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Matches Announced For This Week’s AEW Dark

February 14, 2022 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
AEW Dark Image Credit: AEW

AEW has announced 11 matches for this week’s episode of AEW Dark. The company announced the following lineup for Tuesday’s show, which airs tomorrow on YouTube at 7 PM ET/4 PM PT:

* John Silver & Alex Reynolds vs. Ariya Daivari & Invictus Khash
* Frankie Kazarian vs. Luke Sampson
* Emi Sakura vs. Angelica Risk
* 2point0 vs. Metro Brothers
* Tony Nese vs. Carlie Bravo
* QT Marshall vs. Pat Brink
* M.T. Nakazawa vs. Joey Sweets
* Jora Johl vs. Axel Rico
* Anthony Bowens vs. Fuego Del Sol
* Preston ’10’ Vance & Alan ‘5’ Angels vs. Chaos Project
* Max Caster vs. Cameron Stewart

article topics :

AEW Dark, Jeremy Thomas