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Join 411’s Live TNA Impact Coverage

August 8, 2024 | Posted by Himanshu Doi
TNA Impact 8-8-24 JH W Image Credit: TNA

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Hey there, TNA fans! It’s Thursday and that means it’s time for another episode of iMPACT! I’m Himanshu (you can follow me on Twitter @Himanshu_Doi) and you know how this works. Tonight on iMPACT, The System kicks off iMPACT, Joe Hendry faces Wolfgang, Speedball Bailey vs. Trent Seven and Jake Something, Zachary Wentz vs. KC and NXT’s Dante Chen, Jonathan Gresham faces off against KUSHIDA, Jordynne Grace Open Challenge, and more. So let’s jump right in!

As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.


Date: August 8th, 2024
Location: Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa, Florida
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matt Rehwoldt

A promo by Steph de Lander who says she invites everyone to her honeymoon. She asks if they prefer her in red or black.

The System make their way out to the ring. Alisha tells the fans to look at her belt, as it shows that she is one half of the Knockouts Tag Team Champions. She says soon enough, everyone will hold gold in The System again. Eddie Edwards says him and Myers losing their Tag Team Championship and Moose losing his World Championship was nothing but a fluke. He says they will do anything to get those titles back. Myers says nothing has changed at all and The System is still the greatest faction and if they think otherwise, they’re just delusional. JDC tells them to shut up. Moose says Nic Nemeth might be the TNA World Champion at this moment, but what he’ll never be is the face of the franchise. He says when the time is right, he will get what is his. He calls out Mike Santana who says he is scared of him and asks if he has looked at his record. He says he will take that dog and give him the Old Yeller treatment because you always trust The System.

Gia Miller is backstage with Jonathan Gresham who is in his normal self. Gresham says he is here and ready to go. KUSHIDA appears and Gresham offers a handshake.

We see a backstage segment with Mike Bailey and Santino Marella. Marella talks about the Ultimate X match. Bailey says he is inserting himself in one of the matches and if he doesn’t win, he doesn’t deserve to be champion.

Match 1: Trent Seven vs. Jake Something vs. Mike Bailey

Something knocks down Bailey and Seven with shoulder blocks. Bailey hits a poisonrana. Seven hits a scoop slam onto Bailey from the top rope for two. Something looks for a chokeslam but Seven fights out of it and hits a Seven Star Lariat. Jake Something hits a powerbomb on Seven. Something hits Into The Void on Seven. Bailey hits a superkick followed by a Tornado Kick and Ultima Weapon for the win.

Result: Mike Bailey def. Trent Seven and Jake Something by pinfall
Rating: ***

We see a recap of Tasha Steelz vs. Gisele Shaw on Xplosion.

Backstage promo on Tasha Steelz who says she is on the climb to get the Knockout World Championship. She says Gisele found out. Gisele Shaw comes in and says she barks a lot for someone who stole the match. Marella says they will have a match and they will have two referees. Tasha says she’ll drop her like a bad habit.

Santino Marella is backstage and Hammerstone walks up to him and says he has taken an interest in the X-Division. He says he wants in. Marella puts him in the qualifier. Eric Young walks up to him and says they have unfinished business.

Match 2: KUSHIDA vs. Jonathan Gresham

Gresham hits a forearm and KUSHIDA returns with one of his own and Gresham hits a dropkick. Gresham hits a chop across the chest and hits a vertical suplex for two. Gresham gets a single leg Boston Crab but KUSHIDA gets to the rope. Gresham looks to lock in the Octopus Stretch but KUSHIDA gets out of it. Gresham pins him for two. KUSHIDA hits a Pele Kick and looks for a Hoverboard Lock but Gresham fights out of it. Gresham goes for a crossbody but KUSHIDA grabs him and gets the Hoverboard Lock and Gresham taps.

Result: KUSHIDA def. Jonathan Gresham by submission
Rating: ***½

We see a backstage promo by ABC but Mike Bailey walks up to them and says his goal is to become the best and he asks them to participate in the qualifying matches for the X-Division Championship. ABC says they’ll think about it. Ace says they could be double champions.

