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Join 411’s Live WWE Raw Coverage

January 6, 2025 | Posted by Tony Acero
WWE Raw 1-6-25 Image Credit: WWE

Keep Refreshing For The Latest Results

Hey y’all! I know this is a bit unconventional, but I just started my own little writer community online! It’s mostly a spot where I can encourage people to create – you know, a monthly open mic, a bi-weekly book club, a weekly writer’s circle. Etc.

Anyway, the first OFFICIAL writer meeting is tonight immediately after RAW via Zoom! SO click the pic to check it out! I’ve got a few more spots that are free, and that gets you locked in!

Last week, Michael Ornelas and Santa F’n Claus reviewed The Arctic Circle! I couldn’t post it because I was in the middle of a life-changing interview (I got the job) and realigning my life! But Y’all…SANTA!!! Check out the review now!

Lastly, sick shout out to Steve Cook whose list, Wrestling’s Top Ten Betrayals is up! Show him some love!

Happy New year, and WELCOME to the Netflix era where you and I get to chill weekly from here on out!

There is a sheet around the ring and we get the Cold Open that’s been going around online. They use a similar approach during Laker games, with the video projected on the sheet.

Here it is if ya want it:

The curtain drops and Triple H is in the middle of the ring with the spotlight on him. Big Pop for Papa Game. Sponsors are on the ring. HHH gives props to the 17k plus in the crowd and says this is the moment that the crowd is all seen and heard by the entire globe. He wants them to show the globe who they are and how loud they can get. He knows the answer to this, but he’s going to ask it anyways…


He welcomes us to RAW and The Netflix Era, and we get some major pyro.

The lights go out as we pan over the crowd. When they come back on, we see a bolt of lightning, and it’s….THE ROCK! He’s out with his People’s Championship and another Versace vest. He’s sporting a “I shaved two days ago” beard and offers his title to his daughters and mom who are in the front row.

The Rock heads to the ring with the mic.

He says years ago, the only way you could watch wrestling was buy a ticket or Saturday morning. Now, you can watch it on Netflix. They are making history. This is the largest arena gate in the history of the WWE. Damn, how much were those tickets? Lol.

Finally, The Rock has come back to Los Angeles.

He wants to give a shout out to some people. He name drops some Netflix people and points them out high in the crowd. He also brings up the blood spilling and sweat he’s dropped with this man, a man who has carried the company on his back for a year, has done an amazing job – Cody Rhodes.

Cody Rhodes is front row in the crowd and allows The Rock to give him his flowers.

He has one more thing for Cody – he wants him to tell Mama Rhodes The Rock said hello.

Lastly, he wants to acknowledge his cousin Roman Reigns. He is The Tribal Chief, the Original Tribal Chief. Tonight, Tribal Combat Rules, The Rock will be watching. The Rock proudly is a high chief, and will be watching closely. Let’s get this show on the road.

If Ya Smell…….

*pause for dramatic effect*

Is cooking. Yeah. He said “is cooking.” Lol.

The Rock leaves the ring and goes to clap hands with Cody then show his daughters some love.

I am thoroughly hoping that this is just a swerve.

Tribal Combat Match
Solo Sikoa vs Roman Reigns

The bell rings and Solo points at Heyman, who is holding the Ula Fala. LOCKUP! Solo loks to corner Reigns, but he can’t do it. Reigns stuffs him then drops to a knee and forces forward. Reigns shoots Solo out of the ring. Reigns follows and they lock up again. Solo sends Reigns into the barricade, Reigns returns the favor against the apron. Solo backs Reigns into the ringpost. Solo brings Reigns over to the announce table. Solo talks some shit then sends Reigns into the ring. Solo up on the apron and into the ring, then hits a clothesline. Reigns takes over and sends Solo back outside. Reigns follows and Solo with a Uranage onto the announce table!!! Solo tops the table and stares down at Reigns. Solo grabs a monitor (think a kid’s tablet) and claps it against the face of Reigns. Solo stands tall on the table with a finger in the air. Solo heads over to the steps and does some reorganizing. He yells for Reigns to stand up as he grabs some steps. He yells over at Paul to watch. He rushes Reigns and tosses the steps into the face of Reigns.

