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Kenzie Paige Believes Pretty Empowered Has Brought Something New to NWA

January 4, 2024 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Kenzie Paige NWA 75 Image Credit: NWA

Kenzie Paige and Pretty Empowered have been carving out an impressive niche in the NWA, and Paige recently talked about their positions in the company. Paige is a member of the group alongside her sister Kylie and Ella Envy, and currently reigns as the NWA Women’s World Champion. She recently spoke with Steve Fall for WrestlingNews.Co and weighed in on the group’s rise in the company; you can see a couple of highlights below (courtesy of Fightful):

On Pretty Empowered making their mark in the NWA: “I feel like it’s a payoff, but I feel like this is for all of Pretty Empowered. It’s like, to be showcased on a forefront like NWA in this new era, which we like to [call] the Pretty Era, we are on the forefront of that. Whenever you think of the new era, you think obviously of EC3, but if you’re not thinking of Pretty Empowered, if you’re not thinking of Kenzie Paige, Kylie Paige, Ella Envy, are you really thinking about the National Wrestling Alliance? In this day and age, I feel like Pretty Empowered has brought something new to the NWA. We’ve brought this young, fresh, new vibe. I feel like people either love it or hate it. Either way, it’s working.”

On her spot in the company: “Being on the forefront, but since I was 14, this is what I’ve wanted. It gives and it takes. I’m ready for whatever it wants to take because I’m just gonna keep giving back. I’m ready to be the best champion. Having Kamille, with her long, dominant reign, she is an amazing champion. She was longest-reigning champion. She has her history behind her, and I have my history behind me. I’m walking in, first Triple Crown Champion, youngest NWA World Women’s Champion. She’s a lot to live up to, but I’m gonna make sure that I’m gonna be a lot to live up to as well.”

article topics :

Kenzie Paige, NWA, Jeremy Thomas