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Join 411’s Live AEW Dynamite Coverage

October 8, 2024 | Posted by Ryan Ciocco
AEW Dynamite Bryan Danielson Claudio Castagnoli Image Credit: AEW

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Well, people, it’s Dynamite on a Tuesday! But not just any Tuesday Dynamite, it’s Title Tuesday!

(Title Tuesday is, of course, an anomaly, as there is nothing but one title match (as of this moment) as the card has been announced. Obviously, there might be other things added to the show in the run-up to the start of Dynamite.)

With there being no Collision this week, this makes Dynamite the go-to episode for the week leading up to this Saturday’s WrestleDream from Tacoma, Washington. A lot of the card has been built out already, but we will no doubt have more matches and learn of more stuff on our way to the final destination this Saturday.

So, how are you lovely people on this Tuesday Night? Me personally, I am disgusted that the Phillies lost today, but not overly surprised. Not only have they shown traces of being overrated, but the Mets remind me a lot of what we did in 2022. I suppose in many ways it would be poetic justice if we were to fall at their hands, but its whatever. I’m thrilled to have the Flyers back this weekend, and hope for more fruitful things for the Eagles.

Also, as you all are aware I am sure, please be on the lookout this Friday/Saturday for my preview of the WrestleDream show. Now that I have my own posting credentials, I don’t have to bugger Jeremy to put it up for me, all I need is the final editorial approval! Yay!

With all that out of the way, it’s almost time…


Tonight, we are LIVE from the Spokane Dome in Spokane, Washington. Tonight, our announcers are Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Jeff Jarrett.

We open up with Jon Moxley. He says for two years, Bryan Danielson has been trying to kamikaze himself, but now, he will do it for him. Nothing lasts forever, and on Saturday Night they will see the truth. The American Dragon comes to life in the ring and it’s a beautiful thing to see, but you can put him in a corner, and he isn’t comfortable with that. Bryan will embrace his dark side, and Jon will be ready, he has to be, he doesn’t have a choice. There are not enough people in the state of Washington to stop him, who is going to stop him? Stand down, run while you have the chance. One day, Jon hopes that Bryan understands that it has to be this way. The stakes are too high, as he slaps a chair on the floor.

Earlier today, Bryan was interviewed. He says that he has been told that this will be his last Dynamite, but it won’t be. He is going to run with Wheeler Yuta right through Claudio Castagnoli tonight. He has supported him in every company they have been in, but that will change this week and for Jon, it will change this Saturday when he kicks Jon’s head in.

To the ring with Darby Allin as he wastes no time, telling BrodyKing to get his ass to the ring. His music plays, and here comes King. Darby says King could have asked nicely, he didn’t need to attack him, but he knows what is going on. Remember when they were on the Indies, someday this would be worth it. Allin remembers everything, and years later, Allin was signed to AEW. King called him every week apparently, and his was out of a job when Ring of Honor the OC went under. Allin called Tony Khan and got King a job here. But neither man takes anything for granted. But AEW has given them so much, but now King wants his spot, and he wants to be the face of the company. Allin wasn’t supposed to make it, but because of AEW he has.

King cuts him off, saying Allin has everything that he wants. What happens if Allin goes to climb Mount Everest, what happens if he doesn’t come back?

Allin now, he wants Brody to put him out of his misery, he sits in the corner and imitates King’s bark. Both men face-to-face, Allin slaps King, and so Brodie knocks him down. Darby has a rock in his hand, though, and he hits Brody in the haw and the hand with it! Security is here to break them up as the fans chant LET THEM FIGHT!

To the back with Renee Paquette with Lance Archer and Jake Roberts. Here is Don Callis, though, and apparently, they have concluded the very first talent to talent transfer in AEW history. Archer is apparently being acquired by Don Callis and his family. Renee wants to know how this impacts Will Ospreay, but Don walks away with Lance. Renee wants to know what Don gave to Jake, but he says he likes surprises.


We return with Daniel Garcia. Renee catches up to him and asks him what is going on with his future. Garcia says he owes it to everyone to tell them himself.

Back to the ring, as the announcers talk about Danielson and the action on tonight’s card.

Here comes the Collison Cowboy Hologram and as such, it is his Dynamite debut and my first chance at reviewing his match! Wish me luck lol!