We are back from a break and Solo has a chair in hand. There is another laid down in the ring as well. Solo waits for Reigns to turn and attacks the mid-section. A hard slap across the back with the chair. Another to the back, one for the side, again to the arm. Again to the back. Solo drags Reigns to the crner head first then yells that he gave Reigns everything. He loved him. He always loved him. Now he’s going to take Reigns out for good. He pulls Reigns up and wraps the chair around his head. Solo calls for the hip attack. Reigns side steps and Solo hits the corner back first. Reigns grabs a chair and now it’s his turn to beat some ass. A clip to the gut then a hard shot to the back. Again. Another. Again. A few more times. Reigns then places Solo face first into the chair a couple of times then grabs the other chair. LOW BLOW TO ROMAN REIGNS!!! SPINNING SOLO ONTO A CHAIR! COVER! 1..2….NO!!!

Solo grabs a chair and tosses it aside. He leaves the ring for a table, appeasing the crowd. Reigns has rolled out on the opposite side, but he comes out of nowhere with a Drive By! Reigns grabs the table and sets it up in the ring. Reigns goes to grab Solo and grabs him by the head, but Solo has kendo stick! He clocks Roman in the head then rolls into the ring. Solo, with the stick, smacks Reigns across the back. Again to the lower back, to the arm. Solo corners Reigns and places the stick against his mouth, screaming that he loved Reigns, but Reigns never loved him. Reigns pushes up on the stick, powering out of it, and hits Solo with a right hand. He then powerbombs Solo onto the table!!!! Cover! 1…..2….NO!!!!

Toma Tonga has pulled the ref out of the ring! Reigns turns to realize what happened. Reigns shows disappointment. Reigns is up, turns. Jacob Fatu is there to slap Reigns! Superkick! Elevated DDT to Reigns! He drags Reigns into position. Fatu to the top rope. Moonsault! He grabs Solo, but Solo can’t stand! He grabs Reigns, SAMOAN SPIKE!!!!!! COVER! 1..2………….NO!!!!!!!!

Samoan Spike to the ref! Solo is pissed! He calls for Reigns to be pulled up. Fatu and Tonga lift him up but here comes Sami Zayn and Jimmy Uso! They take out Jacob and Tonga. They enter the ring. Superkick to Solo! HELLLUVA KICK TO SOLO!!! SPEAR FROM REIGNS!!!! COVER!

No ref! Sami and Jimmy call for one! Here he comes! Slides in the ring! Counts the pin for 1..2……NO!!!!

THIS IS AWESOME chnt as Sami and Jimmy try and hype up Reigns. Sami and Jimmy with stereo dives over and through the ropes onto and into Tonga and Fatu! Reigns is up! He wants another Spear! He calls for it.


Solo crawls into a cover! 1..2……….NO!!!!!!!!!

Owens attacks Reigns! Right hands over and over and over! KO grabs Reigns, looks for a pildriver, but here comes CODY RHODES!!!! KO tosses Reigns aside, Cody slides in and they go at it! Kevin with a kne! He tosses Cody to the ropes. CODY CUTTER! Cody and KO to the outside. Cody fights KO into the crowd.

IN the ring, Solo pulls himself up. Reigns looks on to Cody and KO then turns. SUPERMAN P—NO!!!!! Solocatches him, calls for the spike, Reigns ducks under, hits the ropes. SPEAR!!!! ANOTHER SPEAR! COVER! 1.2….3!!!!

Winner: Roman Reigns
Overbooked to all hell, but very obviously by design and got a lot of main players some screen time to let any new watchers know who matters, so I’ll give it a pass. As for quality of match, it was slow to start and only picked up for the finishing stretch. Crowd was INTO it though!
Total Rating: **1/2
Match Time: 21:29

After the match, Heyman drops to his knees to offer Reigns the Ula Fala.

Reigns is on one knee, ready to be crowned, but in a beautiful shot, we see The Rock walking down the ramp slowly. Fuck yeah.

Reigns stands as The Rock enters the ring. The Rock goes over to Heyman and asks for the Ula Fala. Heyman gives it a kiss then offers it to Reigns. The Rock turns to Reigns. He places it over the head of Reigns. They stare each other down as Heyman looks on in the background. The Rock removes his glasses and holds his hand up for Reigns. They lock hands, we zoom in for no good reason, and they embrace.

