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Join 411’s Live AEW Dynamite Coverage

February 16, 2022 | Posted by Tony Acero
AEW Dynamite Image Credit: AEW

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Slow news week, ey?

We’re starting with Punk, sitting cross-legged in the ring! He is CM Punk, straight-edge, drug-free, alcohol-free, and that means he’s better than us. Sound familiar? Those words, he spoke for the first time over twenty years ago, and they became the foundation of his career. He can feel pride in inspiring the next generation of professional wrestling. Some of them are in the back right now, and they became straight-edge because of him. Some of them sit like he does. Then there’s MJF…

He cant think like Punk. When he beat him in his hometown, though, he became proud of MJF. He failed to retain the knowledge of the lessons he’s being taught, though. MJF fancies himself “Piper in Portland,” when in reality, he’s just shitty little Max from shitty little Long Island. The foundation of Max’s career has been a ring he’s used to beat opponent after opponent, and he won that ring with help from others.

Punk gets to pick the time, place, date, and match for his rematch with Little Max. Let’s get right to it:

Orlando, FL, March 6, Revolution

The match…Punk thought about some of his toughest matches. He considered the situation he is in. Maybe put him in a cage. But Max can still run. Hes won more cage matches than he’s lost, and losing got him thinking of one of the toughest matches he’s lost. Him losing is where he learned the most. He thought back on the toughest matches; where he left pieces of himself in the ring. He thinks Piper in Portland. Wanna be tethered to Piper so bad, he’ll have to be tethered to Punk. He has a question for Max. Piper had his, now Punk has his…MJF, will you be his alentine.

Punk pulls out a collar and chain from a box.

MJF is probably pissing his pants backstage. No one wants to be in this match. They take years off life and careers. He wants MJF to come out, because there is one more thing to tell him. He wants to look into MJF’s eyes when he says it.

Take it all in, Max. Punk pulls out a pic of the young MJF and Punk that’s floated around online. Punk says this is possibly the greatest day of MJFs life, and for him it was just Friday. 3/6, Revolution, it will be the worst day of MJF’s life, and for Punk it will just be Sunday. The price he paid to see Punk all those years ago pales in comparison to the price he’ll pay on March 6th. The canvas will not be stained with shitty spray-tan, it will be stained with blood.

MJF looks noticeably concerned. He lifts the mic. He looks to speak, grows angry, drops the mic and leaves.

We are backstage with Luchasaurus, Jungle Boy, and Christian. JB tells Tony he loves threeways. Interesting.

Match 1: Bryan Danielson vs Lee Moriarty

Bryan offers a hand shake, then renegs on it. Finger lock, Lee drops down, Bryan esapes, they go at it aggressively, with Lee working the arm. Bryan reverses, tosses Lee down to the mat on his back, Lee turns, Bryan locsk the head, back into the ropes and the ref calls for a break. Bryan with ahuge slap to the face. Ouch. Lee picks the ankle, trips Bryan up, grabs the heel and spins. Bryan hooks the head, gains control, he orks the leg and drops a knee to the back of it. Bryan works both legs, steps on the back of them, pulls the arms, and we get the Romero Special! Bryan locks it! Shoulers off the mat! He bridges Lee back and captures the head with A Dragon Sleeper!!! Lee escapes, looks for a Border City stretch. Bryan rolls to the ropes. Another slap to the face. Kick to Lee, Lee hops over the back of Bryan, kicks the leg out from Bryan, then hits a punt kick to the left arm. Bryan turns into the hold, Lee backs Bryan into the corner, ref break, uppercut from lee. Another. Another. Bryan shoves, so Lee pnches him, whip to the corner, Bryan hops over the head, hits the ropes, Lee misses a right, but Lee runs up with an uppercut! Lee flies over the top rope, lands on th apron, tries for a shoulder, Bryan catches him, kick to the chest. Another. Bryan with a knee!

