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Leighty’s Retro Review: WCW Bash at The Beach 2000

August 7, 2023 | Posted by Robert Leighty Jr.
WCW Bash at The Beach 2000 Hulk Hogan Jeff Jarrett Image Credit: WWE
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Leighty’s Retro Review: WCW Bash at The Beach 2000  

-I know I have the shows from August of 96 to review in this series, but reviewing the last episode of Dark Side of The Ring made me want to go back and watch this show. You can find my review of Dark Side of The Ring: Bash at The Beach here. Let’s get to it!

-Announce Team: Tony Schiavone, Scott Hudson, and Mark Madden
-July 9, 2000
-Ocean Center, Daytona Beach, FL
-Attendance: 6572
-PPV Buys: 100,000 (This was the last WCW PPV to get to hit six figures and shocking, it’s the last WCW PPV with Hulk Hogan)

-Ernest “The Cat” Miller arrives in a limo as he is the WCW Commissioner at this point. He bans The Filthy Animals and MIA from the opening match. He hears THE GONG and The Jung Dragons want to continue their running gag of attacking him, but Cat says he doesn’t have time. That doesn’t stop them and Cat has to lay all three out after they attack him. Yep!

WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Juventud Guerrera vs. Lieutenant Loco (c)

-Loco is the Champion, but Juvie stole the Title and is bringing it to the ring. The Filthy Animals are out with Juvie and it’s still baffling WCW made the decision to take the mask off Rey Mysterio. MIA (Misfits in Action) are out with Loco as well. Loco would be Chavo Guerrero because Russo! Ref, Charles Robinson, forces all the seconds to the back as per the ruling of The Cat. Madden wants them to leave Tygress and Major Gunns out there and hopes they can take their tops off since it’s PPV. Hudson tells him it’s wrestling and Madden corrects him that it is sport’s entertainment. Juvie gets dropped balls first on Chavo’s knee and then a regular atomic drop sends Juvie to the floor. Lots of stalling from Juvie, which is weird to see in a cruiserweight match. Back in the ring Juvie gets suplexed to the floor in a good bump and Chavo springs off the middle ropes with a crossbody. Juvie begs off and suckers Chavo, I mean Loco, in and pulls him head first into the top buckle. Mounted punches in the corner as the crowd is hot to start this show, and so is the heat machine that is adding more crowd noise. Juvie stalls some more and eats a series of clotheslines followed by a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Loco goes to an arm-bar as Hudon notes Loco is the better mat wrestler and Juvie the better flyer. Juvie goes to the eyes, but gets caught with a head scissors. Loco with a powerslam for two. To the corner where Loco fires off some chops. Juvie reverses a whip, but misses a splash in the corner. Double clothesline leaves both men down. Loco wins a punching contest and uses leverage to send Juvie to the floor. Loco flies off the top with a double axe and hear come The Filthy Animals wearing masks. Juvie gets a roll-up off the distraction while The Animals are forced to the back by another ref. Juvie sling shots to the floor and lands a guillotine leg drop. Juvie gives Madden five as he cheers him on at the announce table. Back in the ring Juvie gets a sprinboard splash for two! Back up top, but Loco catches him and they battle up there. Juvie flips over and gets the running powerbomb for two. Juvie with a facebuster and sets up the Juvie Elbow (yes, he was copying The Rock with his Russo character). MIA are now out with masks to draw the ref away while Major Gunns heads down the ramp. She rips her off her shirt which causes Juvie to fall off the top rope. Loco covers, but the ref is still with the MIA. Tornado DDT is blocked, but so is a Juvie Driver and it leads to Loco getting an inverted powerbomb for two. Juvie back with The Juvie Driver for two as Loco gets his foot on the rope. Loco avoids a whip to the corner and snaps off a Tornado DDT for the pin at 12:09.

Winner and Still WCW Cruiserweight Champion: Lieutenant Loco via pin at 12:09
-I mean there was a solid match in here between the stalling and silliness with each group trying to sneak down with masks! ***

-To the back where Miller tells The Dragons that it is over and wonders if they understand the words coming out of his mouth. Jeff Jarrett barges in and wants to know where Hogan is at. Jarrett also has an opera singer with him because the fat lady is going to sing on Hogan’s career.