The Rock backs up to give Reigns his moment. Reigns stand in th center of the ring as his music hits. Reigns holds his finger in the air and looks up into the sky. He says “I love you,” then turns to the crowd for some love. The Rock nods on in approval in the corner. Heyman holds his finger up in the air. Reigns smiles, holds his hand up one more time, eyes closed, and….

That’s it!?!?!?! DAMNIT! Lol.

CM Punk is backstage kicking higher than I have ever kicked in my life.

We get to see some jobbers in a skybox eatin some snacks. Gabriel Iglesias is in the crowd. Ashton Kutcher is ringside as well. Michael Che is here, as well as Wale.

Rey Myserio is in the crowd wearing an Eddie shirt. LA Knight is next to him as well as The War Raiders. Damn, they don’t even mention LA Knight. Lol. We go back to LA Knight to show him some love.

John Cena is here in a Dodgers inspired shirt and gives us his tried and true entrance.

Cena grabs a mic, and he says he feels something a little different. This is the first time that RAW is streaming at the same time all across the world. He has learned that we are very smart and understand that our audience just got a whole hell of a lot bigger. Everyone can see them now, and it is felt all around the world. Cena namedrops some countries and tells us to let them know. Cena thanks Netflix for allowing the world to finally see the experience of Monday Night RAW. He thanks RAW for allowing him the honor to stand in the ring in LA, full jorts, for the last time. He cant think of a better place to start the tour than LA, Cali. He slept in his car while working at Gold Gym’s Venice. He lived in a one bedroom 600 feet away from here. LA is where The Prototype was born, where he won his first World Championship, and for 25 years, LA has allowed him to perform in this ring, and for one last time, he humbly stands before us and says Thank You.

THANK YOU Cena chant.

This is what 2025 is about, about making moments. There’s noise outside, every day a new expert talking about who he is going to face. Names like Drew McIntyre, CM Punk, Logan Paul, Gunther, Cody Rhodes, and everyone is asking when Cena becomes the history making, record breaking 17 time World Champion. Cena wants to be honest, he doesn’t see that happening. It’s ok, it’s the streak. Not Gunther, not Taker, the streak – it’s been 2446 days since he’s won his last match. He is at peace with it. This is why he is doing this. His time is up, their time is now. Don’t get him wrong, we’ll have some fun, but he’ll say right now as far as the 17th championship is concerned, it’ll never happen. Wait, he forgot, he’s supposed to “never say never” so instead, it would take a miracle. He has a better chance at winning an Oscar. With a streak like that, he cant just waltz into the Main Event, the only way he can get a title shot like that is to win the MitB, survive the Elimination Chamber, or….


Ok, crazy idea…maybe he can win the Rumble. He should be in the Rumble. It’s his last one! He could win it! He can make history! Sounds impossible, but nothing is impossible and the only time we say never is when we say Never Give Up. LA, he thanks us, because of us he will WIN The Royal Rumble!

Logan Paul is in the crowd and we get to see him live after a video package for him.


Liv Morgan is here with her mans and her bestie.

WWE Women’s World Championship Match
Liv Morgan vs Rhea Ripley

Oh we start right off with the fisticuffs! Rhea with a one-handed GOOZLE! Slams Liv down. Liv rolls out of the ring and her friends check on her. Rhea to the apron, cannonball to Raquel Rodriguez! Liv to the apron, dives with a head scissors but Rhea catches Liv. POWERBOMB ONTO THE TABLE!!!

WE ARE BACK from break and Liv has Rhea hurting in th corner. Some stomps are broken up by the ref. Liv kicks, then hit a bulldog out of the corner. Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Liv slams Rhea down on the mat a couple times then kicks her in the head. Again. Kick from Liv to the stomach. Liv walks over Rhea, steping on her stomach then slapping acoss the back with both hands. She does it again, then slaps Rhea cross the face, again, Rhea eats it, blocks a third and hits a huge clothesline. She holds on and hits another one, kick to the stomach, puls her in and slams Liv down face first. Running knee to the side of the head. Rhea locks Liv up, looks to flip her into an elevated suplex. That was a lot of work for a little bit of move, but ok.

