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Join 411’s Live TNA Under Siege Coverage

May 3, 2024 | Posted by Theo Sambus
TNA Under Siege Image Credit: TNA


Hello TNA fans! I’m Theo Sambus, your host for this evening, as AEW Collision is once again pre-empted tomorrow night, and I needed my weekend fix of wrestling! It’s been a while since I’ve been able to check out a full TNA show, and this one has a few potential gems on paper so could be a fun night.

Mustafa Ali by all accounts has quickly made himself at home in a TNA ring, and he defends his X Division champsionship against Ace Austin tonight. That could be very tasty indeed, but we have a ton of other flavors to dive into elswhere – Hammerstone and Jake Something will provide us with our Big Meat Men match, and I’d expect Jonathan Gresham and KUSHIDA to have a gloriously technical bout. Plus Broken Matt Hardy, Mike Bailey & Trent Seven against The System in six-man action should undoubtedly be entertaining too.

First up, we have some Countdown to Under Siege action featuring the F.B.I, so let’s get to it.



Location: Albany, NY

Venue: Washington Ave. Armory

Commentators: Matt Rehwoldt & Hannifan


Countdown to Under Siege 2024


Rhino vs VSK

Rhino with repeated chops to VSK. They head to the floor, Rhino with a back suplex on the apron. Back to the ring, VSK springboards in with a senton for 2. He misses a splash off the turnbuckles, and Rhino hits a shoulder block to the midsection in the corner. He sets him up, GORE! 1, 2, 3.

Winner: ‘War Machine’ Rhino

Time: 3:38

Rating: N/R – Little more than a squash.



The FBI (Ray Jaz & Zak Clayton w/ Guido) vs The Batiri

Guido fires up Clayton & Jaz as this one begins. Obariyon starts out with Clayton, Clayton makes quick work of him and then tosses Kodama back and forth across the ring. Big boot takes Kodama down, tag to Jaz  who hits the Sicilian Slice off the ropes. Exploder from Jaz. Obariyon in for some double teaming from the Batiri, who then mock the FBI. Clothesline takes down Jaz, tag to Clayton, pop up uppercut and the Batiri are sent to the outside. Powerslam to Obariyon, pin broken up by Kodama. Doctor Bomb neckbreaker connects from Clayton, Jaz hits the elbow, 1, 2, 3.

Winners: The FBI

Time: 4:15

Rating: ** – Perfunctory stuff, FBI looked decent here.

Backstage, Steve Maclin shows up late, and Kazarian isn’t happy about it. Maclin says they can go take care of business together.



[Digital Media Championship] KC Navarro vs Laredo Kid (c)

Commentary confirms that Hammerstone is injured, so tonight with get Rich Swann vs Jake Something later on instead. Armdrag by Laredo Kid, dropkick attempts miss, and they have a standoff. Wheelbarrow by Laredo but Navarro escapes, he doesn’t escape a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker though. Kid to the apron, Asai moonsault press! Nice height on that, tucking the legs too. 1, 2, no. Strike combination in the corner from Navarro, feint in the ropes, misses a rebound kick, hits a pop up dropkick to send Laredo Kid to the floor.

Kick to the midsection by Kid. Slingblade back in the ring from Navarro gets a 2. Clothesline from the champion, running forearm and a Michinoku Driver, followed by a twisting senton. Springboard elbow off the ropes, 1, 2, Navarro kicks out.Navarro sweeps the legs, hits a running pump kick to the face, and a tornado DDT in the middle of the ring. 1, 2, no.

Enziguri on the ropes by Laredo Kid, and they both head up to the top rope…TOP ROPE SPANISH FLY! 1, 2, 3.

Winner and STILL Digital Media Champion: Laredo Kid

Time: 6:41

Rating: **3/4 – A little heatless but no complaints here, Navarro did well considering this was wasn’t the original plan for the night.



Under Siege 2024 Main Show


Josh Alexander & Eric Young vs Steve Maclin & Frankie Kazarian

Alexander has brought Young some headgear to protect his injured ear, nice touch! Young guys right after Kazarian, who quickly tags out to Maclin. Shoulder block by Maclin, Young tags out to Alexander. Maclin wants no part of Alexander, so he takes out to Kaz. Josh avoids a clothesline and whips off a few armdrags, before hitting a rolling senton on Kazarian.