WCW Hardcore Title: Big Vito (c) vs. Norman Smiley and Ralphus

-Back to Thunder where Terry Funk was taken out by Vito. Funk was supposed to be in this match, but he’s out of it now. Vito says he will fight both and here we go. Ralphus gets a stickball bat broken across his back and Norman gets beaten off the stage with it. Hudson reminds us that Johnny The Bull was injured on Nitro earlier in the week and I remember it being a legit issue. The fight heads to the back where Norman uses plunder and splits Vito open. Ralphus gets a garbage can and blasts Vito in the head. NORMAN WITH THE BIG WIGGLE! Vito gets tossed into a pile of garbage cans and Ralphus throws some can lid shots with some hitting and some missing. Vito throws Norman into some production cases and then on the hood of a production truck. More plunder shots as Norman starts screaming. They fight onto an elevator and Norman gets trapped in there and sent to a different floor which leaves Ralphus alone with Vito. They head back to ringside as I believe the rules for the WCW division was the pin or submission had to happen in the ring. Ralphus gets destroyed including having a trash can smashed with a stickball bat over his balls. Vito gets a table that has a leg break as he puts it in the ring. No matter as he just lays Ralphus on it and comes off the top with a splash for the pin at 5:56 just as Norman starts walking back down the aisle.

Winner and Still WCW Hardcore Champion: Big Vito via pin at 5:56
-I mean, it was an out of shape, old man that was seen as a joke getting trucked. Norman was way above this, but this is where he was slotted and he did his best with the run. This was not that though as this was more about Ralphus. DUD

-Goldberg shows up and has Scott Hall’s contract in his pocket!

-Mean Gene is backstage with Kevin Nash, who faces Goldberg later tonight. Nash calls Goldberg a prick and notes he is Goldberg’s only real loss.

-Video package on the issues between Miss Hancock and Daffney. So both women were in love with David Flair and he was cheating on Daffney with Hancock. This can only be settled with a Wedding Gown Match.

Wedding Gown Match: Miss Hancock (w/ David Flair) vs. Daffney

-There is a wedding cake at ringside and Hudson notes we all know what’s going to happen there. Madden steals from Kevin Smith, or actually Jason Mewes on commentary. Miss Hancock’s wedding gown is basically lingerie and I’m not complaining. She is absolutely gorgeous! She makes out with David as Daffney heads down in a black wedding gown. Daffney catches David with a ball shot and then dives on Hacock. Madden wants a tie as he hopes both women get naked. Hancock has her veil ripped off, but comes back with a handspring elbow. She shakes her ass and again, I’m not complaining. Daffney back with some snapmares, but Miss Hancock chokes her in the ropes. They fight near the wedding cake and Madden is ready to explode at the idea one of them will be covered in frosting. Flair and the ref both get their pants pulled down by the women. Another ball shot to David! Hancock gets dropped face first on David’s groin as Tony calls it the spot of the year. WCW 2000 folks! David pulls out clippers as they try to shave Daffney’s head. That brings out Crowbar who drops David with a belly to belly suplex. Crowbar is nuts and takes his own pants off so he won’t be left out. WCW 2000 folks! Front suplex leaves David out, so Daffney goes to shave his head. Hancock grabs the mic and tells the back to hit her music and starts dancing. She takes off her own gown and that gives Daffney the win at 4:17.

Winner: Daffney at 4:17
-I mean it wasn’t supposed to be good and I am sure some found entertainment in it, or just enjoyed looking at Miss Hancock. As a match this was absolute trash, but to call this a match would be a major stretch. It waasn’t boring and again, Keibler looked great! DUD

-Miss Hancock, Daffney, Crowbar, and David all end up in a cake fight as Madden wants to join in. Tony: “What the hell is going on?” WCW 2000, Tony!

-The Cat is thinking of alternatives to take Hogan’s spot if he doesn’t show. “Is Ox Baker still under contract?”

-The announce team has to kill time as they clean up the cake. They do a rather awful job as this intermission just rolls on. Riveting stuff for the fans in attendance.