Hologram vs. Kommander
The bell rings, and both men circle each other. Early arm work with wrist control as both men trade reversals. Kommander with an arm drag, it is countered. Both men counter thrust kicks, and then trade covers as we come to a standstill. HOLOGRAM chants from the crowd as he leaps up and off of Kommander and hits him with the Deja Vu arm drag. Kommander to the floor, here comes Hologram, ELBOW SUICIDA! Hologram shakes hands at ring side, rolls Kommander back into the ring. Hologram with a flapjack and a kick, he covers for a two count. LUCHA chant now from the fans as Hologram sets in a reverse STF. Kommander counters out of it, as both men do a reverse test of strength. Both men up, Hologram with a snap suplex for a two count. PIP break time!

PIP thoughts:
-DC goes all in, and I’m here for it.
-Kinder Bueno is not too bad, honestly.
-Political crap
-No, sorry, still don’t like that Honey Pimento sandwich.
-Something about Baseball.

And we’re back, as Hologram has Kommander over his back. Kommander fights out of it and goes on the offense. Hologram catches Kommander and balances him on the top rope. Kommander off the top ropes, springboard 450 Hurricanrana! Kommander over the top and he takes out Hologram on the floor! Both men back in, Kommander to the corner but Hologram catches him in the corner and it’s a Spanish Fly to the mat! THIS IS AWESEOME chant as Hologram to the top, 450 splash but Kommander got the knees up! Kommander to the top, he walks the ropes, but HOLOGRAM COUNTERS HIM AS HE LEAPS OVER TO KOMMANDER AND HITS A POWERBOMB! It wasn’t clean but damn, was it good looking. Both men to their feet, forearms and kicks are traded. Hologram off the middle rope, he catches Kommander, but he fights out and hits a reverse rana! Hologram back up though, he does the airplane spin and hits Kommander, he covers and that is all she wrote!
WINNER: Hologram
TIME: 12:15
THOUGHTS: Fantastic match between two fantastic wrestlers. As the Lucha Bros leave, both Hologram and Kommander will take that mantle and run (and flip) with it.
RATING: ***1/2

Post match, Jake Roberts come out to the stage, but here comes RUSH, Dralistco, and The Beast Mortos to attack both Hologram and Kommander! It appears that this was the trade made between the men and, if I am being honest, Jake is the winner here!

We got back to last week on Dynamite, with the Chris Jericho and Mark Briscoe promo. This leads us to Renee with Mark. He says Chris messed up. It’s not even about the ROH Title, Briscoe is going to hurt Jericho at WrestleDream.

To the ring, and Danny Garcia has arrived to talk to the fans! He gets the mic; he wants to know how the fans are feeling. He misses this, so thank you for this. WELCOME BACK chants now. He wants to thank Tony Khan for letting him come out and do what he has to do. He has been at home thinking about his future, and sometimes, the easy answer is not the obvious answer. He feels that it was really important that he comes out and looks everyone in the eye and lets them know what he is going to do. He has come to the conclusion that he can do whatever he wants because he is one of the best professional wrestlers in the world. And as such, it is only fitting that he stays where the best wrestle in AEW. But this Daniel Garcia is not the one who gets little broed by the locker room, or who cries when things go wrong. This is the Daniel Garcia that the company builds on the back of. No title holder in the company is safe, because he’s coming for them! Sounds like Garcia has re-signed with the company, and you love to see it!

We catch up with what Swerve Strickland has been doing since the cage match at All-Out. We revisit the debut of MVP, and we see Strickland working out with EJ Nduka. It’s announced that Strickland will return this Saturday at WrestleDream, and we cut to MVP and Shelton Benjmain watching the screen.


We return, as Renee introduces Mercedes Mone and Kamille. Everyone wants to tweet at Mone, but back to Emi Sakura. She respects her, even though she has been wrestling longer than she has been alive. Mone changes everything.

To the back, as Garcia walks by and shakes hands and hugs some of the talent. Katsuyori Shibata stops him and says that the TNT Title will be around the waist of the Wrestler.

Here come the ladies for the four-way match to determine the #1 contender and challenger for Mariah May at WrestleDream this Saturday. Apparently, Britt Baker is ill and cannot partake in this match.