Alexander hits the ropes, Maclin sweeps the legs and Kazarian floors Josh from behind. Russian leg sweep by Kazarian gets 2. Tag to Steve Maclin, who hits a uranage across the knee. Kazarian back in, backstabber off the middle rope. Vertical suplex gets 2 for Kaz. Kaz grounds Alexander with repeated slaps and punches. Maclin in, knees to the back of the neck. Double suplex by Kazarian and Maclin, Kazarian makes the cover and gets 2. Boot to the side of the head by Alexander and Kaz heads to the floor. EY stalks him but Maclin takes him out. Kaz capitalises in the ring, but Alexander cuts off a top rope attack with a belly to belly suplex off the turnbuckles!

Kaz tags Maclin, EY tagged in too. Young with a running forearm, modified powerslam. Maclin and Alexander tussle now, German by Alexander! Multiple Germans, finishing with a half and half suplex. Kaz with a guillotine legdrop, and a slingshot DDT! But EY in with a neckbreaker! Body slam to Maclin, Young goes to the top, Maclin crotches him and knocks him into the tree of woe. Spear to Young, 1, 2, no. Maclin places Young on the ropes, Alexander tags himself in though. Maclin still tries to superplex Young, Alexander intercepts and hits a big powerbomb to the knee! 1, 2, no.

Olympic slam from Maclin, but EY comes in with an elbow drop from the buckles to make the save. Kaz tags in, EY tagged in too and now him and Kaz are legal. Lou Thesz press and Young tees off on him. Young goes for the piledriver, nope, Kaz goes for Fade to Black but Alexander hits him and EY gets a Code Red!

Maclin counters a piledriver. Psycho Knee to Kaz by accident! Alexander with a crossbody to knock Maclin out of the ring. Piledriver by EY to Kazarian! 1, 2, 3!

Winners: Eric Young & Josh Alexander

Time: 12:25

Rating: ***1/2 – Yeah this was a fun opener! Everyone on top form, nice back and forth, and EY gets a measure of revenge but still leaves things open for another singles match.



Ash By Elegance (w/ Personal Concierge) vs Havok (w/ Rosemary)

The Personal Concierge wants the ring exorcised, and he brings some holy water with him to purify the ring. The bell rings, and Ash runs straight at Havok, who instantly overpowers her. Ash rolls out of the way of a few attempts from Havok, then poses on the ropes…allowing Havok to creep up behind her. Havok screams at Ash, grabs her by the hair and throws her into the corner. Splash attempt misses, Ash cartwheels into a Full Nelson. Havok folds Ash in half, but ABE rolls to the floor for a pep talk by the PC. He rubs some holy water on her forehead.

Havok grabs Ash from behind and pulls her into the ring. Headbutt by Havok! She launches Ash with a suplex toss, gets Ash on her shoulders but the Concierge gets to the apron. Ash manages to get a powerbomb out of the corner on Havok from the momentary distraction. Rosemary grabs the holy water from the PC and drinks the holy water, spitting up blood. That’s enough for Rosemary to chase the PC to the back.

Ash goes for a cover but just gets a 2. Suplex attempt by Havok, Ash gets a rollup for the 1, 2, 3.

Winner: Ash By Elegance

Time: 5:21

Rating: *1/2 – Nope. No thank you. Hokey stuff sort of played for comedy but not fully committing to it? This did nothing for me. I’ll give Ash some bonus points as she’s definitely trying, but the material was not good here.

Post-match, Ash chokes Havok with the garlic necklace that she brought out. Ash lays a chair on Havok and hits the swanton on it. She goes to exit, Havok crawls after her, and Ash hits a big DDT on the ramp.



Gia speaks with Speedball Mountain and Matt Hardy. Speedball says he’s feeling a little bit broken, and Matt Hardy approves. Seeven says tonight they are House Hardy. Hardy says he is with family tonight. He wants to give them a gift. Trent of Seventh and Ball of Speed get coats of arms. Seeven says it’s time to delete the System, and Hardy says they will render them obsolete.