WCW World Tag Team Titles: The Perfect Event (c) vs. Kronik

-One thing WCW did manage to do was get Kronik over as a tag team. The Perfect Event is Shawn Stasiak doing a Mr. Perfect rip-off and Chuck Palumbo being a Lex Luger knock-off. Tony refers to Palumbo and Stasiak as the accidental champions. Kronik were part of New Blood, but separated as they wanted a shot at the Tag Titles. Brian Adams dominates early and the crowd/heat machine goes crazy for him. Again, they hit on something with this team and that’s two big dudes who were booked as monsters that beat the crap out of people. Funny how that works! Clark and Stasiak have a go and Stasiak does his best to stall. Lock-up and Stasiak fires away with right hands in the corner. Clark turns the tide and lays in some chops. He gets a whip, but runs into a boot in the corner. Stasiak off the top, but Clark catches him and gets a chokeslam. Double shoulder block by Kronik. Adams back in and he catches Stasiak with a boot to the face. Tag to Palumbo and Adams gets the Full Nelson Slam for two as Stasiak makes the save. Stasiak back in and they low bridge Adams to the floor. Stasiak delivers a clothesline on the floor and Palumbo cracks Adams across the back with a chair. Another chair shot to the head! Stasiak gets a two count back in the ring and then unloads with right hands. Tag back to Palumbo who comes off the top with a flying shoulder for two. Palumbo hooks a sleeper as the crowd starts roaring to get Kronik back into this one. Adams elbows his way out, but no tag as Stasiak is in and cuts him off. Stasiak goes to a sleeper as they are stretching this one out as best as they can. Adams fights to his feet again and we get a double down as they collide in the middle of the ring. The race is on and each man makes the tag. Clark runs wild off the hot tag. Corner clothesline to Palumbo gets two as Stasiak makes the save. Adams dumps Stasiak to the floor. Palumbo escapes The Meltdown and sticks Clark with a DDT. Stasiak gets the tag and runs wild with a series of dropkicks on both men. He comes off the apron with a clothesline to the floor on Clark. That gets two as Palumbo superkicks Adams as he tried to get involved. Clothesline from Stasiak to Clark. Double Flapjack gets two as Adams makes the save. Palumbo gets dumped to the floor and Adams gets a DVD. Tag to Adams now and Stasiak eats a double boot in the corner. High Time plants Stasiak, but Palumbo makes the save. Palumbo eats High Time as Stasiak tries to use The Lex Flexer. He misses and Kronik hits a sick powerbomb into a top rope clothesline for the pin at 13:34.

Winners and New WCW World Tag Team Champions: Kronik via pin at 13:34
-This went way too long, but the result was right as the fans were behind Kronik and it was time to give them the Tag Titles. The finish was sweet, but everything after the hot tag was stretched too long. *1/2

-The Cat keeps hearing music and Jarrett says if Hogan doesn’t show, he will start screwing with the show. The Dragons attack The Cat again.

Chris Kanyon vs. Booker T

-Kanyon turned on DDP and is now doing his own DDP impression. Russo really liked having his young heels copy other, more successful wrestlers. The crowd is really behind Booker here as you can actually seem them cheering vs. the times earlier where noises we made and nobody was doing anything. Man, I hope he becomes World Champion one day. Lockup and Booker gets a side headlock. Booker gets a spin kick that knocks the wig off Kanyon’s head and sends him to the floor. Madden gets to work in a joke about wanting to get into Kimberly’s pants. Tony: “You don’t stop Madden, do you?” Back in the ring Booker gets a dropkick followed by a heavy clothesline. He rips off the DDP shirt and tosses Kanyon over the top to the floor. I was waiting for a DQ, until I remember WCW had waived that rule by this point. Funny how they had me trained to recognize it as a DQ in WCW. Booker beats on Kanyon on the floor and comes off the top with a clothesline for two. Booker gets caught on the apron and Kanyon sends him into the railing. Next Booker gets sent into the steps and I will say that the crowd is way behind Booker, but the heat machine is out of control. It is jarring listening to it with the actual crowd making enough noise to top it. Kanyon goes to work on the back and then hits a baseball slide that sends Booker into the ring post. Cool! Kanyon with a sweet suplex from the middle rope to bring Booker back into the ring. “Kanyon Sucks,” chants starts with the crowd. Booker rallies, but runs into a boot to the face. Kanyon charges out and gets caught with a powerslam for two. A chair gets wedged into a corner as Kaynon hits a sit-out powerbomb. Reverse Boston Crab from Kanyon as he was just pulling out all kinds of crazy offense during run. Booker powers into a roll-up that Kanyon reverses to a roll-up of his own for two. Booker connects with a running forearm and then sends Kanyon into the chair in the corner. Spinebuster gets two! Booker grabs the chair, but the ref stops that noise. Kanyon hits Booker in the face with his copy of DDP’s autobiography, but Booker is out at two as he was playing possum. Kanyon didn’t know Booker took the brick out of the book. Axe Kick and Book End gets two! Booker up top again and here comes Jarrett with the guitar shot. Kanyon sets Booker up top and gets the top rope Kanyon Cutter (Diamond Cutter) for the win at 10:05.

