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Lex Luger on Looking at the Big Picture With His Spinal Cord Injury

October 31, 2023 | Posted by Jeffrey Harris
Lex Luger 1997 WCW Title Image Credit: WWE/Peacock

– During a recent interview with Under the Ring, former WCW and WWE Superstar Lex Luger discussed his spinal cord injury that left him partially paralyzed, and how he’s gained strength spiritually. Below are some highlights (via WrestlingInc.com):

Lex Luger on his current health and mobility: “I was never supposed to be partially paralyzed. I’m what they call a ‘high-functioning quadriplegic.’ I can live independently and feed and bathe myself. I wasn’t supposed to be able to do any of that … It’s really a miracle of god that I can do what I do.”

On looking at the big picture: “I kinda look at — big picture — I feel like I was kinda streamlined and redefined. I was always about the physical Lex, and I was kinda one-dimensional. I was all about the physical. A little bit about the mental … which gave me worldly success, but I was spiritually dead.”

On how his spinal injury was like a blessing in disguise: “The spinal cord injury … turned out to be a blessing in disguise.”

article topics :

Lex Luger, Jeffrey Harris