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Motor City Machine Guns Sign New Deal With Impact Wrestling

March 23, 2023 | Posted by Joseph Lee
Motor City Machine Guns Impact Wrestling Image Credit: Impact Wrestling

In an interview with Sports Illustrated, the Motor City Machine Guns, Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin, revealed they signed a new deal with Impact Wrestling. Details of the new contract were not disclosed. Here are highlights:

Shelley on making the decision to re-sign: “We still love pro wrestling. We’re still excited about it, and we love wrestling for Impact—and that chance to work with the Impact locker room.”

Sabin on sticking with Impact: “Impact is like family to us. [Impact president] Scott D’Amore was my trainer. It’s home.”

Shelley on signing a deal: “This is the first full-time pro wrestling contract I’ve signed in almost five years. I pursued physical medicine, and earning that degree was something I needed to prove to myself. Once I had that security and that confidence, I wanted to be back in Impact. It has the most familial bond. There are people here that have seen me grow up from a teenager to a grown-ass man. That’s special to me. And some of the best in the world are right here. There aren’t better wrestlers on the planet than ‘Speedball’ Mike Bailey, Jonathan Gresham, Kushida and Chris Sabin. I could go on and on—Frankie Kazarian, Trey Miguel, Black Taurus. These guys are phenomenal.”

Sabin on the experience they bring to Impact: “We’ve been around the world, honing our skills, for 20 years. We bring a very unique set of skills to wrestling, and it’s pretty special that we can keep doing it here in Impact. And it’s pretty cool that people ask us for advice the way we used to ask our heroes. That’s an honor.”