Winner: Chris Kanyon via pin at 10:07
-Fun match that set up what was to come later in the night. There’s a point for people who believe Russo is telling the truth as he set up Booker/Jarrett right here under the idea that Jarrett was just messing with Miller by screwing up his show. ***

-Mike Awesome is hitting on Jarrett’s opera singer. See, he had a thing for fat women! I just found out yesterday that Mike Awesome is related to Hulk Hogan’s nephew, Horace. Not sure how I never stumbled across that.

WCW US Championship: Scott Steiner (c) (w/ Midaja) vs. Mike Awesome

-See, now I would have either had Steiner as the WCW Champion at this point, or would have let Hogan beat Jarrett and then have Steiner SMASH him and go on his run over all the legends before Booker dethroned him (kind of what they did when Steiner eventually won the title in November). I think Hogan would have been more receptive losing to someone like Steiner vs. Jarrett, but who knows? Steiner jumps Awesome before the bell and they starts fighting in the crowd as an ECW chant breaks out under the heat machine. Awesome gets tossed through a door, but returns with a garbage can and tosses it at Steiner. Awesome gets a slam on the floor as they head back towards the ring. Awesome gets smashed on the ring steps and back in the ring Steiner gets a Steiner-line followed by an elbow drop for two. Awesome gets a boot up in the corner to block a charge and heads up top. Steiner lands a strike and gets an overhead belly to belly from the middle rope to being Awesome down and that gets two. Steiner gets the mounted punches in the corner and gets a backbreaker. Suplex is blocked and Awesome lifts Steiner up and drops him on the top rope. Steiner rolls to the floor and Awesome drops an elbow from the apron. A chair gets used by Awesome and then the ring bell. I guess this is no DQ as the ref saw the bell and even gave it back to the timekeeper. More chair shots from Awesome with some looking good and a couple looking rather weak. Tony says the ref is just letting them go as the fans want to see a winner. I appreciate Tony mentioning that! Awesome snaps Steiner’s throat off the top rope and gets a slingshot splash for two. Awesome up top and he comes off with a clothesline for two as Ernest Miller starts walking down the ramp. Steiner back with a suplex that leaves both men down. Steiner up first and he gets another belly to belly suplex. Miller reminds Steiner he can’t use The Steiner Recliner, so Steiner decks Miller. Awesome gets in a low shot and gets a wheel barrow slam for two. Awesome up top and he comes off with the flying splash for two. Powerbomb is blocked as Steiner runs Awesome into the corner. The ref gets bumped and that brings Miller into the ring. He misses a kick though and hits Awesome by mistake. Miller gets thrown across the ring. Steiner covers Awesome for two as Awesome had to kick out because the ref didn’t see him grab the ropes. Miller yells at Steiner again and threatens to strip him of the title. Steiner uses The Recliner and Miller has the match stopped at 9:09 and I guess Awesome is the winner though nobody knows if he is the new US Champion. After the match Steiner decks Miller and gives Awesome a T-Bone Suplex.

