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Join 411’s Live ROH Supercard of Honor Coverage
Hey kids! Steve Cook here with you for the first Ring of Honor show of whatever this new era will be. Supercard of Honor was originally going to be a new beginning for ROH, but that was with Sinclair Broadcasting Group still owning it. Now we’ve got Tony Khan. We’ll find out just what that means starting tonight…
For one thing, it means randomly having pre-show matches without telling anybody! Ian Riccaboni & Caprice Coleman are still our announcers.
Zero Hour: Blake Christian vs. Colt Cabana: Colt comes over to hug his old buddies Ian & Caprice. 7:06 Cabana powers Christian into the corner. Colt making friends with everybody, including the referee. Fakes Christian out a couple of times. Cartwheel! Some old school Colt here, I assume it’s showcased on Dark these days. Christian hits a dropkick and gets some shine of his own. Cabana with a standing bow & arrow, then surfboards him. A big kick to the head by Christian, then a standing frog splash get two. Christian’s not about Colt’s fancy stuff, but he doesn’t mind taking risks. Lands on his feet on the Fosbury flop, then Colt takes him from the apron to the ground. Big chop, then Colt shows off his pecs for the audience. Back in the ring, a standing splash from Cabana gets two. Colt drives Blake’s head into the top turnbuckle a couple of times, and the fans want one more. They don’t get it, as Blake reverses. Christian then runs into a clothesline from Cabana. There’s that third turnbuckle smash from Cabana. Cabana seems perplexed his cover only gets one. Christian with some overhand chops, then an enziguri. Handspring into a kick, then a 619 on the bottom rope. Springboard dropkick sends Colt outside. Colt’s back and and he’s jabbing away. Goes for the bionic elbow, Christian blocks it and sends Colt outside. Fosbury Flop into a reverse DDT! Back in the ring, springboard 450 from Christian gets two. Cabana evades a regular 450 and goes up top. Christian follows him, Cabana drops him down on the top turnbuckle for three! Chicago Skyline, I hadn’t seen that one in a minute.
Winner: Colt Cabana (8 minutes via pinfall)
Zero Hour: Miranda Alize vs. A.Q.A.: Alize has some tape on her arm, so some limbwork might not be the worst idea in the world for A.Q.A. Miranda locks in the headlock. A.Q.A gets some nearfalls and hits some arm drags like she was on the AAA show last night. Crossbody gets a two count on Alize. A.Q.A. misses in the corner and Alize takes advantage. Alize bites the hand that I presume doesn’t feed her, but I don’t know if there’s a previous relationship here. Broski Boot in the corner, then a basement dropkick in the corner. Suplex gets two for Alize. Alize with a low rana, doesn’t quite get all of it but enough for a two count. A.Q.A, turns the tide with a DDT. Strike exchange won by A.Q.A., she hits some double axehandles and a sling blade for two. Alize slings A.Q.A. off the turnbuckle and hits the ripcord cutter. Crossface, which is esepcially annoying since A.Q.A. got a rope burn to her face earlier. She still gets out of it and kicks Alize down for a top rope move. Shooting star press! That’ll get the three count.
Winner: A.Q.A. (8 minutes via pinfall)
Before our next match, Tully Blanchard comes out to talk about his new faction, Tully Blanchard Enterprises. The graphic on the CaryTron kind of spoils this before he gets to the point. He’s got a new tag team!
Zero Hour: Cheeseburger & Eli Isom vs. Gates of Agony (Kaun & Toa): So the old Cheeseburger name is back, in case you were keeping track of such things. Kaun & Burger start things. This goes as well for Burger as one would expect, but Eli comes in to get him some of Toa. He gets smashed to the mat. Burger with some forearms to Toa, Toa misses in the corner and Kaun tags in. Toa runs Burger over, but Isom tagged in anyway. Isom gets the ol’ gutbuster from Kaun, and the spike from Toa. That’s it.
Winners: Gates of Agony (2 minutes via pinfall)
Tully says we’ll see the third member of TBE later tonight, and we won’t be any less entertained.