Joe Hendry vs Zachary Wentz

Hendry takes the mic as the crowd tells him they believe! Joe says professional wrestling is all about ‘who did he ever beat’. The lockeroom has people who have beaten Undertaker, The Rock, Kurt Angle, & Bushwacker Luke. It’s a who’s who of the industry, but Hendry thinks he’s beaten some big names himself…Beyonce, Miley Cyrus, Post Malone. Joe Hendry topped the Itunes chart in multiple countries, and he’s #6 in the UK charts! What that means is that the entire world is chanting ‘WE BELIEVE’. What they believe in is 250lbs of pure motivation, Joe Hendry.

Wentz attacks right from the bell, dropkick in the corner, but Hendry goes for the Standing Ovation, avoided. Wentz with a suicide dive through the ropes, taking out Hendry on the floor. Running PK from Wentz, 1, 2, no. Wentz bites the bridge of the nose, cocky pin with a foot on the chest gets a 1. Hammer and anvil elbows and Wentz applies a chinlock. Hendry gets to his feet with Wentz across his shoulders but Wentz gets back in control. Hendry to the floor, goes for another suicide dive, Hendry catches him on his shoulders! He marches back into the ring and military presses Wentz back inside.

Clothesline in the corner, Wentz goes for a springboard crossbody, Hendry catches him, fallaway slam. Kip up, but eats a superkick from Wentz. Kick to the face and stomp follow, and Wentz heads up top, swanton! 1, 2, no. Kick to the spine, goes for the springboard headscissors but Hendry tosses him away. Standing Ovation connects! 1, 2, 3.

Winner: Joe Hendry

Time: 5:08

Rating:**3/4 – This was just starting to cook and then it ended, shame! Could have easily watched another 5 minutes as they matched up well.



[TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championship] Spitfire (c) vs Alisha Edwards & Masha Slamovich

Dani Luna & Jody Threat

Lars Fredriksen joins Matt and Tom on commentary. Luna and Alisha begin, no Alisha tags to Slamovich. Threat joins the fray for a little double team action from Spitfire. Double stalling suplex on Masha, pin, 1, 2, no. Masha with a spin kick to the ribs, Alisha distracts Luna, Masha capitalises with some diving knees to the midsection. Alisha in, shoves Luna in the face, Luna smacks her back, but Masha comes in to attack her from behind. Running kick to the chest, Alisha in for a double team flapjack. Senton by Edwards, 1, 2, no.

Clothesline from Dani Luna, she makes the tag to Threat, and Alisha receives a big clothesline. Falcon arrow from Jody Threat, Masha breaks up the pin attempt. Masha tags in, attacks Luna on the apron, Threat with a pump kick, and Masha is sent into the ropes now. Double knees, German suplex, and another from Luna, bridging for a 2 count. Threat back in, but Alisha comes in with a kendo stick! She smacks Threat in the back while the ref is distracted. Gutwrench powerbomb on Threat. Edwards with the pedigree. 1, 2, 3.

Winners and NEW TNA Knockouts champions: Masha Slamovich & Alisha Edwards

Time: 6:27

Rating: **1/2 – A little lacklustre to be honest, and again felt like it could have benefitted from a bit more time.



Jake Something vs Rich Swann (w/ AJ Francis)

Enziguri by Swan to Something, shoulder block train from Something connects, and he swats Swann from midair. Francis distracts Something, Swann dropkicks him from behind, allowing Francis to knock Jake down on the outside. Kick to the face from the apron and Swann & Francis gloat. Kick to the back of the legs by Swann, trying to knock the big man down. Swann gets Something in the ropes, standing on his back, choking him against the ropes, and AJ cracks him in the face with a right hand for good measure.

Jake comes back with a fist to the gut, goes for another but Swann with a thumb to the eye. Swann tries to clothesline Something down, but Jake absorbs it and hulks up. Clothesline to Swann takes him off his feet. Jake misses a splash in the corner, but he grabs Swann and almost spikes him on the mat face first. Torture rack backbreaker, 1, 2, no. Jake goes for Into the Void, avoided, Swann with a reverse DDT and a kickback, 1, 2, no.

