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Join 411’s Live WWE NXT Coverage

September 19, 2023 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
WWE NXT 9-19-23 - Carmelo Hayes vs Dominik Mysterio Image Credit: WWE

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Hello everyone, and welcome to our live WWE NXT coverage right here on 411! It’s me as usual, Jeremy Thomas, and tonight The Man is back following her NXT Women’s Championship win on last week’s show. Becky Lynch will open the show in a segment that will likely determine her challenger for NXT No Mercy. In addition, Carmelo Hayes and Dominik Mysterio will do battle in a champion vs. champion match with neither title on the line as they prep for their No Mercy title defenses. Roxanne Perez will take on Lola Vice in Vice’s biggest challenge to date, while two more Block matches in the NXT Global Heritage Invitational will take place in Tyler Bate vs. Butch and Duke Hudson vs. Joe Coffey. A lot of potential in that lineup for a good show.

Here at Thomas HQ, I’m keeping been busy with movies as always. The 2023 Hooptober Viewing Challenge has begun and I have my first three films watched. Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon was a well-made mockumentary meta-slasher; on the flip side, the Hulu Books of Blood movie was very lackluster and didn’t feel like a Clive Barker adaptation at all. Meanwhile, The Last Voyage of the Demeter was aggressively “fine” but ultimately (and sadly) pretty forgettable.

Outside of my Hooptober viewing, I watched Dracula 2000 for the first time since it first came out and…yeesh. It’s very 2000 in many of the worst ways. I’m also gearing up for Fantastic Fest 2023, which I’ll be covering remotely. I watched one thing for that so far that I can’t yet talk about and have several others on deck, so be on the lookout for reviews starting later this week.

Finally, my X-Men catch-up project in its final stages as I read this year’s Hellfire Gala and am now firmly in the Fall of X period of the last few months. Not everything’s hitting, but I am enjoying most of what’s being laid down — notably Emma Frost and Tony Stark’s partnership which has been very well done by Gerry Duggan thus far.

Anyway, we’re gonna have a lot to cover tonight so let’s hop right in.

As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.

* We kick off with a recap of Becky Lynch’s win over Tiffany Stratton last week to win the NXT Women’s Championship.

* And we’re LIVE in the Capitol Wrestling Center where The Man has arrived! Lynch looking snazzy with big-ass shades and the title belt. She gets the mic and lets the crowd chant her name a bit before saying The Man has come around to N-Becks-T. The crowd does an NXT chant, and Lynch says the NXT Women’s Championship world tour continues because they bring the fight every damn night. Lynch says it doesn’t matter the name, the game is the same. Gigi Dolin, Elektra Lopez, Thea Hail, Roxanne Perez. She’ll be here a while and she’ll go the extra mile, so let’s have a scrap, Ivy Nile! She keeps going naming NXT women for another stanza.

Becky says it feels so good to be back and represent the NXT Universe, because they’re what makes the title. But speaking of time, Tiffy Time is over. But credit where credit is due. Last week Tiffany hung with The Man and pushed her to the limit, so she’ll get her rematch whenever she wants. She may be an idiot and an asshole, but she is —

And here comes Tiff! She says she’s heard enough actually, and appreciates the flowers but did she really think the rematch would be optional? She’s getting a rematch and deserves it. She says she knows Becky is a WrestlMania main eventer, The man and the #1 girl, but she is Tiffany Stratton, the future of WWE and the future two-time NXT Women’s Champion. She says if Becky wants to be a fighting champion, how about round two tonight?

The crowd loves it and Tiff says she knew they would — which is why it’s not happening. She says these losers cheered her every week until Becky came here. She wants her rematch on a bigger stage — in Bakersfield at No Mercy.

Lynch says she told her she can have her rematch when she wants, but the result will be the same. Not because Tiffany isn’t good enough, but because she’s not hungry enough. She’s seen people like her come in, get a rocket strapped to their back and become entitled. It comes down to who wants it more, and even after 10 years she wants it more.

