wrestling / TV Reports

NWA TNA Report 05.12.04

May 13, 2004 | Posted by Dave Gagnon

This is Dave Gagnon. This is TNA, May 12th 2004.

Wow. I have my saturday column at Black, I did live coverage and the report of last week’s big RAW show and I’m here again this week with the TNA report. Overexposure rules!

I have an extremely busy week so maybe the report will be shorter than usual.

The show opened with Team Canada saying that only Americans steal cable.

Mike Tenay announced that TNA finally had their TV deal with Fox Sports Net. The show will air from Orlando every friday. At 3pm. Ahem. Sadly, there will still be wednesday PPVs so you’re stuck with me.

Oh and Jarrett said in an interview that the action won’t take place in a normal four sided ring. What will they use? The octagon?

Outside the arena, Irish Pat Kenney was outside waiting for the New York City Connection. The fight will take place outside tonight.

Your hosts are Mike Tenay and SCREAMING DON WEST.

1st match: Kid Kash vs James Storm

Kid Kash had an heavily taped arm. The match started as a brawl. They even fought in the crowd. Back in the ring, Kash locked on a one-legged Boston Crab. An homage to Lance Storm, I guess. Unfortunately, according to Grut, he was fired today. Dallas made his way to the ring. He tried to hit Storm with the pipe but missed. Kash got the pipe and went to use it but the referee grabbed it just in time. Storm superkicked Kash for the pin. The superkick always work. Dallas and Storm began beating Storm. He fought back but was cut off. D-Lo Brown hit the ring for the save but he was beaten down as well. Dusty Rhodes, of all people, hit the ring and ran off Kash and Dallas. Hey, where’s Dustin?

They went to a pre-taped interview with Mike Tenay interviewing Vince Russo. He’s proud that the company will now air on Fox Sports. Tenay talked about Raven and Ron Killings. Russo said that they deserve rematches but not right now. Russo said he knows Konnan was the one who destroyed his office last week. Russo added that Killings and Raven would be handcuffed to the ringposts tonight in order to prevent interference. The best man will win tonight.

2nd match: BG James vs Monty Brown

They quickly brawled towards the back of the building. He tried to put Jammes on the table but he fought back and they brawled into the upper level of the building. Well, there’s a lot of brawling tonight thus far. Brown dominated for a while. Brown hit an atomic drop on the railing on Jammes, then slammed Jammes’ leg with a chair several times. They finally got back to the ring and Brown hit the Pounce (some kind of football tackle) for the pin. Brown grabbed a chair and continued to beat Jammes with it. The other members of Three Live Kru hit the ring for the save.

Winner: Monty Brown

Outside, Irish Pat Kenney is still waiting for NYC.

They went to a pre-taped segment with Don West talking to Desire. Desire is glad to be back. We learned that Sonny Siaki took care of the kids the entire time. She wrestles to pay the bill, you know. Do you smell a heel turn? Trinity attacked Desire.

3rd match: That Poor Guy Sonjay Dutt vs Amazing Red.

I was shocked, SHOCKED I say, to see Dutt finally win a match last week. More high flying stuff than last week. X Champion Frankie Kazarian watched the match once again. The match started with chain wrestling and a bunch of reversals to establish parity. Sonjay Dutt dove off the guard rail with a flip dive but only grazed Red’s back. Nice looking spot: Red jumped in the ring, using the ropes as a catapult and landed on Dutt’s back, turning it into a sunset flip powerbomb for a nearfall.Back and fourth wrestling until Dutt went for the Hindu Press but missed. Red hit the red spike and the Infrared standing splash for the pin. It’s now tied up one each. Surprise surprise, this series will go to the limit.

Winner: Amazing Red.

Scott Hudson interviewed 3 Live Kru . BG Jammes was on the floor in pain. Killings said that Chris Harris has a title shot tonight and that’s unfair. Killings wants HIS rematch. Konnan vows revenge.

4th match: Shawn Michaels’ Cousin vs. Shane Douglas – Corporal Punishment Match

The rules of the match are simple: Straps and paddles are attached to the ropes and are legal. Standard back and fourth match, nothing too exciting. Shane Douglas won with the most dangerous move in the business: the rollup.
WINNER: Shane Douglas

Following the match, Douglas kissed Traci. Who wouldn’t?

