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Linda Hogan Gets Emotional About Not Talking To Her Daughter For Eight Years, Brooke Hogan Responds

In a post on her Instagram Stories, Hulk Hogan’s ex-wife Linda shared a rant in which she got emotional about the fact she hasn’t talked to her daughter Brooke in eight years. She blamed her ex-husband on many of the issues that have befallen her family.
She said (via PWInsider: “I am home by myself today. Again, as usual. I’m okay with most things, but today something hit, I don’t know what hit, but I looked terrible because I’ve been crying and yesterday I went to try to go have Botox and sh**, and they bruised me like, I don’t know, but. It’s been 15 or longer years since I got left Hulk…Hulk Hogan, and my family is in the worst mess. Brooke doesn’t talk to us. She’s had twins. She got married. She didn’t tell us she had twins. She didn’t tell us. She had a huge fight with Terry. I don’t know how that reflected onto me, but she cut me out too. I haven’t talked to her for seven years, almost eight years now and God bless Nick. He’s still such a good boy. I’ve never put a Facebook post out like this with my ugly face and my crying face, but I have to be honest about. What I went through in my marriage with Terry as Hulk Hogan and what it entailed and what has it has caused over the years and everything else. He’s a complete liar. He is a sex addict. [IG feed freeze] Your face out there and know that all these horrible things are going on behind the scenes. Yet. He marches on. He marches on. Yeah. Oh, I’m promoting my own beer. Real American beer. Yeah. Look at me. Woo. Yeah. He’s such a hero. Not. Okay. I’m gonna give you my thumbs down. I’ve given him more opportunities to come back and make us a family and and try to…I’m sorry….And it’s been 20 years and I’m still this sad Somebody, please explain that. I don’t know. It just doesn’t get better. I do love living alone. I don’t ever wanna be married again after him, trust me.”
In a post on her own Instagram, Brooke Hogan responded to her mother’s words.
She wrote: “I try very hard to ignore issues surrounding my family, in hopes I might have peace in my life. Sadly, I’ve intentionally made myself smaller in my professional career in music and TV; simply to dodge the public negativity surrounding my family that has continuously and relentlessly overshadowed anything I do. If it were just me, I would continue to take the hits and shrink even smaller to avoid the dangers of speaking publicly. But I have my own family now and it’s affecting more than just me at this point.
There was a recent video posted by my Mother that was concerning enough for people to send to me, that has made me feel the need to address the tip of a very large iceberg that is my immediate family. What little I am addressing does not even scratch the surface of what I’ve dealt with my entire life. I will start by saying this video is mild compared to behavior I have witnessed for the greater portion of my life. This also comes in addition to false claims that she’s previously posted, then deleted. That being said, she has been through A LOT of trauma and pain, my heart breaks for her. You can’t control how others treat you, but you can control how you treat others and cope with things.
Too many times I have ignored things said about me, and haven’t spoken my truths. Even so, I will keep things as vague as possible to continue to protect people… that should have protected me. Most importantly, I have completely separate reasons for going no contact with each of my parents. No contact with my Mom has nothing to do with my Dad, and no contact with my Father has nothing to do with my Mother. This also pertains to my Dad’s second and third, now current wife. This decision was made based purely on how they have each dealt with me directly my entire life.
What I’m about to say is not pointed at either person. And is in no particular order when it comes to who did what. It is my own personal truth, and you can do your own math. I have been EXTREMELY verbally and mentally abused since childhood. Sadly, it would frequently turn physical. And sometimes it’s not by the person you would assume, abuse comes in all shapes and sizes. This vicious pattern has robbed me of any sense of self-esteem or confidence I’ve been trained to pretend to have. It took me many years to figure out the things that were seemingly done “for me” really benefited someone else in a greater capacity.
Up until adulthood, I’ve received berating and vile text messages, verbal, public reamings with unbelievably hurtful words said to me that cannot be forgotten. I’ve been ASKED to defend poor behavior to the public and have done so out of love. Only to find I was misinformed, manipulated, and lied to. Still to this day I face constant ridicule for those poor decisions of others. I’ve watched others benefit financially off my suffering and embarrassment caused by their selfish behavior. While it caused my life to crumble, I continued to stay strong and silent.
I was expected to – and DID forgive massive blows to my career and personal life, nasty behavior, omissions of truth, blatant lies, manipulation, and repetitive errors in hopes of renewing previous family bonds. I’ve been used as a pawn, a buffer, and been treated like I’m downright stupid too. No child or human should ever experience something like this. Feeling injustice, not speaking my truth, dealing with smear campaigns, flying monkeys, enablers of this behavior, watching fake win over what’s real, and losing other family members and friends in an attempt to stop gossip and ongoing drama is also a painful side effect of this decision I deal with daily. Many people witnessed this behavior and never took action or took a stand for me. But I did watch them stick around for the freebies, money, and association to fame- all of which I chose to give up, and was never important to me in the first place. I guess some don’t speak up to avoid getting caught in the crosshairs too. I can’t blame them. My family is very skilled at war.
I so badly wanted to see good in them, protect, help, and start anew-just to be disrespected again and again. I longed for a normal family, but it never came to fruition. I’ve repeatedly held my hand out to help them, only to have them pull me into the darkness with them. I’ve set boundaries that were not respected, and at this point, I can truly do no more. So here I am, an adult with a loving husband and two beautiful children of my own. And what I CAN do, is take control. I have been to therapy, I am doing the work. I am breaking the chain. It ends with MΕ.
Each individual, on their own, has given me more than enough reasons over the years to make this extremely hard and painful decision to end contact. As much as I not only understand and have empathy for their own struggles, I absolutely LOVE them with every fiber of my being-which deep down I think they know. My heart hurts every day, and not a day passes it does not affect me. Inside of me, there is a little girl who desperately wants and needs her Mom and Dad. No one wants this, to feel so much pain and not have parents. But their behavior became more painful than their absence. I hope one day they realize, appreciate, and respect why I’ve chosen to remain as quiet as possible. Not exposing specific names, and details of certain experiences to still try to protect them.
It is not something easy to handle-feeling like you’re on an island. Many don’t know that years ago I waited tables to build my own business, with zero financial help from others. But I have worked hard my whole life. Cycles must be broken, I feel God has given me the strength and duty to do so. At this point, my husband, my children, and relationship with God is my priority. There have been more than enough chances and reprieve given. It has to stop, it ends now. I will not let the false narrative continue past this point. Please heed my warning-I am CHOOSING peace. But do not mistake my kindness- or silence for weakness.
There are families without food, parents with sick children…real hardships going on in the world, and our family was MORE than blessed, and everyone chose to play their cards differently. Accountability is a game changer. Life is so precious. I want so much to be able to enjoy what’s important…my children and my life I have worked so hard to create and protect-and I hope everyone can give me the chance to do that without injecting any more poison into it.“
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