Tiffany says Becky should be thanking her because if her name hadn’t come out of Tiff’s mouth she never would have come here. Becky says one things for sure; she’s a better fighter than a talker. So instead of going word to word with the man, they can go punch for punch. Lynch attacks, but Kiana James comes in to help Tiff. She holds Lynch while Tiffany grabs a chair, but Lynch fights them off and gets the chair. She swings, but they bail.

* Tony and Stacks are looking over photos in the back and Tony says they have a lot of eyeballs on them. Stacks asks what they’re gonna do, and Tony says they’ll but all the contenders at the table and then they’ll eat. They have to figure out who to invite and consider The Creeds, plus Angel & Humberto. Next is Tank & Hank as well as Nima & Price. There’s only one place left at the table, so apparently those last two are fighting.

* McKenzie is with Ilja and asks him about his match at No Mercy. He says that his battle wounds are still hurting from Wes Lee, but he’s going to No Mercy and he’ll be ready. Lynch comes in and asks if he minds, and he says the stage is hers. Lynch says that Kiana and Tiff didn’t have to go two-on-one but if they want to, they can. That match is set for tonight apparently.

* We go to the Meta Four lounge and Noam says they’re ready to watch these dafties compete for the honor of losing to him at No Mercy. Doesn’t matter if they are from Group A or B, if they take the red pill or blue. Butch’s music interrupts, that match is next.

* Trick is on the phone saying he won’t be there for Melo’s match. Dominik comes up and says that he understands Trick, as he lived in his dad’s shadow. Trick says he doesn’t live in anyone’s shadow, and Dom says that the Judgment Day helped him get out of the shadow, and he can’t wait to say the same about Trick. Trick says he doesn’t come from the same place as Dom and Dom says he used to say the same thing before leaving.

NXT Global Heritage Invitational Match
Butch vs. Tyler Bate

Lockup to start, they6 push against each other until Bate is put on the mat. Butch with a wristlock, Bate counters into a headlock but Butch puts him on the mat again and works over the digits. Back up, Bate with a headscissors takedown. They’re both back up and Butch with a big slap! Lockup again, Bate into the ropes and they stop in the ring, Bate with a big slap and cover for two.

Bate with strikes to Butch, battering him into the corner and beating him down for four. The ref pulls Bate back and Butch decks Bate to take over. Butch with a whip into the corner, Bate turns it around, they trade reversal holds and Butch drops Bate with a shot to the head. Butch moves in but Bate kicks him and goes up, he leaps RIGHT into a punch and Butch covers for two.

Bate stomps on Bate’s ankle and picks him up for a chop. Butch going up top, Bate cuts him off and climbs up for a superplex — he picks Butch up and holds him there before dropping him down! Cover for two, and we’re onto PIP break.

We’re back as Bate and Butch are trading punches, with Butch taking over and knocking Bate down. He leaps on Bate and beats on him, then picks him up for a suplex — Bate lands on his feet! Standing Shooting Star Press, cover for two. Bate goes for the Tyler Driver ’97 but Butch counters into a leg choke! Bate picks him up, gets him on his shoulders and spins into a DVD! Cover gets a nearfall!

Both men to their feet, Butch with a shot that Bate returns. We hit the two-minute warning, Bate with the Tyler Driver ’97 — which Butch counters into one of his own! Cover for two. Butch goes for the Bitter End — and Bate counters with one of HIS own! Cover for two and three quarters!

They trade shots, Bate off the ropes for a big shot and goes up, diving but Butch gets his knees up! Bitter End — but it only gets two! Butch picks Bate up for the Better End and gets three!

Winner: Butch (11:50)
Rating: *** 1/2
Thoughts: What a fantastic match. I honestly expected Bate to get the win here, but I am not complaining about Butch winning. They threw everything they had here to great effect.