Zero Hour: Joe Hendry vs. Dalton Castle (w/the baby chickens): Well this is a welcome surprise! Hendry won’t shake the hand of his former tag team partner! Hendry gets the advantage early with his strength. A shouldertackle sends Castle outside to get fanned by the baby chickens. Castle makes sure the 20 count is still a thing, then runs around the ring to get his mojo going. Castle gets the advantage and hits a basement DDT. Splash gets two. Castle with the gator roll, but Hendry scoops him up and eliminates him from the Royal Rumble. Sends Castle into the barricade. Sends Castle over the barricade. Hendry targets the back with his offense and gets some nearfalls. Clothesline in the corner. Hendry gets a handful of hair and tries to set Castle up for a suplex out of the ring. Castle fights out of it. Big knee to Hendry on the turnbuckle gets two. Twisting side suplex gets a two count for Hendry. Hendry making up some sort of an arm/face lock, it’s interesting. Castle fights out, hits some shots in the corner. Big boot, but Castle misses in the corner, hitting his knee on the turnbuckle. Dalton hits a rana on the floor though, then Hendry runs into the ringpost. Back in the ring, Castle with a big suplex. Another one. Big knee in the corner, then a bulldog for two. Hendry plants Castle with a spinebuster that gets 2.95. Hendry gorilla presses Castle, misses a clothesline and Castle with some strikes. Bangarang! That be it.
Winner: Dalton Castle (9 minutes via pinfall)
Castle pumps up the crowd on his way out. It’s nice to see him in a pleasant mood again.
Chavo Guerrero Jr. is with Bandido tonight. Bandido doesn’t want any cheating! Good luck with that.
Time for the main show!
Swerve Strickland vs. Alex Zayne: The fans let us know that it is indeed Swerve’s house. Some back & forth to start. Swerve’s headscissors met with a handstand by Zayne. Swerve with some evasion skills of his own. Some psych jobs before Swerve gets tripped up. Zayne with a senton, but that offense doesn’t last long. Zayne with the elbowdrag, tries a top rope rana, but Swerve blocks. TKO sending Zayne into the top rope and onto the floor. Swerve with the pump kick on the apron. Back in the ring, a European uppercut off the turnbuckle to the back of Zayne’s head gets two. Swerve with a rear chinlock now. Zayne eventually works his way out and slaps the man. Zayne with some rights, then a clothesline. Swerve tries the popup flatliner, but Zayne blocks that and sends him into the corner. There’s the Zayne top rope rana, then the flipping scissor kick gets two. Swerve blocks the side slam attempt, but Zayne blocks Swerve’s finish. Swerve with a kick delivered through the ropes, locks in the half Liontamer. Zayne reaches the ropes. Zayne might have tweaked his knee on a springboard, that sets up Swerve to try & suplex him to the floor, Zayne blocks, both men end up on the apron, Zayne hits the poison rana to the floor! That looked pretty good, as in Swerve should probably be dead. They make it in before the count of ten, then Zayne hits the shooting star knees to the bent over Swerve for a two count. Zayne’s pulling it all out tonight! There’s some strikes by both men. Zayne with the kick, then he goes for the cobra clutch but Swerve blocks with headbutts. Snap German by Swerve, there’s the rolling flatliner! Swerve up top, there’s the Swerve stomp for two! Swerve gets blocked, Zayne with the knee, Swerve stomps the knee. JML Driver ends it!
Winner: Swerve Strickland (11 minutes via pinfall)
Ninja Mack vs. Brian Cage (w/Tully Blanchard): So that’s why TK kept him under contract! Ninja Mack tries a dive, but Cage catches him and powerbombs him into the apron. Mack’s evading a couple of things here, but not that shoulderblock. Mack lands some shots, but Cage’s shots register a bit more. Mack gets flapjacked. Back handspring into Cage, who catches him and Germans him across the ring. Another across the ring German suplex by Cage, and the fans want another one. Nah, Cage isn’t going to give them that. Mack fights back though, hits a couple of kicks, but then Cage catches him and slams him down. There’s the Drill Claw and there’s the 1-2-3.