We are back and Bryan has Lee pinned with some finger locks. Lee pushes out at 2 a few times, then bridges out only for Bryan to drop some knees to pin again. Lee bridges out, Bryan drops the knees again. Bryan drops his entire body then spins and they are locked up by the legs!!! Both men get on their head!!!! They hit punches left and right, UPSIDE DOWN!!! Bryan pushes through with a roll and hits some elbows, Lee reverses with some rights, Bryan reverses into a LaBell Lock, but Lee gets to the ropes, and the crowd LOVES IT. Bryan is grinning. Bryan kicks the face. Lee with a surprise back suplex! Lee is up! Punch! Bryan with a right! Lee with an uppercut! Bryan wants more11! He hits his own! Lee fires back as Bryan begs for it. Punch to the face .Bryan with an uppercut, another, a hard one, BACKSLIDE FROM LEE!!! 1..2…N!O!!!! He goes for a spear buy Bryan catches him, Lee reverses, and Bryan just slaps the shit out of him again. Lee ain’t having it though!!! He hits some hard elbos, misses a right, Bryan hits an elbow! Bryan runs with ak ick, Lee catches, flips Bryan, hits a clothesline, stuffed! Bryan locks the lbody, Lee with a belly to belly! These foos is FIGHTING!!! Cover for 1..2..NO!!!!

Lee sits on the back of Bryan, pulls on his manbun and attacks the upperback. Elbow strokes over and over, LEE WITH THE BORDER CITY STRETCH!!! Bryan to his knees, falls down to his belly. He reaches for the rope behind him, turns this into a cradle for 1….2..N!O!! Bryan captures the shoulder! Back suplex! Running Knee from Bryan! He’s not going to cover!!! He points down to Lee and talks shit to the crowd.

Bryan grabs Lee by the arms. He wants to stomp his fucking head in!!!! Boot to the face, another, another, Lee is out! Knox watches on. Bryan keeps going! He spins Lee into a triangle! Bryan flexes! Ref calls it!

Winner: Bryan Danielson
Good lord! What a flurry of ass kickery!
Total Rating: ****
Match Time: 12:11

Bryan grabs a mic. He came out here to teach Lee a thing or two about violence. Did Lee pass or fail? He wants an answer from Jon Moxley, and calls him out.

Moxley comes through the crowd, taking his time to get to the ring.

About ten years ago, he was a lot like Lee and others back there. He was young, angry, poor, nothing to lose, and he took a shot at taking down the great American Dragon. He remembers, Bryan was late because of weather, and they sent Tracy Smothers out to kill time. Bryan finally got there, walked through the kitchen, int othe ring, and he stood face to face with the man they call the best wrestler in the world, and he gave everythin he had. He went balls out. He came up short.

In fact, he has never beaten Bryan Danielson. Finally, he showed up, and finally, he would get a chance to slay the on dragon he could never slay. As it turns out, though, Danielson doesn’t want to fight him, he wants to join forces with him. He listened to everything Bryan said. How awesome could it be, those two together? All the arms they can snap; they could create a dynasty. Pure wrestling violence. Then he got to thinking, not just about destruction, but about what they could create for the young guys. Giving something back, the legacy they could leave. He won’t lie; he cant think of one good reason to say no. Then, he got to thinking that maybe the only reason he wants to team with Moxley is because he doesn’t want to fight him? Maybe he knows that Moxley would do to Bryan what he’s done to everyone that they’ve put in front of him. IF that’s the case, then he’s already beaten Bryan Danielson.

So which is it…

Is Bryan excited about what they can create, or because he doesn’t want to get destroyed. He isn’t saying yes, but he isn’t saying no either. He’ll leave it up to Bryan. He is not that young kid from a decade ago. Jon says he doesn’t stand side by side with nobody till he bleeds with them first.

Keith Lee video package. He wants the TNT Championship.

Match 2: Max Caster vs Wardlow

Wardlow nearly gets a powerbomb, but Max escapes quickly. Lockup, go behind and Max hits a blow to the back of the head. Wardlow misses a hit, Bowens grabs the boot, ref yells at him, as Max takes advantage.

We are back just as Max hits Wardlow with a a chain-wrapped fist! Mic drop and a pin for 1..2..NO!!!! Max locks up for a powerbomb, but Wardlo back body drops him out of it.

Anthony on the apron, Wardlow shoves Max into him. POWERBOMB!!!! Another!!!! Ouch, roll through for a third!!!!! Lordy. Cover for 1..2….3!!!!

Winner: Wardlow
NOMNOMNOM goes Wardlow
Total Rating: *
Match Time: 5:10

Anthony Bowens attacks Wardlow in the corner, Spears is nowhere to be found, Wardlow with a GOOZLE!! POWERBOMB TO BOWENS!!!

FINALLY here comes Spears to hit both of The Acclaimed with a chair!

Backstage, Mercedes Martinez vs Thunder Rosa. Britt and Co are backstage. She makes sure to tell Martinez no losing. Remember why she brought Mercedes here. Finish the job. Britt has the best squad and the best Sensai. In comes the dude who plays Kreese who tells Britt that if Mercedes doesn’t win, she knows what to do: Finish her. NO MERCY.