* Earlier today, Thea Hail and Jacy Jayne head to the mall. Thea says she needs to do this, she’s not a little kid anymore. Jacy asks if she’s ready and she says yes. Into the store and Jacy throws a bunch of clothes at Thea.

Later, Jacy says she’s so excited and Thea says she can’t do this. Jacy says she needs to see it at least, and Thea comes out in a bunch of outfits. A leather minidress is the vibe they’re going for, so she tries several examples and Jacy says on one we don’t see that it’s “the one.” They walk out, Thea says she feels amazing and Jacy can’t wait for everyone to see the new Thea Hail next week.

NXT Global Heritage Invitational Match
Duke Hudson vs. Joe Coffey

Lockup to start, they push off from each other and Joe gets a headlock. He’s shot into the ropes and runs into Duke, both stay up. Duke into the ropes, same result. They try to shoulder block each other, clotheslines and Duke finally takes Joe down. Duke into the ropes and hits a rana on Coffey! Duke with shots in the corner and whips Joe into the corner, Joe comes out into a backdrop for two.

Duke with a powerbomb attempt, Joe blocks it and pushes Duke into the corner. Shoulder blocks, a couple punches and he kicks Duke down, then stomps him in the middle of the ring. Duke send into the corner hard a couple of times, backbreaker from Coffey and a cover for two.

Joe with a measured punch to a downed Duke. He talks some trash and pulls Duke to his feet, but Duke fights back and lays in jabs, he goes for the elbow but Joe ducks to the outside. Duke follows and gets slammed into the apron. Joe rolls him in and goes up top — front missile dropkick! He grabs Duke — German suplex. Joe backs up and takes aim, he hits the Glasgow Sendoff! Coffey into the ropes but Duke ducks and rolls Coffey up for three!

Winner: Duke Hudson (3:48)
Rating: ** 1/4
Thoughts: It was as good as a match this short can be. Nice to see Duke get a big win, though this was just to set up the tiebreaker.

* Kelly Kincaid asks Nathan Frazer about the tie and he says let’s freaking go! They all beat each other and all have four points, so the only thing that makes sense is a triple threat. Kelly says the tiebreaker is tonight, and Frazer runs off.

* Yesterday on Twitter, Mr. Stone says he saw Von Wagner and it’s not good, but he appreciates the well-wishes.

Roxanne Perez vs. Lola Vice

Lockup to start, Lola with a wristlock that Roxy reverses. Lola kicks Roxy and slams her down, then goes back to the wristlock. Roxy counters out and bridges for a two-count, and then again for a second two-count. Lola with a big kick to the gut.

Roxy back up and fires off at Lola, she goes up top but gets pushed off and lands hard on the apron. Vice goes back to the arm and wristlock slams Roxy down, then stomps on her. She wraps Roxy’s arm up and snaps the other arm back, cover gets two.

Roxy gets sent shoulder-first into the corner, and Lola grabs her to do it again but Roxy reverses. Vice manages to get Roxy down and locks in an armbar with her legs in the center of the ring. Roxy eventually somersaults out and gets up, firing off shots but Lola with a kick to the gut. She whips Roxy into the corner and charges in but Roxy gets a boot up. She goes up top and leaps onto Lola, mounted punches and then a front dropkick in the corner. Roxy with a charging Euro uppercut followed by mounted punches — but Vice goes under and yanks Roxy into the top turnbuckle!

Roxy gets back control for a moment and goes for Pop Rocks, but Vice counters into an armbar. Roxy rolls Vice onto her shoulders for three!

Winner: Roxanne Perez (4:17)
Rating: ** 1/2
Thoughts: Solid match between these two, which allowed Vice to have a very good showing against a former NXT Women’s Champion. It sets her up well for the NXT Breakout Tournament, which was this match’s goal.

* Dominik WALKS backstage.