Winner: Brian Cage (3 minutes via pinfall)
Jay Lethal vs. Lee Moriarty (w/Matt Sydal): Is the Foundation still mad at Lethal for that whole “I don’t even like the Foundation” thing or nah? The world may never know. Lethal with the wristlock, Moriarty eventually works out of it. Split crowd chants as the match is largely split early. Sonjay Dutt shown in the crowd next to Gary Juster. Lee blocks the signature Lethal cartwheel into kick and gets a near-fall out of it. Headlock takeover as Lethal tries to slow things down and possibly tell a story. So much for slowing things down as things speed up and Jay gets frustrated by Lee’s evasive skills. He’s been frustrated a lot lately. Forearm exchange. Lethal does hit his cartwheel into dropkick this time. Chop, which Lethal learned from Ric Flair, gets two. Arm drag & a big boot by Lee. Cravate! Spinal Tap by Lee gets two. Crank that move to 11 and it’s over. Lethal fights back. Backbreaker, kneebraker, dragon screw. It’s time, Lethal tells us, and he works the knee. A springboard dropkick knocks Lee off the apron, and Lethal hits the tope suicida. He usually follows that with two more. Lee tries to block, but to no avail on the second go-round. Will he be more lucky on the third? He will! Lee pump kicks Lethal to the floor, and has a tope suicida of his own for Lethal. Some forearms are exchanged. Lethal with some kicks to Lee’s weakened leg, but Lee keeps fighting back. Lee slips out of the suplex attempt, hits a hammerlock clothesline for two. Lee gets placed up top, but blocks Lethal’s attempted superplex. Lee misses off the second rope. Lethal hits the Combination for two. Figure four attempt is blocked by Lee. Superkicks, enziguri and cutter are not blocked by Lee. Lethal heads up top and hits the elbowdrop…nah, he’s actually rolled up for two. Lee wants to end this thing and gets some nearfalls. Lethal Injection even gets blocked for a two count. So many cradle attempts by Lee…and Lethal hits the low blow while the referee is readjusting the ring apron Lee pulled into the ring while avoiding a Figure 4 attempt! My goodness! Here’s the Lethal Injection and the three count!
Winner: Jay Lethal (15 minutes via pinfall)
The fans are disgusted with Lethal! Sonjay does not approve! Jay doesn’t seem to approve too much either, but he’s been talking about how he needed to do something different. Sydal confronts Lethal, and Jay kicks his crutch out! Sonjay and some referees come in to break it up and try to talk some sense into the man.
Interim ROH Women’s Championship Match: Mercedes Martinez vs. Willow: Some good ol’ fashioned mat rasslin to start. Mercedes has a bit more of a mean streak though, and we see that with some strikes. Willow’s more about smiling & fun times, but she can slam & senton people too. She runs into Mercedes’ elbow, and Mercedes hits a rolling butterfly suplex. Willow blocks the third, but Mercedes keeps the butterfly lock on and Willow has to go to the ropes. Dragon sleeper by Martinez, but Willow fights out and clotheslines her down two times. Mercedes blocks the third and hits knees to the face of Willow for two. Mercedes with some shots to Willow, goes for the fisherman’s buster but that’s blocked. Willow kicks Mercedes down. They kick each other on the mat. Willow gets the upper hand, but runs into a forearm. Clothesline from Willow and both women are down again. They clothesline and forearm each other. Mercedes with a series of clotheslines & strikes. Saito suplex by Mercedes, then the Air Raid Crash gets 2.78. Martinez goes for the repeated elbow strikes, but Willow won’t go down. Right Angle slam by Willow gets a two count. Willow misses in the corner, but doesn’t miss the pooooooouuuuunnnnnccceeeee! Cannonball in the corner, but Mercedes is too close to the ropes for the pinfall. Experience! Willow going up top, but Mercedes blocks her. She sets her up for the OG Drop, and hits it! Willow kicks out of this. Mercedes with repeated clotheslines in the corner to the front & back of Willow. She puts Willow up top and sets her up for the German suplex…Willow blocks with elbows and Mercedes is locked in the Tree of Woe. Willow with repeated shots. Running hip attack to Mercedes. Willow places Mercedes down in the ring and hits the moonsault! I thought that killed Martinez, but somehow she kicked out. Willow gutwrenches Martinez, but Mercedes fights out, locks Willow in the surfboard, turns it into the Brass City Sleeper and Willow taps!
