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Leighty’s NXT Level Up Report 12.16.22

December 16, 2022 | Posted by Robert Leighty Jr.
NXT Level Up Image Credit: WWE
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Leighty’s NXT Level Up Report 12.16.22  

-Check out my recap of the latest episode of This is Awesome here! Fun show this time as they break down the best pro-wrestling video games.

-Announce Team: Sudu Shah and Byron Saxton
-Taped: WWE PC, Orlando, FL

The Dyad vs. Lucien Price and Bronco Nima

-Reid gets dominated early, but is able to get back control on Nima and makes the tag to Fowler. He tries a suplex, but that gets reversed and a tag is made to Price. They hit a double team move for two and tag back to Nima. He connects with a running knee for two. Back to Price and he hits a kick to the stomach followed by a high knee. Ava trips up Price from the floor and that lets Fowler take advantage. He gets top control and clubs away at Price. Reid gets the tag and he unloads with right hands as Fowler holds him in place. Ava gets in another shot as she slaps Price in the face. Quick tags by The Dyad, but Price shoves Fowler into Reid. He gets the hot tag and Nima runs wild for a bit. Running splash in the corner followed by a sidewalk slam. Reid lands a back elbow, but a blind tag is made by Nima. They double team Reid with a knee to the face. Fowler pulls Price to the floor and posts him. A blind tag is made by Fowler and a double team Code Breaker finishes at 5:37.

Winners: The Dyad via pin at 5:37
-Not much to this one. *

-Javier Bernal and Xyon Quinn are reluctant partners tonight and get interview time backstage.

Ivy Nile (w/ Tatum Paxley) vs. Lash Legend

-We have seen this match before as Nile owns a win over Legend. They get to fighting to start as each woman starts out aggressive. I appreciate that! Nile gets a side headlock and Legend tries to power out, but Nile takes it to the mat. Nile starts chopping at the leg and then snaps off a head scissors that gets two. Legend tosses Nile across the ring and hits a Pump Kick for two. Nice double underhook into a vertical suplex for two. She kips up and tries to pull Nile to the floor, but she holds the bottom rope, so Lash just slaps her across the face and then slams her face into the ring apron. Cool! Legend gets a jumping splash to the back for two. Nile gets a sloppy counter into a pin for two. Legend cuts her off with a clothesline and then hooks a reverse chinlock. Nile lands an elbow and Legend misses another pump kick. Nile attacks the leg and then lands a running kick in the corner. Crossbody is caught and Legend gets a swinging backbreaker. Gutwrench suplex is reversed into The Diamond Chain Lock and Legend taps at 5:04.

Winner: Ivy Nile via tap-out at 5:04
-This was solid as they just went at each other and Nile hung in there against the larger opponent until she found an opening. The finish was good stuff with the counter into the DCL. **1/4

-Tribute to The Troops commercial!

Chase University: Andre Chase and Duke Hudson (w/ Thea Hail) vs. Xyon Quinn and Javier Bernal

-BIG BODY JAVIE! Quinn and Hudson start with a lock-up. Quinn clowns Hudson to start and then hooks a side headlock. Take down by Quinn and he looks to attack the arm, but Hudson counters with a side headlock. The crowd starts a “Lets Go Duke” chant as he uses the hair to his advantage which gets admonishment from Chase. “We don’t cheat at Chase U.” Hudson gets a slam and a two count, so Quinn makes the tag to Bernal. He opts to tag right back out and then Quinn does the same and drops to the floor to make sure Bernal gets involved. Bernal charges into big boot and the tag is made to Chase who drops an elbow for two. Chase gets a roll-up out of the corner for two and then a shoulder tackle. Hiptoss from Chase and then a Side Russian Leg Sweep. Chase is very smooth out there! C-H-A-S-E-U Stomp! Quinn and Duke get into a verbal spat on the floor which distracts Chase and lets Javier deck him from behind. Quinn gets the tag and tees off with rights and lefts in the corner. Backbreaker followed by a splash gets two. Tag to Bernal and he gets a near fall. He hooks a Bow and Arrow which lets Chase flip out of to escape. He can’t follow up though and eats a bulldog and then a clothesline. Bernal mocks his partner for some reason before making the tag to Quinn. Quinn looks to finish, but Bernal tags back into the match. Chase catches Bernal with a kick and avoids Quinn to make the hot tag. Quinn is officially back into the match as Hudson runs wild. Elbow to Bernal gets two as Quinn makes the save. Quinn gets dumped to the floor and Bernal misses a splash in the corner. Fratliner finishes at 7:15.

Winners: Chase University via pin at 7:15
-This was fun as it most stuff involving Andre Chase and Chase U. They used the classic tag formula, had a hot crowd and just had a simple and fun match. It’s not rocket science! **1/2

-Thanks for reading!

The final score: review Average
The 411
It's nice when each match gets better than the last. I enjoyed the final two matches which makes this a solid show this week on the curved Level Up scale. At some point soon they need to do something with Nile on the main NXT roster though.

article topics :

NXT Level Up, Robert Leighty Jr.