* Eddy Thorpe goes to his meditation tree that Dijak thrashed. He says Dijak says he needs to embrace his wild side? Dijak thinks he doesn’t know what he’s trying to do? Just say it: he thinks Thorpe is a savage. He says Dijak has insulted his culture, and he wants a strap match against Dijak. If Dijak wanted a savage, he’s got one.

* Becky Lynch is in the locker room backstage when Roxy walks in. Lynch says Roxy had a hell of a battle and keep doing what she’s doing; it’s working for her. Roxy said she took a page out of Becky’s book and that letting people walk all over her isn’t working anymore. She offers to be Becky’s tag partner, and Becky says Roxy needs to get some ice on that shoulder. But she appreciates the offer.

Carmelo Hayes vs. Dominik Mysterio

Dom attacks Melo right off the bat and grabs the NXT Champion — but Melo starts laying in punches! Melo springboards off and takes Dom down, and the bell finally rings. Melo sends Dom into the corner and takes him down, then hits a dropkick. Dom sent into the corner and snapmared to the mat. Melo goes for a kick and Dom escapes to the outside. Melo with a baseball slide, Dom moves. Melo grabs Dom to put him into the steps, Dom reverses but Melo blocks it. Melo gets sent into the guardrail!

Back in the ring but Melo takes back over and hits a Rocker Dropper through the ropes for two. Melo with an tilt-a-whirl bulldog and Dom escapes to the outside as we go to break.

We’re back and Dom has Melo in a headlock. Melo fights out but gets kneed in the gut, Dom covers for two. Dominik with the Three Amigos, they’re both slow to get up and when they do Melo takes over and batters Dom in the corner. He ducks a clothesline and hits a knee to the head, he slams Dom down for two.

Dom tries to crawl to the apron but Melo grabs his foot. Dom with a kick to the head, DDT and a cover for two. Dom grabs Melo’s legs and goes to catapult Melo into the middle rope. 619! Dom goes up, he leaps but Melo moves and then hits a lungblower. Melo up top, but he gets knocked off to the floor. Dom comes with and Melo throws Dom over the table — and into Ilja who has been at commentary.

Melo grabs Dom, but Dom pulls Melo into Ilja! He rolls Melo in and SLAPS Ilja! Dom wants to die. Ilja charges in and causes the DQ.

Winner: Dominik Mysterio (9:11)
Rating: ** 1/2
Thoughts: Not exactly Melo’s best match, they did the work but didn’t click as well as I thought they might. It was fine, but the DQ ending didn’t help matters here because it felt like the copout it is.

Ilja beats the shit outu of Dom and hits the H Bomb on him, then charges in with the Torpedo Moscow — Dom pills Melo into it! Dom celebrates on the ramp — and Dragon Lee superkicks him! Lee holds the title up.

* Trick is upset backstage when Joe Gacy and Ava walk in. Joe says everyone wants to be their own man but nobody thinks about how it affects anyone else. Trick says that he’s not leaving Melo behind and Ava says she can see the sadness on him. Trick says that’s coconut oil. Joe Gacy says that they understand Trick and he should join them. Trick says let him think about it — no. He’s seen that movie before. Joe and Ava leave some

* Andre Chase walks in and congratulates a tired Duke, who says he needs about an hour. Duke says time is relative and he needs to get the win. Duke says that Joe Coffey hits like an elephant and Frazer is faster than Usain Bolt. Chase gives Duke a psyching up and asks who is going to give them an Chase U-sized asswhupping? Duke gets a bit of Thea energy and heads out.

* SCRYPTS is leading Nima and Price in some dice on the streets. They chase everyone off. They talk about Tony potentially giving them a seat at the table, and SCRYPTS says he wanted to hang with them because they’re true hustlers.

* Hankd and Tank are with McKenzie. Hank says Bronco and Lucien are powerful dudes and aren’t going anywhere, but neither are them. Tank says that they’re here to feast on the division and if Bronco and Lucien get in their way, they have no problem working up an appetite.