Swann dives off the middle rope into a right hand by Jake Something. Jake runs the ropes but AJ pulls the ropes down in a low bridge, bringing him to the floor. AJ goes to chokeslam him but the referee sees and is about to call for the bell…but here comes Cody Deaner. Deaner says he talked to Santino, and there’s another choice, the people’s choice. Deaner says if the people of Albany want it, they can end it in a DQ…or Deaner can come to the ring and chop down that Dolla tree. Deaner says the people have spoken, and he charges. Deaner and Francis fight on the floor, Francis gets a chokeslam on Deaner on the apron. Something is up, dives over the top rope to take out Francis! But Swann dives in a flipping tope con hilo to take out Something. Back in the ring, springboard cutter, frog splash! 1, 2, 3.

Winner: Rich Swann

Time: 11:29

Rating: **3/4 – Some of the action was pretty decent, but the interference grated and there were way too many distractions. Francis and Swann get some good heat at least.



Jonathan Gresham vs KUSHIDA

Gresham wrestles in the mask now, that’s new to me! He is back into the corner…and starts coughing loads. He cartwheels out of an exchange and coughs more? Nice technical exchange as both guys try to gain leverage. Wheelbarrow, into a surfboard stretch from KUSHIDA. To their feet, back elbow from Gresham. They trade chops…and Gresham bites the arm of KUSHIDA! Gresham stamps on the foot, goes for a single leg but KUSHIDA boots him away. Gresham goes for a Boston crab, locks it in. He sits down on it, but KUSHIDA reaches the ropes. Kushida lashes out and attacks the legs of Gresham, then hits a handspring back elbow. Shotei in the corner, armdrag and a cartwheel dropkick to the face connects for 2.

Gresham gets a quick rollup, grabs the tights! 1, 2, no. Hurracanrana rolled through, pinfall exchange. Kick to the face by Gresham, KUSHIDA with a receipt with one of his own, both men down. They battle to their feet, kicks by KUSHIDA, leg caught, punch to the jaw of Gresham. Gresham has black stuff on his hands, smears it in the face of Kushida. Gresham coughs up some more black stuff and holds it over the mouth of Kushida…and pins him, 1, 2, 3.

Winner: Jonathan Gresham

Time: 9:03

Rating: *** – Well this was not the match I was expecting. We did get flashes of good technical stuff, but this was clearly a vehicle for establishing Gresham’s new character, and I’m NOT a fan. That really overshadowed what could have been a great match. It’s a real departure for Gresham, I’ll give him that.

Kushida gags and appears to be choking post-match as security assistants come to attent to him and help him backstage.



Jordynne Grace & PCO vs Steph de Lander & KON

Haha Jordynne is the one who re-animates PCO before the match, that’s cool. PCO and KON face off, but Grace wants a piece of KON! She tells him to bring it on. She chops him in tge chest, he charges, and she hits a double overhand chop. Grace goes for a German suplex, KON avoids it, gets her on his shoulders, goes for a DVD but she holds on! She has a vice grip on him, she gets off his shoulders and he chops her to the mat…but that fires her up! A shoulder block knocks her down, and KON tags in Steph De Lander. Running boot to the head of Grace, Fisherwoman’s suplex out of the corner, and some grounded punches. Steph looks for a piledriver, Grace flips her overhead and tries for a tag…gets it!

PCO in and he scares Steph away, tagging KON in. Big Kon and PCO go face to face, shoving each other, chops to the chest, until Kon hits a kick to the knee and one to the midsection. PCO right back with a clothesline, KON with one too! They trade clotheslines, and KON hits a cravate neckbreaker elbow drop combo. PCO up to, PCO-SAULT! De Lander saves the match.

PCO takes issue with Steph but KON comes from behind to knock PCO to the floor outside. They trade blows before returning the ring, elbow drop by KON. KON tags in De Lander, who stomps away at PCO in the corner. Quick tag back to KON, drives the knee into the throat of PCO. Clubbing blows to the back, stereo clotheslines from PCO and KON and both men are down now. PCO convulses as he comes back to life! He tags in Grace, Steph tags in too. Short DDT by Grace, holds on and rolls into a Jackhammer for 2.