Well shit…

Schiavone is in the middle of the ring to introduce YOUR World Champion!

Tony mentions that Page will not back down for a fight, and uses last week as an example. How is Page doing, by the way?

Page says he is surprised tha—–

He is cut off quickly by the voice of Adam Cole BAYBAY! He wants to have the crowd welcome Page. He’s been in some battles. The War with Omega, the Battle with Bryan, the Deathmatch last week. He’s been through some shit. Cole kicks Tony out of the ring and goes face to face with Page. He says Adam has earned the right to call him self champion. Cole has been a world champ everywhere he’s gone, and it’s a shame Hangman’s reign will be ending soon.

Page wondered how it must have felt for Cole to watch his friends leave and build a wrestling empire without him. Is it weird, being in the ring with your ROH roomie and Bullet Club buddies, looking at the belt, and knowing that it’s the only title Cole will never hold.

Let’s talk about friendship, says Cole. Nick and Matt? He hasn’t heard them say Page’s name in weeks. How about The Dark Order? He hasn’t been associated with them for months. What kind of friend is Page?

Page says he is…he’s not perfect. Really, when he thinks about it, Cole doesn’t have the best record with friendships, either. Page has had some regrets and made some mistakes, and the more Cole talks, the more he thinks that getting in the ring with Page tonight might be Cole’s biggest regret.

Cole compliments him, saying he’s become unbelievable. But Cole is here now, in AEW, and truth be told, Page has always just been known as “The Other Adam.”

Page looks to fight, drops his belt. Cole tells him to stop, he has nothing but love, respect, and adoration for Page. So trust him when he tells Page that some day, they will fight for that title, and when they do, it will be man to man. When that day does come, filled with respect, may the best man win.

Cole extends his hand, Page shakes it. Cole leaves with a smirk.

From behind, Page is attacked……BY FISH AND KOR!!!

They stomp out Page until Cole runs back in the ring to join in on the beatdown! Cole mounts Page, hits some punches, out come some security, but all three men shoe them away until…..

THE DARK ORDER COMES!!! They clear the ring as Cole and ReDragon leave! Preston aka 10 makes short work of security for some reason! He tosses a bunch of them all over the place until Dark Order stops him….but not for long, as he tosses another dude onto all the others outside the ring.

Before the following match can start, Edie Kingston comes out, all smiles! He’s got Timbs on, so shit is about to go down. He knocks knucks with Ortiz and Santana as the bell rings

Match 3: Chris Jericho and Jake Hager vs Santana and Ortiz

Santana and Jericho to start. Face to face. Head shove from Jericho. Santana with the rights. Jericho chops him into the ropes, whips, Santana ducks under and hits a clothesline. Running right in the corner. Whip to Jericho into the corner, runs into a boot, Santana is coo wit it. He hits a right, another, another into the corner. Chop to Jericho. Santana with a dropkick to the back of the head. Cover for 1…NO!!! Tag to Ortiz. Ortiz looks over at Jake, then covers Jericho for 1..2..NO!!! Ortiz locks the head,hits a Fisherman’s, bridge. Pin for 1..2.NO!!!! Ortiz off the ropes. Jericho shoves him up then down .Tag to Jake, he’s in with a whip to Ortiz, double shoulder tackle to Ortiz. Hager shoves Ortiz a few ties, then screams in his face, screaming “WHY!!!!” Nice fucking touch. Belly to belly to Ortiz! Hager bomb! Cover for 1..2.NO!!!

Back, and Jericho and Ortiz are in the ring. Jericho grabs him by the belt, and slaps the back of his head. Jericho continues being rude. Ortiz rolls out of the way and hits a clothesline, dropping Jericho. Tag to Santana! Tag to Hager!! They meet in the middle of the ring! Rights, kick to the knee, hits the ropes, dropkick to Hager! Jericho enters the ring and hits a Codebreaker! Hager with a huge slam to Santana. Cover for 1..2..NO!!!! Ortiz is back on the apron. Hager tags Jericho in. Jericho sends Santana to the corner. They double team Santana. Whip to Santana, Jericho sends Hager into the corner, Santana sends him over the top rope. Back elbow to the head of Jericho. Santana with a knee, hits the ropes, Jericho kicks, hits the ropes, bulldog to Santana! Jericho tries for a lionsault, Ortiz holds him on the ropes! Santana with a Russian Leg Sweep off the 2nd rope!!! Cannonball from Ortiz to Hager!! Tag to Ortiz! He enters, grabs the head of Jericho sets him up for Street Sweeper! They hit it! Cover! 1….2……NO!!!!!! Kingston tells them to just do it again. Tag to Santana. Ortiz corners Jericho! Santana turns, runs up the back of Ortiz for a cannonball, but Jericho counters into The Walls of Jericho!!!! Kingston pushes the ropes, he yells for Santana to reach! Santana gets so close!!!! HE GETS THEM!!!!