NXT Global Heritage Invitational Match
Nathan Frazer vs. Joe Coffey vs. Duke Hudson

Coffey and Hudson start brawling with Frazer getting shoved away, Frazer goes in with a dropkick. Hudson whips him in the corner but Frazer gets the foot up. Frazer dropkicks both men, Hudson goes to the outside and Nathan goes to dive on him, but Joe takes him out. Frazer knocks Joe to the outside and goes to dive, but Duke shoves Nathan up into the air and gets a two-count when he lands.

Duke stomps on Nathan and goes after Joe, who hangs Duke on the ropes. Joe back in and he and Duke collide with each other multiple times before Coffey takes over. Duke fires back but Joe takes over, knocking Duke down and stomping him. Coffey kicks at Frazer and the opening lets Duke get up, he and Joe are trading shots as Frazer goes into the ropes to pick up speed — double front dropkick sends Joe and Duke to the outside! Frazer off the ropes and dives onto them!

Frazer rolls Duke in and follows, he decks Duke and beats him to his knees. Duke fires back but Nathan is still punching. Duke to his feet and gets knocked into the corner, Frazer charges but Duke with a uranage! Coffey grabs Duke’s legs and trips him, then pulls him hard crotch-first into the turnbuckle and holds him there as we go to break.

We’re back and Coffey slams Frazer down, then knocks Duke onto the apron. He turns around and Frazer is firing off with punches, but Coffey with a bodyslam. He grabs Nathan in a waistlock but Frazer rolls him into a two-count. Coffey with a kick to the jaw of Frazer, Glasgow Sendoff but Hudson rolls Joe up for a nearfall!

Hudson and Coffey trade shoits, Duke takes over with Chase U jabs and an elbow, sidewalk slam gets two-plus. Duke grabs Coffey for a powerbomb but Frazer with a superkick! Springboard into an inverted facelock on Coffey, he grabs Duke and hits a DDT and inverted DDT combo! Cover gets two.

Frazer srpingboards but stops himself when Joe is ready, he goes back up and takes out Coffey. Duke drops Frazer, then hits Joe with a big boot. Sidewalk slam and cover for 2.8. Duke picks Frazer up, spinning sidewalk slam and cover but Coffey breaks it up.

All three men slow to get up now. Coffey and Duke trade shots, Joe charges and gets sent by Duke to the outside. He charges at Frazer who gets the boot up — Nathan spikes Duke with a rana. Phoenix Splash but Joe takes Frazer out! He plans Duke and gets the three!

Winner: Joe Coffey (12:22)
Rating: *** 1/2
Thoughts: Another stellar Heritage Cup Invitational match. All three of these guys put it all out there and looked great. Hudson made a case for a bigger spotlight and Frazer of course was great. Butch vs. Coffey is gonna be fire next week.

Coffey and Gallus are confronted by Butch in the ring. The finals are next week.

* McKenzie is with Mustafa Ali. Ali says it’s been 24 hours since the news broke and no one is in an uproar other than him. He is the rightful #1 contender for the NA Title, and he promised Dragon Lee he would get the first title shot after he won. But he was watching Raw and saw that Dragon Lee gets a title shot on next week’s Raw. He asks how this makes sense? Travesty doesn’t fit. Neither of those two deserve to hold that prestigious title. Dom is a criminal, Dragon Lee is a liar. he says he’s going to deal with them next week.

* Kiana is working out and Tiff walks in and says good looking out. Kiana says they’re not fans of each other but they have one thing in common, not liking Becky. Tiffany says Becky doesn’t have friends, and that she has a surprise for Becky tonight.

* Jensen and Fallon are looking at last week’s six-man tag match and Briggs comes in, saying this is Fallon’s fault for trusting him. Fallon says Borne is a good guy and Baron Corbin comes in asking what’s going on. He says he doesn’t actually want to know and says this isn’t a grade school. He tells them to shut up so he can enjoy his massage. Briggs says that he’s surprise Corbin heard that after Bron beat him last week.