Winner: Mike Awesome via DQ at 9:09
-The Miller stuff was stupid though I guess they wanted the US Title off Steiner and didn’t want him getting beat. It was a fun Hoss Match until the silly ending and Steiner really should have been in Jarrett’s spot. ***

Graveyard Match: The Demon vs. Vampiro

-It’s cinematic wrestling with no quarantine! Actually, this would have been better had they known what cinematic wrestling was back then. So, they are wrestling in a graveyard and the winner is the first man to make it back to the ring. Umm, yeah! Demon has Asya with him and tells Charles Robinson to make sure she stays safe. Demon has a torch and starts checking coffins before screaming for Vampiro to show himself. Vampiro leaps out of a tree and the fight is on though we can’t see anything unless a weak flashlight happens to shine the right way. Vampiro talks a lot as he beats on Demon. Asya gets in a kick to the back and Demon tosses Vampiro into an open grave. Vampiro pulls Demon down with him and they fight inside the open grave. Vampiro grabs Asya and walks off with her as Demon is stuck inside the grave. Charles Robinson: “I’ll wait here.” and then decides to follow behind. Demon finds Asya near a lake and Vampiro pops out of the water and drags Demon in with him. They take turns trying to drown one another as Asya sells being terrified. Vampiro has her follow him as they start heading back to the arena, I guess. Asya is next to a coffin and Vampiro pops out and spits a mist in Demon’s face. He wants Demon to join him, but he won’t, so Vampiro breaks a tombstone over his head and puts him inside a coffin. I mean that probably could have been a fine way to end this thing. He shoves the casket in the open grave and tosses the torch down there and tells Demon to see Sting in hell and I guess that it’s for this part. This ran about 8 or so minutes though I guess it doesn’t end until someone gets to the arena. More from this later, but just now that it was awful. DUD

-Shane Douglas gets promo time with Gene and guarantees he will beat Buff Bagwell.

Buff Bagwell vs. “The Franchise” Shane Douglas

-Douglas has his knock-off ECW theme! Bagwell gets the crowd to start a “Franchise Sucks” chant and Douglas knows how to sell that. Bagwell gets a quick dropkick that sends Douglas to the floor. Bagwell gives chase and sends Douglas into the railing. He stomps away at the ribs and then tears at the eyes and face. Douglas works in his mule kick to the balls and drops Douglas throat first on the railing. Douglas pulls back the ringside mat and looks for a piledriver on the concrete. Bagwell counters with a backdrop and gets a swinging neckbreaker back in the ring. Douglas to the floor and he pulls Bagwell out as they brawl some more. Douglas lifts Bagwell up and runs him balls first into the post. A chair shot is avoided by Bagwell, but he grabs the chair and Douglas punches it into Bagwell’s face. That seems pretty stupid! Douglas talks trash to the fans and tells Madden they are heading back to Pittsburgh to celebrate. Douglas goes to work on the neck which makes sense as everyone knows about Bagwell’s prior neck issues. Torrie Wilson is out as the parade of run-ins continue. Torrie slaps Douglas which lets Bagwell gets a roll-up for two. Bagwell runs wild with clotheslines and gets a crossbody for two. Douglas runs into an elbow and Bagwell gets a Vader Bomb for two. Torrie makes out with Buff (kind of) and then kicks him in the balls. Madden: “That’s kind of weird foreplay.” Pittsburgh Plunge, but Bagwell is out at two! Bagwell with a double arm DDT with gets two. Torrie grabs Bagwell’s leg to stop the Blockbuster and that lets Douglas get an inverted atomic drop. Inverted Stunner gets the pin at 7:54.

Winner: Shane Douglas via pin at 7:54
-This was a mess as well and then all the Torrie stuff. Douglas was way past any use at this point as the years and injuries in ECW were catching up to him. They were trying to recreate the dynamic with Francine, but that wasn’t going to happen here. *1/2

-To the back where Hulk Hogan has arrived!

-Gene is backstage with Jeff Jarrett and he calls Gene, “Jurassic Slap Ass.” Jarrett says Hogan made a lot of enemies and tells Gene to watch The Usual Suspects.

-Video package for Jarrett/Hogan! Jarrett carried the heavy lifting for the build as Hogan was put through a table by Goldberg.

WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Jeff Jarrett (c) vs. Hulk Hogan

-We are not even two hours into the show and it’s time for the Main Event. That was a tip-off that something was up. Buffer referring to both men as two of the biggest stars in the galaxy and one of the men being Jeff Jarrett nearly made me spit out my drink. Jarrett can brag that two of the biggest stars of all time didn’t want to work with him or put him over. Jarrett’s music plays for well over two minutes before he finally makes his way out, but not before Vince Russo comes out first. Jarrett mentioned on Dark Side he was debating if he even wanted to go through with this. Tony mentions that in this same building four years ago, Hogan was the third man and the nWo was formed. Hogan tells Jarrett he has chosen him to be get powerbombed through the ring in honor of Kevin Nash. Jarrett lays down at the bell and Hudson is quick to reference Halloween Havoc which gives away that they knew this was happening. Russo throws the belt at Hogan as the crowd is confused by all of this. Hogan gets a mic: “Is this your deal Russo. That’s why the company is in the damn shape it is, because of bullshit like this.” Hogan puts his foot on Jarrett and gets the pin at 1:19.