Winner: Mercedes Martinez (13 minutes via submission)
ROH World Tag Team Championship Match: Jay & Mark Briscoe (c) vs. FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler): Dem Boys vs. Top Guys. What else needs to be said? The old school ROH Tag Team belts are here, matching the old school ROH style logo on FTR’s tights. The fans chant about religious poop. No Code of Honor here. Wheeler & Mark start us off. The fans are a little excited about this one! Harwood’s slapping hands like the babyface he wants to be in AEW. Wheeler with the wristlock. Mark takes Wheeler down into a headlock. Shoulderblock by Wheeler, then an armdrag. Fireman’s carry by Wheeler into the armbar! Up and over in the corner, Mark with that kung fu thrust. Drop toe hold into the front facelock. Jay tags in as the fans chant for tag team wrestling. Dax makes the tag so the chatterboxes of the teams can square off. Lockup goes nowhere. Another one into a headlock takeover by Harwood. Headscissors by Jay. Dax headstands out and spits in Jay’s face! Dax ducks outside while Jay stews over it. Back in, headlock & shoulderblocks by Jay. Dax forearms Jay down. Uppercut & a chop. Jay with the rana, big boot and clothesline over the top rope! Jay doesn’t even let Dax get back in the ring. Harwood tosses a chair into the ring and referee Paul Turner catches it! Nice! Now here’s some doubleteaming from Harwood & Wheeler. Cash tags in, whips Jay around the ring but Jay hits a couple of kicks & a back elbow. Tag to Mark, who lands some big shots on his side of the ring. Vertical suplex gets a one count. Mark & Cash exchange chops. Uppercut sends Mark down, and Cash tags out. Only five seconds for this activity in ROH. Snap suplex by Dax. Chop exchange! Mark seems to be getting the upper hand. Dax responds with the right hand. He hurt himself on that one! Briscoes make the exchange, and they take Cash to their corner for some stomping. Both teams have told Turner to shut up recently. Some rapid fire teamwork from the Briscoes resulting in a cannonball from Jay onto both FTR members! Mark with the Cactus Jack elbow, and he tosses Wheeler over the barricade. Harwood eats a boot. Wheeler tossed back over the barricade and this thing has completely broken down! The fisticuffs here are immense. Jay gets catapulted face-first into the ringside table from underneath! Jay’s got some blood going as he re-enters the ring, and Dax’s hand is covered in after some shots. Cash with a shot of his own behind the ref’s back. Jay fights out of the rear chinlock, but Dax sets Jay up top. Jay tries to fight out, but Dax follows him up and hits the superplex! Cash tags in, slides in front of the Briscoe corner and hits the dropkick. Dax with some sign language for the bleeding Jay as he’s worked over. Jay tries to fight off both men, does so, rolls through and tags in Mark! He’s got chops for everybody, kicks for everybody. Wheeler gets sent down to the floor from the apron. Mark hits the urinaki on Harwood. Thrust, then an Iconoclasm get a two count for Mark. Cash tags in, they set up the spike piledriver and Jay blocks! Dax sent outside, Redneck Boogie on Cash gets two! Cash set up top, but he fights out. Dax’s slingshot Powerbomb followed by the big splash by Wheeler gets two! Dax is busted open now, or is that Jay’s blood? Briscoes have Dax isolated now, and hit the Big Rig! That only gets two! Cash yanks Jay out of the ring, Mark meets him outside and Cash hits the swinging DDT on the floor! Jay hits Cash with a DVD on the floor! Dax & Jay fight for the vertical suplex, and Jay hits it to the floor! Holy Hell. Doc Samson is out to check on Dax while another doctor checks on Mark. Everybody says they can continue. Cash has to roll Dax into the ring to break the count. Mark’s bleeding now. All four men face off in the ring and here’s some punches! Cash sent over the top. Dax runs into a boot. Mark up top, and he corkscrews onto Wheeler on the floor! Dax & Jay exchange shots. They sink down to their knees, but neither gives in. Back up to their feet and the forearms continue! Jay with the neckbreaker, and Mark with the Froggybow! Only two! Mark in the corner motioning for the Doomsday Device. Jay gets him up, but it’s blocked. Jay’s knocked to the floor and Mark is isolated… BIG RIG! Dax covers Mark, Cash dives into Jay and we’ve got new champs!
Winners: FTR (27 minutes via pinfall)
Yep, that lived up to the hype.
