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Join 411’s Live TNA Impact Coverage

November 7, 2024 | Posted by Himanshu Doi
TNA Impact Image Credit: TNA

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Hey there, TNA fans! It’s Thursday and that means it’s time for another episode of TNA iMPACT! I’m Himanshu (you can follow me on Twitter @Himanshu_Doi) and you know how this works. Tonight on iMPACT, Jody Threat steps up to take on Heather Reckless, Masha Slamovich and Jordynne Grace team up against Alisha Edwards and Tasha Steelz, Moose now challenges Mike Bailey, Rosemary and Wendy Choo clash in a No Rules, No DQ match and more. So, let’s jump right in!

As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.


Date: November 7th, 2024
Location: Wayne State Fieldhouse in Detroit, Michigan
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matt Rehwoldt

Match 1: Masha Slamovich and Jordynne Grace vs. Alisha Edwards and Tasha Steelz

Jordynne Grace tries to go for the Juggernaut Driver, but Tasha fights out of it. Tasha hits a Crucifix Bomb into a pin but Masha breaks it up. Tasha whips Jordynne in her corner and tags to Alisha. Alisha grabs her in a Sleeper. Jordynne goes to her corner and Masha tags in. Masha grabs Alisha in a sleeper and Alisha taps out.

Result: Masha Slamovich and Jordynne Grace def. Alisha Edwards and Tasha Steelz by submission
Rating: **¾
Reaction: Solid win for Masha and Jordynne. You can see the focus shifting slightly to Masha after her winning the Knockouts World Championship with her even finishing off the match here.

Gia Miller is backstage with Savannah Evans and asks why Savannah attacked Lee. Savannah says she’s tired of waiting for opportunities and she’s taking them.

Match 2: Wendy Choo vs. Rosemary in a No DQ match

Rosemary gets a bridging crossface with her cane but Wendy gets out of it and they clothesline each other to the ground. Both get up at the same time and Wendy forearms her in the corner. Wendy swings her pillow at Rosemary and hits a Lou Thesz Press. Wendy kicks Rosemary and goes to the second rope with her pillow and hits a splash for two. Wendy goes for a sleeper but Rosemary gets out of it and hits a Spear for two. Rosemary gets her cane and swings it at Wendy but she gets out of it. Rosemary hits As Above So Below for the win.

Result: Rosemary def. Wendy Choo by pinfall
Rating: **¾
Reaction: It didn’t go as crazy as the rules would allow it, but with both of their characters, maybe it wasn’t meant to. The crowd didn’t react much to a lot of the match though.

After the match, Rosemary kisses Wendy Choo on the forehead.

Match 3: Mustafa Ali vs. Santana

This is an old match from 2023. Mustafa Ali runs to the outside of the ring and Santana chases him and when they get back in the ring, Campaign Singh clotheslines Santana and the referee calls for the bell.

Result: Santana def. Mustafa Ali by disqualification
Rating: **

Santino Marella comes out and books Mustafa Ali and Campaign Singh vs. Santana and Joe Hendry.

Match 4: Mustafa Ali and Campaign Singh vs. Santana and Joe Hendry

Hendry hits a DDT on Mustafa Ali. Hendry tags to Santana and he hits Campaign with a kick in the corner. Santana hits a Rolling Buck 50 followed by a pin which Ali breaks up. Ali goes for a GTS but Santana gets out of it and Hendry picks up Ali and hits a GTS. Santana hits Spin The Block on Campaign for the win.

Result: Santana and Joe Hendry def. Mustafa Ali and Campaign Singh by pinfall
Rating: **¾

After the match, Kazarian runs out and the attack Hendry and Santana. Rhino’s music hits and Kazarian is left alone in the ring. Rhino hits a belly to belly suplex and a Gore to Kazarian.

A backstage promo by Maclin who says Josh Alexander is nothing but a chickenshit. He said he knew his true colors before and he knows it now. He says Josh didn’t beat Steve Maclin and no one can beat him. He says this is far from over.

Backstage promo by Wentz and Miguel and Wentz says it isn’t about how fast they get there, it’s about the climb. They both climb a ladder.

Wentz and Miguel are in the tree house and they imply that they smoke some weed.

Joe Hendry comes out and says he has made a custom music video for Nic’s brother and Ryan Nemeth. He says the network has allowed him all the time it will take to air it. The music video says “He’s Nic Nemeth’s brother. The end.” He says the people believe in Joe Hendry.

Santana is backstage with First Class. AJ says Santana has been trying to do his own thing but it pays gmto have friends. He says First Class is only about money. Santana says he came to TNA with his own vision and he went through The System all by himself, so why would he need them. Santana walks off and AJ says KC will have to take care of that.

We see a promo for Genesis.

The Personal Concierge comes out and says there are no women in Detroit and that the fans are all degenrates. He introduces Heather by Elegance.

Match 5: Heather by Elegance vs. Jody Threat

Heather pulls Jody to the bottom corner turnbuckle and goes to the top rope for a crossbody. Jody catches Heather and hits Pop Shove It for the win.

Result: Jody Threat def. Heather by Elegance by pinfall
Rating: **
Reaction: I would’ve thought that they would give Heather the win here and build her up a little bit but they’re still behind Spit Fire.

Match 6: Mike Bailey vs. Moose for the X-Division Championship

Moose hits a discus clothesline and goes for a powerbomb but Bailey counters with a Code Red for two. Moose pulls Bailey face first into the middle turnbuckle and goes for a Spear but Bailey hits him with a knee followed by the moonsault knees. Bailey hits a superkick followed by a Tornado Kick. Moose pulls Bailey to the top rope for a superplex but Bailey snaps his hand. Moose runs to the top but Bailey kicks him and hits a Poisonrana off the top. Bailey hits Ultima Weapon but Moose kicks out at two. Bailey goes for the Tornado DDT but Moose hits a Spear and Bailey rolls out of the ring. Moose hits a Spear on Bailey outside the ring and throws him back in the ring. Moose goes for another Spear but Bailey reverses into a pin for two. Bailey with a springboard but Moose Spears him mid-air. Moose hits a fourth Spear and pins Bailey for the win.

Result: Moose def. Mike Bailey to win the X-Division Championship
Rating: ****½
Reaction: A great main event with a surprising title change. Bailey has had a long run with the X-Division Championship but you had to wonder what’s the next step for both him and the title. Also is the question of whether he will even be with the company by next year.

Moose celebrates with the X-Division Championship after the match. Trent Seven comes out and they cross the paths. Trent Seven hugs Bailey and raises his hand. He then low blows Bailey and hits him with a Seven Star Lariat. He chokes Bailey with his towel and throws him out of the ring.

article topics :

TNA Impact, Himanshu Doi