out of the ring. Ref tries to help him and he shoves him away and heads up on his own.

End Show

article topics :

AEW Dynamite, Tony Acero