Cary Silkin is in to present FTR with the belts. FTR lay the belts in front of the Briscoes & bow down. Handshakes & hugs are exchanged. FTR leave the ring to give the Briscoes center stage. The fans thank Jay & Mark…then the YOUNG BUCKS APPEAR AND SUPERKICK THE BRISCOES WHAT THE HELL? BTE Trigger to Jay, Meltzer Driver to Mark is called off when FTR run back down to the ring! The Bucks mock FTR & the Briscoes from the rampway. Dax gets the mike and points out how the Bucks are dressed to wrestle. The Bucks aren’t going to give it to them. Not tonight. Wednesday night on TBS, we can see Young Bucks vs. FTR Part 2.
ROH World Television Championship Match: Rhett Titus (c) vs. Minoru Suzuki: At least TK has figured out how to do Minoru’s entrance. Suzuki kicks the hand, then kicks Rhett’s head. Some grappling, Titus hanging with Suzuki on the mat. Suzuki locks the armbar in the ropes, then drags Titus outside. Titus is rammed into the barricade. Back in the ring, Suzuki with the facelock, then the armbar into the ropes. Suzuki with the chinlock on Titus, who keeps going to those ropes. Good thing this isn’t a Pure rules match. Rhett fights back, Minoru laughs, but Titus hits that snap belly to belly suplex. Big boot to Suzuki, then another in the corner. Back suplex gets two. Suzuki fights back, locks in a kneebar and Titus goes to the ropes. Titus backdrops out of the piledriver and hits the dropkick for two. Ian & Caprice bought that as a possible finish, not so much the crowd. Titus hulks up, Suzuki with the choke, then the Gotch-style piledriver for three! New champion!
Winner: Minoru Suzuki (5 minutes via pinfall)
ROH Pure Championship Match: Josh Woods (c) vs. Wheeler Yuta: BJ Whitmer, Christopher Daniels & Colt Cabana are the judges for this one. 10:02 Some quick back & forth to start, and Yuta has to go to the ropes on an ankle lock, using that first rope break less than a minute in. Woods works Yuta over on the mat, Yuta gets the referee’s position. Woods going for the splaydel, but Yuta gets out of it. Yuta with the armbar, some nearfalls result out of this. Woods goes for an armbar, Yuta counters into a headlock takeover. Woods fights out of the headlock, winds up in a headscissors. Woods gets out, then targets Yuta’s leg. Yuta with the go-behind, Woods with the headlock. Yuta with the headlock. Woods powers him over and goes for the short-arm scissors. Yuta uses his second rope break. Woods offers the handshake, Yuta offers the slap. He’s learning. Yuta with the bridging deathlock he utilized so well on Wednesday night, and Woods uses his first rope break. Woods hits Yuta’s arm on the up & over, and that’s what he’s targeting now. Woods holds on to Yuta’s wrist while delivering shoulderblocks, but Yuta’s fighting back with forearms. They exchange shots. Woods strikes Yuta down with an open hand for two. Yuta with a DDT, a move you won’t see often in these matches. More strikes exchanged. Yuta with some open palms, enziguri, and a blast in the corner. Yuta up top, hits an elbow strike. Woods goes outside and Yuta dives onto him. Yuta dives into Woods’ flying knee, which gets a two count for Woods. German suplex by Woods, lifts Yuta up but Yuta blocks. Yuta doesn’t block the kick, but he rebounds back in and hits a bridging German. Woods hits a spiral suplex into the turnbuckles, but Yuta uses his final rope break. He didn’t have a choice there. Woods can use the ropes now, and he has before. Yuta rolls through Woods’ finish and hits some repeated elbows. Yuta twists Woods into a cradle and gets the three count!
Winner: Wheeler Yuta (13 minutes via pinfall)
Not too surprising a result considering how Yuta’s been featured on AEW television lately. Also not too surprising since Yuta’s pretty great. Nothing but title changes tonight!
Ian & Caprice run down the AEW Dynamite card for this Wednesday night, including the FTR vs. Bucks match. Tony Khan tells Ian through the microphone that the ROH Tag Team titles will be on the line too.
