
The One Man Gang Shares His Memories of Working With Hulk Hogan & Andre The Giant

December 22, 2017 | Posted by Larry Csonka

George Gray, aka the One Man Gang appeared on Ricky Morton’s School of Morton podcast, here are the highlights…

On Working With Hulk Hogan: “Really you can’t describe it… one of those experiences. The noise was so loud in the ring when his music hit and he actually made his entrance. The noise was just so loud it was deafening. You really couldn’t even call spots in the ring, the people were so loud. The good thing with Hulk Hogan was once you had a set match a good fifteen, twenty minute set match you could take that match all around the whole circuit”.

His Memories of Tom Zenk: “Once he left the business he kind of just vanished. From what I remember of the guy he was a nice guy. He had a great look about him, to me he was a good worker in the ring.”

On Working With Andre The Giant: “I went out in the ring… and this is Andre the Giant so every time he hits me and I’m flying all over the place. After the match he calls me back and sits me down and he said boss I’m already over. I came in here to get you over. So I don’t want you flying around like that. I want to have a regular match with you” He concluded, “I was kinda like this is Andre the Giant, he doesn’t have to do that.”