#1 Contenders Match: Willow Nightingale vs. Saraya vs. Nyla Rose vs. Jamie Hayter
Our Glamourous champion is at the announce table as all four women stalk towards the middle of the ring, but Saraya gets out of the ring. Willow tries to fight off Rose and Hayter, but she gets taken out. Hayter kicks Rose in the corner, but Rose catches her charge in the corner. Rose sets Hayter on the top rope, but here is Willow looking for a powerbomb on Rose, but she counters with a Hurricanrana. But Hayter catches Rose with a crossbody from the top. Willow and Jamie look to face off, but here comes Saraya and Harley Cameron to attack both women. Everyone is on the floor fighting, but here comes Rose off the top to wipe them all out as May makes funny faces at the booth. PIP Break!

PIP thoughts:
-Again, something about baseball.
-Prine Day, everyone has their sales day or week lol.
-Garnier would NOT help my hair at all.
-Did you know PROGRESS was in the name PROGRESSIVE? Earth shattering stuff!
-Micheal Phelps for Home Depot!
-Cheezit Snapped is really goood.

And we return to action, as Willow and Jamie are slugging it out in the middle of the ring. Jamie escapes Willow and hits her with a backbreaker. Saraya back in, she takes out Jamie, but Nyla takes out Saraya. All the women are down, as Mariah says she wants Mina because she hasn’t had her celebration yet. Jamie is back up, as she beats up all the other women in the ring. Hayter must be bright orange because she is a house on fire as she double suplexs Nyla and Willow! Saraya in the ring with a chair but Jamie blocks it and beats Saraya with the chair. To the outside, as Jamie stalks Saraya, but here comes Harley from behind. Jamie easily takes out Harley, but here comes Penelope Ford as she is back and hits Jamie with a chair! Jamie follows her up the ramp and to the back, while in the ring, Nyla hits a powerslam on Willow. Saraya from behind, but Nyla hits her with the neckbreaker. Nyla to the top rope, and Harley knocks her off the top and to the floor. Cameron puts a table in the ring, but Willow goes after Saraya. She cuts Willow off with the Knight Drive, but it only gets a two count. The table is set up in the corner, as Willow sends Harley into Saraya. She powerbombs Harley, but Saraya rolls up Willow for a two count. Willow powers up Saraya and sends her crashing through the table! Willow pulls Sarays from the corner and pins both her and Harley for the three count!
WINNER: Willow Nightingale
TIME: 11:30
THOUGHTS: Good match for the ladies. I am disappointed that Jamie got distracted from the match, but I am glad that Ford is back, and Willow is a good match for the show.
RATING: ***1/4

We head to the back with the Learning Tree! Big Bill says the people who need the lessons are the ones who want them the least. They approach Rocky Romero, and they want to help him with his self-worth. His friends invite them to join the Conglomeration. Last week, Romero may have thrown Jericho into the ring steps, but his friends celebrated in the ring without him. Does Rocky want to be a lacky, because when he is in the picture, he cannot see the whole picture. Keith says you better respect Chris Jericho or else, and Rocky says or else what?

Here comes Switchblade Jay White and Juice Robinson, and Jay is in action.

Switchblade Jay White vs. Cody Chhun
White dominates early, but we get extended hope spots for Cody, as he hits a DDT and gets a two count. The announcers speculate that his is ring rust on White’s part, but he finally starts taking control of the match. An urinagni into the Bladerunner ends this though.
WINNER: Switchblade Jay White
TIME: 2:10
THOUGHTS: Extended squash match with a few moments of humility for White.

White on the mic post-match. He tells Hangman Page that is one of a few men who knocked him off his AEW Title path. What is Page going to do about it now that he has meddled in his business. Hangman is coming for him, and that is perfect, that is what he wants. When he beats Page and ends this “New You”, he will move on to the gold. White wants Page at WrestleDream, so we’ll see if we get that for Saturday. We are about 50 matches short

To the back with HOOK, and he will hang out all night until he finds out who beat up his father. Kip Sabian passes through, and here comes Christian Cage with Mama Wayne and Nick Wayne. He says he lost Killswitch to a medical situation, so he sympathizes with Hook over the loss of his father.



We’re back, as Renee is trying to get a word with Mariah, but here comes Willow with a POUNCE! Willow is going to keep this short and sweet: tonight, she defeated three former champions, and this Saturday, she will make Mariah a former champion. Somewhere, Nigel is not happy about that proclamation!

To the ring, and here comes Mercedes and Kamille.

TBS Title and New Japan Strong Title Match: Mercedes Mone (C) vs. Emi Sakura

article topics :

AEW Dynamite, Ryan Ciocco