Kingston to the apron. Jericho hits the ropes, springboard dropkick to Kingston! Jericho misses a Judas Effect! Ortiz with a punch! Discus Lariat to Jericho! Cover! 1…2….3!!

Winners: Santana and Ortiz
Interesting to see Jericho lose like that as it seemed pretty abrupt, but the right team won, and it wasn’t nearly as slow as I thought it was going to be.
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 10:43

Jericho leaves the ring and attacks Kingston! Refs run down to hold both men back.

Backstage, Cole, ReDragon, and The Bucks are chatting. Cole wonders where the Bucks were during the beatdown of Page? The Young Bucks say if they did that, it’d be like beating a dead horse. Haha.

Cole says he will be fighting 10 soon. Bucks says next week feel like a good time to pick up a W. ReDragon says they’ll win. Matt wonders where KOR has been. He says he has a child, Matt says he has two, Fish says he has three, Cole says they all have beautiful children. Lol. They split, and Cole is left unsure of which way to go.

Mercedes opts to wait for Rosa at the bottom of the ramp and not in the ring. She’s got a lead pipe while Rosa comes out with a chair. They meet down the ramp and Rosa smacks the chair into the pipe, sending it flying.

Match 4: No Disqualification Match
Mercedes Martinez vs Thunder Rosa

Rosa with a few uppercuts, then rights. Mercedes rolls to the outside. Rosa hits a right hand. She sends Martinez into the post. Rosa grabs a table and pulls it out. Martinez is up, hits a right hand, sends Rosa into the ring steps back first. Mercedes grabs a chair from under the ring, another, sends both into the ring. Martinez whips, reversed, and Martinez hits the barricade, then crashes through it. Rosa with a kick to the back. She sends Martinez into some seats and kicks her in the chest a few times, then drags her up towards the stands. She sends Mercedes into some posts then climbs. Rosa to the top of a post, she uses a fan to stand on the top of it, then flies off with a crossbody!

We are BACK and Mercedes has Rosa locked up on the apron! FISHERMAN BUSTER THROUGH THE TABLE!!!! Rosa is slow to stand. Mercedes grabs the lead pipe. She then grabs a chair, smacks Rosa across the back, then tosses the chair into the ring. She follows, kicks some stuff around, grabs Rosa, and sits her on the top. Riht hand to Rosa. Mercedes climbs up, fireman’s to Rosa on the 2nd rope. Elbow from Rosa. Rana off the top rope! Rosa grabs a trashcan and tosses it at Mercedes then places it on the top of her head. Rosa runs with a dropkick to the trashcan! Cover for 1..2..NO!!! ROPEBREAK! Rosa drags Martinez to the corner and climbs.She gets to the top just as Mercedes stands and smacks her with a trash can lid. Another hit! Rosa seated on the corner, Martinez climbs up, locks up from behind, SPIDER GERMAN SUPLEX TO ROSA!!!!! Mercedes to the toprope! ELBOW DROP! That looked harsh. Cover for 1..2….NO!!!!! Mercedes shoves the ref out of her way and stacks some chairs on top of one another.

Mercedes grabs Rosa, locks he head and goes for a powerbomb. Mercedes shoots up, Rosa escapes, goes for a crucifix into a bomb! Nice. Rosa lifts Mercedes, locks the head, grabs her for a Fire Thunder Driver! Cover for 1…2…..3!!!!

Winner: Thunder Rosa
A fun little plunder match with Rosa continuing her streak of bad assery.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 9:29

Rosa is up, with the help of the ref She goes over to Mercedes and offers her a hand. She helps Mercedes up with a pause. Both girls to the knees.

Out comes Britt Baker, Rebel, and Jamie. She is pissed. Britt goes over to her sensai. “Now what?”
“I told you she was weak. Now finish her.”

Britt with the knife across the neck.