Stephs pulls the ref in harms way, and she capitalises and sends Grace hard into the buckles. PCO in, grabs Steph by the throat…she flirts with him a little, and they dance….he looks like he’ll go for a kiss but KON attacks from behind. Chokeslam to PCO. Grace with a low blow to KON! She gets KON on her shoulders, DVD BY GRACE!! Grace holds the ropes open….PCO DIVES THROUGH HER LEGS THROUGH THE ROPES to take out KON, what the hell!! Steph from behind, gets Grace on her shoulders, Steph sits into a pin, but Grace straight into a powerbomb. Juggernaut Driver connects, 1, 2, 3!

Winners: Jordynne Grace & PCO

Time: 10:56

Rating: ***1/2 – Well this was a heck of a lot more entertaining than I thought it would be! The intergender aspects were handled well, and Grace had some fantastic feats of strength in the closing stretch.



[TNA X Division Championship] Mustafa Ali (c) vs Ace Austin

Ali is undefeated over the past 250 days. Commentary recap notable multi-time X-division champions and mention Trevor Lee, foreboding?! Backslide by Ali for 1, quick covers from both guys, arm drags and they come to a standoff. Ali goes to shake his hand, but Austin flicks his playing card in the face of the champion. Ali slides to the floor, and Austin is right there with a Fosbury Flop to take him out. They go back to the ring, Austin out the other side, and Ali follows with an Austin Aries-like heat seeking missile suicide dive. They trade blows on the outside, Austin bounces Ali’s head off the apron and breaks the referee’s count. Ali is thrown towards the ring, jumps to the middle buckles and dives back with a tornado DDT to the floor!

Ali briefly chokes Austin with the ring apron over his face, then drives Austin head first into the turnbuckle padding. Enziguri by Ali, springboard rolling neckbreaker gets a 2. Ali goes for another one but Austin decks him, and then hits a headscissor stomp. Austin springboards off the middle rope into a DDT, which gets a 2. Chop to the back by Ali, Ali goes for a hold but Austin with a leg drop to escape. Austin on the apron, Ali grabs the arm and Austin is sent shoulder first into the ringpost and falls to the floor. Ali targets the arm, wrapping the arm around the ringpost and he locks in a Crossface around the post!

Kimura attempt from Ali but Ace Austin battles back with one arm. Austin targets the arm of Ali and gives him a receipt, wringing the arm into the turnbuckle. He takes the arm and hits a diving legdrop to the arm, both guys have injured arms now. Austin tries to whip Ali into the ropes, but his arm is too injured. Austin grabs the hair, Ali sweeps the legs, spins him round and hits a GERMAN to the floor, damn!!

Ali to the top, 450 misses, Austin with an overhead biel into the buckles! Right hands by Austin, Ali strikes back. Headbutts now, chops, forearms. Kick to the face by Ali, pump kick by Austin. Dragon screw leg whip by Ali! Powerbomb avoided by Austin, Ali is sent to the floor. Kick to the face of Ali! But Ali sweeps the ring skirt, which buckles the legs again and Austin falls back on his neck.

In the ring, the sharpshooter is locked in by Ali! Austin pulls the hair to break the hold, powerbomb to Ali! 1, 2, no! Austin sells the arm but calls for Ali to stand up. Secret service agents get involved for Ali but Austin takes them out. THE FOLD, Ali is down! 1, 2, the Secret Sevice save Ali and pull him to the floor. Austin takes out more of the Secret Service on the floor, gets back in the ring but Ali has the belt. Rollup by Austin, 1, 2, no. Austin springboards in but Ali kicks the back of the legs and Austin falls back onto the X division belt. Ali to the top, 450 splash! 1, 2, 3.

Winner and STILL TNA X-division Champion: Mustafa Ali

Time: 16:33

Rating: ***3/4 – Some GREAT stuff here, I loved the limb work with both guys destroying each other’s arms. So much interference tonight so the Secret Service getting involved was tiresome and detracted from what was otherwise a wonderfully clean match focused on pure athleticism.



Broken Matt Hardy and Speedball Mountain (Mike Bailey & Trent Seven) vs The System (Brian Myers, Eddie Edwards & Moose)

Hardy wants Moose but Myers steps up instead. Moose relents and tags in. Nope, Moose says that’s not how the System works, and tags back out to Edwards. Hardy bites the hand of Edwards in the corner, but Eddie locks in a side headlock. Shoulder to the midsection from Hardy, and he whips Eddie into the middle rope. Bailey in, kick to Eddie, and Trent comes in for an assisted senton. Eddie with a chop to the throat of Speedball, and now here comes Myers.