Rhea misses a move in th corner, stops herself, Liv hops up, Rhea catches her and looks for a Glam Slam but turns it into a FULL NELSON SUPLEX!! Cover! 1..2…NO!!!! Rhea with a Pumphandle, Liv lands on her feet, backstabber! Liv sends Rhea into the corner. Liv locks the head, tornado DDT! COVER! 1..2..NO!!! Liv shoots for oblivion but Rhea hits a headbutt. Enziguri from Liv! Rhea grabs the arms, slides underneath, RIP TIDE! COVER! 1..2…..NO!!!! LIV KICKED OUT!!!!!

Dom slides the title into th ring. Ref sees it and grabs the belt. RR slides a chair in, Rhea sends her off the apron. OBLIVION ONTO A CHAIR! Cover! 1.2…….NO!!!!! Liv is LIVID! Lol. Get it? Anyway, she gets the Three Amigos then climbs up top! She does the Eddie Shimmy. Liv to the top rope, FROG SPLASH! COVER! 1..2…NO!!!!

Another oblivion attempt but Rhea catches her, holds her, blows her a kiss, slams her down then grabs her for A Rip Tide! Flips her into ANOTHER Rip Tide! COVER! 1…2….3!!!!

Winner: Rhea Ripley
Time to move on!
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 11:39

Rhea celebrates, but Dominik is in the ring behind her. She turns and Dom opens his arms for a hug. Rhea looks at her title and turns to Dom. She drops the title and smiles. LOW BLOW TO DOM!!!! PUMPHANDLE! RIP TIDE!!!


Rhea Ripley celebrates on the top of the ramp, then the lights go out and THE GONG HITS!!!!

“American Badass” is on the screens, and out comes The Undertaker. He completely ignores Rhea and drives down on a Harley. He circles the ring and heads back up the ramp and shows Rhea some love, thankfully, cuz damn. Lol. They both hold their fists in the air. Taker gies Rhea direction to look back at the cam.

Love that.

Backstage, Bayley is talking to Pearce. She tells him to get it done.

Here come Chad Gable and his patriotic partners. Gable wants to fight a Lucha next week.

Gee, hope Pearce can find someone with a lot of Pentap Aggression…

Travis Scott is in the crowd somiking a blunt. Jey Uso is here to make his entrance with Travis.

Jey Uso vs Drew McIntyre

Before the bell, Jey hits a suicide dive onto the entering Drew. He tries for another, but Drew catches him and slams him hard onto the mat outside. Drew removes his kilt and grabs Jey for a big chop. Jey rolls into the ring, Drew follows and the bell rings.

Drew misses an elbow, Jey with a back elbow, kick to the side of the head. Jey whips to the corner, reversed, Jey floats over, Drew kicks him in the gut. Drew chops Jey across the chest. Drew with another chop! Big right hand to the jaw. Drew with another chop! He climbs to the top rope and mounts for some punches. Drew with right after right after right! Jey with a surprise POWERBOMB! Hip Attack in the corner! Jey flies with a crossbody! Cover! 1..2..NO!!! Neckbreaker by Drew! Kip up! Drew waits in the corner. He calls for the Claymore. Jey with a superkick! Cover! 1..2…NO!!!! Jey tries for an Uso Splash, but Drew has the knees up!!! SPINEBUSTER! Jackknife! 1..2..NO!!! Drew flips Jey up for a powerbomb! Cover! 1..2…NO!!!

Jey shoves Drew, Drew with a right. Dueling chants for both men. Boo/Yay spot with Drew finishing it off with a Future Shock. Pin for 1..2..NO!!! SPEAR FROM JEY USO!!! Cover! 1.2….NO!!! SUPERKICK from jey. Another! Drew is still standing. Jey tries for a spear, gets kicked by Drew, Superkick to Drew! They both hit the ropes. CLAYMORE FROM DREW! COVER! 1.2….NO!!!! Drew corners Jey, kicks. Hits his own corner, wants another Claymore, waits for Jey to stand, Jey turns, drops to his knees, then faceplants. Drew can’t hit the Claymore because of this, but he is there to laugh this off and gloat.

Drew wants Jey to stand, says one shot and it’s all over. He’s got this, get up, he’s got a little bit, right? Jey to his knees, Drew tries for Claymore, but Jey side steps and rolls up Drew for 1..2..3!!!!!

Winner: Jey Uso
Lol. Geez…
Total Rating: **1/2
Match Time: 10:21

Backstage, Cathy interviews Gabriel Iglesias, who is wearing a Netflix and WWE shirt.