-I mean, we just had an hour long documentary dedicated to this fiasco. Everyone seems to agree what we saw here was part of the show. This would be Hogan’s final time holding the WCW World Title and the last we would see of him in WCW. SQUASH

-Vampiro returns to the arena and cuts a promo while the announcers talk about Hogan/Jarrett. Druids bring out a coffin and the crowd is hip to what is happening as they chant for Sting. Vampiro yells that Sting is gone for good. The Druids are sporting Sting masks and one decks Vampiro with a bat shot and stuff him inside the casket.

-Goldberg is backstage with Gene and he says he wants to rip up Hall’s contract, but he wants to beat Nash’s ass first and then The Outsiders are history.

-Vince Russo heads down to the ring and this is where the two sides argue over if this was supposed to happen or not. I mean, we still have 35 minutes left in the show and only one advertised match. Russo either shoot shoots or work shoots, or I don’t even know anymore. The crowd lets him know that he sucks as Tony tells us “this is real life fans.” Hudson refers to Russo as the boss, though Bischoff has said that wasn’t the case. Russo says he left WCW a few weeks ago and didn’t know if he was coming back. He has dealt with bullshit politics behind the curtain since day one. He has a wife and three kids and he doesn’t need this shit. He came back for every guy in the back that week in and week out bust their ass for WCW: Booker T, MIA, Animals, Jarrett, and all the guys that give a shit about this company. He calls Hogan a politician who doesn’t give a shit about this company. He has been playing politics all day long with Hogan, because Hogan wants to play his creative control card. That meant that Hogan wanted to beat Jarrett tonight when he knew it was bullshit. Hogan got his wish and is heading home with his title. He says he promises us or he will go in the grave that we will never see that piss of shit again. Madden: “Amen!” I mean, I guess he was right if he just meant WCW. On the other hand we all saw Hogan steal the show at WrestleMania less than two years later and become WWF Champion again. Russo says the fans won’t be ripped off tonight. Hogan has the WCW belt and Russo calls it the Hogan Memorial Belt because it don’t mean shit. There will be a new WCW belt and it belongs to the one guy that busts his ass week in and week out and doesn’t screw anyone (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA), Jeff Jarrett. He then says Jarrett will defend the Title tonight against the guy who has been busting his for fourteen years and can’t get a break because of the Hulk Hogans. Funny enough, Booker T thanked Hogan many times for putting a good word in for Harlem Heat to get their first major push in WCW. Russo then calls Hogan a big bald, son of a bitch and tells him to kiss his ass.

-Hudson makes sure to show us that wasn’t on the format as Tony isn’t sure where we are going now.

-Video package for Goldberg’s ill advised hell turn and renewed feud with Kevin Nash.

-Nash walks backstage and sees Steiner and tells him to watch his back. Steiner tells him he is busy (with his freak) and Nash tells him it’s for Scott’s contract and he needs to get in the game.

For Scott Hall’s Contract: Goldberg vs. Kevin Nash

-Madden compares this to Titanic vs. The Iceberg. Wasn’t that one pretty much one sided? I mean, I guess Titanic took a piece, but the iceberg sold that spear and buried Titanic like HHH against the WWF roster in 2003. Goldberg pounds away in the corner, but Nash responds with some knees to the ribs. He goes through his patented corner offense that rocks Goldberg. Goldberg trips Nash down and gets a suplex for two. Nash wings wildly and misses, which lets Goldberg hit a standing side kick. He then tells the crowd to stick it. Nash back with a chokeslam for two. Hey, it’s more run-ins as Scott Steiner heads down. Didn’t see that coming! He grabs the contract and tells Nash to fight. Goldberg yells at Steiner before going back to beating on Nash in the corner. In the opposite corner Nash gets a boot to the face and a sidewalk slam for two. Goldberg misses the spear and goes into the middle buckle. The count is on as both men are down! Nash up first and he pulls down the straps! Powerbomb, but Steiner is in and blasts Nash. Shouldn’t that be a DQ? Nash decks Steiner, but gets speared and The Jackhammer ends this one at 5:29.