* Melo is walking into the parking lot and says he has the title, not Ilka. He knocked him down at GAB and will knock him down again.

Set For Next Week:
– Contract Signing: Melo and Ilka
– Trick Williams vs. Joe Gacy
– Gigi Dolin vs. Blair Davenport
– Strap Match: Eddy Thorpe vs. Dijak

Becky Lynch vs. Tiffany Stratton & Kiana James

Stratton and James attack Lynch as she’s coming down the ramp and slam her into the steel steps. They stomp Lynch down on the outside and then roll her in, kicking and stomping her down. Here comes Lyra! Valkyria comes in and takes out Stratton and James, Lynch clotheslines them and they flee to the outside!

Stratton and James go to walk, and Lynch and Lyra go on the attack. They assault them and carry them back to the ring. James rolled in and the bell rings as Lynch hits an exploder suplex. She slams Kiana in the corner and then the next one. Third corner slam and repeated headsmashes into the turnbuckle. She throws Kiana in her corner and tells Tiff to tag in. Tiff says no so Becky attacks her and pulls her into the ring!

Becky takes Tiff down and goes for the Dis-Arm-Her but Tiff escapes it. Lynch takes back control and puts Tiff in the corner, tagging in Lyra. Double team kicks and Lyra covers for two.

Tiffany manages to fight back and tags in Kiana, who comes in and is put on the mat with a headlock. Back up, whip into the ropes and Becky gets the tag and knocks Kiana down. She grabs Kiana, who hits some back elbows. Kiana charges at Becky who pulls the ropes down and Kiana spills to the outside. Becky with a dropkick through the ropes, Kiana comes in to attack and she gets knocked to the outside. Lyra with a dropkick to Tiff through the ropes as we go to PIP break.

We’re back as Tiffany sends Becky into the corner and charges right into a boot. Stratton takes back over though and pulls Lynch to the hostile corner, tagging in Kiana who hits some shoulders to the gut. Kiana slams Lynch to the mat and locks in a chinlock. Lynch getrs to her feet and throws Kiana off, then throws some elbows. She goes for a kick but Kiana grabs it and slams Lynch down. Lynch in the hostile corner, tag made, Stratton puts Lynch in a corner and goes for a handspring splash but Lynch escapes. She tags in Lyra who comes in hot and takes out both Kiana and Tiff! Kicks to both and a Northern Lights suplex to Kiana, cover but Tiff breaks it up.

Tiffany and Kiana with a double team suplex, but Lynch blocks it. Lynch and Lyra put the heels on the apron and double them over through the ropes — top rope Rocker Droppers to both! Lyra covers for a nearfall.

Lyra grabs Kiana but Kiana fights back and goes for a back suplex, Lyra lands on her feet. Lyra into the ropes and gets slammed by Tiff, who takes out Becky on the outside. Kiana with a powerbomb, Tiffany tags in and hits the swanton! Cover for two and Becky breaks it up.

Lyra crawls to make the tag and gets it, Kiana also tags in but she gets hit with a missle dropkick. Becky grabs Tiff and Kiana — DDT and inverted DDT combo! Cover to Kiana for two, and she quickly turns it into a Dis-Arm-Her. Kiana is able to roll through though, Lyra tags in. Becky takes Kiana out, Lyra off the top for a splash for three.

Winner: Becky Lynch & Kiana James (11:23)
Rating: ***
Thoughts: This was more hectic than I thought it would be, but it delivered very well. Lyra got a big win here alongside Becky and as a main event, this did what I hope.

After the match, Tiff nails Lynch in the back with a chair! She lays into Lynch multiple times, grabs the title and poses with it before dropping it on Lynch and walking out. Lynch gets a mic and says if that’s how she wants to play it, then at No Mercy it will be an Extreme Rules match.

And with that, we’re done for the night!

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WWE NXT, Jeremy Thomas