Thankfully, he is cut off by Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods. They want their time to explain why they turned on Big E. Cathy should be interviewing them and not talking to this buffoon.

Here is The Alpha Academy to interrupt as Cathy tells them we are out of time.

Backstage, Heymand and Reigns…WALK! Heyman gives Reigns some love, saying they need a platform and wonders when he can book this. Reigns says January 27th, that’s when.

Hulk Hogan is here with Jimmy Hart.


He calls the fans his greatest tag team partner, but a hell of a lot of boos say otherwise. He says he’s got a new partner, and namedrops his beer, then some of his former partners like Macho Man and Andre, then says they’re making history and teaming with Netflix, the greatest tag team partner of all time.

Hahahaha the boos are crazy. Hogan rips his shirt and that’s that.

Seth Rollins vs CM Punk

SLUGFEST to start! Punk corners Seth, Seth misses a right, Punk with a clothesline! He flies outside! Lands on his face, Seth into the ring, suicide dive to Punk!!! Seth goes straight to the table! He rips off th cover ans the ref yells at him. Seth yells back as the ref asks Seth not to put him in the middle. Punk with a chop, Punk drags Set over to the table, but Seth sends him into the barricade! Seth gets sent over into the crowd! Punk stands atop the barricade and hits an axe! Seth beats down on his back, climbs the barricade and flies with an axe but Punk hits the mid section! Punk grabs the table covering, and just drops it on Seth. Punk sends Seth into the ring. He slides in and Seth tries to stomp him! Misses! Punk goes for G2S! Seth elbows out over and over and over, driving it into Punk’s head. Seth with blows to the head until the ref stops him. Seth boots Punk in the corner. Again, boot scrape. Seth drives it in thw corner and the ref tries to stop Seth. Punk pulls himself up as Seth argues with the ref. HUGE kick from Punk to the face!! Punk locks the head and drops Seth onto th top rope stomach first.

Punk brings Seth up to the top rope! Swinging neckbreaker!

We are back and Punk misses a knee in the corner. Seth clocks him across the face. Seth slaps his knee a few times then yells for Punk to stand. Seth with a bunch of slaps in the corner. Running knee! Punk whips into the corner! Another running knee! Bulldog! Clothesline! Swinging neckbreaker! Punk is hyped! He calls for the end! Punk grabs Seth! But Seth rolls to the apron! Punk with a neckbreaker onto the ropes! Punk flies over with a crossbody! Punk sends Seth into the ring. Seth is up!~ GO2SLEEP TO CM PUNK!!!!! Punk rolls out of the ring.

Seth wobbles outside, favoring the knee. He walks over to CM unk, who is laid out on his stomach. Ick to the face, another, another. Seth screams that he built all of this. Seth sends Punk into the ring. Follows. STOMP TO SETH!!!! COVER!!!! 1`..2…..NO!!!! Punk calls for the end. Go2Slee—NO!! Seth catches him! GO2SLEEP!!! COVER! 1.2….NO!!!! Seth wants the stomp. Punk to his knees. MISSES THE STOMP! Punk rolls out of the ring! Seth follows, walks over to Punk, who is laid out in front of the table. Seth makes fun of Punk for runningaway like h always does. Seth sets up Punk on the table, but Punk stands! Tries for a finish, Elbow from Setyh! Double underhook! PEDIGREE ON TH TABLE TO PUNK!!! Seth hurt his knee!

In the ring, both men go rights and lefts, Seth with another, a spinning right, locks the hea,d tries for a neckbreaker, Punk kicks high. Running high knee, Seth catches him BUCKLE BOMB!!! STOMP!!!! CM PUNK IS DEAD!!! 1……2…NOOOO!!! ROPE BREAK!!!! Seth lifts Punk in the corner, sits him up top. Punk with a slap to the face, shoving Seth off the corner. Seth just hops up. SUPERPLEX!!! Falcon Arro—NO!!!

Go 2 Sleep!!!! Seth hits the ropes, boujnces back onto Punk’s shoulders! ANOTHER GO 2 SLEEP!!!! COVER! 1…2…….3!!!!

Winner: CM Punk
Man I sorely needed a great match, and thankfully they gave me one! Lol. Beautiful end to an otherwise blegh episode.
Total Rating: ***1/2
Match Time: 18:58

End Show

article topics :

RAW, WWE, Tony Acero