Myers misses a splash in the corner, and Hardy drops to his knees, Speedball with the Poetry in Motion! Mounted punches in the corner by Seven and Speedball. Now down to Myers and Bailey, Bailey misses the double knees, in comes Moose with a huge uranage for 2. Quick tags from the System as they all target Bailey. Back elbow from Myers keeps Bailey grounded. Moose stomps on the ankle of Speedball, and Alisha gets involved, choking Bailey while the referee is distracted. Moose goes to powerbomb Bailey, but Speedball drops out of it and hits a series of quick kicks. But Moose plants Bailey with another uranage.

Edwards cheapshots Hardy on the apron, but Bailey counters Eddie’s offense into a snap suplex. Eddie drives Bailey back into the System’s corner, blocking a tag. Moose takes out Hardy on the apron again, but Bailey is up, goes for a hurracanrana, Moose catches him, but Bailey counters another uranage and makes the tag to Trent! Trent tosses Edwards, hits a DDT on Moose for a 2 count.

Trent does the Jeff Hardy taunt, misses a Whisper in the Wind, and Moose tags the tag champs in (they come in together). Trent battles both, Blue Thunder by Eddie gets a 2. Edwards charges for a spear in the corner, Trent dodges and Eddie is sent to the floor. Moose is kicked away by Seven, but the System take out Hardy and Bailey on the apron so Seven can’t make the tag.

Myers tagged in, Seven Star Lariat connects from Trent Seven! And he makes the tag to Matt Hardy! Hardy with arm drags to Myers, double clotheslines, and Delete Headbutts to Edwards and Myers in the corner. Side Effect! 1, 2, Edwards kicks out. Twist of Fate signalled, Edwards backs out of it and in comes Moose. They go face to face and come to blows. Hockey fight! Moose goes for a powerbomb, Hardy counters, Moose gets a big boot though. Moose springboards to the top rope and launches off but Hardy catches him in a cutter! 1, 2, NO.

Elbow drop off the second rope by Hardy, 1, 2, no. Hardy again calls for the Twist of Fate, Edwards interrupts. Myers is legal, but Hardy with a jawbreaker. Bailey in, top rope dropkick, tornado kick connects! Myers catches him in midair with a spear! 1, 2, Hardy and Seven break it up. Edwards tagged in, the System stand tall and look for a triple powerbomb, but the opponents stand up, Bop and Bang! Stereo Twist of Fates from all 3 guys! Seeven tagged in, Hardy is attacked from behind by Moose, Bailey sends him to the floor. Bailey on the apron, moonsault to Myers while Seven gets a low suicide dive to Edwards. Pump kick by Moose to Bailey & Edwards, and he powerbombs Eddie into the apron, one to Seven too. Pump kick to Hardy, Moose is cooking now!

Moose pulls out the timekeeper’s table, positions it nearer the ring. Hardy drives Moose backfirst into the ringpost and hits a Twist of Fate on the floor. Hardy lays Moose on the table, climbs to the top rope…LEGDROP THROUGH THE TABLE! Hardy has taken out the World champion. Inside the ring, German/kick combo on Edwards gets a 2. Bailey sweeps the legs of Myers on the apron, hits the moonsault double knees. Seven with the Birminghammer! 1, 2, NO, Alisha Edwards interrupts the count.

Bailey takes issue with Alisha, and he chases her, until Myers cuts him off with a clothesline. Low blow by Edwards on Seven with the ref distracted, boot to the face, backpack stunner and elbow drop combo from Edwards and Myers helps them pick up the 1, 2, 3.

Winners: The System

Time: 23:49

Rating: ***1/2 – Traditional six-man in the first half with some good heat segments, then devolving into a chaotic brawl style with big spots left, right, and center. A fun watch for sure, and everyone looked good, with Hardy certainly pulling his weight. As always, Moose looks like a total star.


The System celebrate as tonight’s broadcast comes to an end. Thanks for joining us folks! Have a great weekend!


article topics :

TNA Under Siege, Theo Sambus