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Malakai Black Thinks Buddy Matthews Is One Of the Best Of The Current Era

July 9, 2023 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Buddy Matthews AEW Dynamite Image Credit: AEW

Malakai Black recently weighed in on his House of Black stablemate Buddy Matthews, saying he doesn’t get enough credit for how good he is. Black was a guest on Bobby Fish’s Undisputed Podcast and talked about Matthews’ skills as an in-ring talent and more. You can check out some highlights below, per Wrestling Inc:

On Matthews’ talent in the ring: “I don’t think people appreciate how good Buddy is. Buddy has always been seen as a guy that makes others look good. But you [Bobby Fish] and I both know that it takes two to tango … Just because he has so much body control for a guy the size of him, he makes everything look fantastic. When it comes to the sheer ability and athleticism, I think Buddy Matthews is one of the best in this current era. And not because we’re in a group, not because he’s one of my best friends, but just from a pro wrestling standpoint from being in the ring with him.”

On their mindests toward the industry: “Him and me have a lot of very similar philosophies in wrestling … We’ll butt heads, but all, for the most part, we have a very same idea on selling, we have a very same idea on psychology, we have a very same idea of how to implement what. Very detailed. I genuinely think that people need to realize how damn good he is. He’s really, really something unique.”

On Matthews’ development in AEW: “When it comes to Buddy, I think it’s — and I have to say this delicately without — this is a form of criticism that I think is usable and also understood by him. I think it’s the ability to take a step forward and separate himself in terms of being an elite character. Where I feel like people automatically come [and] flock to me because there’s a level of confidence. And don’t get me wrong, Buddy has all the confidence in the world. But I think that Buddy sometimes is in a step where he’s like, ‘Well, Tom’s [Black’s real name] that guy. I don’t have to be that guy.’ I just think that Buddy has accepted the part of that for himself … Maybe it’s pressure? Maybe he just doesn’t want to? Maybe he’s very content with how he is because, at the same time, he does phenomenal stuff … Maybe it’s just something he’s still figuring out for himself.”