ROH World Championship Unification Match: Jonathan Gresham (Classic ROH Champion) vs. Bandido (Ring of Honor World Champion) (w/Chavo Guerrero Jr.): I will say it was nice that TK finally reurned Chavo’s text. Chavo tells Bandido not to shake Gresham’s hand, but the Code of Honor is adhered to anyway. Tieup, headlock takeover & a headscissors then back on their feet. They go into that sequence once again. Fans seem to be more behind Gresham early. See, after watching two straight ROH episodes featuring nothing but Gresham matches, these early moves are familiar. Let’s see where they go from here. Bandido winning the test of strength early, but Gresham powers back. Bandido powers back. Gresham tries a Kimura but Bandido reaches the ropes. Gresham blocks the whip, Lil’ kick to the ankle and a dropkick by Gresham. A pose! Bandido with the pump knee, then a dropkick, and Bandido can also pose. Gresham sweeps Bandido’s leg on the apron and dropkicks him to the floor. Bandido takes his time getting back into the ring. Back in, Gresham has the headlock then goes to Bandido’s wrist. He’s gonna manipulate those small joints of Bandido. Crossface by Gresham, and Bandido goes to the ropes. Bandido gets the advantage, works Gresham into a surfboard. Gresham sits down out of it and gets a nearfall! Gresham already going for the Octopus, but Bandido is blocking. Now he’s got it! Close to the ropes though, so it gets broken. Gresham works the left arm of Bandido. Bandido fights back, hits a twisting corkscrew off the ropes. Bandido rolls through while holding Gresham, then holds him for the deadlift suplex! He’s going for the minute, and he gets it! Count of two. Gresham fights back, and they exchange running chops. Big ol’ clothesline from Gresham. Bridging German gets a two, and Gresham holds on. Straitjacket suplex gets two. Enziguri then a snap German gets two. Gesham with repeated hammer blows. Crucifix gets two, then a crossface. Anklelock by Gresham, then the Octopus in the middle of the ring! Bandido slips out, but Gresham can land more hammer blows before Bandido falls into the ropes. Some back & forth, Bandido ends up outside. Gresham tries for a dive, but Chavo pushes Bandido out of the way! Bandido doesn’t approve, but they go back into the ring. Forearms are exchanged. Bandido with the suplex, then a cradle for two. Shining wizard from Bandido gets two. Gresham slides out of a powerbomb attempt, hits a series of cradles for nearfalls. That last one was close. Bandido does his pose, they get back to their feet and exchange shots. Bandido hits a superkick and knocks Gresham into the referee! Chavo with the belt shot while Gresham springboards! Bandido is outraged, and tells Paul Turner to get his manager out of there! Turner obliges. Gresham gets some time to recover on the turnbuckle. He fights off the fallaway slam attempt, but Bandido rolls through on the corrbody for two. Gresham gets two with La Migistral. Pop-up cutter gets two for Bandido. 21plex? No, Gresham rolls through! Another La Magistral with a bridge gets two. Bandido sends Gresham outside, hits the Forbury flop! Back in the ring, X-Knee, then the 21plex! Gresham kicks out! Superkick to a kneeling Gresham. Another one. Three! Gresham with the springboard moonsault! Tope suicida outside. Back in the ring, Gresham traps Bandido in a cradle and gets the three count!
Winner: Jonathan Gresham (25 minutes via pinfall)
Gresham tells us that he had a vision to make ROH pure. He didn’t want to go anywhere else. Before Jonathan can dive too much into this, Jay Lethal interrupts him. He wants to help send the people home on a good note. It’s only fitting, after everything Jay has done for him that Jay be the first challenger for Gresham’s championship. Gresham believes every word he said, but Jay’s earlier actions show that he’s changed. Jay says nobody would know who Gresham was if not for him, and he smacks Gresham! Sonjay Dutt comes down to try and break it up…nah, Dutt’s on Lethal’s side here! He helps Jay beat Gresham down. Lee Moriarty comes down to try and help, but gets a Lethal Injection for his trouble. Jay & Sonjay embrace, and Lethal holds up the title belts.
Some new music and graphics hit…IT’S SAMOA JOE! It’s not agent/producer Joe either, he’s in his fighting gear! He enters the ring and stares down Lethal. Joe puts the choke on Sonjay for a second and continues to stare Lethal down. Joe gets Gresham back into the ring and shakes his hand. Samoa Joe will be on AEW Dynamite this Wednesday night! Gresham got his belts back, so all’s well that ends well.
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