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![Impact Emergence](https://411mania.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Impact-Emergence-645x370.jpg)
Mike Bailey vs. Alan Angels: These two men have met before. Bailey came out on top the first time, but Angels is always a tricky competitor to beat. Angels does not comply with the Code of Honor. Bailey with some speedball kicks to the head. Big dropkick sends Angels to the floor, but not for long. They fight on the apron, and Angels hits a neckbreaker on the ropes, then one on the floor. Angels keeps working Bailey over while our announcers run down the card. The fans are heavy behind Speedball, and he hits a dive to the floor, then some kicks. Standing shooting star gets two. Angels gets Bailey in the corner, hits a powebomb for two. Angels evades one kick but not the other, then hits a lariatiooooooo. Bailey gets knocked off the top rope, Angels hits a frog splash for two. Another neckbreaker from Angels gets two. Angels has definitely decided on a body part. Bailey with a standing double knee moonsault to Angels’ ribs. Bailey with a standing Last Call press for two. Angels distracts the referee and gets a neck snap. Kicks are exchanged, Bailey wins. Ultimate Weapon gets the three count.
Winner: Mike Bailey (9:54 via pinfall)
The Good Hands (John Skyler & Jason Hotch vs. Joe Hendry & Yuya Uemura: Skyler & Hotch work the Ugly American gimmick. Lots of Nickelback fans in attendance, not so many Tom Green fans. Apparently Joya is the team name for Hendry & Uemura. I’m sure 411 Impact recappers will respect this in the future. They have matching tights! Can’t fault these guys for lack of dedication, they even have a dance number. The Toronto crowd marks out. Hendry starts out with Hotch. Yuya tags in and continues the advantage until Skyler lands a cheapshot, and now the Good Hands take over with Tag Team 101. Foley/Snow elbow gets two for the Good Hands. Yuya tries to get the tag, but Hotch keeps that from happening. Rear Chinlock! Hendry keeps getting drawn into the ring, which doesn’t help Uemura. Finally there’s a tag, and Hendry goes all ham as you’d expect. He wants to beat up both Good Hands. Standing Ovation is blocked. Modified 3D by the Good Hands gets 2 thanks to Yuya. Hendry launches Skyler into a cutter from Yuya, and that gets three.
Winners: Joya (6:43 via pinfall)
No Disqualification Match: Eric Young vs. Deaner (w/Kon): We have two insane men in combat here, one of whom was driven insane by the other. EY giving shoutouts to the Leafs tonight even though he’s got some Nashville Predator blood in him. I mean, in Toronto you gotta do what you gotta do. He’s also paying tribute to Terry Funk & Bray Wyatt tonight, or anybody else that could help him out with the problem that is Deaner. EY dives onto Kon early. Belly to belly gets two. Young drags out a ladder, hits Kon with it and brings it into the ring. EY blocks the suplex, but can’t block the drop toe hold. Then Kon drags the ladder & EY to the outside. Deaner chokes Young with a chain while saying he’s The Design. Deaner introduces the trash can lid to EY’s spine, then hits a neckbreaker for two. Deaner goes to town with the trash can lid, then is introduced to a staple gun. EY blocks the stapling for a bit, then gets stapled in the fingers & then the armpit. “YOU SICK F” says the Toronto fans. Deaner places a trash can on EY’s head, hits it with a chair. EY hits a DVD on a trash can for two, thanks to Kon, who sends EY into the barricade. Of course EY has handcuffs because that’s how he rolls, and he handcuffs Kon to the turnbuckle. EY hits Deaner with the trash can lid a few times, and staples Deaner in the places he got stapled in. Only fair. EY climbs the ladder. Hits the elbow off the ladder, and Deaner kicks out! Kon ripped out of the handcuffs, and he doesn’t seem happy, Deaner with a low blow to EY. Kon chokeslams EY through two chairs, and EY kicks out! Deaner introduces a barbed wire board to the proceedings. Hold on a second! EY blocks the proceedings and drives both men through the wire! Young piledrives Deaner into that board, and ends the Design that he created.
Winner: Eric Young (13:09 via pinfall)
Impact Knockouts Tag Team Championship Match: MK Ultra (Killer Kelly & Masha Slamovich)(c) vs. The SHAWntourage (Gisele Shaw & Savannah Evans) (w/Jai Vidal) vs. The Death Dollz (Courtney Rush & Jessicka) vs. Jody Threat & KiLynn King: I like how Courtney Rush fits into the Death Dollz gimmick just as much as Rosemary did. Taylor Wilde was originally in this match alongside KiLynn, but got taken out during the pre-show. We’re not sure who did it, KiLynn suspected Jody Threat but then got assigned her as a tag team partner because it’s Impact Wrestling and Santino Marella was in charge. Masha & Gisele start. Some good back & forth here! KiLynn tags in and goes after Masha. KiLynn goes for a powerbomb, gets ranaed instead. Kelly tags in. King gets two with a stalling suplex. Rush breaks it up. This ends up with Jessicka tagging in to deliver some punishment to Kelly. Evans tags in while Jessicka is in the process of a cross-body. Shaw & Evans keep Kelly in their corner, until King tags in and keeps that punishment on Kelly. King tags Threat in, to the shock of many. Double knees & Geman suplex. Jody accidentally tags a Death Doll in, and they start working Kelly over. Until Kelly hits a double DDT on them. Masha is in now, and she’s going all ham. Rush spears Slamovich, then gets Samoa Dropped by Evans. Jessicka lands a headbutt and it’s all finishers now. MK Ultra & Rush in the ring now. Knees, then a good old fashioned neckdrop gets the win for the champions.
