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Mark Henry Classifies MJF As the Current Steve Austin

September 22, 2023 | Posted by Jack Gregory
MJF AEW Dynamite Image Credit: AEW

Speaking recently on Busted Open, Mark Henry shared his thoughts on AEW’s MJF, particularly in regards to the standard heel/babyface binary in the industry (per Wrestling Inc). Henry compared Friedman’s work to that of Steve Austin, and co-host Bully Ray offered his own perspective, explaining that MJF uses both heel and babyface aspects in his performances and interactions. You can find a few highlights and listen to the full episode below.

Henry on MJF’s similarity to Austin: “Steve Austin wasn’t a babyface. He was just a hell of an entertaining wrestler that whatever story he was trying to tell, he can reel your ass in. Max is, in a way, kind of the same right now.”

Ray on MJF’s ability to pull from both sides as a performer: “Even when you think Max is being such a nice guy, and you’re kind of like, ‘Well, is he being a little too nice?’ Like [Wednesday] night with the kid, I popped so hard. Max turns around, he sees the little kid, they’re doing the Bret Hart thing. Max probably sees a little bit of himself in that little kid. He gives him the scarf and then he whispers in the kid’s ear. That is typical Max. You think he’s going to be so sugary sweet and nice, and then he whispers in the kid’s ear and the kid’s like, ‘I’m adopted?’ What a huge pop from me.”

article topics :

AEW, MJF, Jack Gregory