Steph de Lander is in a pool and she calls PCO but it goes to voice mail.

Jordynne Grace comes out for her open challenge.

Match 3: Jordynne Grace vs. Rosemary

Rosemary goes for As Above So Below but Jordynne fights out of it. Grace rolls through the Death Valley Driver for two. Grace hits clotheslines in the corner and takes her to the top rope for a superplex but Rosemary fights out it and goes for As Above So Below but Jordynne hits a stalling superplex and Rosemary hits a German Suplex. The Personal Concierge comes out with Ash by Elegance. Ash gets a kendo stick and attacks Rosemary and Jordynne while The Personal Concierge is distracting the referee but the referee sees it and calls for the bell.

Result: Jordynne Grace vs. Rosemary ends in a disqualification
Rating: **

A promo for Bound For Glory which reveals that it will be the the Wayne State Fieldhouse in Detroit, Michigan.

Josh Alexander comes out. He says he did not change, the people changed. He says the three letters “TNA” used to signify something and they chose to believe in someone like Joe Hendry. He says Joe is a meme and he’s not a professional wrestler. He asks for a little more respect for the heart and soul of TNA. He says Tom Hannifan called him the standard bearer of TNA and so did the people at one point of time. He says he has spilled more blood, sweat and tears than anyone else in this company. He says he is truly the standard of TNA and he is focused on what belongs to him which is the TNA World Championship. He says Nic Nemeth wants to take the belt to new heights and be the face. He says TNA already has a face and that is Josh Alexander. He says when they face each other, the only thing they’ll call him is the same thing they called him in WWE, a transitional champion. Nic Nemeth comes out. Nic Nemeth gets a mic and hits it in Josh’s throat and superkicks him. Nemeth says he is a fighting champion. He says Josh got his match and next week he will end him.

Santino Marella is backstage and announces Josh Alexander vs. Nic Nemeth for the TNA World Championship. Kazarian walks up to him and says he’s a daddy and daddy eats first. Kazarian says he’ll get himself there in any way he has to.

Match 4: Zachary Wentz vs. KC Navarro vs. Dante Chen

Navarro hits a tilt-a-whirl DDT on Chen for two. Chen drops Navarro with chops. Wentz gets into a punching contest with Navarro. Wentz hits a ripcord into a backbreaker on Navarro for two. Chen whips Wentz into the corner. Navarro sets him up on top. Wentz hits a neckbreaker on Chen from the top. Wentz kicks Chen across the chest followed by a double stomp. Wentz hits Navarro with a German Suplex and hits a UFO Cutter for the win.

Result: Zachary Wentz def. KC Navarro and Dante Chen by pinfall
Rating: ***

Match 5: Joe Hendry vs. Wolfgang

Joe Hendry gets on the mic before the match. He says it wasn’t so long ago that they were in Scotland making a name for themselves. He says it also wasn’t that long ago that he went to his place of work and make them say “We believe”. He says Joe and Mark Coffey are not here tonight. He says there’s something he wants to say and attacks Wolfgang.

Joe Hendry chops Wolfgang outside the ring. Wolfgang hits forearms. Hendry comes back with his own and throws him back in the ring. Wolfgang gets a half Nelson onto Joe Hendry but Hendry fights out of it and hits a knee onto Wolfgang. Wolfgang looks for a Splash from the top but Hendry moves out of the way. Wolfgang pushes Hendry out of the ring. Wolfgang hits a scoop slam on Hendry on the mat. Wolfgang gets back in the ring and waves his hands to mock Joe Hendry. Joe Hendry gets back in the ring at 9. Wolfgang goes for a suplex but Hendry reverses it into one of his own. Hendry hits running double forearms followed by a Fallaway Slam. Hendry goes for the Standing Ovation but Wolfgang drops him and hits the Vader Bomb for two. Wolfgang goes for the Howling but Hendry moves out of the way and hits the Standing Ovation for the win.

Result: Joe Hendry def. Wolfgang by pinfall
Rating: ***

Backstage, The System and Santana are brawling and being pulled apart by security.

article topics :

TNA Impact, Himanshu Doi