Winner: Goldberg via pin at 5:29
-Their match at Starrcade was a good HOSS Fight that gets overlooked because of the shocking result. This was not that as they just went through the motions until the Steiner turn that everyone could see from a mile away. 1/2*

-Steiner hooks The Recliner while Goldberg rips up the contract in Nash’s face. I mean, it’s kind of fitting the nWo was basically blown up four years later in the same building it started.

-Booker T is backstage with Gene and notes opportunity has knocked and he is going to answer the door and take the Title.

WCW World Heavyweight Title: Jeff Jarrett vs. Booker T

-Hudson notes the show is supposed to be over now, which would be about fifteen minutes earlier than normal. Jarrett has the bent version of the Big Gold Belt since Hogan has another version. I believe Hogan still has that version. The crowd is into this one as they are all expecting Booker to walk out with the title now. Madden gets in a Montreal joke as he mentions Hogan should punch Ted Turner out backstage now. Hudson calls Hogan, “Hollywood Scum Hogan.” I never liked Hudson on commentary and now I remember why. Booker with a dropkick and after absorbing some blows, he lands a Harlem Sidekick. They head back through the crowd to brawl some more. Well, walk and then brawl! They head to the same area Steiner and Awesome brawled at earlier. Jarrett gets sent into a wall and then we walk back towards the ring. These two are better than this and don’t need to do this crappy walk and brawl stuff. They get back to ringside and Jarrett uses a chair and then tosses Booker on top of the announce table. Jarrett hits a piledriver on the announce table and takes a drink of water. If this was massive they would be bringing out a hearse for Booker. Back in the ring Booker gets caught with a sleeper. Booker’s arm drops twice as the announcers put over that this is about what you can do and not who you are. Booker fights out and gets his own sleeper, but Jarrett goes to the knee to break. He tries a figure four, but Booker gets a small package for two. Jarrett goes back and this time hooks the figure four. Booker rocks back and forth and is able to turn the hold, but Jarrett gets to the ropes to force a break. Someone yells that Jarrett sucks, so he shoots back “well, you swallow though.” Booker starts fighting back with right hands and gets the axe kick into a spin-a-roni. Spinebuster gets two! Harlem Sidekick is ducked and Booker gets crotched on the top rope. Jarrett gets the mounted punches in the corner and we get a ref bump. Jarrett tries to use the belt, but Booker ducks and blasts Jarrett with it. The ref crawls over and it’s a two count! Jarrett with a shot to the balls and he grabs a chair. He wedges it in the corner, but gets his head rammed into it and that gets two. They are selling this as an all time classic on commentary, but it’s not. Jarrett lands a boot to block a backdrop and decides to hit the ref with The Stroke. Another ball shot and Jarrett grabs his guitar. He tries to come off the top rope, but Booker catches him and hits The Book End for the pin at 13:39.

Winner and New WCW World Heavyweight Champion: Booker T via pin at 13:39
-Definitely not the hidden classic that I remember or people will say it was. The first ten minutes were light ECW style brawling around the arena and then a sleeper. Things started to get rolling the final 4 minutes or so, but then it ended. Now you could say this was all sprung on them and they just had to go out there and wing it, which gives support to Hogan and Bischoff’s side. **1/2

-Madden wants to quite Tony from 96 when he told Hogan to go straight hell, but Tony won’t let him do it. I have no idea why I have remembered that exchange since this show first aired. The fans raise the roof with Booker as the show closes.

-Thanks for reading!

The final score: review Not So Good
The 411
This show gets points for being historic for good and bad reasons. There are a few good matches and some really awful ones with below average filled in between. Nothing was actively boring as Russo made sure his crash TV approach kept that from happening. It's a show that should be checked out by any wrestling fan at least once just for the chaos. It was the first World Title win for Booker and Hogan's last WCW show and of course the long-remembered Russo shoot. We can call it an historic, but mixed bag type of show.