Hayter and Revel attack Rosa. They kick her over and over, dragging her to the center wher the chairs are. Britt has the lead pipe. Mercedes stands against the ropes. Britt motions for her to come over to Rosa. Britt hands over the pipe. Mercedes looks to finish the job. She takes too long, though, because Hayter attacks Mercedes!!! Britt with a barrage of punches to Rosa while Hayter attacks Mercedes.

We switch gears to the House of Black where Malakai talks about violence begetting violence. No violence can truly create without judgment. They are waiting for history. History is here. Someone in the back walks, but we don’t see who.

Video package for Jay White, focusing on him creating AEW by making Omega leave NJPW. He will be facing Trent Baretta on Rampage. It’s still his era.

Match 5: TNT Championship Match
Darby Allin vs Sammy Guevara

They are slow to start, circling the ring a bit before shaking hands. Lockup! Sammy shoves, another lockup and another shove. Dueling chants for the guys. Another lockup. They circle across the ropes, Darby hooks the leg, Sammy lets go, Darby with a side headlock. Rope work and Darby stuffs it, takedown. Pin for 1.NO! Rollup to Darby for 1..NO! Sammy turns into the hold, stands, escapes and works the arm behind Darby. Reversed, hammer lock of his own, headlock takedown , crucifix for a 1..2.NO!!!! Side headlock. To the ropes again, Sammy leaps over, gets a dropkick to the chest. Darby to the top rope! Sammy kicks him in the chest this time. He climbs. Wants a Spanish Fly. Gets Darby to the shoulders, then just jumps off the corner, causing Darby to fall across the top buckle hard!!! He tumbles down to the outside. Sammy follows, grabs the head, sends Darby into the ring and covers for 1…2…NO!!!! Locks the head, hangs him over the middle rope. Sammy to the top rope. He flies off with a senton onto the back of Darby!!!!

We are back and a drop toe hold sends Sammy into the corner face first. Running uppercut to the back of Sammy, again, he chops the knee! Coffin splash to the knee. Cover for 1..2.NO!!!! Darby locks up from behind, Sammy is locked up on the top rope. Darby hangs him in the tree of woe. He pulls Sammy’s leg downward, trying to get the boot to touch his forehead. Darby to the apron. He heads to the top rope. Darby pulls on the leg. Sammy pulls himself up and hits a headbutt!!! He hops to the top rope! SPANISH FLY!!!! Ouch that shit looked like it hurt. Cover for 1..2…NO!!!! Sammy drops the pad down to expose his knee. He pulls himself up and pulls Darby up. Locks the head. Sammy spins Darby for a finisher, but Darny hits a knee, misses an axe, Springboard, but Darby catchers him by the legs! FIGURE FOUR! Sammy spins it! Darby rolls him back to his back! Sammy pulls himself up, slaps Darby! Darby slaps him back. They go back and forth with some hard hits until the hold ois broken. Sammy rushes the corner with a knee, Darby moves!!! Flies over the top, goes for a blockbuster, reversed! GT—NO!!!! Darby with Last Supper into a pin for 1..2..N!O!!! He flies over with a stunner! Sammy rolls to the outside!! Darby hits the ropes! He dives! SAMMY CATCHES HIM WITH A FUCKING CUTTER!!!!!

Sammy sends darby into the ring, hangs him over the apron as the crowd chants to fight forevr. Sammy to the top rope! SWANTON BOMB ON THE APRON, BUT DARBY MOVES!!! HOLY FUCK!

Darby rolls out of the ring slowly. He grabs Sammy by the head, drags him over to the side of the ring, and rolls him in. Darby to the top rope. He wants a Coffin Drop. Sammy rolls onto his stomach, a ways away. Darby keeps climbing.

JOSE IS ON THE APRON!!! Sting is there to pull him off and send him into the crow!!!

Darby looks to fly, but Andrade coms out from the crowd and clocks Darby in the head with a tablet!!! The ref is too busy checking on Sting! Darby is out on the top turnbuckle! Sammy realizes this, grabs him, GTH on wobbly knees!!! COVER!! 1..2….3!!!

Winner: Sammy Guevara

Total Rating:
Match Time: 14:51

After the match, Matt Hardy slides into the ring and attacks Darby. He beats down on him with rights and lefts, looking out for Sting. Sammy sees this, enters the ring, nd looks to stop him, but Matt slides out of the ring.

Andrade is in the ring now, with a tablet, and attacks Sammy!!! Andrade grabs both of the TNT titles and holds them up to close the show .

End Show

article topics :

AEW Dynamite, Tony Acero