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Leighty’s NXT Level Up Review 6.09.23

June 9, 2023 | Posted by Robert Leighty Jr.
WWE NXT Level Up Image Credit: WWE
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Leighty’s NXT Level Up Review 6.09.23  

-In Memory of The Iron Sheik (1942-2023) graphic!

-Announce Team: Blake Howard and Byron Saxton
-Taped: WWE PC, Orlando, FL

Nathan Frazer vs. Tavion Heights

-Heights gets a waist-lock and just rag dolls Frazer up and down to the mat. Frazer gets to the ropes to break and then gets a roll-up for two. Heights backs him into the corner for some shoulders, but gets caught with a sunset flip for two. Frazer uses his speed and gets a headlock. He starts making Heights chase but tries to come off the top and gets caught with an overhead release suplex. Heights gets a submission as he cranks on the neck while having the arm tapped. Frazer gets separation and gets an arm-drag, but gets sent throat first into the middle rope. Another suplex from Heights and he gets a two count off a face first slam. Frazer uses the ropes to stall and then lands on his feet as he is being pulled up and hits an enziguiri. They stand in opposite corners and charge at each other, and Frazer lands a flying forearm. Frazer lands on his feet off another suplex and connects with a superkick. Frazer heads up top and hits The Phoenix Splash for the win at 4:38.

Winner: Nathan Frazier via pin at 4:38
-Fun little match here as they worked well together. It was power/mat game vs. speed/high flying and they clicked. **1/4

-Luca Crusifino cuts a promo on Myles Borne and it seems they will face each other tonight.

-Roddy Piper is the subject of WWE Most Wanted Treasures this Sunday!

-Money in The Bank! London!

Myles Borne vs. Luca Crusifino

-It’s nice to see Borne back on the show! Lockup to start and they jockey for position around the ring. Borne controls the arm and rolls with each escape by Luca, so Luca just hits him with an elbow. Borne goes back to the arm and ducks the elbow this time. Luca lands a boot and goes to the arm, but Borne counters that without breaking a sweat. Luca uses the hair to control in the corner, but Borne goes right back to the arm. Luca finally just uses leverage and falls to the mat which sends Borne throat first into the middle rope. Luca throws some strikes in the corner and cuts off a Borne comeback attempt. Hard whip to the corner and Luca follows with a leg drop for one. Modified neck breaker gets a two count and Luca is a bit annoyed by the ref. Luca hooks a modified cobra clutch and holds that on the mat for a bit. Borne fires up, ducks a clothesline and gets a belly to back suplex to break. They start exchanging blows and Myles wins the exchange. He gets a series of Belly-to-Belly suplexes as he rolls through each and then rolls into a vertical suplex. He looks for the powerslam, but Luca holds the top rope. Borne gets a series of roll-ups, but Luca blocks La Majistral and shifts his weight to get the pin at 5:42.

Winner: Luca Crusifino via pin at 5:42
-This was fine if a little dull as the crowd really wasn’t into it. I seem more with Borne, but they seem to like Luca at the moment. *1/2

-WWE Shop commercial!

-SummerSlam is in Detroit. A local restaurant near me has a bus going up for the show with tickets and one night hotel stay included in the price. I thought about going, but it’s hard to get away with a six-year-old and two-year-old at home. I also have WrestleMania planned for next year. I am hopefully though that they bring a SummerSlam to PNC Park at some point.

Dante Chen vs. Charlie Dempsey (w/ Drew Gulak)

-Woo! Dempsey is back and the pairing with Gulak seems perfect! Charlie immediately targets the arm and out wrestles Chen on the mat. Chen is able to escape and we start again with another lockup. Chen works the arm and gets Dempsey on the mat, but he kind of prefers to be there and easily breaks and gets a suplex into an armbar. Chen gets his arm free, but a sweet Northern Lights Suplex gets one and then another, but Dempsey floats over on the one while keeping control of Chen’s arms. Chen tries to bridge, so Dempsey transitions to an armbar and then into an ankle-lock. They fight in the corner and Dempsey gets a roll-up for one. Chen kips up and gets a series of arm-drags. Chen with a backslide and transitions to an armbar when Dempsey kicks out. They each continue to fight over wrist control and Chen ends up grounding Dempsey while controlling the arm. Chen sends Dempsey into the corner and keeps on the arm but gets caught with a strike to the face. Dempsey slaps his arm to get feeling back in it and then fires off some uppercuts. He gets a one count off a gut-wrench suplex. He hooks a chinlock and grinds the face while keeping the hold. Chen tries to slam to break, but Dempsey holds onto a cravat and takes Chen to the mat for two. Chen escape and gets his own cravat and then hits a belly to back suplex. I am digging this! They start trading blows in the middle of the ring and Chen gets the better of it. He lands a spinning clothesline and then a palm strike. He lands a pump kick, but Dempsey bails as Chen was looking for his finisher. Dempsey blocks a suplex back into the ring, but gets caught coming off the top. Chen tries a kick, but Dempsey catches him and gets a leg whip. Dempsey smells blood with the damaged knee and ties Chen up in a submission where he looks the legs and hooks the head as well. I am sure it has a name I am forgetting but it causes Chen to tap in short order at 7:47.

Winner: Charlie Dempsey via pin at 7:47
-This was one of the better matches we have had in months on this show. Dempsey continues to impress and his matches are just something different. Chen was hanging in there with him on the mat, but one mistake cost him. ***

-Thanks for reading!

The final score: review Good
The 411
An honest to goodness good show this week and not just on the Level Up sliding scale. The Dempsey match justified watching thsi show on it's own, but even the opener was a fun sprint. As always, this show is an easy watch, but it's nice to be surprised some with good in ring action to go with these kids developing before our eyes.

article topics :

NXT Level Up, Robert Leighty Jr.