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Leighty’s WWE Main Event Review 03.30.23

March 30, 2023 | Posted by Robert Leighty Jr.
WWE Main Event Logo Image Credit: WWE
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Leighty’s WWE Main Event Review 03.30.23  

-Welcome to the Main Event as this is their version of the go home for WrestleMania. Quick plug for my latest Retro Review of Uncensored 1996. Some good discussion as everyone seems to agree it was an awful show, but has its charm and is entertaining in a weird way. Tomorrow I will have Hall of Fame coverage as has been by honor the last 7 years or so. For now, it’s Main Event. Let’s get to it!

-Announce Team: Kevin Patrick and Byron Saxton
-Taped: Phoenix, AZ

Dana Brooke vs. Elektra Lopez

-LA MADRINA! Lopez talks trash, lands a boot to the gut, and hooks a side headlock. Brooke back with a shoulder tackle and then a cartwheel into a kick to the head. Lopez gets caught with an elbow in the corner, but then ties Dana in the ropes and slams her down on the back of her head. Lopez lays in the boots and gets a two count. More trash talk! Gut-wrench suplex followed by some choking on the middle rope as the crowd starts a “Lets Go Dana,” chant. Lopez goes to a chinlock which gets the crowd calling behind Dana again. Dana tries a float over in the corner and gets booted in the stomach. Clothesline from Lopez and then she buries a few knees into the back. I like the aggression! Back to the chinlock and again, Lopez snuffs out a rally. Brooke does escape a slam and gets a roll-up for two. Dana throws some forearms and gets a series of clotheslines. Handspring elbow in the corner followed by the running bulldog. Cartwheel into a standing moonsault gets two. Dana heads up top and gets a crossbody, but Lopez rolls through and gets a slam for two. Nice! Lopez lifts for a double choke, but Dana reverses into a victory roll for the pin at 5:10.

Winner: Dana Brooke via pin at 5:10
-Credit to these two as they had a fun little 5 minute match. I have always like Lopez and she worked well with Dana here. They stayed in their comfort zone and gave us a solid match. Lopez could probably stand to be called up at some point or at least given more run on NXT. **1/4

-Back to RAW a few weeks ago as Omos throws Brock out of the ring.

-WWE celebrates Women’s History Month!

-Hulu commercials!

-Back to RAW as Omos and Brock have a weigh in, though Brock doesn’t step on a scale. Brock gets a brief upper hand, but Omos sends him packing out of the ring again.

-Back to SmackDown as Prison Dom runs down Rey again, and when he walks away, he turns his attention to his mom and sister. Prison Dom goes too far disrespecting his mom and Rey finally PUNCHES HIM IN THE FACE and the crowd goes crazy. Rey accepts the match for WrestleMania! Great moment and they teased it long enough for that pop to mean something.

-WrestleMania Goes Hollywood commercial!

-Hulu commercials!

-Finn Balor cuts a promo from a dark room as he continues to tease his Demon returning for Hell in a Cell and at this point it’s a guarantee. Let them tear each other apart! Well, there it is as Demon Balor is on the graphic for the match now.

-Back to RAW as Prison Dom rages against Rey for being a father that would punch his own son. Prison Dom is great and draws heat. “I wish Eddie was my real father.” That’s great and Eddie would be laughing his ass off I assume.

-We join Rey vs. Damian Priest in progress and the whole point is to let Dom beat up his dad ahead of their match this weekend. Rey gets the win by DQ once Dom interferes. Legato Del Fantasma make the save and I am hopeful Santos gets a push post Mania. LDF vs. Judgment Day would be a fun summer feud.

-NXT Stand and Deliver this Saturday!

-Hulu commercials!

-Andre The Giant video package to show off his greatness and to tie into The ARMBAR, which returns on WrestleMania SmackDown! I like that they honor Andre!

Odyssey Jones vs. Dexter Lumis (w/ Johnny Gargano)

-Gargano offers Jones a handshake before the match which is on point for Johnny Wrestling! Jones shoves Lumis across the ring to show off his power. He does it again and Lumis freaks Jones out by doing his slither across the ring. Lumis hooks a side headlock, but Jones shoves off and sends Lumis to the mat with a shoulder. He gets a few rolls on Lumis and then slithers. They slither face to face and Jones tells Dexter to bring it. Lumis tries a slam, but no dice and Jones gets one of his own. Lumis gets the mount position in the corner and does the ten count punch. Jones slugs him down again and Lumis rolls to the floor as we take a break.

-WWE2K23 commercial! Still debating if I want to get it. The intrigue of WarGames has me considering it.

-Hulu commercials!

-Back with Jones in control as he lands a back elbow. Running splash in the corner and then again in the other corner and then back to the first corner. That gets two as Lumis barely gets the shoulder off the mat. To the corner for some shoulders from Jones. Lumis fights from underneath but can only muster a few shots. World’s Strongest Slam gets two! Jones goes to a nerve hold which Johnny yells to Dexter that he is in a nerve hold. Thanks Johnny! Lumis gets a boot up to stop a charge in the corner and then comes off the middle ropes with a missile dropkick. They start trading blows and Lumis tries a sunset flip. Jones tries to squash Lumis, but Lumis avoids. Lumis gets an impressive belly to back suplex and drops a leg for two. Jones looks for a powerslam, but Lumis slides out and gets a trip into a roll-up for the pin at 8:35.

Winner: Dexter Lumis via pin at 8:35
-This was fine as Jones showed off some good power moves and Lumis got to be creepy and fight back for the win. **

-Back to RAW last week as Cody Rhodes tells Roman he will be a Chief without a Tribe and then he tells Solo, “I knew you weren’t ready.” Roman holds Solo back before a brawl erupts.

-Back to SmackDown as Paul Heyman tells Cody he will be facing Solo on RAW.

-Hulu commercials!

-Back to SmackDown as The KO Show is interrupted by The Usos and we get a brawl between the teams.

-Back to RAW as KO and Sami cut their go home promo. Match is going to rule!

-Back to RAW as we join Cody vs. Solo in progress. Cody ends Solo’s undefeated streak, but Solo still looked good in even taking the loss. The Usos and KO/Sami get involved to put the final touches on the RAW build to Mania.

-Thanks for reading!

The final score: review Average
The 411
This was a solid show as I enjoyed both matches and the recap stuff is all good because it's go time as far as final build for Mania.