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RISE Legendary Results 3.29.19: AEW Women Appear, Title Change in Main Event More
– Rise held their Legendary show in Friday night in Berwyn, Illinois with an appearance from AEW’s roster and more. Results are below per Wrestling with Demons:
The show opened with this video.
Regina “Honey” Badger vs. Thunderkitty
Veda Scott and Allysin Kay are the announcers.
Just as Badger and Thunderkitty were about to lock up, Session Moth Martina came out and added herself in to make it a 3-Way Match.
Martina pinned Badger after her twisting springboard codebreaker. Quick match that started off as comedy and then really picked up in pace. Thunderkitty’s gimmick is she claims to be in her 90s and was trained by Mildred Burke.
Charli Evans and Jessica Troy (with Zoe Lucas) vs. Ashley Vox and Delmi Exo in a #1 con. Tag Titles Match
Troy cradled Exo for the pin after Evans hit Exo in the head with a chair. Lucas pulled the referee out of the ring and distracted him as Vox and Exo were about to win.
Delilah Doom (with Rosemary) vs. Shotzi Blackheart
Doom won by disqualification when Blackheart hit her with a chair.
Doom was actually injured early on in the match. Blackheart did two incredibly wicked looking dives on her to the outside. When Doom got back into the ring she was limping badly and could hardly put any weight on her right leg. She was determined to continue the match. She hit a few nice looking German suplexes and a sliding German suplex. She ended up being carried away from ringside after the match by Rosemary and a referee.
Doom tweeted a few hours later thanking everyone for their concern. She must have gone to the hospital because she said X-Rays showed that no bones were broken.
Su Yung and The Legion of Undead Brides (Kimber Lee, Elayna Black, and Hawlee Cromwell) vs. Meat Friends (Kris Wolf, Samantha Heights, Rok-C, and Rocky Radley)
This was Kris Wolf’s final match for RISE as she will retire next month.
Wolf put her prized wolf head Tito on and then she leaped on top of Yung for the pin.
This was a combination hardcore match and comedy match. They started off with serious and fast paced action then Lee used a carrot as a spike on Rok-C. Wolf tried to make the save and chocked Lee with a giant sausage link. Later in the match, Lee dumped out a bag of Brussel Sprouts as a spoof of thumbtacks as weapons. The crowd was really into the match and gave it a standing ovation when it was over.
Heights, Rok-C, and Radley lifted Wolf up on their shoulders and then they all bowed to the crowd.
RISE of The Contender Match for a future Phoenix of RISE Title Match. Rumble rules with two starting off and another person enters every two minutes:
Of course my laptop decided to do an update just as I was in the middle of my original report and the draft didn’t save. I will add in the entries and eliminations if time permits after the Shimmer weekend.
Zoe Lucas won the match. She and Aerial Monroe were fighting on the ring apron and she kicked out the injured leg of Monroe to knock her off the ring and to the floor.
The biggest surprise in the match was Charlie Morgan entering at #3. Morgan is the former Pro Wrestling: EVE Champion who appears at times in NXT U.K. She lasted a long time and eliminated a few people. This was her American pro wrestling debut. Several fans knew who she was and chanted her name.
A newcomer by the name of Big Momma was in the match and she got the “Diesel Moment” push by eliminating several people.
Guardians of RISE Tag Team Champions Raven’s Ash and Dust (with Rosemary) vs. Jessicka Havok and Nevaeh in a Rosemary’s Rules Match (No DQ)
Havok and Nevaeh won the titles when Nevaeh pinned Dust after spearing everyone into a big piece of plywood set up in the corner of the ring.
Allie came out toward the end of the match as Rosemary was interfering. She acted like she was being controlled by Rosemary again, but then she took off her jacket and revealed that she was back to her old Cherry Bomb name and gimmick. She had a pair of scissors as a weapon and she chased Rosemary away from ringside to the back.
Alisha Edwards vs. Bel Pierce
Edwards got the pin after knocking Piece off the top rope and hitting a DDT. This was a pretty good little match that was actually taped before the live broadcast and inserted in for FITE viewers to watch as the ring crew were taking down the ropes for the main event.
Phoenix of RISE Champion Mercedes Martinez vs. Kylie Rae in a No Rope Submission Match.
Rae won the title by submitting Martinez to the crossface.
After the match, Miranda Alize came out all excited and jumped into Rae’s arms with a hug. She then turned on Rae and attacked her with what looked like a cutter followed by a running knee shot. She mounted Rae and repeatedly punched her in the face.
Mercedes Martinez returned to the ring and pulled Alize off of Rae. She sternly told Alize to stop and leave the ring. Alize seemed intimidated and listened to Martinez.
Zoe Lucas then came out flanked by Charli Evans, Jessica Troy, and FaceBrooke. Lucas said she was told that she could get a title match any time she wants after winning the Contender Match, so she wanted to have the match now.
Zoe Lucas pinned Kylie Rae to win the title in just a few seconds after the scorpion kick.
After the match, Lucas, Troy, Evans, and FaceBrooke beat up on Rae.
Music suddenly played and out came Brandi Rhodes, Britt Baker, and Nyla Rose all wearing the AEW logo t-shirts. They made the save on Rae who is also a member of the AEW roster.
Once they cleared the ring of Lucas, Troy, Evans and FaceBrooke, Rose tried to go after Rae as well. Rhodes and Baker separated them and then Cherry Bomb and Penelope Ford came in as back up to help settle things.
Rae ended up sneaking in a hug on Rose who wasn’t happy but she finally let the situation go.
The crowd chanted “AEW” and “Thank You, Kylie” as the AEW women’s roster celebrated in the ring.
This was a very good show and Rise’s best event to date after several struggles and set backs last year which almost caused them to fold at one point.