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Leighty’s WWE Main Event Review 08.1.24

August 1, 2024 | Posted by Robert Leighty Jr.
Ivy Nile WWE Main Event 8-1-24 Image Credit: WWE
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Leighty’s WWE Main Event Review 08.1.24  

-Plugs for my latest run of Retro Reviews: SNME Nov 89, Clash of Champions Nov 89, and Halloween Havoc 89. Let’s get to it!

-Announce Team: Blake Howard and Brian James
-Taped: Xcel Energy Center St Paul, MN

Ivy Nile vs. Isla Dawn (w/ Alba Fyre)

-Nile’s run as Miss Main Event continues! It’s still cool seeing her here after watching her debut on Level Up and move up the card. As many matches as she can get the better. Nile controls early with her power and gets a couple two counts. Nile works the arm, but hets caught with a knee. Nile bridges out of a pin and gets a cradle for two. Dawn tries a crossbody, but Nile catches her and SQUATS with her as the crowd counts along. Wonderful! She gets 5 SQUATS and finishes the SOS Slam. Nile with a snap suplex and then she makes the mistake of trying to mount in the corner and gets dropped on the top buckle. Dawn goes to work on the midsection and mocks Nile by flexing at her. Nile throws some punches, but Dawn slams her down by the hair for a two count. Dawn hooks a side headlock, but Nile gets out. She gets a sunset flip for two after Dawn was caught holding the middle rope. Nile starts her comeback and gets a head scissors. She hits the running kick in the corner and lands a German Suplex for two. Dawn runs Nile into the top rope to block another German. Nile escapes a slam and gets The Dragon Sleeper (Diamond Chain Lock), but gets distracted by Fire on the apron and Dawn gets the roll-up at 5:25.

Winner: Isla Dawn via pin at 5:25
-I think they know they have something with Nile, but they aren’t going to let her pin one half of the tag champions yet. Instead they protect her somewhat in the loss. At some point though she needs some people to beat on Main Event. **

-SummerSlam! Cody vs. Solo! Cleveland! I’ll be there!

-Hulu commercials!

-Back to RAW as Seth Rollins gives his referee instructions to Drew McIntyre and CM Punk. He is the law and will do what he wants. Punk and Drew look like they want to laugh at him. Punk can’t stop Seth is he wants to screw him, but no matter what, he doesn’t want Seth’s help. Drew notes that Punk should be worried about him. Drew: “I hate you.” Fantastic! Punk tells Drew he is the third wheel in this match and both he and Rollins can breath the air he breaths. The best and worst thing to happen to Drew’s career is “hurting CM Punk.” Punk: “What do you got?” Drew flashes Punk’s bracelet. Glorious! I CAN’T WAIT FOR THIS WAR!

-Liv Morgan is burning pictures of Dom and crying over what he did to her. She is going to make Dom and Rhea’s life a living hell. The Liv Morgan Revenge Tour will continue!

-WWE Live commercial!

-Hulu commercials!

-SummerSlam! Liv vs. Rhea! I’ll be there!

-Back to RAW as Prison Dom took on Sami Zayn! Judgment Day gets involved for the DQ as they don’t want to beat either man. Jey Uso makes the save to continue his issues with Judgment Day. Sami gets attacked by Bron Breakker, but ends up eating a Helluva Kick!

-Rhea video package interview to counter what Liv had to say.

-Hulu commercials!

-Cody Rhodes is still waiting in a car in Atlanta waiting for Bad Blood!

-Cody video package where he challenges Solo to meet him face-to-face on SmackDown before their SummerSlam match.

Authors of Pain (w/ Paul Ellering) vs. LWO (Wilde and Del Toro)

-Del Torro is back after an injury put him out since April. Del Toro starts with Rezar and that goes bad for him early. He escapes a choke and hits a shotgun dropkick. Rezar pushes off, but gets dropkicked in the knee trying a corner splash. Cruz spring off the middle top to the top and gets a crossbody. Tag to Wilde and they end up dumping both Authors to the floor. LWO with stereo dives over the top as we head to commercial at 1:53.

-Jelly Roll will apparently be at SummerSlam! My friend thinks MGK will be there as well since he is from Cleveland. If so, I need Kevin Owens powerbombing him off a stage again.

-Hulu commercials!

-Back with Del Toro taking a nasty slam into the buckles by Rezar. That looked great! Tag to Adam who uses his knee to choke on the ropes. Paul Ellering chokes as well, which I applaud as it is wild to see Paul Ellering doing work for WWE in 2024. Akam with a back elbow for two to snuff out a Del Toro rally. Back to Rezar who gets a two count. He hooks a neck crank to get the crowd behind Cruz. Doesn’t help though as AOP continues to beat the piss out of him. The crowd tries one more time and Cruz avoids a splash in the corner. He crawls for the tag, and then flips out of a belly to back to make the tag. SMOOTH CRIMINAL IS RUNNING WILD! Tornado DDT off the middle ropes gets two as Rezar makes the save. Cruz off the top with a missile dropkick. Akam with a choke slam and then SUPER COLLIDER finishes at 9:28.

Winner: The Authors of Pain via pin at 9:28
-AOP getting the win isn’t shocking. It was an okay match that started well and finished well with the hot tag. Good to see Del Toro back. **

-Back to RAW last week as GUNTHER judges Damian Priest as street trash and we get a pretty sweet brawl that ends up in the parking lot.

-Hulu commercials!

-Priest vs. GUNTHER! SummerSlam! I think this will be my first time seeing GUNTHER live.

-Bloodline video package!

-Rundown of The SummerSlam card!

-Back to RAW for Balor vs. GUNTHER. A match we were robbed from in NXT due to the pandemic. I would like to see them revisit this match down the line when on PPV when GUNTHER is Champion. GUNTHER gets the win with the sleeper, but won’t release, so Priest is down for the save. They brawl to close the show as the final build to RAW’s side of SummerSlam!

-Thanks for reading!

The final score: review Average
The 411
Just a basic average episode of Main Event. Easy watch and we are settling in on a crew they seem to be using regularly on this show.