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Previewing Sunday’s Hell in a Cell PPV

October 24, 2014 | Posted by RSarnecky
John Cena Randy Orton Image Credit: WWE

This Sunday, the WWE presents Hell in a Cell in Dallas, Texas. The top two matches feature John Cena vs. Randy Orton, and Seth Rollins against Dean Ambrose. On paper, there are four matches that look to be very good. If that’s the case, we should be in for a very entertaining show. Here are the predictions.


The Bella Twins Explode! For some reason, I was looking forward to this match more about two months ago than I am today. I thought the WWE did a really good job building up this match about a month and a half ago. The problem is that they should have had the Bella Twins face off at last month’s pay per view, and not this month. It seems that the Bellas lost a lot of momentum in the month since Night of Champions. For me, this is a case of a little too little, a little too late. Despite not being interested in the battle of sisters, I still must pick a winner to the contest. Normally, I would go with Nikki Bella since she was the participant that just switched sides. However, the stipulation leads me to believe that Brie Bella will win the match. I can see a 2014 version of when Jimmy Garvin lost a match to David Von Erich and became David’s ranch hand for a day along with his valet Sunshine. At the same time, having Nikki win, and give Brie humiliating tasks to perform would give us some fun back stage skits as well. Even so, I will go with my instincts and go with Brie as the winner. WINNER: BRIE BELLA


Ever since The Miz came back from filming his latest movie, I absolutely love his new “Hollywood” character. Add in Damien Sandow as The Miz’s stunt double, and you have a really entertaining combination. I haven’t been this enthused for The Miz since his WWE title run leading up to WrestleMania XXVII. As for Sheamus, while he is a very underrated worker, I tend to be bored by him. I don’t know why, but Sheamus is a channel changer for me. I am hoping that The Miz wins the title, because I think he deserves to have one of the singles belts. When he won the Intercontinental championship last month, I had mixed feelings. I was glad that he won the belt, but I was disappointed because Dolph Ziggler, who was equally deserving, lost. If The Miz wins on Sunday, I will have the best of both worlds. The Miz holding the US title, and Ziggler reigning as the Intercontinental champion. I’m going to go with that. WINNER: THE MIZ

Who knows how this match will go? It seems like the WWE has been hot potatoing the Divas title between these two every few weeks. AJ Lee and Paige are probably the two best wrestlers in the women’s division. Seeing them feud with each other for a few months is not a bad thing. You know that every match will be a good one. As for their match at Hell in a Cell, I am going to pick AJ Lee to hold onto the title. I think their match at the pay per view will end their feud, and AJ will move on to other opponents for the time being. However, I do believe they will feud later down the road. WINNER: AJ LEE

Since when did the Big Show become this patriotic, flag waving American hero? This doesn’t fit the Big Show’s character, as he has never been “Mr. USA” in his wrestling career. Because of that, I’m not buying into this feud with Rusev. It also doesn’t help that I’m not a fan of Rusev. If anything, I think that Lana is the star of the act. Unfortunately, Lana isn’t wrestling, so once the bell sounds in a Rusev match, I pretty much lose all interest. However, since Lana isn’t working the match, I must pick between the Big Show and Rusev. To me, the winner should be determined by the direction that the WWE is taking with each character. A couple of months ago, it was rumored that the Big Show would be Brock Lesnar’s next opponent. If that’s the case, you really need to keep him strong and have him defeat Rusev. The other rumor has Rusev being built up for John Cena. If that rumor is true, you would need to have Rusev win. However, what if both rumors are true? Who do you put over at the Hell in a Cell then? For me, it comes down to which wrestler needs the victory more. If the Big Show loses, it would still be easy to build him back up for Brock Lesnar because the Big Show has been a main event talent for most of the past nineteen years. If Rusev loses, since he is fresh off of the developmental scene, it will be a lot harder to build him up as a serious contender to John Cena. Because of this, I think the winner will be Rusev. WINNER: RUSEV

I love watching the Rhodes Brothers battle the Usos. The Usos just keep getting better and better. Cody Rhodes is one of the most underrated wrestlers in the business. Dustin Rhodes has found the fountain of youth, and continues to impress. I am yet to watch a match between the four that is bad. As a matter of fact, I will go out and predict that the four combatants have a really good shot to steal the show at the Hell in a Cell pay per view. I’m torn as to who will win this match. I can easily see Goldust and Stardust retaining since they recently won the titles. However, the Usos are just so damn good, I can see the WWE putting the belts back on them as well. In the end, I’m going with the babyfaces for no other reason then that they are due a victory over the Rhodes Brothers. WINNERS: THE USOS


Here we go again! Another year goes by, and another pay per view features Randy Orton vs. John Cena. YAWN! When writing about the negatives of the WWE recently, I mentioned that the lack of focus on the WWE title is one of the reasons that RAW was on the decline. I suggested that the winner of the John Cena/Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins match be granted a shot at the WWE title. Instead, we get the John Cena/Dean Ambrose LOSER that gets an opportunity to face Brock Lenar IF they win at the Hell in a Cell. WOW! That makes absolutely no sense. The big uproar for Cena wanting to get his hands on Seth Rollins is because Rollins cost him a shot at winning the WWE title. He LOSES a match to Dean Ambrose that would have allowed Cena to get his revenge on Rollins. How is John Cena punished? He’s not. He’s rewarded with a #1 Contender’s match against Randy Orton. Who writes this stuff? I have long given up on figuring out WWE logic, so I’m just going to throw my hands up in the air and give up. Since I have to pick a winner, I’m going with John Cena, but will say it’s due to Seth Rollins interference because I think Randy Orton leaves the pay per view, or RAW the next night as a babyface.


To me, Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins is the real main event of the show. I think that the WWE will fall back on their old reliable, and have John Cena and Randy Orton close out the show. However, I think the new blood, Rollins and Ambrose, are the match that the fans are paying their $9.99 for. Where I think the Usos and the Rhodes’ have a shot to steal the show, I think that they will have to try to steal the show away from Rollins and Ambrose. My prediction of this match has to do with the state of Roman Reigns. Before Reigns was injured, it appeared that Roman Reigns was set to be the next big star of the WWE, and that may still happen. Seth Rollins was riding a wave of momentum having just turned heel. Once Reigns got injured, the WWE was stuck without a top face to stand alongside John Cena. Enter Dean Ambrose. If Reigns was never injured, I would have picked Seth Rollins to win this match. However, with Reigns still on the shelf, and Ambrose doing a great job of making a case for himself as the next top WWE babyface, I’m going with Dean Ambrose to win the match. Like the Cena/Orton match, I think there will be interference in this one too. This time, Randy Orton will cost Seth Rollins the match. WINNER: DEAN AMBROSE

The two biggest matches are being fought inside a Hell in a Cell to prevent any outside interference. Yet, I have both matches ending due to outside interference. It may not make sense, but there has been interference in previous Hell in a Cell matches, and this inference will lead to a Randy Orton face turn (even though that’s the last thing I want). Will the show go in this direction? We’ll know on Sunday.