Winners: MK Ultra (9:04 via pinfall)
A much more emotional promo from the Swing Man than I was expecting.
Impact Digital Media Championship Match: Kenny King (c) (w/Sheldon Jean) vs. Johnny Swinger: There were some technical difficulties during this match, which I tried to alleviate but quit trying at some point because…why? Swinger sent King into the barricade with a dropkick. Jean crotches Swinger on the top rope and gets ejected. Heath hits the Wake Up Call on King! Swinger covers for two! Kenny King hits the Royal Flush for three.
Winner: Kenny King
Kenny King goes after Tommy Dreamer, who was one of the people breaking up things afterwards.
We get a promo from Time Machine & Josh Alexander. Good people.
Impact World Tag Team Championship Match: Subculture (Mark Andrews & Flash Morgan Webster) (c) (w/Dani Luna) vs. The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz): The Rascalz have never won the Tag Team Championship before. Maybe this is their time. We get some tags before things get flowing. Subculture goes to work on Wentz. But then Webster goes into the ropes and gets introduced to the floor. The Rascalz keep working Webster over. It keeps going with a submission oriented offense, a different game from the Rascalz. Andrews got the tag, and things went ham. Subculture with some double teams. Miguel gets kicked to the outside, which leads to double dives. A double Blue Thunder gets two for Subculture. Double assisted stomp for the Rascalz gets two. We got a Pier 4 brawl now. They all doing some stuff. We got some spray paint to the eyes! We have multiple tag teams at ring side. Dani Luna dives onto some Good Hands. Meanwhile, Webster hits a senton for two. The Rascalz get a double team for three because they are what this promotion is about.
Winners: The Rascalz (18:04 via pinfall)
Back To School Match: Frankie Kazarian vs. Eddie Edwards: We’re at the Killer Kowalski Wrestling School for this match. I would say that my main hope for this match would be Traci Brooks in a school girl outfit, but I might be cancelled for such a sentiment here in 2023. Frankie dominates early, then gets pinned right after a yelling at from Alisha. OK, I was expecting this thing to go on longer.
Winner: Eddie Edwards (4:34)
A picture of Killer gets broken over Frankie’s head.
Sanada vs. Jake Something: We’ve got a non-title match here, as Jake Something needs to win more matches before deserving a shot at the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship. He’s quite the presence, and he gets some nearfalls. Sanada hits a dive. Sandada does a Flop, but gets gored into the corner for two. Something doing some work here. Sanada goes for the dragon sleeper, Something counters. TKO gets a two count for Sanada. Moonsault gets 2! Something catches Sanada off a moonsault, hits a Rikishi Driver for two! Something wants more, and Sanada delivers! Something hits the sitout powerbomb for two! Something has all kinds of counters for Deadfall, but once Sanada hits it it’s 1-2-3.
Winner: Sanada (12:23 via pinfall)
Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, Kushida & Josh Alexander vs. Bully Ray, Brian Myers, Moose & Lio Rush: The heels tried to work over Alexander early, that didn’t work. Knee to Moose got 1. Sabin got crotched in the corner, so Bully Ray tags in. Vertical suplex by Bully Ray. He’s still screaming about the girl he stole from Sabin. Rush tags in. Works over Sabin some, then we get Myers. Moose slams Sabin down. Bully comes back in to slam Sabin down. Myers tags in. We got some moves going on. Bully dumps Kushida with a suplex, Moose goes outside. Moose has Alexander, gets caught in an ankle lock! Then in a sharpshooter! The referee gets taken out. Moose takes Sabin through a table. Moose places Kushida on a table and Rush dives on Kushida though it. We’re running out of people here, Bully & Shelley are still around. Then the lights go out. PCO HAS ARRIVED! PCO gets powerbombed through the table! He sits up! Steve Maclin is back! What the hell is going on here? Moose slams Alexander down, gets avoided. Shelley & Alexander go nose to nose. Moose hits a spear and pins Alexander!
Winners: Bully Ray, Brian Myers, Moose & Lio Rush (18:11 via pinfall)
Impact Knockouts World Championship Match: Trinity (c) vs. Deonna Purrazzo: Every crowd should give Deonna all the respect. I will never understand crowds that don’t. Deonna goes for the arm right away, Trinity tries to shake that off but gets into a headscissors, shakes it off. Trinity with an axe kick for two. Deonna gets kicked out of the ring. Deonna counters these things Trinity did with a piledriver on the floor. Deonna goes for the arm, and locks in the Fujiwara armbar. Trinity goes to the ropes. Trinity hits a split legged moonsault for two. They both go down, then face off. Trinity hits a DDT for two. Trinity has a disablity to land another move. Another near fall for Purrazzo! We get a series of near falls, and then a submission where Deonna has to tap!
Winner: Trinity (15:04 via submission)
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