Backstage, Scott Hudson is with Konnan who is having an argument with Vince Russo. Konnan is telling friends that he will be in WWE shortly. I guess he bought a ticket for a live show because there’s no way in hell that WWE will sign a goof like that. Unless it’s for Smackdown, of course.

Irish Pat Kenney is shown beating up Gilberti and Swinger. However, Trinity hits him in the crotch and she nails him with a trash can containing Lucky Charms. They take syrup and cover Kenney in it. They could as LEAST used a can of Guiness. This will of course lead to a huge blowoff at St Patrick’s Day in 2005.

A video showed how much Goldy Locks is out of her mind. She may be out of her mind but I wouldn’t mind being in her pants. Oops. Sorry about that.

The next Americas Cup is May 26th. I’ll be in Quebec City that day so expect a report thursday morning. Just like this week, for that matter.

5th match: Petey Williams & Bobby Rude vs. Abismo Negro & Hector Garza

This is a preview of what we can expect from the Americas Cup. Sadly, no jawdropping spots like last week. Petey hit a nice hurricanrana off the top. Short match. Late in the match, Abismo Negro hit a high cross body on Rude for two while Garza and Petey brawled. Scott D’Amore used this opportunity to nail Negro with his hockey stick. Marty McSorley would be proud. Rude then finished Negro with the most dangerous move in the business: a roll-up. I swear, TNA is going for the record with roll-up finishes

WINNERS: Team Canada

Jerry Lynn ran in after the match. He exchanged words with Scott D’Amore leading to a match with Bobby Rude next week. If Lynn wins, he’ll have the chance to wrestle D’Amore. If Rude wins, Lynn will not be part of Team TNA anymore.

Konnan is down in the back where he has been attacked. No black hummers around, thankfully.

Dusty Rhodes came out to taunt Kid Kash and Dallas. He claimed that everybody wants to be part of TNA. Except Hogan. And Savage. And Hall. And Nash. And probably Austin.

Video warm-up of Chris Harris vs. AJ Styles.

Backstage, Scott Hudson interviewed Raven. He finds it ironic that Harris will finally have his title shot against Styles. You see, Styles stole his shot and everything. I don’t mind seeing Styles every week but title matches mean less when they happen every week.

Main Event: Chris Harris vs. AJ Styles (c) – NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Raven and Killings are handcuffed to ringposts. Overbooked match that left a bad taste in my mouth
First, Konnan came out with bolt cutters to release Killings from the corner. That gave Killings the chance to interfere, which he did by delivering an axe kick to Styles. Security came out and booted Konnan and Killings from ringside. Harris did an elbow off the top on a weakened Styles for a near fall. A great spot was when Harris came off the top but Styles caught him with a bicycle kick and a catatonic. He was about to get the pinfall but Raven pulled ref Andrew Thomas out of the ring before he could count three. Haven’t seen that spot in a while. Raven then pulled the key out of Thomas’ pocket and unlocked himself. He gave Harris the drop toe hold into a chair spot that he always does. Sabu then ran in and attacked Raven They brawled to the back. Harris used the spear for a near fall. Harris went for a catatonic but it was turned into a crucifix by Styles for a near fall. I thought for sure that it was the finish. Another guy ran in, this time it was Kash who came out and hit Harris twice with a pipe. Styles then used a discus lariat and got the pin. Raven came back and hit Styles with a chair, but Harris speared Raven and Killings got involved. I guess that you see where this is going. Pretty good match but WAY too much interference.

The four men brawl and all the wrestlers came out to seperate them. I smell a fatal four way match next week for the title.

Next week on NWA:TNA

-NWA champion AJ Styles vs. Raven vs. Chris Harris vs. Ron Killings
– NWA Tag Team champions Kid Kash & Dallas vs. Dusty Rhodes & James Storm: Bunkhouse Brawl
-The Amazing Red vs. Sonjay Dutt in their final match to determine the winner of the series.
-Jerry Lynn vs. Bobby Rude – If Rude wins, Lynn leaves Team NWA; If Lynn wins, he gets to wrestle Scott D’Amore
-Team Mexico vs. Team Japan

Call me crazy but I have a feeling that AJ wrestles every week because he’ll lose the title as soon as the new TV show starts.

Ok show tonight but it was hard for me to enjoy it because there’s a lot on my plate this week.

I’ll see you next week with the TNA report and don’t forget to read “Le Samedi Noir” on Black this Saturday, with special guest Michael Melchor.



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Dave Gagnon

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